
Forget It

Minho groaned, running his fingers through his hair slowly as his eyes narrowed up at the ceiling. Head laying on the three pillows he had attempted to make softer by fluffing them as he had seen in movies. Though he had found the attempt useless as they were just as flat as they had been before. Though he only had himself to blame for that, as if he hadn't taken his anger out on the inanimate objects then they would be just as thick as they had been earlier that evening. 

Not that he would ever admit that it was his fault. Because it simply did not add up in his head that he could be at blame. Especially when it had been Jonghyun taunting him earlier that evening that yet again his attempts at getting Jinki to soften up had failed and the male had closed the door in his face. Not that he had been able to try often. What with their finals coming up and Taemin constantly getting in between them. It was hard enough just getting a glance at the smaller male. 

It wasn't that Minho hadn't tried. 

He had gotten the boy countless things that he assumed the other would like. Had offered to help him study and possibly help him with soccer, as he remembered the other to be quite clumsy. 

Yet each time he was shut down just the same as before. And it was starting to irritate him. 

What was there to do? There was no possible way he'd be able to talk some sense into the boy when Jinki refused to hear anything past the first few words the Choi uttered, and getting physically close to him was a joke, what with that brother of his hovering. 

The only person who had been in and out of that house, that wasn't related to Jinki, was Jonghyun, who seemed to take personal pleasure in rubbing it in the Choi's face. 

Hissing a curse the male shot up into sitting position, grabbing his pillow and flinging it across the room. Watching with narrowed eyes as it slammed into his bookshelf, knocking over a few pictures, before falling onto the floor with them. 

"Why does he have to make it so hard?!" The male shouted, grabbing two fistfuls of his hair and curling over, breathing deeply. 

All he wanted to do was make it up to the other. To prove he wasn't the that Jinki saw him to be. Or that, well, he wasn't like that anymore. 

It wasn't like he was really to blame, after all, their entire class had thought the rumors to be true! It wasn't as though he had thought of them himself. It was that god damn teacher that Jinki had seemed to worship. 

Minho snorted. 

He probably would run right back into that mans arms if he apologized. 

Jonghyun laughed, his hands gripping his side as he watched Jinki fall back onto the couch, a large smile on the boy's lips as Taemin rolled his eyes from his seat on the recliner a few feet away. "You're an idiot." The younger cooed, a small smile on his lips as he watched his brother lean onto his knees. 

"Jonghyun found it funny~" The older Lee purred before looking over at the male and smiling widely, enjoying the way Jonghyun seemed to perk up at the small amount of attention. His eyes darting between the brothers as Taemin stood, ruffling Jinkis hair before going to get his jacket. 

"He finds anything funny," Taemin hummed, sliding on his shoes as well, ignoring the Kims small yelp of complaint before looking back at the two. "So, I'll be going out. See you two at seven!" He chirped before jerking open the front door and leaving, the two on the couch turning back to each other with a small shrug before Jinki stood and fixed his shirt absently. 

"What do you want for dinner?" He asked, glancing back at Jonghyun who watched with a faint sense of amusement. 

"Who said I'm staying for dinner?" The other male prodded, reaching forward to poke his side, watching as Jinki let out a small squeak and squirmed. 

"You always stay on Thursdays," Jinki replied with a shrug before darting into the kitchen to avoid another poke, listening as Jonghyun laughed, the younger male falling back onto the couch. 

"I want beef!" The male called loudly before pulling out his phone, lips pursing as he flipped through the messages he got. Ignoring the noises that emanating from the kitchen. Knowing that it was probably just Jinki preparing their dinner. It wasn't until he got to Minho's message that he frowned, reading it a few times before pressing the top of his phone to his forehead and taking in a long breath, almost pitying his dear friend. Though he assumed that the others treatment had gone on long enough. After all, how as Minho supposed to prove himself if he wasn't allowed time with Jinki? "Jinki?" Jonghyun finally called, his head laying on the arm of the couch. "Do you mind if I invite Minho over for dinner?" He asked, tilting his head to peek into the kitchen. 

Silence for a moment.

"Why would you want to invite him?" Jinki finally replied, his eyes peeking out at the Kim from the other side of the kitchen entrance. His brows creased in slight concern.

