The Fall of Luhan The Narcissist

Candy Boy Next Door

♦ Chapter 1: The Fall of Luhan The Narcissist ♦


Luhan is your typical rich kid who's pampered by his rich mommy and doesn't give a about real life. He practically feeds off of the admiration and love he gets from random people because, well, he's Luhan-- he's rich, handsome and young. But the only person his perfection hasn't affected yet is the stupidly aloof boy next door. This fact annoys Luhan to no end because seriously, who the could resist his Luhan-ness?

So he observes the boy for research purposes. He wants to know why the annoyingly cute idiot doesn't even spare him a glance. And he finds out the reason on a perfectly quiet Monday morning when said boy trips in front of Luhan's car, the contents of his bag spilling on the pavement.


ing candies everywhere, and the boy seemed to be on the verge of tears, too, as his gaze lands on his colourful treasures strewn on the dirty pavement, but Luhan suddenly remembers something. It's a Monday morning. A school morning, but Luhan found no pencil, no pen, no paper in the boy's bag.

Just candies.

Jesus Christ, the kid probably has diabetes already for all Luhan knew, but he pushes that thought away as he moves closer to the boy.

"Hey, there, kid. Let the awesome Luhan help yo--

"My candies are ruined..." The boy mumbled, and Luhan frowned. Did he just ignore him?

"Yah, I just said that I, Luhan, will help yo--

"No thank you..." The boy, without sparing him even just a single glance, stood up and left.

Luhan was dumbfounded. Others would've killed to get the chance of Luhan helping them, but this kid! This kid just ignored him. Luhan was furious! It was a stab to his ego, and if making that kid look at him was the last thing he'd do, then so be it. He proclaimed (to his driver, Jongdae) that he was now on a life-and-death mission to make candy-boy-next-door look at him.




The shrill high tone of Luhan's (gay) manly pink alarm clock broke the serenity of a cool, Tuesday morning. Grumbling like the whiny and bratty rich kid that he was, he pushed himself up from the bed and glared murderously at his clock. It was 6:30 in the morning, and though Luhan knew that he was supposed to be getting ready for school (just like he had been doing for the past years), he still felt betrayed. How dare his clock ruin his wonderful sleep?

"Luhannie, are you up yet?"

Luhan's gaze travelled from his clock to his door, which soon opened to allow his love-and-hate cousin, Baekhyun, quietly come in. Luhan could only sigh. Now that Baekhyun was in the vicinity, there was absolutely zero chance that he could go back to sleep. The  hated arriving late to school because apparently, he always need 'some morning lovin'' from his creepy boyfriend.

"No, Baekhyun, I'm not up yet." Luhan deadpanned, swinging his legs off the side of his bed.

"Well, get your lazy rich up, then! We'll be late for school. Also..." Baekhyun leaned his weight against one of Luhan's bedposts, casually inspecting his nails.

"Also what?" Luhan yawned, dragging himself away from the comfort of his bed and towards his bathroom.

"Also, Jongdae told me to tell you that if you don't hurry up and get your lazy out of the house right now, you won't make it in time."

"Could he get any vaguer than that?" Luhan whined, and cleared his throat as his voice came out in a higher pitch.

"Pfft. Someone's hitting puberty."

"I'll hit you where it counts, Baekhyun."

"Aaaas I was saying, Jongdae says you might not make it in time to, uhh....see candy boy. I'm not exactly su--

Luhan didn't even let Baekhyun finish talking. In a matter of a split second (actually, a few seconds but Luhan likes making everything sound dramatic so...), he managed to get his uniform from the cabinet and lock himself in the bathroom, partaking in possibly the fastest shower in his whole lifetime.

He couldn't not see candy boy. He had a plan to initiate!

Within a considerably fast and acceptable shower time, Luhan came out of the bathroom with a towel still draped on his head, his blue blazer buttoned incorrectly. Baekhyun clicked his tongue at his dishevelled appearance, and walked closer to fix it for Luhan while he continued brushing his teeth.

"So who's candy boy?" Baekhyun asked, carefully re-buttoning Luhan's blazer. Luhan just shrugged.

