Unintentional Cupids

Unintentional Cupids

Zitao tries again. "Make a round hole. Then, rabbit... hmph!" He gives up and stands, grabbing the toy bucket that is full with his digging tools. "Mama! Mama!" He hears shouting from the kitchen.

"Yes, baby?!"

"I'm going to the playground now. Bye-bye." He was grabbing the front door handle with his other hand when a voice calling his name.

"Taozi, wait!"

He turns and sees his Mama that is wearing a white apron with big white bunny on it running toward him.

"You forget you cap."

Zitao let's his Mama put on his favorite panda cap. "Thank you, Mama."

"It's Appa, baby."

"Mama." He ignores his Mama's sighs at his chosen word as he let him fixes his clothes.

"Yes, dear?"

 Zitao takes a deep breath and a delicious smell fills his little nose. "Will the cake be ready when I get back home?"

"Sure. I will wait for you so we can decorate the cake together, okay?"

"Okay, Mama. I go first." He turns and tiptoes to reach the door handle. He was halfway to the front gate when his Mama grabs his wrist.

"Baby, wait!"

Zitao stomps his tiny feet in frustration. "Mama, I am late already. Why are you keep calling me?"

"Your shoelaces. I don't want you to trip and get hurt later."

He looks down and sees his Mama tying the annoying shoelaces. "Mama, next time buy me shoes without strings."

"Eh? Why?"

Zitao stares straight at his Mama's beautiful eyes after he's done tying his shoelaces. "It too hard. I don't remember the song."

"But, you were the one picked this shoes."

He looks down at his black and white shoes, that has panda head on the sides. "I want to cancel pick it." He hears his Mama laughs.

"Okay, baby. Next time we buy shoes without strings."

Zitao turns but he was stopped before he could walk any further. He looks at his hand and sees a bigger hand on his wrist. "Mama!"

"Didn't you forget something, baby?"

He ponders as he stares at his Mama's face. "Ah!" He walks closer and plants a kiss on his Mama's lips. He smiles as he pulls away. "I forgot."

"Okay. Now you can go."

Zitao waves at his Mama as he walks away from their house. He looks down at his hand that is holding the red toy bucket. He promised Sehun yesterday that they will play pirates today and digging tools are needed to find treasures because Sehun told him that he will bring treasures to hide. He arrives at the playground and sees other kids are playing at the monkey bar and the see-saw and the swings. He walks straight to the sandbox and notices Sehun isn't there. Maybe Sehun get stopped many times like him because he forgot his cap or his shoe strings are annoying or he forgot his goodbye kiss.

He was just finished building a sandtower when he hears Sehun's voice. He looks around and sees Sehun is being carried on someone's shoulder. The someone is really tall and he looks strong and handsome. He watches as Sehun waves to the someone as they walk opposite ways. He smiles when Sehun waves at him while running with a yellow toy box in his hand.

"Hi, Tao. Sorry I am late. My Papa made me late." Sehun sits on the sandbox across Zitao and put his yellow toy box beside him.

"Oh! The someone was your Papa?" Zitao hands Sehun his toy shovel.

Sehun nods as he grabs the shovel and starts digging. "I was ready to leave when my Papa said he wants to walk with me to the playground and told me to wait while he goes to change clothes. I said I was late and was going to go without him but he picked me up and bring me to the bedroom. He locked the door so I can't get out and I have to wait until he changed his clothes."

Zitao nods in agreement as he grabs on of the many toy blocks that Sehun had scattered on the sand. "My Mama too is the same. He kept calling me, making me late to meet you." He places another block on top of the block-sand tower. "Sehun."

"Hm?" Sehun answers without looking at Zitao and concentrates on his sand-block tower because his tower is going to fall is he doesn't put the block in his hand correctly.

"Do you like being carried on your Papa's shoulders?" Zitao watches Sehun slowly retract his hand after putting the block.

"I did it!" Sehun claps as his tower didn't fall down.

"Your tower is so cool!" Zitao claps excitedly.

Sehun looks at Zitao's tower that has a leaf on the top. "Your tower is cool too! You have a flag."

Zitao looks around him and sees a few leaves beside him. He grabs them and hands it to Sehun. "Here! You can have flag too!"

"Oh! Thank you." Sehun starts decorating his tower with leaves with Zitao's help. He backs a little bit and admire the tower. "You are really great at decorating."

Zitao smiles. "My Mama said that too. We are going to decorate cake later."

Sehun's eyes sprakle. "You are going to eat cake later?"

