

I know Jessica's birthday OBVIOUSLY April 18th, not... what date is today? 25? But since I was busy go to many places (okay, this one is my first excuses but it for real, I went to other province twice less than a week) and I can't type fastly like I can do with my computer in my office (to kill my boredom with work and somehow my laptop is when it comes to typing fast) so I have no time to type the story. Beside I almost forget about the idea of this story. That's why it took more time than I think it would.

And if you think that this story will a bit creepy or just like usual story, let's just think this as... a way to waste your time and kill your boredom or another additional story in SooSica's fanfiction list.

But still... I hope you will enjoy this and feedback will be helpful in my future writing. Thanks. Adios~

“What is that?” Tiffany takes a seat next to Jessica feels obviously curious about the paper in the other girl’s hand.

“Hm? This? Paper,” Jessica replies shortly.

“I know it’s a paper. It’s OBVIOUS for a person that isn’t blind, Jessica,” Tiffany says emphasize word ‘obvious’. “But I think you OBVIOUSLY know that I’m asking what you read in there.”

“Oh,” Jessica calmly says like it isn’t big deal.

Somehow Tiffany really wants to snatch that paper from Jessica’s hand, but she also knows it won’t give a good result. At least she needs to be patient for a little bit while.

“So? What makes you so interested in that paper?” Tiffany continues asking.

Jessica sighs. Without a word, she gives the paper to the eye smile girl.

“Wow~ such a romantic. Who give you this?”

Tiffany feels more curious after read it, but her curiosity turns to another direction because she can guesses who write it. That’s why she chooses this opportunity to be sure about the situation.

Jessica shakes her head. “I found it but I want to know whom it is addressed so I decided to take it.”

Tiffany slowly nods her head. “But… do you know who write this?”

“The handwriting is obvious. Beside I found it in her desk, but I’m not sure if she accidentally or deliberately left it in there,” Jessica explains.

“Are you sure?” Tiffany investigates. “It can be someone write it and left it in her desk whoever she is. Or maybe your suspect gets it from other person and she left it on her table so she can read it later, right?”

Jessica sighs again. “I spend more than half of my life with her. And to sleep with her in the same room now, how come I didn’t know her handwriting?”

“First reason, this is in English, mostly people here write everything here in Hangul. Second…. Hmmm… I haven’t found the second reason, but why you can be so sure?”

Jessica shrugs her shoulder. “I just know.”

“But sadly, you can’t see the obvious message in here, right?” Tiffany asks. “If only you look closer, you will know to whom she wrote this…poem?”

“Look closer?”

Tiffany nods. “Isn’t it obvious?”

“For me? Nope.”

“OR… Maybe you are afraid to jump in any conclusion after read that. You afraid it’s not like what you are thinking or expecting,” Tiffany adds. “But… why you are so curious? May I know?”

“I’m her best friend, right?”

“But as I remember, sometimes best friend also keeps secret from each other, right?” Tiffany replies. “Beside, people doesn’t consider someone as best friend just because they’re sharing secrets. Sometimes they share secret to find a new ‘safety box’. And you’re not the only best friend she has I believe.”

“What is that mean?” Jessica blinks rapidly.

Tiffany hands the paper back to Jessica. “Look closer, open your heart and accept the result. If you still can’t find the answer, maybe you should ask the source which is the creator of this poem. If you’re sure, she is the one who wrote this, maybe you should ask her.”

“Am I overly interfering?”

Tiffany pauses. “Hmm… maybe it depends on your intention?”

“Am I just curious or worry?” Jessica asks.

“Is that all?”

Jessica falls silent. She doesn’t know where Tiffany wants to lead this conversation.

Tiffany only shrugs her shoulder. She knows she can’t push Jessica to understand what she thinks or everyone can see between her and Sooyoung. Time eventually will give the answer, but sadly time also takes more time than everyone expected.

“What will you do next?” Tiffany asks.

“Maybe I just return this to where I found it,” Jessica mutters. “I'm not supposed to interfere. She has a right to tell or not to me. I’m just her best friend.”

“Or maybe she just afraid to admit her own feeling,” Tiffany mumbles.

“What did you say?” Jessica looks sharply to Tiffany’s eyes.

“Nothing. But I can say you’re too dense, Jessie,” Tiffany tells. “And maybe she afraid to admit her feeling because of that,” she mumbles for the last.

“Can you stop mumbling? And what is your reason to called me dense?!” Jessica feels a bit offended. “I’m aware of her feeling. She just didn’t tell me.”

