
Cheap Trick

Even the smallest lies can cost you money, impact your relationships, and affect your choices, he knows it pretty well. Each day, Park Chanyeol makes the same choice hundreds of times, to horribly lie. At first, it often happens to him without thinking, without paying any attention to. Chanyeol unreasonably preferred to ignore the profound impact of his seemingly inconsequential decisions.

"Why no one of your parents attended the class' parents meeting yesterday?" Kim Minseok, his class' homeroom teacher asked, offering a slight smile. Chanyeol only could let out a sigh, scratching his head "They're too busy Mr. Kim; they don't have time to spend on such unimportant things or small time events". Kim Minseok only could feel some pity towards the boy "Ah, Chanyeol-sshi, it is okay. Please, do not feel depressed or sad about it, I truly understand the situation you're facing with".

Chanyeol enormously hates it when people feel sorry about him, and he's angry.

The gut issue is that Chanyeol will get his revenge on Kim Minseok, in any cost.


Chanyeol makes decisions every day; everything he says and does is a direct result of a decision (Maybe not the smartest or the wisest one, once in a time). For every choice, big or small, there's no easy formula for making the right decision. Chanyeol usually weight risks and gains. As a result, he lies, every time, always. Lying became a nature of his. Once Chanyeol got into the habit, it's already too difficult to start telling the truth again.

"Where's Mr. Park, Jongdae-sshi?" Minseok looks up from the book he was reading in question. Jongdae panicked and began to stammer "He's… He's… He's taking a shower; he's always the last one to take a shower after the basketball club team practice" Minseok stood up, "Oh, I see. But this is the time for Mr. Park's detention; I'm going to see him, thank you for the information".

I hope it'll pay off eventually, Chanyeol thought. There is water all over his body, water running, washing and taking away Chanyeol's pain and sorrow. And Kim Minseok is dazed because Chanyeol's body is so stunning, so breathtaking so precious to touch. And everything is going according to Chanyeol's plan. Chanyeol opened his eyes slowly, faking a surprise "Mr.Kim, w-what are you doing? I'm in the middle of taking a shower" Minseok took a step back from approaching the figure "I'm sorry," he immediately looks down "I'll wait for you in the class—" Chanyeol smirked, "There's no need, let's shower together" Chanyeol's voice is so tempting, so seductive and before Minseok realized he's pinning his own student to the floor, hot water are still flowing. And after a long passionate kiss, Minseok started to push his hand into his student's pants.

Jongdae was there, filming everything according to Chanyeol's instructors.    


Lying is basically bad.

"He took advantage of me," Chanyeol tells.

Minseok got fired, Chanyeol moved to another school. Not that he cares much; he's still keep contact with Jongdae.

Remember the story of the boy who cried Wolf? Lying sometimes saves you from trouble, but if you make more and more lies you turn into a liar, making even bigger lies. And when these really big lies get uncovered, the punishment will also be bigger than those of the smaller lies. And besides, people will begin to mistrust you even if you are now telling the truth like in the story of the boy who cried wolf- when he was now telling the truth people no longer believed him because he had tricked them multiple times before. He lost their trust and he suffered the consequences of it.

 "Yeah, my dad is the CEO of Fujji TV network is Japan" Chanyeol says, starting a new with a fresh smile "Wow! You're really awesome!" Students started to gather around him, girls gossiping and boys admiring.

It can help one gain attention, respect, and power. When Chanyeol lies to someone about an incident where he was the only witness, he has access to information that no one else does. He has just created a new truth. Exclusive information naturally leads to greater power and more attention.

Little did everyone know...

At the age of six years old Chanyeol's parents divorced. He doesn't remember much except of the day Chanyeol's father left. It was the day after the official divorce, he painfully remembers that moment. He was shouting. Little kid Chanyeol was calling "Daddy! Daddy!" and running after his father. His dad carried two heavy brown suitcases and never cared looking back at him, not showing even a bit of compassion and exiting the main door. Little Chanyeol didn't give up; he was running faster and faster until he tripped and injured his tiny knee, crying. Before he even got to notice daddy was already gone.

Chanyeol knows that his dad's new wife is Japanese. She is the owners of Fujji TV network. But Japan is so cool and little kid Chanyeol dreamed going there and watching the Sakura, well, not anymore.

So, at six years old age, Chanyeol stopped watching everything that relates to Japan on TV and even threw away his not-so-precious-anymore Totoro plushies his dad bought him for his fail fourth birthday. There's no One Piece anymore, there's no Pikachu and Ask Ketchum. Daddy crashed Chanyeol's dreams.  

