
Compromise - Xero

Sitting across from an empty seat, two plates of food started to become cold as a single candle melted away by the passing minute. Leaning back in your chair you folded your legs over one another as you watched the wax on the candle melt and roll down the barrel of the candle as it gathered at the bottom. As the candle wore down, you picked off the hardened wax as you held it over the burning flame as you watched it melt onto itself again. Sighing you looked over at the clock.

"He was supposed to be home four hours ago." You mumbled to yourself as the darkened apartment surrounded you as you leaned forward blowing out the burning candle. Standing up, you walked over to the counter holding the two full plates, setting them down on the counter as you shuffled slowly back to the bedroom.

Leaving the closet door open, you changed into some baggy, soft and comfortable pajama pants before pulling over a t shirt that was slightly form fitting before you ran your fingers through your hair. Walking back out to the living room, you headed over to the large windows that looked over a busy street, folding your arms over your stomach you leaned your shoulder on the wall as you rested your head on the wall as well. Cocking your leg, you watched the break lights flash as the pedestrians began to disappear with the lateness of the night.

Silent tears rolled down your face as you didn’t care to wipe them away. Thoughts ran through your mind as you bit your lip occasionally before letting another tear run down your face before it dripped off of your chin and to the floor, where a puddle of your tears gathered.

The creaking hinges of the door didn’t pry your eyes away from the window as Xero, your boyfriend came through the door. Hearing him change his shoes, then drop his bag and coat with a thump, you closed your eyes as more tears fell down your face and landed on the floor. The shuffling of his feet moved from the door into the kitchen as he stopped.

"Did you eat?" He asked as you let out a shaky breath.

"Yeah" You lied, you heard him grab a plate on the counter and put it into the microwave as he heated it up for himself.

"Why didn’t you wait for me?" He asked once his plate was heated and he sat at the table for two as you glanced over at him behind your tear stung eyes.

"I’m tired of waiting." You mumbled.

"What?" He asked turning to you as he stuffed some food into his cheeks.

"I’m tired of waiting Xero." You said sadly as you felt your heartstrings get pulled taught  as you took in another breath.

"Waiting for what?" He asked as he turned his body towards you as you still leaned against the wall.

"I’m not waiting for a what, I am waiting for a who." You corrected as he took another bite of food.

"Fine, who are you waiting for?" He grumbled as you turned your head slightly to him.

"You" Your soft words filled the apartment as he fell silent, another few tears rolled down your face as you shifted your weight to your other leg.

"You know I was going to come, you didn’t have to wait." He said finally as he picked up eating again.

"But I did! I waited for you! I always do, but you never show up." You said turning your head back to the beautiful night that was becoming a tragic one slowly.

"I’m here aren’t I?" He questioned getting a little angry at you.

"You were late, five and a half hours late." You snapped as you tried to hold yourself back.

"You knew when we first started dating that I would be late sometimes." He said as he finished his dinner as you bit your lip and tried to hold back your strong emotions that were beginning to boil inside of you.

"Sometimes." You scoffed.

"What is that supposed to mean?" He raised his voice at you as you turned around, you couldn’t take this anymore.

"It means that when we had something important you are never there." You raised your voice walking slowly towards him.

"When I have I missed something important?" He dropped his plate in the sink as you flinched at the loud sound.

"Our one month anniversary, you were three hours late." You stated as he turned and looked at you.

"I was practicing!" He defended as he walked towards you as his arms started to become tense.

"What about with my birthday, you didn’t even come home and you didn’t even get me a present.” You brought up as your voice began to raise louder and louder.

"Presents don’t matter." He yelled as you stood up straight as you stood face to face with him.

"What about when my best friend died, you didn’t even hug me or tell me that it would be okay and that is all that I wanted!" You yelled as fresh tears rolled down my face.

"I was practicing!" He defended

"But you always are! I don’t think you have time for this relationship anymore!" You yelled as your hands came together as your fingers found your couple ring and pulled it off quickly.

"I do! You are just being selfish!" He yelled again, "Get me this, be with me for this, you were late!" He imitated you as it just made you angrier.

"Where is your phone calls or texts saying that you will be home late so that I won’t have to wait for you! But even without those texts I still wait for you. I don’t want to wait anymore." You said bitterly as you moved past him quickly. Grabbing your arm, he spun you around.

"Don’t break up with me!" His eyes pleaded as his words were harsh

"Watch me!" You threatened, ripping your arm away from him you placed your hand in his as you handed back your couple ring as you ran out of that apartment, quickly grabbing some shoes and a light jacket before you began running.

Xero tried to run after you, but he lost you so quickly that he just went back inside. Sitting on the couch he ran his hand through his hair as his fist was still closed around the ring. Opening his hand slowly, tears started to fill his eyes as he bit his quivering lip.

"Mianhae, _______, mianhae" He whispered as his fingers gently moved over your ring.