"Yes!" Zitao looks up from Sehun's tower to Sehun's face. "Oh! You want to come to my house and decorate the cake too? We can eat it later!"

Sehun nods eagerly. "I want!" He looks down at the sandbox and starts to collect his sand-covered blocks. "Tao."

"Hm?" Zitao pauses from picking up his digging tools to look at Sehun.

"Is your Mama a good cook?" Sehun hands the last tool to Zitao.

Zitao nods as he puts the shovel in the bucket. "He is the best cook in the universe!" He gets up and pats his pants, then picks up his red toy bucket. "And he is very pretty too."

"Really?" Sehun grabs Zitao's hand after making sure there are no toys left in the sandbox. He walks beside Zitao, one hand holding Zitao's hand and the other one holds his yellow toy box. "My Papa is very handsome too but he isn't the best cook in the universe. Maybe the best cook in our house."

Zitao nods but then he remembered the scene he saw earlier. "Sehun, your Papa is very tall, and strong. I wish I has a Papa like your Papa. He can carry you on his shoulders. "

Sehun looks at Zitao. "He is! He always carries me when I'm tired from walking. Didn't your Mama carries you too?"

"He did but he couldn't carry me on his shoulder like your Papa. He said he is getting old and weak." Zitao looks down at the asphalt road. "I want my Mama carries me on his shoulder too. Then I can see far away."

Sehun tugs Zitao's hand, making his friend look at him. "Next time, I will ask my Papa to carry you on his shoulder. Then you can see far away like me."

"Really?" Zitao beams.

Sehun nods. "Really!"

"Oh! We are here!" Zitao pulls Sehun to run.

Sehun looks at the direction pointed by Zitao while running.

Zitao opens the front gate and then the front door. "Mama! I am home!"

Sehun sees a beautiful someone walking toward him and Zitao. "Is that your Mama?"

Zitao nods as he helps Sehun takes off his shoes.

"Welcome home, baby. Oh! Who is your friend?"

Zitao pulls Sehun to stand beside him. "Mama, this is Sehun. Sehun wants to decorate the cake too!"

"Oh! Hi, Sehun."

Sehun smiles. "Hi, Tao Mama."

"Okay, you two. Go wash your hands first, then we can decorate the cake. Don't forget to use soap."

"Okay, Mama!" Zitao pulls Sehun toward the bathroom. He pumps the strawberry handsoap on Sehun's hand and then on his own.

"Tao, your Mama is so pretty." Sehun rubs hard both his hands, making sure there are no dirt left.

"I told you." Zitao smiles proudly before turning on the tap of the bathtub and rinses the soap bubbles. He grabs his black and white hand towel and wipes his hands dry before helping Sehun with his hands. "Let's go eat cake!"

"Let's go!" Sehun follows Zitao toward the kitchen where he sees Zitao's Mama is putting the cake on the dinner table.

"Mama! We washed our hands!" Zitao holds up his hands.

"Let me see. Oh! So clean. You, Sehun?"

Sehun holds up both his hands. "Are my hands clean too?"

"Yes, good job. Okay, let's start decorating."

Zitao climbs the chair and watches his Mama helping Sehun to climb too. He grabs the bowl of chocolate sprinkles and scoops a fistful before putting it on the cake.

Sehun takes an Oreo cookie and put it in his mouth, munching it before grabbing another one and put it on the cake.

"Be careful, okay. I'm going to bring the plates."

"Okay, Tao Mama!"

"Mama, don't forget my chocolate milk!" Zitao looks at Sehun that both hands full with gummy bears. "Sehun, you like chocolate milk?"

Sehun can only nod as his mouth chewing his third Oreo.

"Mama, Sehun wants chocolate milk too!" Zitao shouts when he sees his Mama opening the fridge.

"Okay, two chocolate milk."

Zitao sprinkles some white chocolate chips before giving the rest to Sehun.

Sehun eats the white chocolate chips as he pushes the bowl of gummy bears toward Zitao.

Zitao puts one last Oreo before backing away a little. "Mama! We are done!"

Sehun smiles as he sees Zitao's Mama looking at the cake. "Did we did good?"

"Very good. Now, let's eat it!"

"Yay! Cake!" Sehun sits while waiting for Zitao's Mama cuts the cake.

"Mama, I want a big one!" Zitao sips some of his chocolate milk, eyes fixed at the cake.

"Here you go, Sehun."