He's over thinking it, his dad, his dad's new wife and Japan and it's making the lying problem worse, and he's frustrated. Getting bogged down in every tiny detail, and looking for mistakes while memorizing his lies, even the smallest ones. If you lie too much, people might not believe you anymore. That's what he's afraid of.

"Why isn't your father coming from Japan to attend our class' parents meeting?"

"He's too busy for that"

"But my mother got a day off from her work"

"Maybe she is a useless worker"

And this is the point when Chanyeol's personality is put on a twist, like an attitude makeover. From an honest, caring kid he became arrogant, insensitive one.


Chanyeol is over thinking it again. Think. Think. Think. This is probably the advantage of being stupid. Stupid people just do. Chanyeol is sure that thinking may be dangerous, hazardous and risky unless you're stupid or a fool. Fools are not dying from thinking; they are not killing themselves from thinking about everything. Unfortunately, Chanyeol is the exact opposite of being stupid. Being a clever, crafty, smart boy, he tends to over think "it".  If he could eliminate the "over" and just think he could do, too, as if he is stupid. Maybe someone will expose his lies, maybe he should start a new school over again and sometimes people just say, "The more you over think the less you will understand" and maybe that's his current situation.

Maybe the third option matches Chanyeol the best.

 Chanyeol believes that if he tells a big enough lie and tells it frequently enough, it will be believed.

 It has to.

"What's your name?" a shorter student with mischievous kind of smirk asked him. Chanyeol ignored, and kept walking towards the school's cafeteria "I'm Byun Baekhyun," the short one smiles, following him "Nice to meet you—" Chanyeol interfere, annoyed "Park Chanyeol, you midget" Byun laughs, sitting beside the other, sharing a table "I think our personalities can match well, you're cruel almost like me, you red-head kiddo". 

When you make a big lie it may strike back at you really hard, right? Everyone is so sure of that, but it is so, so naive. Oh please, stop the nonsense; don't make Park Chanyeol laugh his lugs out excessively. Lying is Chanyeol's best specialty, the new improved Chanyeol enjoys that very much and it never hurt him in any sort of way, he won't let it happen.

The new improved Park Chanyeol has endlessly tons of friends; he's friends with almost everyone, thanks to his lies and thanks to the arrogant attitude of his. Lies can be the sweetest words. That causes variety of emotions on us. Being known as a social blooming butterfly, Chanyeol's popularity is rising high, even higher than Byun Baekhyun's own popularity which is high almost like Kim Jong-Hyun's popularity in their high school (Because SHINee's Kim Jong-Hyun senior actually graduated from their high-school. And Kim Jong-Hyun senior is not some high-schooler with a sense of gossip and social skills what so ever like Byun or Park. He is a part of the Shining SHINee, the shiniest idols among the other idols this year who won lots of awards and danced the frigging Lucifer. For god's sake Chanyeol's in love with that song, damn it's too catchy).

The new Chanyeol thinks believes he is better than others, thinking of himself highly, being overconfident cocky and arrogant. He's having an ego trip. Whenever you see Chanyeol walking down the hall with his group of gossip-friends he'll look down on you, condescending with a judging look as if you were nothing but a piece of crap. He'll roll his eyes at you, shaking his head as if the fact that you were born is a huge mistake, as if your parents were on fault. The new improved Park Chanyeol is in fact not improved at all.

It's pretty simple, pretty obvious. Nobody likes Chanyeol, and Chanyeol doesn't deny it. Instead, he strongly believes that no one likes him but that's okay 'cause he doesn't like y'all anyway, losers. In Chanyeol's opinion the way you think of him doesn't really need to bother, it doesn't really matter because his popularity and the students' admiration are completely enough, it's already satisfying enough. He doesn't crave for people's love; all he wants is to feel respected by the others because of his beauty, his haughtiness and rule the school like he is doing nearly flawlessly right now. He rules the school in a cruel, brutal way, there's no student who isn't afraid of Park Chanyeol, the rebel who likes making waves whenever there is an opportunity. It is better making a dark trade or selling your soul to the devil than messing with Park Chanyeol himself, he's worse than the worst.

To the students' dismay, the school's biggest rebel isn't a stupid one; it's very peculiar that he actually cares about getting good grades and his educational achievements; maybe it's the only thing he truly cares about.

