If you truly love someone, you let them go.

If you truly love someone, you let them go.


Taemin Pov

"Hey! Taemin! You're late!" Minho yelled from the other side of the road. I hurried over the sidewalk, and stopped in front of him, breathless. He stared down at me, while I tried desperately to catch my breath.
"Yah! This is like the second time this week!" Minho scolded me, as he backed away and started to walk. Without answering, i followed. "Sorry! I overslept!" I said, trying to defend myself. Minho continued to walk, without giving me a simple glance. "Minho hyung~! Dont be mad at me!" I pauted, earning i chuckle from him in response. "Aigo Taemin~! Why do you have to be so cute?!" Minho smiled, while taking my hand, as we hurried to school.

When we arrived the classroom, the lesson had already started. Fortunatly for us, we had history, and our historyteacher doesn't pay much attention to anyone, expect for the blackboard!
I sat down at my desk by the window, while Minho sat down at his, which is placed almost at the other side of the room.
"Yah! Taemin!" I turned around, as someone poked my back with a pencil. It was Key, the fashion diva at our school. He is pretty cool actually, at least when he's with friends. He tells me to call him umma, since he have the habit of acting as one most of the time. "Neh, umma?" I answerd, while gently bringing up my historybooks to my desk.
"What happend to the thing we talked about yeastarday?" My cheeks immediately flushed red, as soon as my brain had registered the question. The thing Key talked about was an agreement we had yestarday. The truth is that i have a crush on Minho...
I'm hopelessely in love with my best friend and hyung. Of course i told Key about it, but it's hard for me to tell Minho.
Each time we're alone, i just can't bring myself to tell him! I know that the best thing for me would be to confess, but I just can't seem to bring out the right words! It shouldn't be that difficult either! The poeple in romantic movies, that Kery shows me, just walk straight up to their lover, and tell them. Saying things like " all my thoughts are on you! You're the only one I want! You are the reason my heart is still in function!" And i mean, it's exactually how i feel about Minho!
Everytime i see him, my heart skips a beat. For each smile he gives me, my blood pumps even faster! But, it doesn't seem like i'm able to tell him!

"I-i was busy last night!" I tried to avoid the sucject, and turned back around toward the blackboard. Key grabbed my shoulders, pulling my head back, so i was staring at him upside down. "Although i look young and gorgeus, i was not born yesterday!" He snapped at me, still holding onto my shoulders. "You'll have to tell him, before someone else conquer his body!" Key said, and turned his head to the side. My head followed him, causing us both to stare at Minho. Some girls was talking to him, and sending him notes. I couldn't help but to feel my heart sinking a little, as i saw him sending his famoues smiles to those girls. Key grabbed my chin, making me look away from Minho and back at him. "See what i mean? It's about time you get your working!" He finished, before letting go of my shoulders. I quickly straighten myself up and took a quick peek at Minho. He was staring right at me. My body stiffned a little, as my heart suddenly stopped. Minho smiled, and gave me a little wink, before turning his attention back to the teacher. I bent my head down to the desk, buring my head into my arms, trying to hide my red cheeks. I know I have to tell Minho, but I'm so afraid of losing him as a friend!

Key and i sat in the cafeteria, waiting for Minho. I had finaly decided to tell him. The only thing i had to do now was to wait for him to return from the gym. Minho and i didn't have all the same classes, and gym was one of them. Not that i care actually, i'm glad he doesn't have to see me fail! Gym is the one and only thing i not and will never be able to handle! Unlike Minho, which is almost like a sportsgod!

Key was talking with some girls from one class above us. He is pretty popular with older girls. Actually, he pretty much knows all of the girls in this school, making a lot of boys envy him. Even though, key is very admired and popular, there is one boy that doesn't seem to pay any attention to him. He is one of Minho's friends, Kim Jonghyun. He keeps ignoring Key, not caring about Key's status with the girls or anything. You would usually think that everyone would love, like or admire Key, but not this guy. He is more or less the only guy that haven't been intrested in Key, pluss Minho and myself of course!
Since we have been friends for so long, Minho and I have never been into Key in that way! But this Jonghyun is something else. Although, Key keeps telling me that he doesn't like Jonghyun, it's obvious that he is attracted to him. But Key have his pride!

