Big Brother

Big Brother - Minho

"Grandma they’re here!" Ty called as he looked out the window, quickly hopping down from his chair and running to the door as your mom followed him as she opened the door. Ty ran through the door out to the car as he jumped up and down as you got out of the passenger seat.

"Hey my little boy!" You smiled as you knelt down and hugged him.

"Big boy, mommy." Ty corrected as you giggled, kissing his cheek you stood up as you ruffled his hair.

"Is that Ty?" Minho teased as Ty ran around the car to the back as Minho unloaded some bags from the back.

"Ready to help!" Ty said saluting his dad as Minho smiled.

"Here are some bags for you, go take them inside to the couch." Minho smiled as he handed his son some bags as Ty proudly carried them inside. Giggling at your big boy walking back to the house with his arms full, you opened the back door as you unbuckled your new arrival, picking the bundle of blankets up in your arms, you kissed her head gently as Minho closed the door behind you as he locked the car and the rest of you headed inside.

Reaching the door, your mom smiled and side hugged you as she cooed over how cute the new baby was. Minho moved behind you as he decided to put some things away.

"Come on Ty, let’s help out Mommy." Ty smiled as he followed his dad into his room.

"What are we doing in here Daddy?" Ty asked as Minho smiled.

"The new baby is going to sleep in here when it is a little older." Minho explained as he put some baby clothes away as Ty nodded.

"So I will share a room with the baby?" Ty asked as Minho nodded.

"I share a room with Mommy." Minho added with a smile.

"I don’t have to sleep in the same bed as the baby do I?" Ty stuck out his tongue as Minho turned around and laughed.

"No, you two will have your own beds." Minho said finishing up as he picked up Ty in his arms.

Coming back out into the living room, you and your mom were sitting on the couch talking about the new baby as Ty wiggled down from Minho’s arms as he came trotting up to you. Standing on his toes he tried to look into the sea of blankets as he looked up at you with a confused look.

"What is that look for?" You asked as you tapped his nose with your finger.

"What is it?" He said cutely.

"It’s a baby." You giggled as he climbed up on the couch sitting on his knees next to you.

"I mean like what is it?” Ty said again as he put out his hands.

"It is your new baby sister." You giggled with a smile as he looked down at her and her lips moved together.

"I have to share a room with a girl?" Ty curled his lip as you smiled.

"Not for a couple months." You said as he slid off the couch and ran to the kitchen where his dad was.

"Dad can we go outside and play?" He tapped Minho’s leg as he looked down at his son.

"You know I was up for a few days with Mommy and I am pretty tired, I’ll play with you tomorrow, okay?" Minho said getting down to his level as Ty’s face turned sad.

"Okay." He hung his head low and pouted a little as he walked back to his room to play by himself.

A few weeks passed and your baby girl got stronger and stronger by the day. Always having a smile on her face, moving and finding her voice was so cute to watch a second child of yours grow.

Minho held his little girl in his arms as he was making faces trying to get her to smile when Ty came out with a soccer ball in his hands.

"Dad, can we go out and play now?" Ty said as Minho looked over at him as the little girl held onto his finger tightly.

"I’m playing with your sister right now." Minho said as Ty nodded, dropping the ball to the ground, you looked over your shoulder from doing the dishes as you saw him pout and walk back to his room. Thinking that it was odd that he hadn’t had a smile on his face for a few days was concerning to you

Drying off your hands you made your way to his bedroom where his door was partially closed. Knocking on his door, you opened it as he sat on his bed spinning the soccer ball in his hands.

"Ty?" You asked as you moved into his room.

"Yes?" He looked at you as you sat on his bed next to him.

"Is there something wrong?" You looked at him as you moved your hand to his back as you rubbed it gently.

"Why did you have to have another baby?" He muttered as you furrowed your brow together.

"Minho and I wanted to." You answered as you blushed.

"But why?" He turned and looked up at you with sad eyes.

"We wanted someone for you to play with and to grow up with." You smiled softly.

"How come it has to be a girl?" He said sadly.

"It just turned out that way." You shrugged your shoulders.

"You and Dad spend so much time with her." He ducked his head and clasped his hands.

"We have to, she depends on us for a lot more than you do." You said as you lifted him up and put him on your lap. "She needs us a lot right now."

"But do you have to forget about me when you take care of her?" He said as tears brimmed his eyes as he played with your fingers.

"Forget about you?" You questioned as his head nodded. "Why would we forget about you?"

"You spend so much time with her and you have no time for me, it would just be better if I just went away." Ty said as he sniffed trying to hold back his tears. Holding him tightly in your arms, you rested your head on his.

"Don’t say things like that, I love you and you are my first baby and you are perfect, I wouldn’t trade you for the world, but your little sister needs a lot of attention like you used to need before you grew up." You rocked him from side to side.

"Really?" Ty looked up at you as you smiled at him and wiped away his tears.

"Really. I remember right after you were born Daddy had to go on tour and I stayed up all night singing to you to help you fall asleep. Then when you got sick you always wanted to be held." You smiled as he smiled up at you.

"I’m sorry for getting upset Mommy." He said hugging you tightly around your neck as you hugged him back.

"It is okay, just make sure if something like this happens again, I want you to come to Daddy or I and talk about it okay?" You said as he nodded against your neck.

"There is something that I want you to do with me." You said as he pulled his head and arms away from you as his eyes lit up.

"What is it?" He bounced on your lap in excitement.

"Come on I will show you." You smiled as he slid off of your lap and he took your hand into his as both of you walked out to the couch where Minho and your little girl were.

"Sit on the couch, please." You smiled as he did as he was told, sitting between Minho and you, Minho caught a hold of your idea as he shuffled the little girl into your arms.

"Do you want to hold your little sister?" Minho asked as Ty looked up at his Dad with bright eyes as he nodded his head furiously.

Giggling you carefully shuffled the little girl over to him as Minho helped arrange his hands on the little bundle to make sure that Ty held her safely. A smile gently grew on Ty’s face as he looked up at you and Minho,

"I am doing it! I am holding her!" He said proudly as you smiled as Minho smiled down at him too.

"You’re a great older brother Ty" Minho remarked as he placed a kiss on Ty’s head.

"I’m going to take care of you and be the best big brother that you will ever have, then I can teach you how to play soccer and dance and sing and we will be best friends!" Ty said excitedly. The little girl in his arms cooed with happiness as she smiled up to her older brother.

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babyjongdae #1
Chapter 1: Ah if only you can make a sequel of this story, story when they become teenagers kkkk but its really great
DiarraCha #2
Chapter 1: how cute ty is!
Chapter 1: 12 years later: "I never asked you to be my brother!"
"I never wanted you as a sister!" *door slams* Minho sighs and said "what happen to being best friends?"

Lol jk. but this was a really cute story!! Thank you for your hard work!
psungjae1122 #4
Chapter 1: Awwwww this is so super cute story ^^
Chapter 1: Awww! I can imagine this happening with my other sisters, but no matter what happens, it will always end up us loving each other. Thank you for this story!!! <3
Chapter 1: OMG it made me cry,I'm too sensitive when it comes to kids and I can't help it,even before he started crying I was with tears in my eyes trying to fall,wow really thanks for this chappie so beautiful ♥ it really meant a lot :) ♥