“Sometimes people don’t have to say what they feel to make you understand. If you open your heart to feel and see, you will know what people can’t say with words. And since you can’t do both, it makes you dense,” Tiffany explains. “Or maybe you prefer to be called ‘insensitive’? I try to be nice though by calling you ‘dense’.”

Jessica’s angers built up with this conversation. She doesn’t like both nickname. She isn’t dense or even insensitive. She is just… clueless, maybe.

“It’s your choice, Jessie,” Tiffany continues. “IF you really want to get the answer, go ask her. But IF you prefer to give your best friend some privacy, just let it be.”

“Why I feel like you force me to ask her about this?” Jessica stares at Tiffany.

Tiffany who already stands up and ready to walk away, returns to face Jessica. “Why you think so? I give you choice NOT order.”

“Because… you know… I can’t sleep when I feel curious, but at the same time I REALLY hate when I can’t sleep. I’m a sleepaholic! I love sleeping more than anything.”

“Seriously?” Tiffany raises her one of her brows.

Jessica nods.

“Why are you curious?” Tiffany asks.

“Why I feel like if I answer your question we’re going back to the first page?” Jessica asks back.

“Because we KNOW the only way you get the answer is by asking her!” Tiffany retorts. “But like I said if you want to give her some ‘privacy’, just let it be.”


“NO BUT!” Tiffany immediately cut her. “I don’t need to hear more excuses. Ask her or let it be. That’s it.”

Jessica sighs heavily. Tiffany is right but Jessica hates it when Tiffany is right.


The second person who discovers Jessica is observing the paper in her hand is Seohyun. Seohyun is standing behind Jessica who lazily sitting on the couch in the living room.

“For poem, it has weird arrangement,” Seohyun comments. “Although there is free style, I think it should be neat, isn’t it?”

Jessica frowns to hear what Seohyun said.

“Should it be?” Jessica looks up to meet Seohyun’s gaze.

Seohyun shrugs her shoulder and moves to take a seat beside Jessica. “In my opinion it should be neat and has a rhythm. In your hand Unnie, it more likes… a random writing.”

Jessica nods. “But maybe it has meaning.”

“May I see that?” Seohyun requests.

Jessica only hands it to Seohyun, secretly wishing to get enlighten from the youngest members of their group.

“Hmm… it’s so romantic. It isn’t writing following the rules, but the heart, Unnie,” Seohyun smiles. “You’re lucky.”

Jessica frowns. “What do you mean?”

“Eh?” Seohyun shocks. “You didn’t know?”

“What I didn’t know?”

Seohyun frowns. “Did you… find this?”

Jessica nods, admitting. “I found it on the table but I’m curious and I took it. I just want to know to whom and maybe…”

“Maybe?” Seohyun raises one of her brows.

“Maybe I can help this person if I know who the target is,” Jessica says.

“Will you really do that?” Seohyun feels unsure.

“Why I won’t?” Jessica asks back.

“Sometimes it will be better if you’re the reason that makes someone happy, right?”

Jessica falls silent. Inside her heart, she admits it will be the greatest idea.

“Just ask Sooyoung unnie, Unnie,” Seohyun stands up. “Maybe she will tell you something interesting.”

The maknae continues her journey to the kitchen like her original intention, leaving Jessica dumbfounded in the couch.

“I didn’t mention about Sooyoung, right?” Jessica tilts her head. “How come…?”

Jessica looks in the paper again.

For poem, it has weird arrangement

Seohyun’s statement suddenly pops up in Jessica’s mind and in weird way, it removes the dark cloud in Jessica’s mind.

Isn’t it obvious?

Now Tiffany’s voice turns reply on Jessica’s mind.

“Damn! Tiffany is right! It’s obvious! How comes I didn’t see it?!” Jessica curses herself.


“What are you looking for?”

Jessica can see Sooyoung isn’t ready for her presence. The taller girl slightly jumps to hear her voice. Sooyoung even carefully turns around and grins nervously while facing the ice princess. But although Jessica knows Sooyoung wants to avoid her at this moment, but this will be the easy way for her to make the younger girl confess by cornering her.

“Are you looking for this? I found this on your table. Since I’m curious, I read and keep it for awhile.”

Jessica can see Sooyoung’s face turns pale with her question or more like… a statement. But Jessica needs an answer, that’s why she continues with this question.

“But… may I know to whom you write this?”

