Wednesday, June 10, around 07pm

(Princess) Diaries

Khuni had schedule as soon as we arrived at Korea. He just dropped our things and hurriedly went to Busan. Poor Khuni. At least my schedule will start tomorrow. My company still has some mercy after all.

Anyway, I suppose to be unpacking our stuff now, and well, I’m doing it while writing this. I just want to tell that unpacking other people’s suitcase is fun. Especially that other people is your own husband. I don’t know why, but when I digged in through his suitcase, I feel like I’m digging some kind of treasure, as if you will find some golds when you reached the bottom of it.

Blame me if I mistook man’s underwear as treasure.

I mean, I can’t stop my self from giggling because I do imagining him with these underwear on, which is stupid because I don’t need to imagine it after all (I’ve seen them, for crying out loud!). And he looked y with this black on.

Uh-oh, what am I doing?

I should put these underwears to the closet immeadiately before my mind could gone too far.

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Chapter 28: just found you amazing story. I want to cry, I really really hope that if the story will be true T---T are you Indonesian? I mean, you know Bali quite well :)
yongseo94 #2
i love this storyy!!! when vic-umma pregnant story reveal? i cant wait!!
emilysims #3
i thought its gonna end like that..subscribing to diaries 2...
aarasa #4
Thank you for a cute story here ^^ I really love the bond between 2pm and f(x) hehehe
Oh Geez. Thank God. I thought I'm gonna bawl out here. LOL *runs to part 2*
LOL 2PM is seriously the LOUDEST. XD - c26
leialeigh #7
ahhhh nice just nice hahahaha love it so i am going to the other fic and subscribe hehehe thanks for the update
pabbo_ne #9
hahaha..<br />
i need a new space to share my thought with u.