
Forget It

It had been two days since Minho woke up to Jinki's laughter, the sleepover having gone well and allowing Jinki and him to feel comfortable around each other. It was a bit awkward at times but Minho was taking it in stride, deciding to accept what he was given rather than asking for more. Plus, Jinki was leaning towards pressing charges which excited the Choi more than he would like to admit. He wanted to see the sick man punished for what he had done to Jinki, the male deserving no harm to come to him. 

With a small huff, the male rolled onto his back, the thought falling from his head as he grabbed his phone and glanced at the messages he had received a few moments ago. Two from Jonghyun and one from Jinki, they were supposed to hang out tonight but it seemed that his friend wouldn't be able to make it, meaning that it was just him and Jinki. His chest tightening at the thought, lips pressing together tightly as he told himself to breathe. All they had to do was to hang out and have fun, which shouldn't be hard. The past two days Jonghyun had informed them that they actually had a lot in common, such as taste in movies and music, plus they both loved dogs though Jinki seemed to get a little too excited when he saw them. Of course, Minho thought it was adorable. 

He had developed feelings beyond friendship for the male and did his best to keep them buried, at least when he was around Jinki. The last thing the male needed was the burden of someone else's emotions, not to mention that they were just becoming friends. He was content being at the distance he was from Jinki, he was able to admire him without causing the boy to run off like a frightened deer. The two days allowing him to note just why he had fallen, as well as question how he hadn't seen through the rumors before. 

Jinki had a rather adorable personality, never growing too close to anyone unless it was purely for friendship or a familial relationship. He was always careful when it came to touching others, asking for permission and beaming when it was given. His smile continuing to pierce Minho's heart each time he saw it, radiating the very power of the sun and causing him to take a moment to breathe. 

It was stupid and he knew that but it made him happy to simply admire from afar after all Jinki had done it from a further distance, so he in a sense deserved such a life. 

A large sigh forced it's way past his lips as he shifted to sit up and push his hair back from his face, squinting at the last message from Jinki which said that he still wanted to hang out even if the other male couldn't make it, which caused Minho to smile. He wasn't planning on letting the other cancel the plans either way, but it was better if Jinki was willing. Before standing the male shot a text back to the other, 'Same, I'll be over in 20, are we still going to the mall?' 

He tossed his phone onto his bed after hitting send, getting ready in a bit of a rush, feeling much more excited than he had when they made the plans. He would have the day to himself, have some memories to cherish. 

Jinki puffed his cheeks out slightly, bent over to tie his shoes as Taemin watched him with a frown. "Just let me know if you go anywhere other than the mall, please?" The younger requested, getting a small grunt in response before Jinki stood up and waved goodbye to his brother who tried to smile back. 

He was a little tired of being treated like a victim by the other but couldn't be angry, knowing that Taemin was only acting this way because he cared. He wanted his younger brother to be just that- a younger brother. Though it seemed it would take some time for them to fall back into that niche if they ever did again. 

"It was fifteen minutes," he grunted as he opened the passenger door to Minho's car and climbed in, slamming it behind him, causing the taller male to cringe before nodding and pulling onto the street towards the one mall that was in their general area. 

"Well, I speed sometimes," He retorted before glancing at the other and smiling, not failing to note how Jinki angled himself away from the driver, but he didn't take offense. Jinki was trying, and that was all he asked for. "Anyway, what are we going to do at the mall? I'm not much of a shopper," he admitted, knowing that the drive wasn't long and he didn't want to spend too short of a time with the other nor did he want to spend hours walking from store to store boring himself half to death. 

The other clicked his tongue in response before rolling down the window to get a cool breeze on his face, "Neither am I, but I'm sure we can find some way to have fun there, right?" He mumbled, not sure where else they would go. Plus, he knew he had to bond with the other somehow and the mall seemed like the best place to do so. "Plus, I think they have an arcade somewhere in there."

At the mention of an arcade, Minho perked up, parking close to the entrance before turning off his car and climbing out, hoping that it wasn't too crowded. Though he didn't have time to scan the parking lot and attempt to gauge the number of people who may be inside before Jinki started to walk. Jogging to catch up with the shorter as he let out a small huff, hands tucking themselves into his pockets, trying to keep pace with Jinki. 

"I don't know where the arcade is though, so we'll just have to stumble upon it at some point," the Lee added last minute before glancing around at the stores that surrounded the entrance, most of them either make-up or clothing stores, both things that left the two uninterested. 

So they wandered further into the mall, attempting to strike up small talk every now and then until Jinki froze in his tracks, causing worry to burst in Minho's chest, immediately thinking that the other had seen Shen somewhere, his protective side rearing its head. "Oh my god," Jinki breathed after a moment, the obvious sound of amusement in his voice as he grabbed onto Minho's hand and pulled him into a large store. The name barely catching his eye before they entered. Pajama Party

"You have got to be kidding me," he groaned as the other laughed and walked to an area that held a large assortment of the most ridiculous pajamas, one's that Minho was sure no one would wear unless they were a toddler, yet they were obviously made for adults. 

"Try one on," Jinki blurted out as he reached for one that was made to look like a sloth, "Please, I want to see you in this one!" He chimed, the excitement that was on his face causing Minho's heart to skip a beat, bending to his will as he grabbed the outfit and wrinkled his nose. Hell, maybe it was one step closer to them become less-awkward kind of friends, and if that was the case then Minho would gladly try on the pajamas. 