Jessica knows Sooyoung can lie right now, but somehow she wishes she can hear it from the voice. Maybe Sooyoung will stuttering or her lips quivering or equal with that. But sadly, Sooyoung chooses the safest way to answer, by keep quiet.

“Okay, sorry for asking,” Jessica apologizes, slightly feels disappointed. “Here. Just keep it in safe place. Make sure no one find it again if you want to keep this as secret.”

Jessica is shoving that piece of paper into Sooyoung’s hand. But when she turns around, Sooyoung stops her with words.

“Have you read this?” Sooyoung curiously asks.

Jessica sighs slowly, pushing away a hundred feelings inside. “Yeah, like I said I’m curious. Sorry if you mind.”

“And you still don’t know to whom this belongs?” Sooyoung asks.

“What do you mean? I should know?” Jessica frowns, pretending clueless. She can say that she knows but she wants the person in front of her to admit.

Now it’s Sooyoung’s turn to sigh heavily. Jessica can’t tell if that sigh for disappointment or relief or even both. She just wants to hear something like…

“It’s for you,” Sooyoung admits.

Suddenly words seem strange for Jessica’s brain and lips. She doesn’t know how to reply although this is what she is expecting. But sadly she forgets one important thing, how to answer that?

“I never intended to send it to you or make you read it, but since you have it now, it’s up to you to keep it or destroy it,” Sooyoung smiles sadly to get silent attitude from Jessica. “I'm sorry if that poetry makes you feel disgusted. That's why I never...”

Jessica shuts Sooyoung by kiss her lips. Sooyoung’s eyes wide opens with the sudden attack but it’s only take few seconds for her body to react and leans closer to that kiss. But the older girl quickly pulls away when someone moans between the kiss.

“I’m so sorry… I just want you to stop you because you don’t have to apologize because…”

Sooyoung close their gaps again by connecting their lips. “Don’t have to. Just kiss me again,” she whispers huskily.

Naturally Jessica wraps her arms around Sooyoung’s neck while the taller girl returns the favor by wrapping around her waist. There is no distance between their bodies when Sooyoung slowly and gently deepen their kisses. Once more time they can hear moans escape from one of them. They too carry away to make sure who did it.


The voice of someone clearing can be heard from the door easily breaks their kiss, but the distance between their bodies is still zero.

“Hey, Taeng,” with wide smile Sooyoung greets her while the girl inside her arms glaring coldly at the kid leader.

“Just be sure to lock your door before you continue, okay?” Taeyeon suggests. “Or you want to have audience?”

Now they can see clearly it’s not only Taeyeon who standing there, but all of the members. Even though Seohyun tries to cover her eyes, people can tell that she tries to peek between her fingers. But what Jessica hates the most is to see a smirk in Tiffany’s lips.

“This is another proof that you’re dense, Jessie. Everybody can see what you can’t see,” the eye smile girl sticks out her tongue.

With quick step Jessica walks to the door. Except Sooyoung, the other members somehow trying to get ready to deal with HellSica, but what they didn’t expected, the ice princess slams the door harshly.

“Mind your own business!!!”

Borrowing her…. wait, how to call Sooyoung for Jessica? Okay, we deal with it later. But borrowing Sooyoung’s sentences, Jessica releases her anger or more like her embarrassment. She actually doesn’t know how to deal with other members.

After blink the shock away, Sooyoung pulls Jessica into her arms again. She finally realizes why her princess looks so angry.

“Here, you can hide your face in my chest,” Sooyoung whispers softly. “I’m sorry I didn’t aware of the audience.”

Jessica only lightly punch Sooyoung’s chest before doing what she has been told. “Can you do me a favor?”

“Hm? Sure. What is that?” Sooyoung says, securely hiding her princess inside her arms.

“Next time you want to write something for me, makes it more obvious,” Jessica utters. “Please just write, ‘Jessica Jung, I love you’.”

“Ahaha, noted,” Sooyoung laughs happily before pulling Jessica for another kisses.

End. Bye.

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Chapter 2: I like that conversations between JeTi. And even though Sica's glaring is really a something, I love HellSica!
Chapter 2: update soon please
Sootuff #3
Chapter 2: Awww so sweeeeeet!!!!
Cheesy Sooyoungie! Hehe.
summerwinter #5
Chapter 2: OMG SO SWEEEEEEEETTT <333333333
Chapter 2: Jessica is so dense,haha
Really really nice oneshot!
Don't doubt yourselfs too much, your skills are great and still are ^^
Summer9ight #8
Chapter 2: Awwww, great finish!!
Sooooo sweeeeet hehe