"You two need to actually talk, you said you'd give him a chance to make it up to you." The Kim pushed, watching as the other seemed to shrink, fingers curling tighter around the door jam. "You're not giving him a chance by ignoring him. It's just making things worse."

Jinki let out a small whine, glancing back at the stove before shrugging. "If he wants to come." The Lee said quietly before dragging his feet back to the stove.

Jonghyun grinned, sending a quick text to his friend. Not exactly caring if Minho had any prior plans, though he was pretty sure that the other didn't. Minho wasn't exactly sociable. 

"So, what are you making?" Jonghyun asked, tossing his phone onto the bottom of the couch before going to the kitchen to watch over the male's shoulder. "It smells really really good." 

Jinki just rolled his eyes, though a smile curled onto his lips anyway. "I'm making beef, you said you wanted beef." He said, squirming when Jonghyun poked his side. 

"Don't be so smart with me, what kind of beef." He said sternly. 

"Beef stew~"

Minho bounced on his heels, tapping the doorbell before leaning back. on his bottom lip before rubbing the base of his neck as the door opened. His stomach dropping when his eyes landed on Jinki who was peering up at him with slightly narrowed eyes. 

"You're here fast," Jinki said, sliding aside to let Minho in. The taller male shrugging and stepping in, glancing at the boy before smiling faintly. 

"Thank you for letting me come over." He whispered before shoving his hands in his pockets. "Whats for dinner?" He asked, following Jinki into the kitchen where Jonghyun sat at the table, his legs crossed and a small smile on his face. 

"Beef," Jinki replied flatly before sitting down beside Jonghyun and nodding towards the seat across from him, which Minho gladly took. Glancing down at the bowl in front of him. "I might have burnt a few things, but it shouldn't be too bad." the male continued, causing a faint smile to flicker onto Minho's face. 

After all, he wasn't used to Jinki being so cold. Even when they barely spoke the male had a rather warm aura around him. So it was odd to have Jinki acting so stand-offish to him. 

"I'm sure it'll be great," Minho mumbled before beginning to eat. Glancing over at Jonghyun who was already shoveling food into his mouth, blinking back at Minho when he noticed the males eyes on him. 

Jinki only let out a small grunting noise at Minho's words before beginning to eat himself. Eyes darting between the two friends before arching a brow as Jonghyun began to laugh, fist hitting against his chest to keep himself from choking as Jinki and Minho jumped. Their eyes glued to the Kim. 

"What's funny?" Jinki asked, hurrying to pat the males back as he forced down the last bit of his food. 

"Minho's face, and it's so awkward." Jonghyun rasped, smiling at the other before shaking his head and settling down. "You two need to lighten up, my god." 

This really bad author finally updated! (WOah)
Yep! Hoped you liked it guys, thanks for reading and sticking with me <3 

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Hey guys! Update will be coming by Monday!


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Chapter 25: Llegue muy tarde pero igual si la reestructuras la leere también ♡
Chapter 24: Que lindos ya est tiempo que sean felices se lo merecen mis hermosos chicos ❀.(*´▽`*)❀.
Chapter 22: No me imagino el dolor que Jinki es sintiendo pero eso es lo mejor ya así el maldito pagara su crimen
Gracias Mingo por cuidar de mi bebé 💪('ω'💪)
Chapter 11: Sabía que ese maldito maetro tenia que ver con los rumores.
gracias Minho por salvar a Jinkisito bebe (^O^)/o(*^▽^*)o
Chapter 9: Maldito ese bastardo como fue capas de tal cosas lo odio ヾ(`ε´)ノ
Chapter 6: Mi pobre Jinkisito quiero protegerlo y cuidar de él
Se me hace que el maestro es el que inició los rumores
Chapter 5: Yo que creí inocente a el lindo Jinki pero es diablillo vamos 💪
975 streak #8
Chapter 25: The last chapter feels like an ending.
But I would be very happy if you will just continue to your intended ending.
Thank you so much for thinking of continuing this fic.
975 streak #9
Chapter 16: Whatever happened to Mr. Shen? Is he still in that school?
Or has he resigned?