"Thank you, Tao Mama." Sehun grabs the spoon given to him and starts eating. He notices Zitao also started eating the big piece of vanilla cake in his plate. He looks at Zitao's Mama that is sitting in the end of the table. He is really beautiful. If only he has a Mama like Zitao's Mama.

"Sehun, do you like the cake?"

Sehun nods. "It is really delicious, Tao Mama. You are the best cook in the universe."

"Did my Taozi said that?"

"I did!" Zitao flashes his smile.

Sehun looks at the half-eaten piece of cake then at Zitao's Mama. "Do you bake cake everyday, Tao Mama?"

"Oh? No. Today is a special day so I baked a cake."

"It is Mama's birthday today!"

Sehun's eyes widen. "Oh! Happy birthday, Tao Mama!" He sees Zitao's Mama smiling at him.

"Thank you, sweetie."

Zitao finishes his piece of cake and let his Mama takes the empty plate and wait for Sehun to finish his.

Sehun rubs his tummy as he put down the spoon. He finishes his chocolate milk before climbing down the chair.

Zitao grabs Sehun's hand and was pulling him to the living room when his Mama stops them.

"Where are you two going?"

"We are going to play in the living room, Mama."

Sehun sees Zitao's Mama walking toward him with a paper bag in his hand.

"Taozi, I think Sehun should go home now. It is getting late."

Sehun looks at Zitao's Mama before looking at Zitao. "Your Mama is right. I don't want my Papa to worry. We will play again tomorow, okay?" He squeezes Zitao's hand.

Zitao is still sad that he has to part with Sehun but nods anyway. "Okay." He walks Sehun to the front door, with his Mama following behind them.

"Do you want me to take you home, sweetie?"

Sehun stands after putting on his shoes. "It is okay, Tao Mama. I am a big boy. Papa said I should scream when I see bad people."

"Your Papa is right. Here. I packed you some cake so you can eat with your Papa later."

Sehun blinks as he receives the paper bag. "Oh! Thank you, Tao Mama!"

"You are welcome, baby."

"Mama, I walk Sehun to the gate, okay?"

"Okay, baby. Bye, Sehun. See you again."

"Bye-bye, Tao Mama." Sehun waves before he grabs Zitao's hand.

Zitao was pulling Sehun to the front gate when suddenly he stops. He pulls back Sehun to come inside the house. "Mama!"

"Taozi, what's wrong?"

"Sehun didn't kiss you goodbye yet!" Zitao looks at Sehun. "I always kiss Mama goodbye. Sehun, you are going home so you have to kiss goodbye too."

"But, Taozi..."

Sehun nods as Zitao's words really make sense. He tugs Zitao's Mama hand so that they are level with each other. "Tao Mama, goodbye." He leans closer and kisses Zitao's Mama on the lips. He sees Zitao's Mama smiling awkwardly at him. "Bye-bye." He grabs Zitao's hand, and they walk together to the front gate.

"Bye-bye, Sehun."

Sehun waves back to his friend as he walks toward the direction of his house. He looks at the paper bag in his hand and he smiles. Zitao's Mama really is nice. He is really the best cook in the universe. And he is so pretty too. If only he has Mama like Zitao's. Then he can eat homemade cake on his birthday too. He was passing the playground when he heard his name being called.


He looks around and sees his Papa is running toward him. "Papa!" He let his Papa picks him up and carries him in his arms.

"Where were you? I was so worried when I couldn't find you at the playground."

Sehun shows the paper bag in his hand to his Papa. "I went to Tao's house to decorate a cake. Then we ate the cake. The cake was so delicious, Papa. Tao's Mama really is the best cook in the universe."

"How about me?"

"You are the best cook in our house." Sehun smiles when his Papa kisses his cheek as he carries him home.

"Did you say 'thank you'?"

"I did! I also kissed Tao's Mama goodbye!" He sees his Papa's eyes widen.

"But, you never kiss me goodbye."

Sehun just shrugs. He looks at his Papa. "Papa, you are so handsome." He closes one eye as his Papa kisses his cheek repeatedly.

"Of course, I am. I am your Papa after all."

"And Tao's Mama is so pretty. Can I have a Mama that pretty too, Papa?"


"And Tao wants a Papa like you too. Tao said you are very strong and tall and I said that I would ask you if you could carry him on your shoulders too because he wants to see far away like I am when you carry me on your shoulders." Sehun stares at his Papa. "Can you do that, Papa?"

"Of course I can. I will carry him when I meet him."

