

Today Tao walks past a kid crying on the side of the road. It looks as if he has been beaten by his parents but Tao doesn't really give him a second look. I mean. Kids around the world are being beaten and having worser stuff happen to then right? Why should he care he tells himself, a coy expression playing on his hardened features. 

He arrives at school and he's forgotten the kid he saw in the morning. His memory has been completely wiped of memories of the sobbing, lump of beaten up flesh. He proceeds to sit at his desk, heart beating at a normal pace as he walks past a row of ty, barbaric classmates. One sticks his leg out, purposely trying to trip Tao. And do Tao does exactly what he's told. He steps on the foot harshly, stumbling forward with a look of nothing. The girls in that group gasp before chackling aloud. Eyes displaying the purest form of malice. 

The bell resounds and Tao slowly gets up from his chair, eyes darting at the board quickly as he jots down the notes before him, jetting off soon after. He finds himself standing in front of a big tree. He squats in front of it, handing grappling the dirt beneath him before he brings his hand up to smell the scent emitted by mother nature.

"Smells like ."

no proof reading. no editing. no care. laughs.

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basically where i write stuff to express my feelings instead of keeping it bottled up and letting it manifest into something that could kill later on in life.


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