Episode One

Deep Under The Water

I want to make you love again. I want to put that smile back on your face again. I don't know what to do.

Can we go back to those times? Can I? Can you? Can we?

I don't know where I am at. Am I in hell...Am I in heaven?

Where are you? Can you see me?

I don't know where to find you.

All I see is the white snow all around me..all I hear is the soft wind.

I want to see you again.

Save me.




In Sung: Did you come to kill me?

              What more do you want?



Soo Ae: You killed him.

In Sung: What do you want me to do?

Soo Ae: Die.

In Sung: Before you shoot that bullet, you should remember that I was the one who saved you while he didn't have a clue what was going on.

Soo Ae: I love him.

In Sung: Why? That's what I don't understand.

Soo Ae: Shut your mouth.

In Sung: I loved you..for a very long time..I did everything I could to help you..

Soo Ae: How did we end up this way?

In Sung: Kill me.

Soo Ae: I will never forgive you.

In Sung: Don't cry..and don't forgive me..





_13 years ago_

Soo Ae: Oppa!

In Sung: Soo Ae! Come on hurry up! Before the food is gone!

Soo Ae: Oppa! Let's go together!

In Sung: Here, grab my hand.

Soo Ae: Ahjumma said she'll leave extra food for us right Oppa?

In Sung: Mm.


Soo Ae: Ahjumma! We're here!



Ajumma: AHHHH!


Ahjumma: In Sung, take Soo Ae home and I'll bring food over in a little bit.

In Sung: Soo Ae, let's go.

Soo Ae: I'm hungry!

In Sung: Ahjumma will come with food later.



Ji Woo: Hey youngsters! What happened to ahjumma? My parents said she drowned in the river!

In Sung: What!..we just saw her a few hours ago..

Ji Woo: Well I don't know what happened but I think she was pushed into the river my that ahjusshi!

Soo Ae: I hate that ahjusshi!! Oppa! what should we do now?!

Ji Woo: Wait..are you two orphans?

Soo Ae: No! my parents will come back!

Ji Woo: Is this your brother?

Soo Ae: No, he's my neighbor

In Sung: Why do you ask?

Ji Woo: Mmmm....well, my parents are thinking of adopting another child, since I'm an only child they don't want me to be lonely.

In Sung: What are you saying?

Ji Woo: I'm saying, if you guys want to stay with us then my parents will adopt you.

In Sung: We don't know who you are..

Ji Woo: Oh, I'm Choi. Ji. Woo. And you two?

Soo Ae: I'm Soo Ae and this is In Sung oppa

In Sung: Jo. In. Sung.

Ji Woo: Ohhhhhh

Soo Ae: Oppa! I want to go see ahjumma

Ji Woo: It's best that you two don't go over there, people are still inspecting..it's crazy over there.

Soo Ae: *sigh* goodbye ahjumma...

Mother: Ji Woo!! Let's go!

Ji Woo: Well I have to go now. I come back to see you guys again! Bye!

Soo Ae: Oppa..is Ji Woo unni really going to adopt us?

In Sung: I don't know..she doesn't sound serious.

Soo Ae: When are your parents coming back?

In Sung: They're not. I told you already...they died..along with your parents..

Soo Ae: I thought they were still alive and are coming back.

In Sung: No..

Soo Ae: Then..it's just me and you oppa?

In Sung: Mm.

Soo Ae: Until we die?

In Sung: Mm.



Ji Woo: Hello! anybody home?

In Sung: Who is it?

Ji Woo: Jo in Sung! You remember me?

In Sung: Choi Ji Woo?

Ji Woo: Where's Soo Ae?

In Sung: Inside..what are you doing here? how did you know where we live?

Ji Woo: I just asked someone and they showed me your house.

             I brought my parents.

             I told them about you two, and they said they wanted to meet you guys.

In Sung: And do what?

Ji Woo: They're going to adopt you!

In Sung: Wha..what?

Mother: Omo!~ who is this? Is this In Sung?

In Sung: Hello..

Father: Hello. Is this your house?

In Sung: Yes.

Mother: Where is..Soo Ae?

In Sung: She's sleeping inside. I'll go wake her up. Please, come inside.

              Soo Ae!! Soo Ae!

Soo Ae: Oppa?

In Sung: Ji Woo noona is here.

Soo Ae: Who?

In Sung: Choi Ji Woo

Soo Ae: That unni we met 3 weeks ago?

In Sung: Yes. Her parents are here too. Let's go greet them.

Mother: Omona~ this is Soo Ae~

Soo Ae: Hello, my name is Soo Ae

Mother: Ohh~ hahaha~

In Sung: Would you like something to drink?

Father: No, we're fine

Ji Woo: So these are my parents. And they've been asking me to let them meet you two.

Mother: Are you two brothers and sisters?

In Sung: No, we're neighbors

Father: But why are you two living in the same house?




















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