Narcissistic and Clueless


Yoongi's POV

A/N all the narcissistic comments made are made by Yoongi, not me. They're like his thoughts, and it should prob be in 1st person but the rest of it is in 3rd so eh.

He squished himself between Jungkook and Taehyung, not expecting Jungkook to jump up immediately. 
Good, more space for me, he thought. He especially wasn't expecting Taehyung to try and follow Jungkook out. As a quick fix to keep them from being with each other and trying to sort things out, Yoongi tipped his bowl of porridge slightly to the right, tipping the hot substance onto Taehyung's leg. Tae let out a satisfying howl and jumped up, trying to brush it off with his hands.
"Ya! Don't make me spill more of my porridge or I won't have any left to eat- hey, are those my jeans? How do you even fit into them. My thighs are way smaller," Yoongi scolded, holding his bowl of porridge close to his chest and leaning into the couch, trying to get as far away from the shrieking Taehyung as possible.

Yoongi was sat contentedly on the couch slowly munching away on his porridge when J-Hope suddenly appeared in the doorway. Yoongi barely spared the other boy a glance, just enough to see shock on his face and notice that he was heading into the kitchen. He did look up with interest when Tae finally returned from his overreaction to the porridge that had been spilled on him, and dragged J-Hope into the shared bedroom. When Yoongi thought he heard muffled moans coming from within, he focused more intently on his porridge. When he couldn't take listening to the sounds anymore, he stood up and noisily stretched.
"Ya, hyung, wanna go train today?" Jimin asked.
Yoongi shrugged. He hadn't been planning on doing much, but he guessed he could be a mentor for the eldest of the maknaes if it was required of his superior skills. "Yeah, I s'pose. Just first, am I the only one hearing that?"
The pained expressions that the other members turned to him with gave him all the answer he needed.
"I'm gonna go check it out," Yoongi stated casually, as if he were talking about the weather.
Jin jumped out of his chair, trying to get in his way, "no way Yoongi, let them be." The other members made sounds of agreement to Jin.
"Yeah, you're right," said Yoongi, taking a step back, looking at the ground and rubbing his face with his fingers, the picture of compliance. He gave it a second before rushing forward, calling behind him at his scrabbling members "doesn't mean I won't." The members sitting in the kitchen and living areas rushed after him, trying to make him stop before he got to the room, but Yoongi had turned the door handle and walked in by the time they had reached him.
Yoongi's face lit up with glee at the scene before him. He was so proud of J-Hope. 
No response from the two on the bed. Whispers that he should leave them came from behind him.
Cough; louder this time.
Still no response.
Yoongi started coughing like a two-pack a day smoker.
Finally, the tangled mess on the bed got the message and looked up. Yoongi tried to suppress his laughter when J-Hope's stupid face popped up and then tried to hide within the covers.
"Are we intruding on something interesting here, boys? Yes, Hoseok I can see you." Tae's face was priceless. He almost wished he'd brought his phone in with him so he could capture the beautiful moment.
Taehyung and Hoseok tried to stutter out an explanation, but Yoongi held up his hands.
"As you were, I just came to grab my jacket," he said, leisurely crossing the room to grab his black jacket from his bed. He again had to stop himself from crying with laughter when he turned to see the rest of the members' faces. It was like they'd never seen two guys making out before. He was especially amused by Jin and Rapmon's expressions, it's not like no one's ever heard what they get up to when they think no one's home. 
Yoongi ce more back to the couple in the bed, dropping J-Hope a wink and thumbs up before turning and strutting out.

As Yoongi emerged from the hallway, Jungkook was closing the front door behind him, apparently back from his walk. Yoongi mentally smacked himself in the head, as he had completely forgotten about the intense love triangle that was going on within the dorm.
Jungkook started heading toward the bedroom. 
Yoongi did what anyone in his position would have done. As Jungkook was walking past him, he latched his arms around the maknae and dropped to the ground. Jungkook and his own limbs went sprawling, and he was pretty sure he'd heard a thunk from Jungkook's head hitting the floor.
"Ya hyung what the !? What are you doing?" Jungkook exploded, rubbing the back of his head.
"I thought we could train today," Yoongi replied mildly.
"And THAT's how you ask me? I was just gonna go have a nap and shower and eat and relax," Jungkook whined. 
"Yeah, well, you're gonna get sweaty training anyway, so put your jacket on and let's go. Jimin!" Yoongi called to his dongsaeng, "come on we're leaving." 
Yoongi ignored Jimin pointing at his food and giving Yoongi pathetic looks. Instead, he focused on his thoughts. He really was amazing, thinking of that all by himself. He should be a professional chaos avoider. Is that even a job? Who cares he's good at it. J-Hope better pay him back, the effort had tired him out.
"Hyung!" Jimin snapped him out of his thoughts, "I thought you said we're leaving."
"We are, I'm waiting for you. Why aren't you ready yet? Why haven't we left already?"
"Hyung, we've been trying to get your attention for a minute."
"Stop dithering, let's go."
With that, he marched out the door.