"Hey, guys!" Becuase of the sudden interrupton to my thoughts, i accidently jumped at the bench, making it lose balance. Both Key and i fell hard on the ground, causing everyone in the cafeteria to laugh at us. "Aish! Taemin! Now there is sauce all over my new shirt!" Key complained, as i tried to get up. I looked up at Minho, he was laughing well. Laughing his of actually! That bastard! In the middle of my anger, i noticed Jonghyun, who stood beside Minho. Of course, he was joining the huge choir of laughter. "Yah! Isn't one of you going to help us! Kim Jonghyun! Get your over here to help me!" Key snapped, trying not to get anymore dirt on his new shirt. Jonghyun stopped laughing and walked over to Key, bending down over him. "I'm sorry, darling, i'll get dirt all over my new sueter!" Jonghyun snapped back, and bent back up, leaving an confused Key on the floor. It didn't take long before Key's silky skin turned red of anger. "You ungrateful, selfish little sportslunitic!" Key spat, as some girls helped him up. Minho, who had now stopped laughing, reached out a hand for me to help me up. Still angry, i turned my head away from him, ignoring the hand he was giving me. I got up from the floor, and used my hands to bursh of some dust from my pants. "Yah, Taemin. Don't be angry! Your face just looked to cute and funny when you fell!" Minho teased, while grabbing my wrist from behind. "Yah! Don't you dare touch me!" I spat, as i struggled to get my hand back. Minho simply ignored me, and dragged me into him, causing him to hug me from behind. His long, muscular arms wrapped themself around around my tiny body, making me unable to get lose from the tight grip. While i tried to get lose, Minho bent his head down to my ear. "If you are angry, i'll have to bite you ear~!" Minho said, whith his husky voice.
My eyes wided. Minho had always used my ear to get back at me, knowing about it being my week spot. It used to tickle, but latly, each time he does it, it gives me a strange feeling down in my stomach!
"Aniaaa!" I denied, and started to kick with my legs. Minho slowly let out his tongue, my earlobe. I quickly bit my lip, NOT wanting to maon for him or the huge crowd that was now staring at us. "M-minho! Ngh! They're staring! Stop!" It was hard to form a sentence, but i managed to get the message across. "Only if you stop being mad!" Minho answerd, and suddenly bit my upper ear. I closed my eyes, noticing a small feeling of desire form in my body. "Fine!" I yelled, not wanting Minho to noticing my body going hotter each time his tongue brushed over my skin. Minho instantly let go of me, almost making me trip again. I hurried to sit down, beside Key, hiding my face. Key placed one of his arms around me, giving Minho a death glare, obviously knowing that what Minho was doing was pure torture to me. Minho gave Key an confused look, before taking a seat above us, beside Jonghyun, who already had taken a seat. Key looked over the cafeteria, meeting a lot of observing glares, which had obviously been intrestid in the little scene before. "YAH! DON'T YOU GUYS HAVE SOME YOU SHOULD WATCH?!" Key yelled, seeing everyone turn back to what they were doing. Luckly, i had managed to stop the blush, so Minho wouldn't wonder or ask why i blushed so much. I didn't blush before when he did these kind of things to me. It was kinda a daily rutine! We would come to school, flirt a little and doing a little "fanservice", and then we would act like nothing had happend. Usually, i would get angry, and start to hit him, but just for fun. Everything was different now. My heart started to beat, going out of controll, my body would heat up within seconds and my skin would burn from embarresment. But Minho didn't seem to know, which i'm actally kinda happy for.