Sitting with his friends around the cafeteria's popular students' table, the school's greatest rebel clicked his tongue, crossing his legs carelessly. "What's wrong?" Jongin asks him with a worried facial expression. Chanyeol only lays his head on Jongin's comfortable shoulder in order to relax a bit. "What a tiring day, I'm maxed out" he yawned and clung to Jongin's strong, muscular arm. "Someone got on the princess' large nerves today? I remember you used to be more laid-back in the morning" Byun is smiling impishly at the furious younger and Chanyeol whines and hides his face in Jongin's chest. "Yeah, Baekkie" he shamelessly whines again "You know me so good" Baekhyun snorts irritably at the younger "Of course I am! I know you better than I know Choi Min-Ho" and Chanyeol is looking at him with a glare full of hate and disbelief "No you don't, you adore SHINee as if you live your screwed life for them" Byun laughs timidly "Oh shut-up! I saw the big, huge poster of Min-Ho you have, it's almost covering half of your ugly room" Chanyeol gasps, insulted and hugs Jongin's arm tighter "No no no, Jongin is the only one for me," he swallows "Right Jonginnie?" Chanyeol looks up at his strong, handsome boyfriend who is staring back at him with a big pair of brown eyes and Jongin only mutters a simple "I believe in you". In a matter of seconds, Oh Sehun, the school's third biggest rebel is clapping his hands in madness while shouting and making kissing sounds Chanyeol is sending a death glare back at him "We kissed in front of you guys like ten thousand times! There's no need to be so about that!" Sehun laughs, still applauding madly "What? It's entertaining" and yeah, maybe it is entertaining and Chanyeol is kind of agree with that. Byun simply shrugs "Sometimes I don't know why I am friends with you, you're the most immature and infantile friends I ever had" Sehun casually takes a sip from his bubble-tea, muttering "We are the only friends you ever had" Jongin and his boyfriend, the school's ultimate rebel try to hide their giggles by putting more chips into each other's mouth, enjoying the scene. Baek only knows one thing right now, he knows that he wants to choke the school's third rebel (Because uh, duh, Baekhyun is the school's second) Oh Sehun, slowly and painfully or give him a knuckle sandwich in order to see some blood because sometimes (cough) Oh Sehun really needs someone to tell him to shut up his big mouth. But instead of doing that, Byun Baekhyun finds a better, polite way for sweet revenge. He slaps Oh Sehun's bubble-tea cup so effortlessly with his right hand "Oops," he says, a mischievous sort of smirk appearing on his face when the cup falls to the floor, spilling all its liquid "My bad".

The definition of best friends is a quite long one. First, it's a person you can trust all of your secrets, someone who doesn't back stab you. He has your back through happiness and sadness, he will make you laugh and have a great time when the world is about to end. Moreover, he'll phone you up just to talk about nothing, or the most important and dearest things in your life (Chanyeol thinks its SHINee and Choi Min-Ho with his six pack). When you're sad, a best friend will try his hardest to cheer you up and give you a shoulder to cry on. You know each other too well and regard with affection. To sum up, Chanyeol's definition for a best friend is Byun Baehyun.

Alone, they could talk however they wanted to. Without using any sort of bad, insulting words (Well, they are teenagers. So using a bad words here and there won't harm anyone, do you guys agree?) because Byun Baekhyun is Chanyeol's definition of best buddies.

When they are both finally alone, sitting on the school's fresh green grass, Baekhyun dares to say as a matter of a fact "It's the guy you saw, the guy who stared at the window. The one who never leaves his class unless the school day is over" Chanyeol was so stunned by the revelation and without realizing he widened his eyes "No— I mean, what are you talking about?" Baekhyun really likes his tall pretty princess best friend so he is rubbing Chanyeol's back, showing a mental support "Inadequate excuse, don't hide from me; I saw how upset you were during lunch time and I want you to mellow out and enjoy life. I'm the only one who knows your true colors. Even Jongin doesn't know you as well as me" Chanyeol nods in defeat, staring at his Nike shoes and playing with his red shoe laces "Because you are my soul mate friend, we are forever soul mates" Baekhyun laughs in affection, ruffling Chanyeol's soft red hair "It's because you're a stupid foolish friend that I care of" And Chanyeol looks at him with a pair of huge sparkling eyes and giggles shyly and Byun continues "But don't tell anyone that, unless you want your life to be at stake?" Chanyeol's cute laugh lights up Baekhyun's world, he is grinning widely "No thanks, I want to live until I'll be a nine hundred old man, maybe old like Santa" and it's Baekhyun's turn to wide his eyes at the other "Santa has a beard. You don't want a beard" he cracks sighing and continuing, a little bit confused "Really now? I thought this was a serious conversation from the very beginning, why changing the topic to Santa's beard?" Chanyeol shakes his head repeatedly "It's just that he is thinking of himself higher than us and it makes me going insanely bananas, feeling so uneasy that I can't stop thinking that he is willing to be punished so severely. He's not better than me or you or our screwed up friends" A sly smirk appeared on Baekhyun's face "Do you think what I think?" Chanyeol prefers acting like a complete stupid dumb at this current moment, excuse him "World peace and Choi Min-Ho's perfect abs?" Baekhyun is hardly considering, bringing a hand to his chin (Or his imaginary long white beard), adopting an exaggerated thinking, narrowing his eyes to make his thinking posture even more clear. About a minute after this current thinking state, he cracks "That too," while nodding to himself "But I have a scheme, a genius malicious ruse, a great scheme, a sinister plan that might hurt the that pissed my best soul mate friend off quite well" Chanyeol hums to himself in return, almost whispering, staring at his fit, glancing with hatred at the tall blonde student that is standing near the class' window. "We need to tell it to our screwed up friends first," Baekhyun says with a smile and laughs "I have good vibes about the plan" Chanyeol is all extremely hyped up, in a stew because the tall blonde guy in going to finally get it . Chanyeol is truly sure that Byun is so sharp and clever when it comes to making plans, and Byun never let Chanyeol down. They are going to make the guy's wonderful life miserably terrible and awful. Watch out, you big imbecile jerk.

