Not Today

Forget It

It had been hours since Jinki had returned home, yet only minutes since Taemin had gotten the boy to fall asleep, as he had complained about being treated like the younger brother. The police had been called, and they had spoken to the three, yet it seemed as though nothing would come of the poor boy's horror as the police claimed that there was nothing to be done unless Jinki consented to a kit, which he refused to do. 

"You're still staying?" Taemin asked, his eyes locked on Minho who had stayed in the armchair since the police had left, though he hadn't said a word since Jinki had looked up at him with tears in his eyes and said the words that had a knife cut through his entire being. 

"I'm finally what you thought I was." How badly Minho wanted to scream that that was a lie, that Jinki was not the vile person Minho thought he was. That he never was or could be. But he had frozen, and how he hated himself for doing so. 

"Would you tell me when he gets up if I leave?" Minho asked, his brow raising. 

"No. You wouldn't need to know." Taemin said sternly, narrowing his eyes at Minho who stared at him with an unchanging expression. "Two days ago and you wouldn't have given him the time of day. Now you care? When you can be a hero? Huh?" He asked, smirking when he saw Minho's brows crease and his lips curve into a frown. 

"That's not why I'm here..." Minho whispered, scowling when he realized Taemin wasn't listening but was instead heading towards the kitchen, humming a tune. "Taemin!" He snapped, following behind the other, barely avoiding running into the coffee table as he hurried after the other, almost certain that he needed the other to trust him if he wanted Jinki to. After all, if Sulli didn't trust someone neither would he. 

"Of course it's not. Then why are you?" Taemin asked, filling a pot with water and setting it on the stove, sounding as though he honestly could care less about whatever Minho had to say. 

"I--" Minho sighed, watching the other with narrows eyes. "I want to make it up to your brother. I was so cruel when he just needed one person." The male sighed, looking over at Taemin who had turned to watch him with dark eyes, his arms crossed over his chest as the pot sat on the flamed behind him. "Please, give me a chance to be there for him, just this once?" He asked, knowing how desperate he sounded and hating it but he was being honest. He didn't know what kind of screwed up relationship he and Jinki had, but he knew he had a chance to straighten it out if he was nice to the other. If he was there for him. 

The younger male rolled his eyes, glancing at the water in the pot before shaking his head. "You don't need to be there for him. He has me. I will let you stay, but I don't want you alone with him. I don't trust you." 

The Choi groaned but didn't argue, being too scared to push in case the other decided to take back what he had said. Instead taking out his phone to reply to the many messages that had built up in the hours he had been at Jinki's house, most from Jonghyun, then from Sulli. Only a few from his mother, as he usually wouldn't be home yet anyway. 

Pursing his lips the male began to type, ignoring the noises Taemin made behind him as he made whatever the hell he was planning to, and jumping when his phone began to ring in his hand. Answering it as soon as he saw Jonghyun's name. 

"Hello?" He mumbled, slipping back out to the living room when Taemin began to glare at him, feeling his dislike for Jinki's brother grow even more. 

"Minho? What the hell man!"  Jonghyun snapped, making Minho blink a few times. "You gonna explain to me? Like you said you would." He said sternly, causing Minho to laugh a bit awkwardly, rubbing his nape as he sat down in the chair he had been in minutes ago, ankles crossing. 

"I'll explain later, ok? Seriously, when I see you." He said, hearing Jonghyun groan on the other end as a car door slammed. 

"Whatever man." He said before hanging up causing Minho to roll his eyes at the childish action before leaning back in the chair, his eyes closing as he tried to relax, feeling on edge, as though he were to spring into action at any moment. 

He had never seen someone cry as Jinki had, he had never imagined that he would feel so guilty when he had first begun to treat Jinki the way he had in their freshman year of college. 

If only he wasn't so cocky, if only he was more considerate, maybe he would be friends with Jinki. Maybe then the poor boy would have had to go through what he did. 

Minho's lip curled at the thought of what had happened, anger bubbling low in his chest once again. He had known there was something wrong with that man, if only he had acted on his suspicions instead of listening to Jonghyun, or if he had just listened to Jonghyun since the beginning about Jinki. Then he could have helped the boy, he could have prevented such an awful thing from happening to Jinki. 

"You're still here."

Minho jumped, looking up at Jinki with wide eyes as the boy peered down at him, a confused expression on his face as he rubbed at his, already swollen, eyes. The male's hair a mess from what was probably a restless nap, his clothes rumpled and bunched at places that had Jinki tugging at the hem with his free hand to fix it. 

"Yeah... I didn't want to leave." He replied after a moment, sighing as Jinki moved to the couch, barely glancing at the entrance to the kitchen as they listened to Taemin hum. 

"Why not?" Jinki asked, frowning and pulling his knees up to his chest as he stared at the TV's blank screen, his skin pale and lips chapped. 

"Because I wanted to make sure you're ok," Minho mumbled, standing to move closer to the other only to freeze when Jinki's eyes snapped to his direction, lingering on him for a long moment before the male sighed. 

"Well, I'm obviously fine. So you can leave." Jinki said sternly, waving in the general direction of the door causing Minho to sigh. 

"I just want to make up for being so rude." He said, voice quiet as he watched, waiting for some sign of acceptance from Jinki. "Please, just let me." 

The other snorted, gesturing towards the door once again. "You had time to say sorry, plenty of it. Now I want you gone." 

Minho stiffened, staring down at the other before turning on his heel and leaving. 

He'd find a way to make it up to the other, even if it wasn't that day. Even if it took days or weeks. He was stubborn after all. 

over 200 subs I--
I love you guys <3 Thank you so much for reading and everything!
It means a lot! 
Sorry if it ;; I tried. I really did
But it can't be easy for Minho! ;;
Anyway... love you guyssss thanks! 

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Hey guys! Update will be coming by Monday!


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Chapter 25: Llegue muy tarde pero igual si la reestructuras la leere también ♡
Chapter 24: Que lindos ya est tiempo que sean felices se lo merecen mis hermosos chicos ❀.(*´▽`*)❀.
Chapter 22: No me imagino el dolor que Jinki es sintiendo pero eso es lo mejor ya así el maldito pagara su crimen
Gracias Mingo por cuidar de mi bebé 💪('ω'💪)
Chapter 11: Sabía que ese maldito maetro tenia que ver con los rumores.
gracias Minho por salvar a Jinkisito bebe (^O^)/o(*^▽^*)o
Chapter 9: Maldito ese bastardo como fue capas de tal cosas lo odio ヾ(`ε´)ノ
Chapter 6: Mi pobre Jinkisito quiero protegerlo y cuidar de él
Se me hace que el maestro es el que inició los rumores
Chapter 5: Yo que creí inocente a el lindo Jinki pero es diablillo vamos 💪
962 streak #8
Chapter 25: The last chapter feels like an ending.
But I would be very happy if you will just continue to your intended ending.
Thank you so much for thinking of continuing this fic.
962 streak #9
Chapter 16: Whatever happened to Mr. Shen? Is he still in that school?
Or has he resigned?