On the transit to the training studio, Yoongi was aware of a pair of eyes watching him, but whenever he looked around he couldn't see anyone looking his way. He flicked his hair, of course someone was watching him, he's hot. It wasn't until he was checking his phone and his eyes wandered on the walk from the bus stop did he realise that it wasn't some stranger. He cast a sly glance sideways, and sure enough, Jimin's eyes were glued to him. 
He laughed inwardly. It would make sense that his donsaeng wanted his D. Just kidding, not everyone in BTS was gay. However, if it was possible, he would marry himself. He was handsome, y and talented, as well as having the added bonus of better legs than everyone in SNSD. All thoughts of the staring dongsaeng were out of his mind.

Without realising, a consequence of being too caught up in his own thoughts, the trio had arrived at the studio. He was startled out of his thoughts when his forehead made contact with the glass entrance doors, making a resounding thud and an ache in his brain. He looked up, startled. The movement his arm made towards opening the door was forgotten when he saw his face reflected in the glass. He took a second to admire it, then changed the direction of his hand from the door handle to a stray piece of hair that had escaped from under his cap. 
There was a force attacking him from his right side as the maknae pushed him out of the way, sighing gustily. Yoongi thought he heard the words "narcissistic hyung" muttered as Jungkook stomped past him.
 Yoongi shouted towards the retreating backs of his dongsaengs "ya, respect your hyung!"
Neither of the boys looked around. Clearly they hadn't heard him.

At the training rooms, the two maknaes turned to walk in. Yoongi however kept walking.
"Hyung, what are you doing?" Jimin asked him, confusion coating his voice.
"Going to the studio to lay some tracks," Yoongi replied casually, slightly irritated at Jimin for holding him up.
"I thought you were going to train with me and Jungkook?"
"What? No? I was coming here anyway, I just didn't want to walk alone. Who knows what some creepy middle aged person would do to this body if I was alone."
"Oh.. Ok, I just thought it would be cool if we trained together, but whatever."
Yoongi miss read the sadness and the attempted guilt trip that Jimin was trying to give him as Jimin just being needy.
"Yeah, well I'm just gonna do my thing and you guys wait here until I'm done ok? I don't want to walk back alone, especially not in the dark," Yoongi finished, turning to go.
He was nearly down the hall, when he turned back. Jimin was still watching him go, how odd. "Jimin," Yoongi started.
"Yes, hyung?"
"You've got something," and pointed to his teeth. Jimin turned, blushing, trying to get the food out of his teeth. With that, Yoongi turned and shuffled away to the other room.

So Yoongi turned out way more self-centered and obsessed with himself than what I originally intended. Whoops. Oh well, it was so much fun writing such a self-absorbed character. I hope you enjoyed it! Comment to let me know how you thought it went, all comments help!

Poor Jimin though, having such  a useless hyung. 

Will Yoongi ever find out Jimin's feelings? Will Jungkook find out about Vhope's extracurricular activities? Will VHope continue to be a thing?

Find out next time. Like, after I find motivation again.


Sam James

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LoveExoForever632 #1
Chapter 12: Oh my god! Author-nim, I hate you so much! This fic has played with my emotions so much, and I am so lost! I don't know who to ship, I feel betrayed and my emotions feel like they've been played with! I have screamed and fangirled over this fic so much! Does Yoongi really like Jimin or?? He seemed really like nonchalant when he found out that Jungkook and Jimin hooked up? I'm a hardcore Vkook shipper, so like yeah... The whole time I was screaming No! No! No! And I nearly started to think that Jimin and Jungkook were going to be a thing but then, Yoonmin happened?? That scene with Jungkook and Jimin was my favorite, really well written! I can't wait to see how this plays out and who ends up with who! Hwaiting, Author-nim!
LifeDreamer #2
Chapter 12: Damn the love pentagon or whatever shape its taking is getting more complicated than ever. That cliffhanger though, and the question of is Yoongi serious or is his jealous hormones sending him overboard but it doesn't matter because we all love a little of Yoonmin ...Can't wait to see all that is going to happen and how they are going to be resolved! Please give us more Vkook though! I'm a hard Vkook shipper, so it's quite difficult to read the Vhope, but I managed. Please don't give this story up! I know it has been a year already, and it would be quite hard to pick this back up, but please at least try! Fighting Author-nim!
max_99 #3
Chapter 12: this is something... good amount of angst(I think) and also(for the current updated chapter of Yoonmin). I wish that you update it a bit sooner than you always do. You left me with a very awesome cliffhanger and that got me anticipating for more. A little bit of fluff, a dash of angst and a hell lot of would take me to Heaven with this fic. And congrats for being nominated!! I'm voting and I think you know who... ;)
greenmimi #4
Chapter 12: I love jikooook here
Chapter 3: Haha, when Yoongi threw the book it reminded me of Rookie King xD
Chapter 10: OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! JiKook! But, what will happen to Yoongi and Tae Tae. Aish. Their lives are so complicated. (LOL)
Chapter 8: This is hard. Yoongi's too obsessed with himself. What will happen to Chim Chim? T^T