Running until you were out of breath and your heart hurt from all of the high emotions tonight. Slowing coming back to reality, you found yourself without a place to stay for the night as you bit your lip and ran your hands through your hair before looking at the street signs. A few places came into mind but you chose the closest as it was getting close to midnight.

The large wooden door stared at you as you walked up to it, hoping that the inhabitants behind the door wouldn’t mind a little company for the night, you brought up your hand and knocked on the door as you pulled your hand away and pulled your sleeves over your palms as your fingers played with the elastic on your sleeves as you hung your head thinking that no one was home, or they were already to sleep.

Beginning to turn around to head to your next place, the opening of the door stopped you from moving as you looked over your shoulder at the man that stood at the door. B-Joo stared at you as he rubbed his eyes.

”______? What are you doing here?” He yawned as you turned back to face him.

"It is kind of a long story, but would you mind doing me a favor?" You asked as your fingers played with one another, he nodded.

"C-Can I stay here for the night please." You squeaked out as you looked up at him. He saw your bloodshot eyes and disheveled hair as he could only infer what happened to you tonight.

"Sure, you can take the couch, since we can’t have girls in our rooms." He said letting you in as you nodded and thanked him softly.

"What are you doing up?" You asked as he closed the door and you slipped off your shoes.

"I couldn’t sleep." He stated plainly as you nodded.

"Do you want me to make you some warm milk? That always helps me fall asleep." You say as he smiles

"If it isn’t too much trouble." He smiles as you shake your head heading to the kitchen as he pulls out two mugs and you heat up some milk. Stirring the milk you took deep breaths as events from the night came back to haunt you.

"W-Was it a fight?" B-Joo asked as you nodded softly before turning off the stove and pouring the milk into the two mugs.

"With Xero?" He added as you nodded again, taking the mug into your hands as the warmth began to travel through your skin to your cold heart.

"What happe-" B-Joo started to ask before you cut him off.

"I don’t want to talk about it." You snapped as he nodded, getting up from his spot, he took the mug as he patted your shoulder.

"Sleep well, thank you for the drink." He remarked as you nodded, his slippers shuffled against the ground, waiting for the door to open and close you let out a breath as you began to sip your milk slowly.

Once finished with your cup, you set it in the sink before turning off the lights. Pulling the hood over your head, making your way over to the couch, you slipped off your shoes as you sat then laid on the couch. Your fingers played with the drawstrings on your hoodie as you let some more tears slip from your eyes before you fell fast asleep.

The dark clouds hung over the morning sun, Xero got up from the edge of the bed as he walked out into the empty apartment, thinking that you would come home last night, he waited for you, yet you never came. Only getting a few hours of sleep that night, he kept your ring in his hand as he received a text from B-Joo.

If you are wondering where your girlfriend is, she is over here sleeping on our couch. - BJ

Reading the message his heart dropped as he quickly ran out of the apartment, running all the way to the dorm. Opening the door swiftly, he looked around before slipping off his shoes and coming over to see if what B-Joo had said was true.

Seeing you curled up on the couch caused tears to sting his eyes as he bent down next to you.

"I’m sorry I was late, I’m sorry that I am not the guy I want you to be. I’m sorry for making you wait for me who isn’t ready for a wonderful girl like you." He rolled your ring in his hand before setting it on the table in front of you. Sitting up he kissed your cheek and ran his fingers over your hand before he stood up.

"Xero?" You called softly as he turned around and knelt beside you. "I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be that selfish and I know I can’t be your whole world since you are an idol and all."

"But you are my whole world, but I am an idol too. I don’t know if I can ever be the guy you want me to be." He said as you took in a deep breath.

"You will be, I just have to be patient." You gave him a little smile as you eyed your ring.

"Do you think that I will ever be the guy you want me to be?" He asked you in all seriousness.

"You are already, I just have to open my mind and remember that you are an idol and you have duties and things you have to do." You looked into his eyes as he smiles.

"I’ll remember to tell you when I am going to be late too so that you won’t wait up for me for too long." He smiled as you nodded. Turning around he grabbed your ring as you moved your hand out from your sleeve as he gently slid it onto your finger again as he placed a kiss on your cheek as you smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck as you placed your head on his shoulder. Both of you were happy now, understanding each other and talking about it whilst making a few changes for the better.

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Chapter 1: He is her boyfriend and a singer but that doesn't mean he can neglect her as if she was not imprtant to him, especially if this goes on for a veeery loooong tiiiiime like months !!! If it was me I will absolutely break up with him.
I don't support a relationship that lack care and love for the reason of being busy !!!

But the ending was good I can forgive him hehehe! ^^
Chapter 1: I had high hopes of the rest of Topp Dogg going out of their rooms and you know... Hehehehehe!
Chapter 1: Awww... This was sweet><
I haven't finished learning all the members of toppdogg yet but I like this one-shot...
Author-nim, I really like your writing style^_^
Keep the stories comin:D I'm totally excited:P
Chapter 1: This made me smile. C: So cute! Another great story! <3