Me For You

You're It

Me For You - Unknown

Sunday afternoons turns the living room into a mess.

How delightful and pleasing it was to feel like they only got married yesterday

The pillows that were supposedly neatly arranged in the sofa was placed on the carpet on the center of the living room that was made into a fort, where two bodies lay beside each other and sweet symphony of laughter ringing around the house as they reminisce about the times that had left a lasting funny memory for them.

“I’m kind of hungry now. Plus it’s already quarter till the clock hits 5 so I guess I’ll be making dinner now, do you have anything in mind right now that you want to eat?” You said as you turned to the side to look at your husband who was full of smiles that it made your heart flutter as you knew that he would just always be like this when you’re with him.  You remembered as he was always the one who come off as stoic and serious well he was at first but when you got to know him he was just a real sweet goofball, well you’re goofball, how you got a man with a heart of a child was still a mystery to you but you couldn’t ask for more.

“Hmm, there’s nothing really in particular I have in mind right now and I know I would end up cleaning my plate when you cook.” Jungkook said as turned to you preparing to get up as well as he smiles and hands out his arm to help you with getting up.

“Cheesy Kookie.  Never heard really heard a cookie with a lot of cheese in them, huh guess I’m a luck one.” You teased as you tried to hide a blush that was creeping into your face as you thought to yourself that by now him sprouting sweet words to you out of the blue should be no shock to you no more but you guess wrong as clearly the blush and the slight turning of your head to the side is a clear sign of embarrassment and you could hear Jungkook laughing as he coiled his arms around your waist before nuzzling to your neck and making himself comfortable there, in this kind of times you can’t do anything but just smile and close your eyes and just savor this feeling of happiness spreading throughout your system.

“Kookie-yah~!Yah! Kookie the color red monster! Let go now I’ve got to cook and knowing you, you’ll starve easily if I don’t start now.” You chided as you looked at the clock and decided to focus on making dinner for the both of you.


The only reply you got before breaking free and making your way to the kitchen.

A smile crept on your face as you remember how you first got this house as a present from both of your parents who chipped in buying this cute humble home for the both of you as a wedding gift, the kitchen was spacious enough that it somehow led that the two of you ended up playing hide and seek as you both felt childish at that time.

After you have done preparing dinner for two, you set up the table before calling for Jungkook who was watching some shows which were airing.

As you both got settled down and ready to eat, you pulled your hair into a loose bun before waiting for Jungkook to dig in first but you saw that he was staring at you intensely yet with a hint of gentleness flickering in his eyes.

“You’re still as lovely as the first time I saw you.”  He blurted out leaving you fazed for a moment before getting back to reality and smiling at him.

“Let’s eat,ara?” You said as you got a bite of the mandoo and looking down as the flushed face moment came back.

Cause you are the only for me, I've known for so long

And you make me feel right, child like

I'm right where I belong... with you


Just how perfect she was for him, even  if she tried to be better for him there was no use anymore as she was as said before already perfect for him.

Clearly Jeon Jungkook is smitten over his wife.

As an idol and a husband he had to hold things together, balancing was the key to his almost perfect life as he tries to conceal the fact that he is already tied down and trying to keep the love between them burning.

He could still remember when he first introduced her to his parents.

How his mom pulled him in the kitchen to just say that he has a keeper and then he smiled and said,

“She’d be my one day mom.”

Oh how glad he was that he was right and that he was her everything now.

Perfect, lovely, worth it to me... 
All I ever need
Cause you... are the only for me


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14 streak #1
Chapter 1: Aww how cute ><
Chapter 1: Aww, this was written so nicely! Keep up the good work, author-nim! By the way, though, isn't the gif of BtoB's "Irresistible Lips"? It's so cute, oh my gosh! ^__^