
Jealous - JB

One foot in front of the other, you watched the toes of your shoes pass over the cracks in the side walk, heaving a heavy sigh you blew out your cheeks while your hands twirled the straps on your backpack around your fingers. Everything seemed to be on your mind, everything just seemed to pile on at once.

Strolling around the town, you glanced up occasionally before making your way to a secluded part of town, behind the collage there was a large yard where some of the soccer players played. Sitting up on the hill some of the players started to gather on the field.

Pulling your knees up to your chest, you rested your head on your knees as you sighed again.

”________-ssi?” A guy’s voice called, lifting your head from your knees you looked over your shoulder at the man that called your name.

"Shin?" You asked

"Long time, no see." He smiled, nodding. "Care if I join you?"

Shaking your head, giving him an answer he moved next to you and placed his books beside you.

"What brings you here?" He asked a little curious.

"I was just walking around, trying to clear my head." You sighed again, returning your head back to your knees.

"Boy problems?" He questioned with his lip slightly elevated.

"How did you know?" You asked once you snapped your head and looked over at him, he smirked looking down at the grass then up at the players.

"We have been friends for almost seventeen years, don’t you think I have figured out before now?" He gave you a half smile while you smiled out of embarrassment.

"Well, you’re right, sadly." You returned back to your sad self.

"Alright, spill." He nudged your shoulder pushing you off balance.

"I-I don’t want to." You mumbled.

"You can’t tell me a little problem you are having even though we went through two years of Mr. Sung?" He giggled bringing up your elementary school teacher that the two of you struggled with.

"Well Mr. Sung seems simple compared to this." You let the smile fade from your face once again.

"Tell me, please." He pleaded softly. Letting out a defeated sigh, you caved.

"It is my boyfriend JB, he thinks that he can pick me up and put me down like a deck of cards but I don’t want that, I want something constant, something I can rely on." You confessed softly.

"What does JB do, for like a job?" Shin questioned softly, looking at you trying to read your emotions.

"He is a singer for a boy band." You stated simply.

"Ah so you are being pushed to the side of his career." Shin shook his finger at you while biting his lip figuring it out. Nodding your head softly, you bit your lip closing your eyes trying to keep the tears from falling.

"I just want him to be with me more than a few hours a month." You whispered.

"I know it is hard, but… have you talked to him about this?" Shin asked you, moving closer to you and wrapping his arm around you, gently rubbing your back.

JB walked home from the studio, with the beautiful sun shining down on him, he looked at his watch before glancing over at the soccer team. Smiling to himself, he walked over and leaned against the fence while he watched the team practice. A couple on the slanting hill caught his eye, turning his attention to the couple, he saw your figure beside another guys’.

Gripping the iron fence he clenched his jaw tightly while squinting his eyes making sure that it was you, his girlfriend. Jealousy raged through him seeing her with another guy, especially since she was taken by him.

"No, I haven’t" You responded.

"You need to, it isn’t my place to intervene." He tells you while you nod your head.

JB looked over at you, gripping his duffel bag in his hand, he shook his head. Thinking of what he could do, he was almost lost. His eyes blinked making sure that he wasn’t missing anything.

But when JB saw the guys’ arm around you, no other thought crossed his mind then to go and get you.

Fast walking over to you, the sound of his footsteps called you. Lifting your eyes up to him, you almost sat speechless while Shin moved his arm from you.

”_______, what’s going on here?” JB asked loudly.

"Nothing, just catching up with an old friend." You looked over at Shim who stood up and bowed to JB.

"It is nice to meet ______’s boyfriend." Shim smiled at JB, who’s face was cold at stone and didn’t waver. "I’ll just leave you two alone then, it was nice meeting you and catching up with you _______-ah."

Bowing to Shim, he grabbed his things and walked away. Keeping your eyes away from JB’s you two kept silent for a while until Shim was out of range for eavesdropping.

"Did you have a good trip?" You asked softly, playing with the bracelet that JB gave you.

"Yeah." He answered shortly. Nodding your head, another silence filled between the two of you.

"C-Can we talk JB?" You questioned softly.

"Why don’t you talk with Shin about it? He seems to know you better than I do." JB shot at you with a cold stare.

"I kind of… already did." You heard JB hiss taking in his breath before he grabbed your hand and dragged you off of the sloped hill.

Keeping up with his pace, his hand still wrapped around your wrist before you got to his place. Flinging his duffel bag to his door, he turned and looked at you.

"Why did you tell him and not me? Is he more of a boyfriend than I am?" He questioned pointing to himself.

"I just needed someone to talk to, I would talk to you but you aren’t around." You tried to keep calm while he escalated things.

"I’m around, I am only a phone call away." He raised his voice slightly at you.

"Sometimes a phone call isn’t enough, I mean. I want you to be here." You moved your eyes trying to keep the tears at bay.

"But I can’t I have a schedule to do and fans to tend to." He told you trying to remain calm.

"You see your fans more than you see me" You whispered as your voice cracked from your emotions.

"I see you a lot." JB reached out and placed a hand on your shoulder.

"Like when?" You folded your arms and popped out your hip slightly.

"Over video chat." He spat out.

"Oh yeah I see you a lot." You retorted sarcastically. "But…" You voice changed to a hurt sad voice. "Sometimes it seems that you don’t make time for me, it is whenever you can fit me into your schedule, I can’t always wait for you to come home and talk to you about things so that is why I go to my friends. Friends like Shin." You finally got it out without breaking a single tear. "I want don’t want to be picked up like cards I want to be special, someone special to you."

Silence wrapped around you, but tears started to block your vision, closing your eyes a tear slipped from your eyes. The next thing you felt was so foreign to you, yet strange. Something warm wrapped around you and pulled you forward more warmth was pressed against you, reaching up, you felt his shirt, his tense muscles and his deep breaths.

"You’re special to me." He whispered against your hair, opening your eyes finally, you lifted your head and rested it on his shoulder while your arms slowly wrapped around him.

"I’ll make more time for you so you don’t feel abandoned." He kissed your head gently. "Don’t talk to Shin about us anymore okay?" He added.

"Thank you." You giggled a little, "I’ll try not to but you are always on my mind."

"You’re always in my heart." He smiled holding you close to his body.

"Welcome home." You whispered softly after some time, leaning up you kissed his cheek before nuzzling your head into his neck.

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hyesong #1
Chapter 1: awwwww this is so good <3
hangarianne #2
Chapter 1: This is wonderful!!! <3 Made me question myself why I can't write JB oneshots like this when he's my ultimate bias XD Hope you'd write more JB fics! This fueled my already overflowing JB feels :)
Chapter 1: awwesome. been a jb fan since jj project!!
Chapter 1: This turned out awesome!! This is one I like a lot. Good job! *thumbs up*
Chapter 1: Awwwwwwwwww. So much cute jealousy. Fjahfkakjfa. <3 I'm not a big fan of JB, but he's so — I don't know the right word for it — but it's like, manly and cute at the same time. (wut) anyways, good job Sunbae! ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