Okay, maybe not gladly, but willingly. 

So, the male dragged himself to the dressing rooms as Jinki followed behind, eyes raking over each and every one of the pajamas that they walked by, snickering at a few before agreeing to wait outside of the room. Minho regretting the moment he agreed to wear the ridiculous get-up. Sliding each piece on and making a face at the small nub of a tail on the back of the pants. "God, this is mortifying," he grunted before opening the door to show Jinki, who had his phone ready to snap a picture almost immediately. Doubling over in laughter at how miserable the other seemed, it was great. 

"You almost look cute," he cooed before walking over and holding out another one, this time a bear onesie that had Minho wanting to hit his head against the nearest wall. "If you wear this one too then you can pick one for me," he bartered, noticing how Minho almost immediately perked up. Taking the hanger and disappearing behind the door, changing faster this time and expecting the photo. 

"I don't know why you seem to be enjoying this so much," he grumbled, flicking the ears that dangled on either side of the hood before smiling at Jinki's face, the other make scrunching it up into what he assumed was supposed to be a sneer but just came off as adorable. How did he ever hate such a precious man? It almost made him hate his past self, almost. 

"It's fun to dress you up," Jinki defended before ushering the other back into the dressing room, wanting the male to hurry up and pick his pajama set so they could find the arcade. 

Of course, Minho was more than happy to hurriedly pick one for Jinki once he was back in his normal outfit, wandering the aisles for a while before grabbing a unicorn onesie, laughing as Jinki's face immediately fell. "You're kidding me?" He whispered as he was handed the pink mass of fake fur and was pushed into the dressing room gently. 

"Not at all, now hurry and change," Minho replied, smiling when he heard the lock slide into place, pulling out his phone and starting up the camera with a grin, snapping a picture the second the door opened. Jinki's shocked face only making it better as he sulked within the onesie. "It's adorable," He said, reaching out to pat the others head before hesitating and pulling his hand back. He didn't want to push things, just having the other smile was enough. 

"Oh shut up!" Jinki snapped, though Minho could hear the laughter in his voice as he closed the door and rushed to change back 

As it turned out the Arcade wasn't that far from where they had ended up and Minho was generous enough to pay for their tokens, holding the small cup as Jinki walked around and peered at the screens, having been missing from such games since Middle School. He hadn't had anyone to go with and was sorely missing them as Taemin's taste in games kinda , at least to him. 

"You wanna race?" He asked, pointing to the Motorcycle races nearby and snorting when Minho rushed over, ready for competition almost immediately it seemed. "I'll take that as a yes," he whispered as Minho walked over and set the tokens down, following after the tall male and climbing onto the plastic motorcycle beside him.

Feet resting comfortably on the rests as he slid the tokens in and chose the track, "Are you ready to lose?" Minho asked with a smug grin, choosing his bike as well and looking back at the screen when the countdown began. Jinki puffing up his chest in an attempt to be confident, "You'll be the loser!" He shot back before speeding ahead when the lights turned green. The thrill of feeling normal after all that happened to excite him more than anything else, Minho didn't treat him like some small doll that needed to be locked up tight. At least not at the moment, and Jinki was thriving. Leaning on the bike as he did his best to make the sharp turns, Minho barely moving and yet ending up way ahead of him which had the Lee scowling. 

He leaned forward, chest nearly brushing the front of the bike as he tried to get ahead of the other male, leaning sharply to the left and letting out a small cry when his foot slipped, body tumbling off the plastic vehicle and nearly slamming against the floor, his eyes closed and body braced for impact. Only to let out a small groan when he ended up crashing against Minho's side, the other having jumped off the bike to catch Jinki. 

"Are you okay?" He asked, eyes wide with concern as he helped Jinki back onto his feet, the Lee's cheeks turning a bright pink as he looked down and nodded. He hadn't been that close to Minho since... well since the male saved him. It had felt warm and Jinki immediately tried to chase away those thoughts with a frown. Minho taking it as discomfort and clearing his throat as he tried to quickly change the subject. "Anyway, I guess that means I win!"


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Chapter 25: Llegue muy tarde pero igual si la reestructuras la leere también ♡
Chapter 24: Que lindos ya est tiempo que sean felices se lo merecen mis hermosos chicos ❀.(*´▽`*)❀.
Chapter 22: No me imagino el dolor que Jinki es sintiendo pero eso es lo mejor ya así el maldito pagara su crimen
Gracias Mingo por cuidar de mi bebé 💪('ω'💪)
Chapter 11: Sabía que ese maldito maetro tenia que ver con los rumores.
gracias Minho por salvar a Jinkisito bebe (^O^)/o(*^▽^*)o
Chapter 9: Maldito ese bastardo como fue capas de tal cosas lo odio ヾ(`ε´)ノ
Chapter 6: Mi pobre Jinkisito quiero protegerlo y cuidar de él
Se me hace que el maestro es el que inició los rumores
Chapter 5: Yo que creí inocente a el lindo Jinki pero es diablillo vamos 💪
975 streak #8
Chapter 25: The last chapter feels like an ending.
But I would be very happy if you will just continue to your intended ending.
Thank you so much for thinking of continuing this fic.
975 streak #9
Chapter 16: Whatever happened to Mr. Shen? Is he still in that school?
Or has he resigned?