The next day, at the school's cafeteria,

They're listening with a lot of curiosity; inquisitiveness is rushing through their veins. "See?" Byun asked after explaining all the parts of the plan "We actually can make this dumbish fool to strongly regret looking down on us. It's just that one of us needs to hurt his fragile feelings and use all of his megabucks; it's like being a double agent. Sounds fun, don't you guys think so?" Sehun is raising his hand, loudly interrupting "Wait a minute Baekhyun hyung! Let's take it to the great next level; I want to make an overwhelming one-time bet! And it's involving a big amount of money of course!" He is standing on his chair, pointing distinctly on specific someone "Byun Baekhyun hyung! Who's lacking of cash in our group lately?" Chanyeol is scratching his head uncomfortably when Byun looks unwillingly to his direction, eyes lying on him "I guess that's  ... me?"  Sehun nods, exchanging quick glances with Baekhyun and Jongin. "I don't care" Jongin raises both his hands as if he knows what Sehun is up to and Baekhyun is looking away in annoyance, saying "Please, don't get me involved with this idiotic decision of yours". And then Sehun immediately looks back at the so-dumbfounded Chanyeol, "I choose you" he says firmly, and Chanyeol jests a little "What am I, a bloody pokemon?" Sehun sighs uneasily "Yes, I'm Ash frigging Ketchum and you're my stupid Pikachu. Now, let's take things a little bit more seriously, you are chosen to pull the genius prank on the dull guy, and taking this to the next level," Sehun is glancing at Jongin and Baekhyun again, pointing at Chanyeol one more time "I bet he will hardly survive for three months," Jongin isn't sure what to say, he's feeling a little bit uneasy inside but he is not going to admit that "I believe Chanyeol can survive just for two months" Chanyeol is just staring at everyone and everything, trying so hard to process what is happening. Are they making an idiotic bet on me? How could they? What a brunch of ty brats. "Five months," Baekhyun said "I believe Chanyeol is way better than what you two are thinking of him". Oh boy, Chanyeol is so messed up, up to this point of the conversation. How could you Jongin? We are dating for four months, god damn it. Chanyeol decides he wants to get Jongin jealous with this; maybe acting strictly according to the plan wouldn't hurt a little? "It's no sweat at all, let's give it a shot" Chanyeol huffs in arrogance.

Remember Chanyeol, don't be too shy, hand him the letter and let's finish with this crap already, shall we? It's nothing but a piece of cake, yummy chocolate cake and Chanyeol is so psyched up, hoping this scam would work.

He is going up the stairs, stressed out, entering into the blonde's empty class. Well, not actually empty because the blonde guy with the intimidating frown is still gazing trough the window. "Excuse me," he says with the cutest tone he could make when he taps on the guy's stocky shoulder. "I—" Chanyeol's voice is almost breaking as the guy turned his grimy gaze towards him, and he finally notices that the other is taller than him, bigger than him and his face is kind of more than scary. Ladies and gentleman, Chanyeol will choose to act innocent at the moment because it's safe that way and Chanyeol is spooked. "Yeah?" the taller figure asks with a very surprising deep voice, (deeper than Chanyeol's) titling his head, looking at Chanyeol as if he is scanning him in anger. "You, s-see, I——take this!" Chanyeol is so frustrated (Incorrect, it's an act…Actually, he's not so sure anymore) and he's biting his bottom-lip, crying from the intense fear. The other doesn't know what to do; he quickly opens the letter that Chanyeol gave him, reading it fully slowly. Chanyeol is crying and he uses it for his advantage, sobbing and putting his hands on his face in order to act like he is embarrassed and hurt. Damn it, why is he taking ages to read this? Why is he showing no reaction at all?