"Someone." Luhan tried to talk in between brushing, and Baekhyun eyed him strangely.

"Don't blow toothpaste bubbles at my face. Anyway. Why are you in a rush to see him? Is he...oh my good lord, is he your crush?" Baekhyun's eyes widened, his mouth falling into a perfect little 'o' as if to emphasize his point.

Luhan may or may not have swallowed some toothpaste foam as he stared incredulously at Baekhyun. Going back to the bathroom to wash his mouth so he could talk to Baekhyun properly, he came out with a disbelieving expression on his face, hands on his hips as he looked at his cousin (still with his shocked expression).

"Excuse me? Was that supposed to be a joke?"

"Uhm...I don't know?" Baekhyun tried, and Luhan scoffed.

"I'm Luhan, Baekhyun." Luhan said matter-of-factly, and Baekhyun frowned at him.

"I know, you bastard. We're cousins, and we live under the same roof, for God's sake. Of course, I know you're Luhan."

"So of course you know that I, Luhan, cannot possibly fall for some...some...candy boy." Luhan folded his arms across his chest, looking as if he just said the most natural thing in the world. Baekhyun rolled his eyes.

"Then why are you in such a rush to see this candy boy?" Baekhyun shot back, and Luhan shrugged his shoulders.

"Because reasons." Luhan stated cheekily, grabbing his bag from his study desk and pulling Baekhyun out along with him.

As Baekhyun's question rolled around in Luhan's mind while they made their way down the absurdly huge mansion of the Lu family, Luhan felt himself pouting in annoyance as the main reason why he was even on his life-and-death mission made itself clear again.

He just couldn't accept the fact that not everyone had their eyes on him. He was so perfect, so handsome, so young (Baekhyun's retorts about him being old didn't matter), and so why did Candy Boy never even glance at him, let alone acknowledge him? It was infuriating (for Luhan). He always got what he wanted, so he'll get candy boy's attention, too. He'll see.

Outside the mansion, Jongdae was already standing beside Luhan's black 2014 Chevrolet Camaro ZL1. Baekhyun whistled behind him, in awe at the new sleek car. Luhan pulled him in a hurry, and Jongdae waved at them.

"Oh, the princess is finally up!" Jongdae greeted, and Luhan sneered at him.

"Not a princess, Jongdae. Shut up."

"When did you get this car?" Baekhyun interjected, slim fingers running along the smooth surface of the car's hood.

"Last week. Dad bought it on a whim. So, anyway, did candy boy...?" Luhan trailed off, and Jongdae grinned at him.

"Not yet. I heard his mom screaming at him to hurry the up, though."

"Oh, okay. Good."

Luhan moved closer to the open gate, looking like a burglar as he kept himself glued to the iron bars, eyes peeled for a certain blond boy. He ignored Jongdae and Baekhyun chatting behind him about the Camaro (and about his life-and-death mission which had Baekhyun cackling like a goddamned witch), and kept his attention glued out onto his street. Soon enough, he heard quiet footsteps getting nearer and nearer to him. He peeked just a little, and he mentally cheered as candy boy finally made his appearance in all his aloof (and cute) blond glory.

Luhan straightened himself up, fixing his bag and blazer and making sure that no strand of his (girly) manly peach hair was out of place. Taking out the necessary item for his mission, he carefully unwrapped it and stepped out onto the street, his timing perfect as he stopped right in front of candy boy. Wow, he's tall.

"Hey there, kid! Now that the Luhan has greeted you, it's definitely a good morning for you, isn't it?" He started, waving the cotton-candy flavoured lollipop in his hand and finally-- finally-- succeeding in earning a glance from the boy. Mission succe--

"Who are you?"

Luhan stared at him, and he could clearly hear Baekhyun and Jongdae cackling from inside the car. I will tear them apart limb by limb and feed them to my manly pink baby poodle.

"E-excuse me? You don't know me?" Luhan snapped back, sounding a little agitated, and candy boy nodded, reaching for something in his pocket.

"Well...should I know you?" He tilted his head to the side, finally taking whatever it is out of his pocket. Luhan took a quick look, and felt the urge to kick candy boy's family jewels-- that is, until candy boy smiled at him (well, that's what Luhan would like to think, but really, candy boy smiled because of the gummy bear he just popped into his mouth).