After school, i was about to leave, when Key suddenly ran over to me. He grabbed my shoulders and started to shake me back and forth. "That total out of fashion, causing a total fashion crisis, KIM JONGHYUN! Threw glue onto my pants! Do you know how long it will take me to wash that off?!" Key spat, his face red of anger. "Um...Key Umma?" "WHAT!" He yelled. "Could you let go of my shoulders? Y-You are making my dizzy!" I said, feeling a little sick of the fact that Key was still pushing me back and forth. Key let go of me, and patted my head. "Aigoo~! I'm sorry!" Key apologized, still sounding a little irritated.
While i got rid off the sickness, Key seemed to calm down a bit. He used his hand to fix his hair a little, as we started to walk home. "Taemin, did you tell Minho during math?" Key suddenly asked, while finishing his hair. "I forgot?" I stammed, not wanting to tell Key that i chikend out, again! Key sighned. "What about after school, you could have asked him to wait for you?" Key suggested. "I did! But he was busy!" I lied, hearing how stupid it all sounded. Key stared down at me.
"So you asked him?"
"Yes, i did!"
"You sure?"
"FINE!" I yelled, giving in to Key. "I'm weak and couldn't bring myself to ask! I'm stupid Okay!" I shouted, feeling my eyes tear up. Everything was so ridicilous! I loved Minho so much, but just can't bring myself to tell him!
"There is nothing stupid about falling in love, Taemin" Key said, while using his tumb to wipe away a tear that had escaped my eye. Suddenly, i wasn't able to hold it in anymore. I burst out into tears, throwing myself into Key's embrace. Key gladly accepted my hurt body, and hugged me tightly.
It all semmed so ridicilous, about me loving Minho and not being able to tell him. We have been best friends like forever, and should be able to tell eachother everything! Then why can't i bring myself to tell him! To say "I love you" seems so easy, but i have never used them before. All this is so new to me, i mean, i have been in love with Minho for a while, but i thought i was just confused. A boy falling for another boy isn't normal! Why do i have to deal with this?! Everything would be more easy if i just could have fallen in love with a girl! Of all persons in the school, i had to fall in love with Minho, my best friend! All this is so unfear!

After drying my tears, Key and i splitted up. We lived in different dirrections after all. I'm glad i have Key, he truly is suportive and helpfull, just like an umma!
As i walked home, i decided to drown my confusen in candy. If there is one thing that can make me forget about all this, it is candy! I have always been a sweettooth, eventhough Key tells me that it's bad for my skin and teeths...
I walked inside the stoore, feeling the drool gather up in my mouth. If i could, i would have bought the whole stoore!
My favorite was strawberry chocolate. The two different flavors creates a completely new experience, that sets my taste buds out of the game! It's just SO good!
I hurried over to the desk, filled with different types, taste and type of chocolate. The one i wanted was wrapped in pink paper, one of my many favorite colours! I grabbed the chocolatebar, and started to walk to the checkout. As i struggeled to find my walet, my ears catched a familiar voice. "Which do you want?" I turned around, slowly, finding Minho and some girl bending over some coloured lollypops. I quickly walked behind some shelves with candy, not wanting them to nitice me.
