Later on Monday, 08pm

(Princess) Diaries

Today we just went to Luhur Ulawatu Temple. It reminds me about Memories of Bali, a drama that I watched few years ago. It’s a perfect beauty minus the monkeys. I swear I will never pet a monkey in my entire life. They are really annoying. They just kept tailing us for food and never stop moving! It’s scarier than watching a horror movie.

The worst part off all, Khuni never stop laughing. And I begged him to just go back to our hotel than being on here with the annoying monkeys. I already got a chill even only looked at their face, as if it says, “What are you looking at? Are you going to feed me or what?”

Spending a quality time just with both of us wasn’t that bad either. I got more attention from Khuni when we’re together like this, just two of us. I love to see him gazing at me with those 45 degress lean when he listens to my story. I love when he fixs my bangs and pinchs my cheek whenever I tell him about mostly random things. More over, I love to lean on his broad shoulder, entwining my hands in his big hands.

We talked almost everything, mostly our future plans, like what we’re gonna do when our contract is expired, where do we gonna live after that, how many kids should we have, and bla and bla and bla and bla.

When he told me about his plan to live in the US, I can’t help my hands not to play with his wedding ring. I spinned it round, and round, and round his ring finger while imagining our future life. I can imagine myself waiting my husband from his work while I’m playing with our child. It’s picture perfect. Well, until he dragged me to learn english instead.

“We should try communicating in English,” he said with eyes sparkling in passion. And I just sighed while sliding down from his shoulder to express my inaptitude in english. He kept insisted me and saying that I must use english as my prior language when we  had a baby one day.

“But neither me nor you is American,” I reasoned, leaning my head on his lap.

“Yes. But our baby should be Thailand-China-American. And he/she should use english as his prior language. And after some years after, we can teach him our languages.”

“But still...” I tried to argue him. Not that I don’t like America. I’d love to see my future child speak in english, it would be cool. Like seeing Khuni and Krystal and Amber communicating in english. “I’m not confident with myself.”

Khuni’s eyebrows knitted when he heard my answer, He was like,”What are you talking about? You have me! I can teach you!” and you know Khuni won’t let me breath free when he had made up his mind, eventhough I tried to turn his attention with some seductive moves.

This night is gonna be the longest tiring night.

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Chapter 28: just found you amazing story. I want to cry, I really really hope that if the story will be true T---T are you Indonesian? I mean, you know Bali quite well :)
yongseo94 #2
i love this storyy!!! when vic-umma pregnant story reveal? i cant wait!!
emilysims #3
i thought its gonna end like that..subscribing to diaries 2...
aarasa #4
Thank you for a cute story here ^^ I really love the bond between 2pm and f(x) hehehe
Oh Geez. Thank God. I thought I'm gonna bawl out here. LOL *runs to part 2*
LOL 2PM is seriously the LOUDEST. XD - c26
leialeigh #7
ahhhh nice just nice hahahaha love it so i am going to the other fic and subscribe hehehe thanks for the update
pabbo_ne #9
hahaha..<br />
i need a new space to share my thought with u.