"W-well..." Luhan managed to utter, and candy boy smiled again (another gummy bear).

"I should get going. Bye!" Candy boy bowed slightly before walking past a dumbfounded Luhan.

Luhan could only follow him with his gaze, and he almost shrieked when candy boy suddenly whipped around, jogging up to him with that dazzlingly blinding smile. He held a hand out, and Luhan blinked at him.

"Uhm...are you going to eat that?" Candy boy asked, pointing at Luhan's hand. Luhan followed candy boy's finger, and let out a small 'oh'. His lollipop....not that lollipop, but the real one. The cotton candy-flavoured one he brought for his gradually failing mission.

" No, not really..." Luhan answered, and he just couldn't tear his eyes away from candy boy's-- would he dare say it-- perfect smile.

"...may I have it, please? I mean...I like cotton candy and..." Candy boy smiled sheepishly, and Luhan commended himself on a job well done of not screaming for bloody murder because oh dear god did candy boy just blush I am going to flip my over here BAEKHYUN JONGDAE HELP ME THE OUT.

"S-sure...uh..." Luhan meekly handed the lollipop out to candy boy, and to save himself from further brain damage caused by unexplainable blinding smiles, he forcefully averted his gaze from candy boy's face to his nameplate (lucky!). Oh Sehun...

"Thank you!" Candy boy-- Sehun-- smiled, and Luhan felt like he was on cloud nine. This mission's not going the way I hoped it would oh my god help m--

"By the way, you're really cute, you know? Your pink hair reminds me of cotton candy." Sehun added innocently, and Luhan wasn't sure if he wanted to pummel the life out of Sehun for calling him cute (of all things), or if he'd just faint right then and there. He was leaning more on the latter.

"....uhhh." Luhan felt his perfect image slipping right out from his hands. He was starting to grunt like a caveman. Christ, what is happening to me.

Sehun, for the love of God, finally waved at him for the last time and went on his merry way. Luhan just stayed rooted on his spot, staring into the horizon and thinking about the life choices he made. The hand that once held the cotton candy lollipop still hung in the air, and he didn't notice his black Camaro coming out of the drive way with Baekhyun and Jongdae inside. They stopped right beside Luhan, and Baekhyun rolled down the windows to reach up and smack Luhan on the back of the head.

"Yah, snap out of it, princess." Baekhyun snickered, and Luhan glared at him, pulling his own hand back and grumbling as he also got into the car.

"Well...I guess it's safe to say that your mission was a failure?" Jongdae chided in, finally getting on the road and enjoying the moment (of teasing Luhan, not exactly about driving the Camaro because that was nothing compared to Luhan's failure).

"I will kill you both if this goes viral at school." Luhan mumbled begrudgingly, and both Baekhyun and Jongdae laughed happily (too happily for Luhan's liking, really).

"Nah, man. We wouldn't let others join in on our fun." Baekhyun looked at Luhan through the rear-view mirror, and Luhan flipped him the bird.

"We'll keep this little thing all to ourselves, don't worry...but maybe Chanyeol can join in, too. And Minseok?" Jongdae added in a teasing tone, and Baekhyun clapped his hands like a retarded seal.

"Oh, oh, oh! That's good! Of course I'm not going to leave my boyfriend out, and Lu's best friend can't not be updated with the princess' adventures."

"I swear to God I will kill both of you in your sleep and--

"Oh man, I never thought this new school year would be fun." Baekhyun snorted, and Luhan kicked the back of his seat.

Luhan crumpled back into his own seat, lips pouted and eyebrows furrowed as his two friends-- stupid traitorous s-- continued on talking about Luhan's failed life-and-death mission. Well, if Luhan looked at it from another light, it was a success, really. Candy boy--Sehun-- finally looked at him...and even called him cute, to boot, but him getting flustered and grunting like a primitive barbarian was definitely not part of the plan.