"Can I ask you a question?" The guy says, you already asked, you dumbhead. Chanyeol's mind sarcastically answers. The guy is looking at the letter and then back at Chanyeol "Park Chan-Yeol-sshi, right?" Chanyeol nods in return, looking at the guy shyly "It's my first time getting a love confession from someone. When did you, um, how should I put this? When did you notice you had feelings towards me?" Chanyeol plays with his fingers, looking away sheepishly. W-what should I answer?

"I," he swallows, closing his eyes tightly, almost squeezing them, hoping this would work he says "The first day I saw you, staring trough the window when I was p-playing cards with my friends during break. It's love from the first sight and I can't really explain it, I just,um, really really like you. Would you date with me?" Chanyeol's playing a wonderful magic on him, staring at him with a pair of big puppy sparkling eyes. Playing cards with my friends? Lame.  The other is deeply confused, scratching his neck "Sorry for asking, but. You're a boy or a girl? It's just that your voice doesn't suit your face" Rude. But, it's not the first time someone is telling Chanyeol that. "I'm a boy" Chanyeol answers, trying to keep being confidence, is he going to turn me down now? Kris is still not so surprisingly frowning "Okay, I think. I can be your boyfriend" Chanyeol tries hard to smile innocently at him because a wicked smile threatens to appear on his face and Chanyeol definitely doesn't want that, for now. "Really?" Oh gosh it worked! It worked!! "Thank you so much!" he's kissing the taller on his right cheek, running down the stairs while cheering; this guy is a real dope. Kris shrugs, letting out a deep sigh and returns to stare at the window.

It is exactly ten minutes to twelve o'clock, and Chanyeol is having the time of his life (Actually, he thinks that the party is a gross-out), Chanyeol is partying hard in the club because he is a party animal, because the party is a real riot. Kissing Jongin and singing shouting (Very loudly) to 2NE1's Crush, screaming "They love me 'cause I'm hot" and "They love me 'cause I'm real" together with CL as if YG Entertainment staff are introducing 2NE1's new member, Channie. Back to earth, Chanyeol is suffering enjoying his time at the party with his popular friends, little did he know that someone was watching every move he's about to do. Before he actually noticed, two more hours pass and he's exiting the party, smiling to himself and grinning like an idiot. It was very funny to sing to So Nyu Shi Dae's Mr. Mr along with Byun Baekhyun who's proud of being a loyal S♡ne for five whole years (Chanyeol doesn't regret being a Blackjack, thank you very much) "Choegoui namja, geuge baro neo". However, someone was eyeing the happy-go-lucky Chanyeol. He was watching from the very dark corner of the street, making his first step towards his shameless prey.

"Park Chanyeol," a man with a black hat, Calvin Klein sunglasses and a familiar voice is strangely approaching him. Chanyeol is scared, but he's not going to show any sign of a weakness "What are your business with me?" he folded his arms, asking "Hurry, I have to hit the rack by four o'clock or I'll be tired to death in the morning".

 The man took off his glasses and oh man! Chanyeol thinks.

This is a bad timing.

"Kris, uh, hi" Chanyeol is smiling innocently at him. "Quit the act, I saw you at the party, care to explain? I want you to give me a straight answer" Wow, Chanyeol tries hard not to look too shocked because Kris is way smarter than he thought he would be and Chanyeol is really blown away. "I," he swallows hard "It was a horrible mistake, I'm sorry. It's just that, we're not going on dates and I had enough of it" Yes, Chanyeol is in the middle of making a big lie again "I always wanted us to have a normal date but we never did so… I was looking in other places, don't get so steamed up over it, please" he fakes a cry, Kris is still suspicious, damn it. Kris is looking at him with a mischievous smirk, that bastard how he dares. "Let's admit that together, Chanyeol-sshi" he's smiling "You wanted me to be your boyfriend in order to use my credit card, am I right or am I really right?" Chanyeol is freezing, too nervous that he isn't controlling his words anymore, the scene is too intense. But he can't give up now; he's going to sacrifice everything until he's achieving his final goal, hurting Kris' damned feelings. "No, Kris, please, let me have a go. I sincerely love you. I always loved you" Kris hums, a crooked smile on his face, replacing the routinely frown "Okay then, prove it"


Chanyeol is blinking in confusion, taking one step back. "See?" Kris cracks a cunning smile, looking at Chanyeol triumphantly "You can't—" Chanyeol right away hugs him tightly (Chanyeol is almost about to puke and collapse, because all of this lovey-dovey acting really made him sick, maybe it's the energy drinks) Kris is pushing Chanyeol, still wearing a cocky smile "You know, hugging is also between friends. I can't believe you with just that" And yeah, Kris might be right because couples don't just simply hug. And Chanyeol is breathing a lot of oxygen and courage "Kiss me" he says, his face is red. "Where?" Kris bluntly asks as if he is testing him, is he teasing me? Chanyeol's mind wonders "On the lips, you embarrassing idiot. Kiss me on the lips and see that I'm returning to the kiss" And for the first time in his life, Kris actually dares to do something unusual, a bit daring (In Kris' opinion) Chanyeol is really changing him. Kris is pinning Chanyeol against the wall and kissing him, Chanyeol's soft plump lips are gently kissing back. This is their first kiss and Chanyeol is teaching Kris how to dare, Chanyeol thinks that the affection he needs to show is disgusting, Kris is a pain in the neck and Chanyeol hardly tries not to blow a fuse (And almost fails).

