Tiny happiness

İmagine: With the dream of happiness from.




'' Yah, do not follow me !'' Rear 're yelling back at the brunette boy angrily .

'' Myself , what can I do at this hour ? Too bad it's raining '' Kai whined .

'' I do not know . Whatever you do . But do not follow me ! Are you a ert ? ! My boyfriend do not like it after all ! ''

Without the opportunity to say anything , Kai stop there , eyes cut quickly ran towards the hut you . And the rain was increasing in intensity to go . When in front of the hut and immediately opened the door slightly moved it . This opportunity came in immediately and know . Did you fully close the door , close the door that prevents the foot of the range indicated . Mr. 're afraid to . Slide the head when you saw that Kai . Take deep breaths and did Kaia continued to look nervously .

'' What is your purpose ? ! Go and find somewhere else ! ert !''

'' I will not do anything . Seriously, I'm difficult . This air can not find a place to stay . I promise, you'll see me the day after tomorrow . ''

Have you succumbed to his conscience and did not let you in the door completely open . Kai also exhibiting a wide smile you entered. Did you feel when you see the smile that heavy of heart but did not care. Did you close the door and the light burned . Would you two looking around carefully . After two mini freezer in the corner of your eye was drawn . Welcome to both of you out there running . Have you opened the closet door . A lot of drinks , chocolate, soju ( Korean liquor private ) existed . Kai took the chocolate . You got chocolate drink and countless except Soju. You began to eat . Kai had finished just because one gets chocolate . If you are eating a big appetite . I was eating at Kai's eyes .

'' You're very temperamental . ''

'' Yes . I can not tolerate junk food . Did you get enough ? ''

'' Yeah, too . ''

After 2 minutes, you 're killing used olds . Through the trash to the trash you threw away the basket and kept on living . You place , Kai staring at you . Your silent . Kai had overturned at the end of the silence .

'' Chocolate crumbs stuck on the edge of your lips . ''

'' Huh? Does the right side or left side ? '' Asked , but you start to look . And you 're cleaning the wrong place .

'' Is that okay ? ''

'' No. ''

Kai did not expect from and you see a movement . Kai kiss the edge of the lip , . And you can not do anything . If you wanted to do it because the item was quite amused .
Was withdrawn after kiss .

'' Here '' He smiled now been cleared .

''Y-you... me... did you kiss?''

'' Sort of. ''

'' Would you kiss me once more ? ''

'' Sure. '' I gladly smiled gently on the lips ... was approaching. I was picking up of the heartbeat . Nearer, nearer and ....
''You Gonna be late for scholl wake up Quickly!!!'' 

Ear resonating voice suddenly jumped. Your mother had awakened with a loud voice . Have you looked around . You . Bed. Room . Have a great mix of frustration with their hair .
'' Still dream huh? '' Voice was slightly cracked . Then you smiled .

'' Maybe in the future come true. '' Remember eheheheh fingers to his lips . Scroll to the edge and you did feel something . Flow of saliva was asleep . And did you lose himself cried out in dismay .


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Chapter 1: Uhm... was this perhaps translated through google?