Hand in the Kookie Jar


Jungkook’s POV

Practice was a drag, and getting his limbs to move to the music became a task that it never had been before.
He slumped down a wall when he just couldn’t take the effort anymore, sweat pooling on his skin. Reaching desperately for his drink bottle and a towel, he looked up at Jimin, who annoyingly appeared to be not as affected as Jungkook was. He did still flop down in a huff of air from his lungs, as he wiped a hand across his forehead. They sat in silence save for their laboured breathing as they recovered. Eventually, Jungkook was able to turn his head and look at Jimin. Jimin was giving him a weird feeling, not being his usual bouncy and charismatic self.
The pair had gone out for lunch during the afternoon to give them a well-earned – they thought – break. Both had stayed quiet, Jungkook too busy in his own love-life to be worried too much about talking, and the look on Jimin’s face suggested that he, too, was off somewhere else.
Now that they had finished for the evening, tiredness making their muscles stiff and their movements slow, they could do nothing but sit on the floor and listen to the dance tracks repeat themselves.
A memory tickled the sides of Jungkook’s brain, which he would have thought about sooner if he hadn’t been so self-absorbed all day, and suddenly Jungkook had the words tumbling out of his mouth, “Jiminnie, do you have a thing for Yoongi?”
Jimin sat bolt upright, shooting a glare at his donsaeng. “I have no idea what you’re on about. I’m not all over him like you are with Taehyung.”
Jungkook chuckled softly, Jimin’s response better than he had imagined it would be, but also hiding his embarrassment for the previous night’s events with his hyung. “Alright I was just asking. And I wasn’t all over Taehyung, he was all over me.”
“So, there’s nothing between you?” Jimin said slyly, throwing him a side glance.
“Nah, not that I know of, officially. We haven’t really spoken since the… uh… incident.”
“Huh… Then you wouldn’t mind me doing this then, would you?”
Before Jungkook’s face could even pull a confused expression, Jimin had shuffled closer and pressed his lips against Jungkook’s. Jungkook gasped at the sudden contact, but on instinct opened his mouth, his eyes fluttering shut. His arms went rigid at his side, as the rest of his body was still in shock. When Jungkook’s brain started working again, he couldn’t stop the thought of hey, Jimin’s lips are really soft, and this doesn’t feel too bad. His hands were going to Jimin’s waist when Jimin pulled away, the kiss ending as soon as it had begun. Jimin stared deeply into Jungkook’s eyes, and Jungkook knew they were showing the confusing and lust that had risen to the top. Jungkook’s eyes followed Jimin’s movements as he stood up and held out a hand for the maknae to hold on to, to help him up. Jungkook took a few seconds to register what was going on, still in a daze, before reaching his hand to meet Jimin’s.
When he stood, their noses were nearly touching. He couldn’t help himself. He leaned forward, closing the short distance between their mouths. This time it was Jimin’s turn to gasp, obviously shocked at Jungkook’s braveness. Jungkook pulled Jimin closer, gripping Jimin’s waist, feeling the toned back under his fingertips. He couldn’t help himself when his fingers started exploring more of the solid muscle that was before him, entranced by it as his and Jimin’s lips started sliding against one another’s, finding their rhythm. Jimin bit at Jungkook’s lip, making Jungkook grunt slightly and dig his fingers into Jimin’s side, not expecting the sudden pain in his lip, but he opened his mouth and Jimin’s tongue slid in. Jungkook relished the feel of the tongue in his mouth, it was like nothing experienced before. He let Jimin attack his mouth freely, as he walked them to the wall; Jimin’s back hitting it with a jolt, bumping them apart for a second. They took a breath before diving right back in. The kiss intensified, this time Jungkook pushing his own tongue against Jimin’s as his hands sliding further down to Jimin’s bum. Gripping it tightly, he made Jimin emit a low moan. He took this as encouragement to make his next brave move, sliding his hands down to Jimin’s sides and pulling his legs up around his waist so he could grind into him. Jimin’s moans were driving him insane, so he detached his mouth from his elder’s, moving it instead to his neck, so he could hear the moans in all their glory. Jimin ground his hips into Jungkook’s, rubbing their hard lengths together. Jimin’s arm was slowly snaking its way down Jungkook’s back, rubbing it in circles and feeling the toned muscle as he moved down, stopping at Jungkook’s and giving it a squeeze before rubbing it up his own thigh, then between the two grinding boys. He had reached the top of Jungkook’s waistband, when a loud obnoxious ringing cut through their concentration.

But srsly omg what was that chapter I have no idea I'm so sorry


And yeah, updates are going to become far and few because of the lack of time I have because of like, school and stuff. Who needs to pass year 11 when there's fanfiction to be written? Not me thats fo sho (jk jk I can't not pass, my perfectionism and pride wouldn't allow it)

Also, I'm rly sorry to my Taekook shippers, its coming, I just haven't gotten to that bit of the story yet. Please stick with me!

I'd also like to thank all the people who subscribed when I was away. Whaaat, where did you come from and pls let me love you ok ty bye

So, what was the ringing? What lies in store for the Jikook? What about Taehyung? 

Sam James


P.S. I know it was a while ago but I didn't upload during the big upheaval and it's still relevant;
Pray for South Korea, even though I'm not religious, my heart and thoughts really go out to them, I hope this gets sorted out and the families of the victims can get their peace, and the rest of the country can come out better for it. We've got to stick together, the whole world as one nation, when troubles like this come our way. It's the combined strength that gets everyone through the toughest.

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LoveExoForever632 #1
Chapter 12: Oh my god! Author-nim, I hate you so much! This fic has played with my emotions so much, and I am so lost! I don't know who to ship, I feel betrayed and my emotions feel like they've been played with! I have screamed and fangirled over this fic so much! Does Yoongi really like Jimin or?? He seemed really like nonchalant when he found out that Jungkook and Jimin hooked up? I'm a hardcore Vkook shipper, so like yeah... The whole time I was screaming No! No! No! And I nearly started to think that Jimin and Jungkook were going to be a thing but then, Yoonmin happened?? That scene with Jungkook and Jimin was my favorite, really well written! I can't wait to see how this plays out and who ends up with who! Hwaiting, Author-nim!
LifeDreamer #2
Chapter 12: Damn the love pentagon or whatever shape its taking is getting more complicated than ever. That cliffhanger though, and the question of is Yoongi serious or is his jealous hormones sending him overboard but it doesn't matter because we all love a little of Yoonmin ...Can't wait to see all that is going to happen and how they are going to be resolved! Please give us more Vkook though! I'm a hard Vkook shipper, so it's quite difficult to read the Vhope, but I managed. Please don't give this story up! I know it has been a year already, and it would be quite hard to pick this back up, but please at least try! Fighting Author-nim!
max_99 #3
Chapter 12: this is something... good amount of angst(I think) and also(for the current updated chapter of Yoonmin). I wish that you update it a bit sooner than you always do. You left me with a very awesome cliffhanger and that got me anticipating for more. A little bit of fluff, a dash of angst and a hell lot of would take me to Heaven with this fic. And congrats for being nominated!! I'm voting and I think you know who... ;)
greenmimi #4
Chapter 12: I love jikooook here
Chapter 3: Haha, when Yoongi threw the book it reminded me of Rookie King xD
Chapter 10: OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! JiKook! But, what will happen to Yoongi and Tae Tae. Aish. Their lives are so complicated. (LOL)
Chapter 8: This is hard. Yoongi's too obsessed with himself. What will happen to Chim Chim? T^T