Luhan could feel himself blush to his roots as his stupid antics replayed in his mind, and Sehun's blinding smile invaded every corner of his mind, and how Sehun smiled at him (no, he will not admit to himself that it was because of the gummy bears), and how Sehun called him cute. Usually, he'd have murdered whoever it was that called him cute, but Sehun was a different case. Luhan would rather not expound on the things he'd like to do to the boy for calling him cute.

Shaking his head clear of Sehun-related thoughts, he pushed himself up to sit upright and stare out of the window, and just as they entered the campus' driveway, he saw Sehun, his tall figure and blond hair sticking out of the crowd like a sore thumb, turn the corner to their school, the lollipop still stuck in his mouth and a dreamy look on his face. Luhan just about melted into a puddle of goo as he briefly saw Sehun take out the lollipop and take a -- before they turned a corner and a wall ultimately blocked Luhan's view. Dang it.

"We're here, candy lover. Come on." Baekhyun was the first one out, followed by Jongdae.

"Yeah, we have a whole day of stalking ahead of us!" Jongdae cheered, and Luhan glared at him as he got out.

"What? No one's stalking anyone, you buffoon." Luhan grumbled, slamming the door shut and walking ahead of his two companions.

"Aw, now where's the fun in that? Come on, Lu, we know you~." Baekhyun latched on to Luhan's arm cheekily, and Luhan tried to shake him off, but Baekhyun stuck like a slug.

"Shut up, Baek, you don't--

"Oh, heads up, princess." Jongdae cut in, and Luhan looked away from Baekhyun to see Sehun walking towards them.

Luhan felt his hands go cold, and his cheeks heat up, and all he wanted to do was bury himself underground because the probability of him talking like an intellectual individual if Sehun spoke to him had an equal chance of Jongdae crashing his new Camaro. And Jongdae was a ing good driver, soooo...

However, Luhan, Jongdae and Baekhyun could only blink in surprise as Sehun just walked past them, not even bothering to look at them or smile at them. Luhan frowned, turning around to look at the boy. He was now walking away from them and towards their school building. What the hell.

"'s either he has some kind of ultimate amnesia, or he has selective memory and he likes to forget about narcissistic cavemen like you." Baekhyun stated nonchalantly, and Luhan elbowed him in the ribs.

"Soooo, Lu...I guess you have a second chance at your mission?" Jongdae was grinning in amusement, but Luhan ignored this as he nodded his head furiously.

"My life-and-death mission is back on track!" He cheered, more to himself, his burning gaze locked on Sehun's figure and remaining oblivious to the teasing remarks that Baekhyun and Jongdae were constantly throwing behind his back.

"Jongdae, mark your calendar." Baekhyun quipped, and Jongdae laughed.


"Today is a historic day, didn't you know?"

"And why's that?"

" the fall of Luhan The Narcissist. If you catch my drift."



a/n: originally supposed to be a oneshot but as i mulled over this plan, i couldnt bring myself to let go of narcissistic luhan after a oneshot soooOOOOOOOOO chaptered fic it is lol

the first part is the one i posted on twitter~ and also, i'll clarify soon on each and every character, just let me be for now with my word vomit and inner feelings about sehun /slapped


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1114 streak #1
Chapter 2: I love how Sehun called luhan cotton candy :')
Baekhyun the best wingman XD
1114 streak #2
Chapter 1: Hahahaha i love this narcissistic luhan and totally indifferent sehun
XxTempestxX #3
Chapter 2: Please update!!!!
anaha10 #4
Plz update it!!its been such a long time!!
the_twelvesxoxo #5
Chapter 1: Gosh! This is super adorable! I can't help my feels this is just too sweet I can't imagine if they were a couple I would literally melt into a pile of water. Anyway please continue the story! Looking forward for the up coming chapter!
noddy1 #6
Update please this is sooo good
Thehun07943 #7
Chapter 2: This is so fluffy!!!! = w =)~ wonder what happens next! Hope u update soon ^^ ♡
Chapter 2: I was just managing my subscriptions and I stumbled upon this haha. I remember reading this last year and it is still so ing cute! The story got me all giggly again :3
Exolattee #9
Chapter 2: God your story is so addicting!
Roseyrose #10
Chapter 2: When are u updating...?? I can't wait ....this is good! Update soon..pretty please!!