What you do to me.

Could this be Love?

It was the beginning of this year when I laid eyes on you. Never had I seen a guy who looked as perfect as you. Very intelligent in English and very talented in performing arts, I admired you. Every song played on my phone is dedicated to a scenario between you and I. A scenario conveying a possible moment in time in which you'd actually notice me. Take interest in me. Fall for me. That's how desperate I was.

Never had I talked to you for more than a minute. Most of our mini conversations were about homework and school. My friends constantly urge me to talk to you. In response, I say I will; they say alright...but in the end, I don't. It happens everyday. I wake up every single morning, imagining how the day will be like. If this day or whatever day will be the day that you'll actually notice me, that you'll actually talk to me. Be friends, lovers, whatever. I'm desperate to hear your voice towards me. Can this be love?

Every morning I try to look for you. To check if you came to school. To check if you didn't get sick. You worry me too much Chwe Hansol. Worry to the point that my head makes up devastating scenarios about death and sorrow. Could this be love?


You leave me breathless, Chwe Hansol. Your eyes so bright; your smile so charismatic. Brown locks grace you in a perfect manner. Your body is toned. Your voice sounds like rich chocolate when you speak. Your average outfit is enough to make my heart go weak. Could this be love?


What more do I have to say to show how much you affect me? Maybe, just maybe, one day you'll look at me the same way I look at you. You'll worry as much as I worry for you. One day, maybe just maybe, I'll be the one to leave you breathless. I'll be the one you run to your friends for when you're asking date advice. I'll be the one you think about every day; even before you sleep. I'll be the one you dream of. I'll be the one to catch your eyes. I'll be the one you want to wrap your arms around. Then in the future, maybe, just maybe, I'll be the one you can rely on for your entire life. The one you'll start a family with. The one whose face you'll wake up every morning for, with a smile on your face.

So Chwe Hansol,

tell me, could this be love?


eh it's okay. not the best but it'll suffice.

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