Chanyeol wants to vomit.

After that unpleasant incident they both made a promise (It's not like Chanyeol had a way to escape from it). Once a week Chanyeol and Kris would go to Kris' mansion after Kris' own driver will pick them up with Kris' limo from school. O—kay, maybe Kris isn't that bad (And maybe it's because Kris is rich and Chanyeol likes pure gravy the most, he wants to use Kris' money and wealth as much as he can).

Do not misunderstand guys; Chanyeol doesn't have any sort feelings towards Kris (Maybe hate it is? It's too complicated to explain). He is simply using Kris' wad. It was the plan from the very start, and our strict Chanyeol is going exactly according to Baekhyun's sinister plan because he wants to:

1. Hurt Kris' feelings. (Because… that bastard is manipulating him!)

2. Have his own fun with Kris' credit card. (Because Kris has deep pockets so, why not? It's a part of the plan anyway)

3. Show those brats that he's going to endure with the plan for at least five months. (He wants Byun to win the plan so bad, because, uh, best buddies thing)

4. Get Jongin jealous. (Chanyeol would like to see Jongin turning into a green monster of jealousy, Jongin deserves that)


The only thing that is important for now is not losing your act, to concentrate in order to continue the scam perfectly and hurt Kris, or simply, let's stick with the plan.


At the age of fourteen, Chanyeol forgot the differences between white lies, gray lies and black ones. It doesn't matter anymore actually, because most of his lies are more or less black, they're about simple and callous selfishness. He also forgot that there are even red lies. This kind of lies isn't just hurting others only, it hurts the person who made the lies too; there's no loser or winner.


"Hey, I like your shirt today" Jongin is smirking at him in the school's bathroom, his lips. Only today? Was he looking square 'till now? Chanyeol glares in irritation, "Well, gee, thanks for caring to notice" he's trying to look somewhere else because he's really reamed out with the guy. Chanyeol is really pissed off, stupid Jongin. Chanyeol is really losing his temper.

And while Chanyeol was getting more and more angry,

Jongin tries to kiss him, forcing Chanyeol and pushing him to the wall. Chanyeol tries to resist, putting his hands on Jongin's chest and pushing, putting a lot of power and efforts. But Jongin is stronger and the defeated Chanyeol falls into the kiss, Jongin is pushing him against the wall so forcefully that he can feel Jongin's hard member pushing inside of him through their jeans and he moans, pushing his head back, .


Sehun kind of failed big time holding his laugh and Baekhyun hits him on his head, "You guys look so messed up". Chanyeol is blushing because Baekhyun's statement actually could have two meanings. Jongin threw his hand around his shoulders but Chanyeol is pushing it in return "It is break-time," he says weakly "I-I need to go, I have to meet Kris, I need to get my revenge back" he looks at Jongin with a confused look and then at Sehun and Byun, swallowing and running away because Kris might be able to see Jongin's and his appearances and assume some thing(s) Chanyeol doesn't want him to assume. Please, do not misunderstood again, Chanyeol really wants to use Kris and throw him away but he doesn't want to screw this up once again before he's gonna do that.


"It feels like Chanyeol hyung doesn't want to eat with us anymore," Sehun is stressed, he feels like crying and Baekhyun is ruffling the maknae's soft hair as if he understands him (He really does through even if he doesn't show it as much as Sehun). "I know. I miss Chanyeol-sshi a lot too. But it's his mission to get his revenge on that bastard". Sehun looks up to meet Baehyun's eyes "Why revenge?" he asks irritably "I still don't get it" Byun lets out a sigh, giving Sehun a warm hug "It is because he looks down on us, wearing all his designers' threads he doesn't recognize us as the ones that rules the school and Chanyeol, as our leader gets really mad, it's his responsibility through", Jongin just scarfed down everything on his cafeteria plate.