"They all look so good!" The girl pouted, obviously trying to sound cute. It made me sick.
Minho smiled, his famous smile, making my heartbeat fasten a little. "Take one of every colour then" Minho said, while giving the girl a little wink. That hurted. Seeing Minho send the wink to that girl, made my heart artch.
Why was Minho out with her? Where they on a date? Impossible, Minho would have told me!
I continued to spy on them, feeling my anger raise everytime that girl smiled, talked or touched Minho. All i wanted was to kick that 's all the way to the moon!
When thay walked out of the stoore, i followed them. I hid myself behind bushes and trees, being carefull that they didn't see me. "I had a great time, Minho oppa" The girl said, when they had most likely reached her house. I was standing behind a tree near by, peeking my head to look at them. "I'll se you tomorrow" Minho answerd, and leaned closer to her.
Without any warning or anything, Minho kissed her. They were kissing. Right at that moment my heart fell apart, along with the whole world around me. It felt like the time stopped, seeming like they're lips were conected forever.
I could feel the tears press in the corner of my eyes, at the same time as my body started shaking. This isn't happening!
"N-no..." I whipered, as i used my hands to cover my mouth, forecing the sobs to stay inside my body.
After what felt like forever, they both pulled back. "Night" They both said, before the girl walked into her house, and Minho went down to the sidewalk. I turned around, sliding down the tree i was leaning on, sitting on the cold ground.
I picked up my phone, calling Key. It didn't take long for him to answer. "JONGHYUN! IF YOU DON'T STOP PRANK CALLING ME, I'LL RIPP OUR BALLS OFF AND MAKE SPAGETTI AND MEATBALLS FOR DINNER!!!" I started crying at once as i heard Key's voice, not by the shouting, but wanting his voice to confort me and be with me. "Uh? Hello?" He asked, after a little while, hearing me sobbing. "u-umma!" I cried, feeling myself burst into tears. At once, Key pulled himself together. It took him less then a second to realise that it was me, Taemin, he was talking to and not Jonghyun.
" Taemin?! My baby!!! Whats wrong?" He asked, worried and a little scared. I didn't answer right away, since my crying didn't alow any words to escape my mouth. "Is someone bulling you?! Cause i swear to god, i'll make them pay with blood and tears!" He shouted in the other end, sounding like a crazy maniac. "C-can you p-pick me up?" I said between the sobs, while trying to dry me tears.
"I'm already in the car! Where are you?" He asked, while i heard him start the car. It took me a couple of seconds, before i could pull myself together and tell him where i was hiding.
It didn't take long before he found me.
"My poor baby!" Key yelled, as he rushed out of his car, running towards me. He quickly grabbed me into his chest and hugged me. I reached my hands around his neck, while i once again bursted into tears. "I think it's best for you to stay at my place tonight, yes?" He said, as he carried me to the car. It's funny actually, how Key seems to always know what i want to hear. He always knows what i need, and what's the best for me. Of course he was right. The last thing i wanted now, was to be left alone. Alone with my thoughts.

