you barbie.

If you love me for me.

The bell rings as it introduces the students to recess.

 Most of the students get up from their seats to escape the discomfort zone called the classroom as others just mingle between each other. 

“Ugh, my head is killing me.” Krystal says as she rubs her temples for the nth time today.

“You know, I think you should visit a doctor. You have been complaining about headaches for weeks. If this isn’t a sign that something is wrong with your health then I don’t know what is.” Sulli says as she gets up from her seat and moves around Krystal to take a seat on top of the table behind her. She threads her fingers through the red hair and starts massaging her scalp as soon as Krystal slouches back on the chair and tilts her head back to lay it on Sulli’s lap. 

It has always been an unspoken sign of affection between the two of them. It started from Sulli crying in the middle of the playground because of her scratched knee to Krystal failing physical education. No matter how big or small the matter is, it is always taken care of by a simple gesture that brings comfort to both girls.

“I have.” Krystal sighs. “But they told me there’s nothing wrong with me. Just prescribed me some painkillers and wished me luck.” She closes her eyes and lets the sensation of fingertips drawing circles in her scalp take over her mind.

“Well I have read on internet that maybe little bruises and cuts that appear on our skin are the injuries of our soulmates, so maybe the same is happening with you. Except in your case it comes in a form of a headache.” Krystal opens her eyes to meet the convincing gaze of her friend’s. 

“Jinri, I appreciate you trying to make my life more interesting with your wonderful imagination, but sometimes it is better to stick with reality.”

Sulli rolls her eyes and takes out her headphones from the pocket of her school jacket. She inserts one of the headphones into Krystal’s ear as she does the same to herself.

 “As long as you’re stuck with me, you will get some of the fairytale side of life in one way or another.” she mumbles. A chuckle escapes the read head’s mouth as the melody of ‘If you love me for me’ fills her ears.

She continues to lay on her friend’s lap until the peaceful moment is ruined by movement of Sulli as the bell rings in notice of the start of a lesson.

Once a lass met a lad
You're a gentle one, said she
In my heart I'd be glad
If you loved me for me


Krystal locks the door and throws her keys back into her bag and places it next to the shoe rack. She takes off her coat and boots and shuffles to the kitchen. The only light in the room comes from the gloomy day outside her window and that creates a depressed mood. The kitchen lights up as the red head opens the fridge and takes out leftover dinner from last night.

While the dinner is heated up in the microwave Krystal feels a sting in her index finger as she washes her hands. Turning on proper light she sees a mild gash on her index finger. As she searches for the band aid in the emergency aid box she tries to figure out where the cut could’ve came form. 

The image of the guy in the lunch line comes to her mind as she goes through her schedule of the day.

He was a tall dark skinned dude, probably her age. Quite handsome, but not the type she would go for. He was standing in line behind her in his washed out jeans and jazz songs playing from his headphones. As she was about to get her lunch she felt a tap on her shoulder. She remembers the guy introducing himself as Kai and asking her to help him carry his lunch because he can't put weight on his fractured finger.

 His index finger.

“I should stop listening to what Jinri says.” She mumbles to herself as she remembers the conversation she had with Sulli a month ago. Krystal chuckles to herself as she plasters a band aid on her finger, shoves the sandwich into and heads to her room.

You say your love is true
And I hope that it will be
I'd be sure, if I knew
That you loved me for me


Krystal curses under her breath as she runs to the bus that is still being filled with passengers. As she finally enters the bus she takes the closest free seat and tries to catch her breath. A kick to her shin makes her look up and she faces a familiar face.

“So that’s why you failed P.E.” A mocking  voice comments. 

“Why didn’t you save me a seat, tard?” Krystal asks and she can feel the glare from the old lady sitting beside her. 

“ Because you don’t deserve it. What happened to your forehead?” Sulli asks as she takes a better look at her friend. 

“I fell of my chair.”

“You what.” Sulli asks in disbelief.

“Fell of my chair.” Krystal sighs as she throws her hair over her face to hide the band aid. ”It is possible, okay.”