"Cut out the crap I'm way better than you" they're playing at Kris' room with Kris' playstation and WII. And this is so great and amazing and wonderful and Chanyeol eyes are too sparkling because this isn't a regular room, this is Chanyeol's dreamland and he's getting goosebumps. It's incredibly huge! It's like Chanyeol's parents' bedroom perhaps it's like four hundred times bigger and the floor is a fresh sky-blue colored and it's enormously soft. Furthermore, Kris' room is having a special place for all of his rare plushies. There's a white tiger, a shiny blue dinosaur (which reminds Chanyeol alarmingly of SHINee's Jong-Hyun), a deep-red rhino and a yellow like sun elephant and wow! That's a hideously fat pirate alpaca plushie!

 Kris also has a frighteningly huge screen that covers one wall of his frighteningly huge room, Chanyeol's sure it's a high resolution because it's Samsung and it's huge and black and scary almost like Kris' frown and just because!

 A king sized bed, Kris told him that his parents wanted to buy a pool bed bad but normal beds are way too awesome so he decided to buy a normal one. And Chanyeol thinks this isn't normal because the bed's size is the size of Chanyeol's living room (Chanyeol is about to cry, because he never thought his dreamland actually exists, should he name it Kris-land from now on?). Kris shows him his closet (Which actually opens to another room, what a surprise not) and it's designers' clothes and Chanyeol is frantically going crazy, he doesn't care to, urgh, kiss Kris one more time if he needs to. 

"No you're not," Kris answers back without hesitation while trying not to laugh out really loud.

"I lost but it's not making you better than me" Chanyeol snorts and flicks his hair, in a very girly way "I hate this horrible game! Let's try another one!"  Kris hides his laugher once again and shoves Chanyeol another CD with a pitying smile.

"The fact that I lost to you forty-six times doesn—" Kris clears his throat "It was fifty-seven times, Chanyeol" Chanyeol grunts like a little child "Okay! Who cares about it, sixty eight, fifty-five, zero, etc, etc. I lost to you because your CDs hate me" Kris can't hide it anymore and he is letting it go, laughing hysterically, pointing at Chanyeol. Chanyeol is taking offense so he huffs and turns his back to Kris.

 "Sorry," Kris says, taking a breath "It's just that you're too cute to deal with" he is rubbing Chanyeol's back, way better than Baekhyun actually does when the younger is sad or sulking. "It's the first time someone calls me cute and… I'm not cute, I think" he is blushing, looking away. "Sorry about that, I got you embarrassed" Kris is saying, seeing Chanyeol's upset face expression. And it's the first time Chanyeol is very honest with him "I should be the one to say sorry, I'm acting like an since the moment I came here".

 Since when is Park Chanyeol truthfully apologizing? Something really must be wrong or off with him. Or, is it because of money? Because of revenge and Chanyeol's stubbornness, or maybe there might be something else, something hidden?

Chanyeol is just pertinacious or so he thinks.

The next day, Chanyeol is a curious, inquisitive and extraordinarily nagging Pokkie Chan who likes to ask particular questions.

"Jongin," they're at school, it is lunch time "Do you find me in any sort of way cute?" Jongin almost chokes on his Coca Cola bottle "What? Who told you that?" Chanyeol is childishly whining, grabbing Jongin's shirt and shaking him "Tell me, tell me, am I cute?" he is blinking his long lashes and Jongin almost chokes twice because usually Chanyeol isn't that full of aegyo, and this is so strange "Are you sick? Do you want me to call the nurse?" Chanyeol shakes his head and sighs, narrowing his eyes and clenching his teeth "Just. Simply. Answer" Jongin's eyes widened in shock because Chanyeol never was so obstinate about anything and he is taking a moment to think. "I always thought of you as a feminine guy with a gorgeous body shape, but, uh, cute?" he scratched his head "You're not cute, you're y" Chanyeol's face turns red; he is overwhelmed from the last finding. "I— I must to go" he stands up "It's already break time and he's already starting to show some signs of distrust in me" A lie, maybe a gray one for a change. Jongin just smiles "Bye babe, can I eat the rest of your burger?" Chanyeol is exhausted so he shrugs anyway. He quickly rushes to Kris' class not noticing Jongin's mysterious gaze, following him. 

"Can I eat lunch with you?" Chanyeol asks as he enters Kris' class "Sure," Kris nods. He immediately shoves Chanyeol his lunch box with some Chinese decorations "Huh?" Chanyeol is blinking if confusion "What are you going to eat?" Kris sighs "I had two; I already ate the other one so you could have the second. I never eat the second box because I'm too full" Chanyeol nods "Why not eating in the cafeteria?" and manages to eat one more mushroom "I don't eat junk. My old servant actually makes the food for me, and I prefer that because it's healthier" Chanyeol smiles "You are some, one weird rich guy" "You think so?" Chanyeol giggles again, don't make him angry. "Yeah, you're too nice for your own good, it's charming" Kris cracks a soft smile.