During the drive home, i didn't let go of Key. He actually had to drive with me, clinging around his neck. Fortunattly, noone noticed, not that Key would have cared anyway. He was stubborn that way. Once his mind was made up by something, nothing could stop him from doing it. Even though, it ment he had to drive with me, blocking the sight.

"Here you go" Key said to me, as he held a cup of tea in front of my face. When we arrived his house, he had carried me to the couch, and the tv. While i tried to think of something else, Key went to he's favorite room, the kitchen, so he could make me some tea.
My body was still shaking a little, and my troath felt dry. There were trails of my dryed tears on my cheeks, but i had managed to stop. I sniffed a little, before acepting the cup from key. "T-thanks" I said, while taking the cup, placing it on my lap. Key sat down beside me, turning his head toward me. "What happend Taemin?" He finally asked, obviously wanting an explenation on why i had been crying. Can't say that i blame him, i would have wanted an explenation as well.
But, even though as hard as i tried to bring myself to tell him, i was to painfull. Everytime a word came out from my lips, the picture of Minho kissing that girl showed up in my head.
"I...i-i...I saw min-" My voice broke as i tried to say his name. All this was to painfull! Now, saying his name burned my tongue, pressing the tears once again out of my eyes.
Key moved his hand behind my back, starting to rub it gently. "It's about Minho, isn't it?" He asked, just out of nowhere.
My body froze instantly as Key mentioned his name. Key sighned, understanding that he was right.
"You saw him with that girl, didn't you?" It felt like someone was stabbing my heart, at once the sentence escaped Key's lips. Key knew? Did he know about all this? About Minho hanging with that girl?
I turned my head around, meeting Key's eyes. They were filled with sadness, pity and guilt.
"Y-you knew?" I managed to ask, trying to keep myself from crying. Slowly, Key moved away his arm from my back, while taking a deep sighn. "I don't know what you saw, Taemin, but i know that he have been seeing a girl from a year above our class" He answerd, sounding a little guilty. If he knew all this why didn't he tell me? "I know what your thinking Taemin, but i didn't want to consern you! I know how much you like him, and telling you this would have broken your heart!" Key explained to me.
If he knew that Minho was seeing a girl, why did he encourage me to confess to him? Did he want me to get turned down?
Just dropping to tell me, so i would continue to get my hopes up and eventually get broken my Minho himself? I dont understand this!
Without me even knowing, tears started to trail down my cheeks. Key was about to use his finger to remove them, but i slapped his hand away. "Taemin..." I looked up at him, now having several tears stream down my face.
"Y-you know i l-love him, and y-you still didn't t-tell me!" I sobbed, not caring about how bad Key already felt.
I got up from the sofa in anger, but fell right back down on the floor, by the dizzyness i suddenly was feeling.
"Taemin!" Key yelled, and practually threw himself down, right next to me. I didn't even bother to get up, i just layed there, crying. Key was staring at me with sad eyes, looking like he was on the verge of crying himself.
"It didn't look like they were serious" Key said, as he slowly tried to comfort me.
At the time, i thought that my heart would stop. Pictures of Minho and that girl appeared in my head once again, making me sobb even more. Key didn't seem to understand why i was crying even harder.
"I...i-i saw t-them ki-kiss!" I sobbed, burying my face into the palm of my hands. My sobbs were now loud, and i could bearly breath between them. My lungs were burning, and my whole body felt tired and exhausted.
Suddenly, i felt to arms folding themself around my body. Key was huggind me, thightly. "Omo! I'm so sorry Taemin! I'm so truly sorry!" Key escused himself, as he started to rub my back again. My body moved, automatically closer to Key's warmth. There was no longer any anger in my body, only hurt. Key tightned his grip around my body, pushing me closer.
The warmth that came from Key felt so good. It almost felt like he was healing my body with his own. It felt so loving, exactually what my whole being was craving at the moment.
After a while, my sobbs became weaker, and my breathing became more steady. Both Key and i still layed on the floor, since i was to tired to get up.
Key had been keeping me in his embrace the whole time, as he was whispering conforting words into my ear. It was unbealiveble. Everytime my heart seemed to stop, giving up on me, Key gave me just the electricity it needed to start beating again.
"I'm right here, Taemin. I'll help you. I'm not going to let anyone hurt you." Such words, seeming like nothing, but truly means the whole world to me. My lips formed a little smile, as i pressed my forhead against Key's chest.
"I love you, key" I whispered into his chest, before feeling my sore eyes close and my mind drifting to sleep.
Key smiled at my words, and removed some of my hair away from my forehead. "I love you too"