 The old lady sitting beside her curses at them and the whole bus turns their heads at them as Sulli breaks out into laughter.

Few minutes after her friend has finally calmed down they reach their stop. Due to the pushing of people trying to exit the bus as fast as they can Krystal steps on a shoe of the guy in front of her.

“Sorry, dude.” She looks down to see a familiar white bandage on a tan hand.

”Oh hey, you’re the dude with the fractured finger.” Krystal exclaims as Jongin stands straight after fixing his shoe.

” I guess I am.” He lifts his gaze from his bandaged finger. ” I see I’m not the only accident prone teenager this time.” He nods at the band aid on Krystal’s forehead.

“Oh yeah, that. Let’s just say I was being stupid.” She palms her forehead.

”Aren’t we all. Well I have to run now, so see you later, Ariel. You shouldn’t run around with those new feet though. As far as I remember legs are required for jumping, dancing.” He laughs.

“Don’t tell me you’re into that fairytale stuff as well.” She throws him an unamused look as he shrugs.

“Maybe. When I become a part of your world, you will be as well.” He grins and lifts his hand as a goodbye gesture and walks away.

“And who the hell was that?" Sulli asks as Krystal finally acknowledges her friend, who has been observing her conversation from the side with her hands crossed and a frown on her face.

“Some dude from our school. Now turn that frown upside down, because I have something very interesting to tell you.” 

The red head throws an arm around her friend’s shoulder as she tries to forget the little mark on Jongin’s forehead that looks exactly like hers.


Could I be the one you're seeking?
Will I be the one you choose?
Can you tell my heart is speaking?
My eyes will give you clues



“You can’t even manage to finish our first date without hurting yourself.” Krystal complains as she walks out of the convenience store with two packets of instant noodles and a box of band aids. 

“Do blood stains come out easily?” Jongin asks as he lifts his gaze from the blood stain he created while wiping his cheek on the sleeve of his white shirt.

“I don’t know. I never get hurt enough to actually stain my clothes.” She comments nonchalantly as she takes the breaks the chopsticks and starts eating her noodles.

“Is this your payback to me for being the first guy to ruin your date.” He gestures at the unopened noodle packet.

“I wouldn’t know, I’ve never been asked out on a date.” Krystal says after a few moments of silence. 

He turns his head and stares at her while questioning why with his gaze. “I guess I was just afraid of having high expectations and then getting disappointed because of the guy not meeting them.” He hums as a sign of him listening. “Or as my friend Sulli says, I was just being a .” He laughs and gets up and grabs the unopened noodle packet.

“Well, did I meet your expectations?” he asks as he comes back with the instant noodles packet filled with hot water and takes a seat beside her. She unwraps one of the band aids and places it on the cut on his cheek and looks down to the steaming packets of noodles.
“Yeah" She smiles "I guess you did. “


Who can say where we'll go, 
Who can promise that we'll be
But I'll stay by your side
If you love me for me


“Okay, this might sound weird , but think about this very carefully and answer me honestly. Have you been having headaches for the past few weeks?” Jongin lifts his head as he thinks about it.

”Oh yeah, I fell of Sehun’s bicycle few weeks ago and hit my head. The doctor said I didn’t damage anything, but I may get headaches for the next few weeks.”
“You ing bastard.” Krystal mumbles as she throws her drink away in the dustbin and walks away from the bench leaving Jongin to catch up with her as he tries to comprehend what has he done this time.

sorry for wasting your time.

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ayunoov #1
Chapter 1: they are so cute lolol
Chapter 1: Yaaah Jongin ><
Chapter 1: This is so cute! I love it! :( More kaistal please!
iLoveYuh #4
Chapter 1: Adorable! :3
Chapter 1: hahahaha...
this is so cute, jongin actually made soojung 'sick and hurt' without he realize it ckckck
Gosh this is great <3
Hoho so apparently they're soulmates...
Chapter 1: im so confused about this story... lol
Chapter 1: This is so cute they're clumsy together eue the amount of squealing I did while reading this otl Kaistal is love<3