He hugs his Papa tight. "Thank you, Papa!" His kisses his Papa on the cheek.


"Yes, Papa?"

"Where is your toy box?"

Sehun looks at his hands and sees the paper bag that contains the cake that Zitao's Mama gave him but didn't see his yellow toy box. "Papa! My toy box! Where is my toy box, Papa?"

"Did you left it at Tao's house?"

Sehun wiggles as a signal to his Papa to let him down. "It must be there, Papa!" He grabs his Papa's hand and pulls him toward Zitao's house. "Let's go get it, Papa!"

"Baby, it's getting late. Can we get it tomorrow?"

Sehun tries to run while pulling his Papa but his Papa is heavy. "No, we can't, Papa! I want to play with my toy box tonight!" He turns to face his Papa. "Papa, let's go already!"

"Fine! Fine!"

Sehun let his Papa carries him while he gives him direction to Zitao's house. "There, Papa! Hurry up!" He tugs his Papa's shirt.

"Don't pull my shirt, baby."

He wiggles again so that his Papa put him down when they reach Zitao's house. He opens the front gate and runs to the front door, knocking it repeatedly. "Tao! Tao Mama!" He backs away a little when the front door being open and sees Zitao's Mama in front of him.

"Sehun? What are you doing here?"

Sehun steps into the house and looks around, before looking up at Zitao's Mama. "Tao Mama, where is Tao?"

"Tao is taking a shower, baby. Why did you came back?"

"Ah! I left my toy box. Can I have it back?" He looks straight at Zitao's Mama.

"Ah, right. Tao did said you left your toy box. I will go get it, okay?"

Sehun nods as he waits for Zitao's Mama to return with his toy box.


He turns and see his Papa standing behind him. "Papa, Tao is taking a shower right now."

"I know. I heard his Mama said that."

"Then you can't carry him on your shoulders."

"There is next time, baby."

"Sehun, here is your..."

Sehun runs toward Zitao's Mama that stops halfway and grabs his toy box. "Papa, I got my toy box back!" He sees his Papa nodding at him.

"Sehun, is that your Papa?"

He nods and pulls Zitao's Mama toward his Papa that is waiting at the front door. "Papa, this is Tao's Mama. Tao Mama, this is my Papa."

"Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Joonmyeon."

Sehun sees Zitao's Mama is smiling at his Papa but his Papa isn't smiling back. He tugs his Papa's hand, making him look at him. "Papa!"

"Yes, baby?"

"You didn't say your name."

"Ah, right! Ah, my name... is... wha..."

Sehun sees his Papa looks at him. He then turns to look at Zitao's Mama. "My Papa's name is Yifan, Tao Mama. Isn't my Papa handsome?" He sees Zitao's Mama smiling.

"He is."

"Tao Mama."

"Yes, baby?"

"Goodbye kiss." He pulls Zitao's Mama down and kisses him goodbye. He then pulls his Papa closer to Zitao's Mama. "You kiss goodbye too."

"Se... Sehun!"

Sehun sees his Papa shaking his head and Zitao's Mama laughing. "Papa, hurry up! I want to go home and shower too!" He pushes his Papa from the back.

"I... I'm sorry... I..."

"It... is okay... I guess..."

Sehun smiles as he sees his Papa kissing Zitao's Mama goodbye. Then he pulls his Papa toward the front gate and waves at Zitao's Mama for the last time. "Bye-bye, Tao Mama!" He smiles as he sees Zitao's Mama waving back at him. He walks hand in hand with his Papa toward their house.


He looks up at his Papa. "Yes, Papa?"

"You said you want a Mama like Tao's Mama, right?"


"Then, I will try my best!"

Sehun puzzles when he sees his Papa's face is red as his Papa picks him up and hugs him tightly. "Papa, are you sick? Your face is red."

"I am. I'm lovesick."


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2446 streak #1
Chapter 1: bring me back to the days when we got pure domestic aus like this... ughhhhhhh
Chapter 1: This was so cute!! And the kids are adorable!!~~
ugh really
nightingalesatnight #4
Chapter 1: Dear God this is so damn cute!!!!
Mydeluluworld #5
Chapter 1: OMG this is so cute and so sweettttttt. Sehun and Tao, you are adorable dear :)
Chapter 1: So much cuteness! !
Chapter 1: OMG! This is sooooo cute! My feels~~ It's my number 1 OTP. And Sehun,good job :)
Chapter 1: ahh maknaes so cute
n4oK0_ #10
Chapter 1: CUTE!!! Love it!!