Early the next morning, i found myself in Key's bed.
I used my hands to push me up from the matrass, taking a quick look around, before i let my body fall right back down.
My body felt tired and my eyes sore, after loosing every single tear. I curled myself up in the bed, hiding my weak body under the covers. Minho. His name died on my dry lips. It didn't feel real, like everything was just a bad dream. But every second, the memories would just come back, hunting my mind. I felt so weak, so broken.
I layed my arms around my knees, curling myself into a ball. Why did i have to wake up to this? Why couldn't i just continue sleeping? Everything would have been so much easier. Maybe everything would have been better if i would just disappeare?
As i was almost loosing myself into deep thoughts, Key entred the room.
"Taemin? You awake?" He's gentle voice filled the room, as i heard his footsteps come closer. I could feel the matrass bend down, as he sat down next to me. He slowly removed the covers, that was covering my broken body. As the covers were removed, Key placed a cup of tea in front of my nose. I bent my head up, staring into his eyes. They were filled with understanding, suport and love, which made me feel all warm inside. "I made you some of my famous vanilla tea!" Key smiled, as he helped me up in a sitting position. "Thanks" I almost whispered, as i accepted the cup he gave me. "Feeling any better?" Key asked, as i was weakly blowing at the tea for it to get less hot. I didn't know what i was feeling. Hurt? Angry? Confused?
My head wasn't able to think of anything for me to feel or think at the moment.
"I don't know what i feel..." I weakly answerd, trying to figure out what i actually was feeling. Key gave me a weak smile.
"Let's just rest today, neh? Give your mind and soul some time to get things straight" key suggested, as he one hand over my cheek. I took a quick glance at the clock, that was standing on Key's desk, by the window. "What about school?" I asked, which i didn't acutally understand why i even bothered. If key said we would ditch school, we would ditch school.
Key looked over at the clock as well, before reaching out his toungue. "I'll take every chanse i get to get away from that disturbing, green, dinoboy at school. Beside, i think it would help with you getting some rest" He said, and smiled at me.
Key really was an umma. He always took such good care of me. I don't know what i would do without him!
As Key was about to say something, his phone begane to vibrate. He quickly picked it up, before staring down at the display.
"Hm, unknown number?" He questioned, before answering. "Hello?"
As Key was talking, i tried not to burn my tongue as i was driking the tea.
"Hello?! Who is this?! Would you pleas stop breathing like an old man in the phone?" Key asked annoyed. " You know, if calling someone makes you breath like an air conditioner, you should try the gym!!!" Key snapped, getting even more annoyed by the second. "No, i don't want you to drop by!" " I don't care if you like it rough!" Key not shouted, causing me to almost drop the cup down at the bed. "No! I don't want to see jurassic park with y-! Wait? Jurassic Park? JONGHYUN?!" My head turned to Key, that were now standing by the window, staring down at the street.
"The hell do you mean with 'I'm not Jonghyun'?! I can ing see your good damn dinoass behind that tree!" Key yelled, as he opened the window, before peeking his head out. "YAH! I CAN SEE YOU!" Key yelled, both in the phone and out of the window. "Aish!" Key sighned, frustrated, before hanging up on Jonghyun. He walked over to his chair and grabbed his pink jacket.
"I'll be back in a few minutes, i just have to get rid of a pest!" key said, before pracutally flying out the door.
It took me a few seconds, before i managed to react.
I drank the rest of the tea, before letting my feet touch the ground. I still sat on the bed, afraid to fall down if i stod up. My head felt dizzy, and i could already feel my legs become like jello. I took a deep breath, before pushing myself up from the bed. As soon as i stood up straight, i could feel my legs shaking. I tried to walk a few steps, but at once i lifted one foot, i lost the ballance. My body fell hard down at the floor. Why am i so weak? How can being lovesick breake your whole body like this. It seemed like the part of me, that controlled my body was removed somehow.
My eyes started to tear up again, and soon i felt warm liquid trail down my cheeks. I used the sleeves of my shirt, to dry my tears, before deaciding to try getting up again. As i was trying to make my legs move the way i wanted them to, i could hear my cellphone from the livingroom. Wihtout thinking i ran out from the bedroom and toward the livingroom. I don't know why my legs didn't breake under me or how i suddenly could hold my ballance. Maybe i was thinking a miracle would happend? Maybe, deep down my heart thought Minho would call, telling me what i wanted to hear. Telling me those three words i had been wanting to hear for so long.

When i reached the livingroom, i quickly grabbed my cellphone that was laying on the table in front of the sofa. Before answering it, i pushed it again my chest, while closing my eyes. Let this be a miracle. Let this be the thing i have been waiting for. The thing i have been living for.
I quickly peeked at the display, before answring. "Minho" Minho was calling me! My heartbeat raised instantly, and my face felt hot. Even without him being there, i felt my cheeks flush red of embarrassment.
"Hello?" I used all my might, trying to hide my overflowing happyness from showing. "Taemin! I have been calling you all day?! Where have you been? You know it's school today right? Is Key with you? Did you sleep at his house tonight?" The several questions were fading, as the only thing i could focus on was Minho's voice. It felt so good to hear his voice again.
"Taemin?" Minho asked in the the other end, waking me up from the trance. "Oh! Sorry! Yeah, I crashed at Key's place! I'm sorry, but we decided to take a litte breake today!" I explained, trying not to reavile to much.
"Oh, i see. Well, anyway, i was wondering if you could meet me in the park. I have something i want to talk to you about, and i think you will like it" Minho said, sounding happy and proud at once. I thought a little. What did he want to talk with me about? "S-sure!" I stammed, not thinking anything else, but to meet Minho. I was craving for his smile, his voice, his touch. I wanted to meet him so him badly. I want to tell him how i feel!

I quickly digged through Key's dressers, finding something i could borrow to wear. As soon as i had managed to pull on new clothing, i hurried to the door. I grabbed my shoes, and flew out the door, slamming the door behind me. It was raining, but i didn't care. I was going to meet Minho, and tell him how i felt. After all this time, i was going to tell him how i feel. How much i love  him! I love him! I love Choi Minho!

