Brothers ?!

Me and My Brothers ( ADD MY BESTFRIENDS TOO ! )

" Mom, we want to meet him. " says Minseok. " The man you want to maary " says Minkyung. " Really ?! You want to meet him ?! Okay, okay, i'll call him. When do you want to meet him ? " asks her. " Anytime. but not the day before my tests " says Minkyung. " I agree with Minkyungie, we have many tests. " says Minseok. " Okay, okay. I get it. I'll make an appointment with him, Now, look at the time. Get some sleep, kids. " says Mom. " Night, Mom~ " says Minseok. " oh, do you have any tests tomorrow ? " asks her. " No, I don't have one. " says Minseok. " I have one. Math test " says Minkyung. " Okay then, good night kids ! " says Mom. " Good night Mom. " says Minkyung, clinigng to Minseok.

She picks her phone, and starts to call someone, " Hello ? Ji-Hwan-ah, my kids want to meet you. " says her. " Really ? okay then, When will we meet ? " asks him. " Do you have a dayoff ? " asks her. " Next Saturday. " answers him. " Okay then, I'll tell the kids, and don't forget to bring your kids too ! " says her, happily. " Of course, see you next saturday ? " asks him. " Okay. Good night, Ji-Hwon-ah ! " " Good Night~! " Then they hung up. But, what she didn't know, there was someone who listen to their conversation. " So, his name is Ji-Hwan ? What the hell with ' your kids ' ? Does that means we're going to have brothers or sisters again ?! " whispers her " I don't know. C'mon, let's just sleep. Good Night Minkyung ! " " Good night Minseok oppa ! " 


Tuesday night ...

" Ya! Jong-In ah ! Jong-Dae ah ! Come down for a second ! " shouts Ji-Hwan. " What do you want, Dad ? " asks Jongin, walking downstairs lazily. " Yeah, what do you want, Dad ? I'm sleepy " asks Jong-Dae, follow Jong-In walking downstair. " I have a shocking announcement. I'm going to get marry again. " says him. " Really ? So ? That's it ? That's not shocking. " says Jong-Dae. " I don't really care about that, But, does she has a daughter ? " asks Jongin. " One son and one .. " " Nope, I don't want you to marry that ... " " and one daughter. " continues his father. " Okay, You should marry her. " says Jongin, grinning. " What is wrong with you, jongin ? You just want a girl to play with, right ? " akss Jong-Dae. " We're going to meet them at Saturday. " says him. " Better go shopping then. " says Jong-Dae. " Again ?! Geez, your clothes is too much, Dongjae. " says Jongin. " Ya! Kim Jong-In !  Don't change my name like that. " says Jongdae, angry. " Stop it you two ! Jongdae, how much do you need for shopping ? " asks their father. " 500.000 won. " says Jongdae. " I'll send it to you later then. " says him. " thanks Dad ! but, how about Jonghyun hyung ? " asks Jongdae. " he's still at America, right ? " asks Jongin. " I'll tell him tomorrow. Now, get some sleep. " says him 


Saturday morning ...

" Kids ! Let's go ! " says her mom, Yoon Eun-Hwa." Just a little bit, Mom. I have to get my leoprad shoes, first ! " shouts Minseok from upstairs. " Minkyung-ah! Are you ready ? " asks her. " Wait, Mom ! I'm getting my hair done ! " shouts Minkyung. " Hury up, kids ! We're going to be late ! " shouts her from downstairs.  " I'm done, Mom ~! " shouts Minseok, running downstairs. " Where's Minkyung ? " asks her. " I'm here ! I'm here !  " shouts Minkyung. " Hey. Be careful ! We'll end up on the hospital if you tripped. " says Minseok. " I'm fine. " says Minkyung " let's go, kids ! " says their mom.


" Ji-Hwan-ah ! " shouts Eun-Hwa. " I'm here ! " shouts her, waving to him. They take a seat. Minkyung looks at the two empty seats in front of her. " Where are your kids ? " asks Eun-Hwa. " Jongin and Hongdae are at the toilets. " says Ji-Hwan. " Oh Right. There are my kids. " says Eun-Hwa, pinching Minseok a little bit. " Aww ! Hello. my name is Kim Minseok. I'm 15 years old. Nice to meet you. " says Minseok. " Hello. I'm Kim Minkyung, I'm 14 years old. Nice to meet you. " says Minkyung boldly. " Oh, hey ! Jongin-ah ! Jongdae-ah ! " shouts Jihwon. " Sorry we're late. " shouts Jongdae. They take a seat. " Now, introduce yourself. " says Jihwan. " Hello. My name is Kim Jongdae. I'm 14 years old. Nice to meet you. " says Jongdae, smiling at Minkyung. " My name is Kim Jongin. I'm 15 years old. Nice to meet you. " says Jongin. " Hello kids! Nice to meet you. " says Eunhwa. " Oh yeah. this is Minseok, he's the same age as you, Jongin ah. and she's Minkyung, she's the same age as you, Jongdae. " says Jihwan. Minseok and Minkyung bows a little " so, straight to the point, You're all agree with our marriage, right ? " asks Eunhwa. " we are. " says Jongin. " We .... agree too. Right, Minnie ? " asks Minseok to Minkyung. " Um, yes ? " says Minkyung. " When is the wedding date ? " asks Jongdae. " We don;t know yet. But, maybe after you and Minseok graduate from Junior high. " awnsers Jonhwan. " Okay then. Now, let's eat everybody~! " says Eunhwa. 


" you're lying, right ?! Two brothers ?! " shouts Minkyung at Minseok's room. " Easy there, girl. It's not that bad. " says Minseok. " I just ... I dunno what to say anymore. " says Minkyung. " I'm shocked too. We will have two brothers. " says Minseok. " What should we do ? " asks Minkyung. " just accpt it, Minkyungie. It's for Mom's happiness. " says Minseok. Suddenly, the door is open. 



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VanillaLaLa #1
8') hAHA. This is beautiful. pls do go on. <3
KazzieT #2
Chapter 9: lol Jongin is trying to bribe his new sister...
KazzieT #3
Chapter 6: I'm sorry for not commenting sooner! i really like this story!! So...please update author-nim!! ^-^