The rain slapped my cheeks as i ran as fast as my feet could bare me. It's strange how my legs can be this fast, after me not being able to even stand this morning. I don't know why, but thinking about Minho make me feel like i can do anything and everything. I was happy.
When i arrived the the park, Minho was already standing there, under a tree by the lake. I stopped, breathing heavely. Minho turned around, smiling at me. Although the rain was cold, i felt warm inside. My heart was fluttering, almost making me scream. Before Minho could walk over to me, i started to run toward him. He opened his arms,making my heart skip another beat. When i jumped into his arms, he catched me. "What's with the jumping?" Minho laughed, as he swung me around, with me still in his embrace. When he put me down, i refused to let go of him. My arms was placed around his neck, with my face burried into his shoulder.
"Taemin, is everything okay?" Minho asked, when i finally let go of him. I smiled at him, before giving him a quick nod.
"Good, cause i have something really important to tell you!" He said, as we started to walk slowly trough the park.
"I have something to tell you too!" I said, making Minho give me an questening look. "Me first!" He said, in a little childish way. The silence broke out, before he started to talk. "You see, don't get mad at me but there is something i haven't told you" Minho started. "For some time now, i have been in love with someone, but i didn't want to tell before i was sure about the other persons feelings" He continued, while staring ahead of us. I looked up at him, feeling my face flush red, and my hear raise it's rythem.
"I have been dating Sully from my mathclass for a couple of weeks now, and yestarday we decided to get together"

Suddenly, it felt like the world stopped spinning. The time stopped, leaving my body without a movement. I stopped moving, causing Minho to stop aswell. The rain continued to fall down, but my body could no longer registre it. The tears that fell down my face, Camouflaged themself in the freezing rain. My lungs were burning, as i forgot to breath.
Minho looked at me, before walking over to me. "Taemin, you okay?" He asked a little worried. I quickly closed my eyes, forecing the tears to stop and bit my lip, avoiding a scream to escape my lips. I moved one of my hands through my hair, before faking a smile. "I-i'm fine" I stammed, feeling slight pain stream through my body. Minho's face turned into a birhgt smile. "So you're not angry?" He asked. "No" I simply answerd, before Minho pulled me into another hug. He squized my tight, as i coul feel his smile behind me. Even though i didn't want to, tears started to stream down my face once again. I slowly hugged Minho back, praying for the time to stop, so we could just stay like this. I wanted to be with him forever, not only as a friend but also the one he would love. I wanted to be the one he felt alseep with, and the one he woke up next to. I wanted him to love me so badly.
I gripped the back of his jacket harder, pushing myself closer to his body. Even though itæs raining, i can feel his warmth. His heart, which are beating inside his chest, but it's beating for someone else. I wanted to be the one who made it beat, the one who could stay with him forever. I burried my face into his shoulder, sobbing quietly. I wanted you to love me so badly, Minho. But i understand that the person you need, isn't me.
"Taemin, are you crying?" Minho's deep voice went through my ears and filled my head and mind. I smiled weakly into Minho's shoulder, enjoying the warmth one last time, before pulling myself away from him. "It's because you hug me so tight i can't breath!" I scolded him, causing him to laugh. I smiled at him.
He seems happy. And even though you don't love me like i love you, i can live with just you being happy. I truly love Minho, but isn't there an old saying " If you truly love a person, you will let them go"


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Blueberryblue #1
Chapter 1: Aww that was so sad TT-TT
Poor Taemin!!!
But I thought Key was so cool!!
Why did Taemin have to end up without
Minho? It's not fair!!!!
Great fic though.
<3 <3 <3 <3
saae #2
HOMG why so sad??? And today is 2MIN 3rd Anniversary, too...<br />
If only there's another chapter for this story where 2MIN can end up together, haha...!
starkey #3
is there a sequel for this ?? you know, like sully got hit by a bus and Minho realize his feeling for taemin ?? Okay, that's not nice, sorry T_____T