"You should do something with yourself," Chanyeol says, sitting on one of the tables while crossing his legs. "You can't stay here every break, you need to make friends, start taking some projects I dunno, maybe the school's play?" Kris rolls his eyes at him, continuing his habit of gazing the window. "And why I am the only one who's eating your own lunch, Kris! Pay attention, please! Is it that difficult?" Kris is scratching the back of his head, turning to face Chanyeol "I don't have much self-confidence" Chanyeol smiles back at him, disgusted with the fact that he needs to show any-sort-of affection towards Kris over and over again "That's something we could start with".

Two weeks later, Kris' house,

"Okay, I'm starting so please remember your role this time" Chanyeol takes a good glance at Kris and starts "Then have my lips the sin that they have took" Kris is trying to be focus "Sin from thy lips?" he's taking a step towards Juliette "O trespass sweetly urged! Give me my sin again" Chanyeol is gaping at him screaming "Success! A total success! I'm a genius! A wonderful whizz!" the younger is cheering and Kris cracks a warm smile. "How did you remember it this time? I wonder…perhaps, no. Maybe it's because I trained you so good" Kris is looking away for the first time "Well, you see, it's embarrassing" Chanyeol giggles in delight, looking at him "You can tell me," he sits himself on Kris' huge bed, waiting. Kris sighs, wiping some sweat from his forehead "Okay," he swallows "I thought about you as Juliette and me as Romeo, happy now?" They are both staring at the floor "As long as it… helped you, I guess" Chanyeol said softly, surprised from his own voice and Kris feels like he rules the world "Can I ask for a favor?" Chanyeol nods in return "Could you play the role of Juliette with me? I mean... on the real play?"

Why this school chose such a cliché play, Chanyeol is doomed. Please, prepare a shovel and a grave so he could rest in peace.

Sehun laughs his head off in joy "And you actually agreed; this is going to be so funny!" Chanyeol growls in warning "Oops," Sehun's bubble tea is hitting the floor again because Sehun has a big mouth, and Sehun is very shocked because it's the second time someone is making his precious bubble-tea fall and spread all of its yummy liquid. There's a beautiful smile plastered on Chanyeol's face "An accident" he mutters. And Sehun grunts "I have heard that line like… a million times!" Baekhyun ignores the whining bubble-tea kid and hugs Chanyeol "You did well, oh, you would make a perfect Juliette by the way" And after that Baekhyun is sticking out his tongue, teasing Sehun about the bubble-tea. "Who's childish now?" Sehun puts his hands on his head as if he's going insane. Chanyeol is too dazed because of the play "Please tell me it's not happening Baek, please tell me it's just a bad dream, I think I'm going bonkers!" he looks with a pair of teary eyes at his best friend "Sorry Yeol, I'm really interested to see you in a medieval dress, with long hair and lots of make-up" Chanyeol thinks this is the worst day in his life, Byun thinks it's a dream that came true because finally he is going to meet princess Channie. Jongin on the other hand is very inert and sluggish and it is kind of hurts Chanyeol's feelings. "That fool actually believes in you, this is so funny" Sehun laughs as a part of the routine after he stops whining "At least, I gain designers clothes back" Chanyeol snorts and Sehun is nodding in agreement "If I wasn't gay I was doing it too, it's for a good cause".

Chanyeol is too lost in thoughts, sunken dreams and Kris that he can't see anything anymore, his goals and his revenge. Everything becomes a little bit more real. Kris starts to take a great part in Chanyeol's everyday life and someday, everything is going to strike back at Chanyeol but it's not going to be anytime soon, yet.

"So?" Chanyeol asks in curiosity after waiting an hour outside the door of the school's drama-club, a little bit stressed. It has been an hour and Kris didn't come out of the drama-club's room. They went here together, Chanyeol entered the room first and Kris entered right after the other finished with his audition, refusing to reveal the results by saying "Go there and do your best, I'll let you know the answer later on. I want to wait until you finished and then we could tell each other together, I want to do it that way."

"So?" Kris anxiously asks back, biting his lip and getting more nervous.

Let's get over with it.  

And as if they were counting perfectly together one, two, three—

"I got the role!!"

  • (○゚ε^○)v♪

"The girls will love you, they'll fall for you, and it's so great! It will build your self-confidence; maybe you'll be able to do a play again!"

Kris shrugs "They never did. On the other hand, guys are going to be crazy about you and I'm not sure I'm going to like it very much," Chanyeol chuckles in embarrassment "I'm not into guys that much".

"Then what about me or the day at the party when you kissed Kai?"

 "Jongin," Chanyeol corrects in disinterest "I'm not into every guy; I'm into the special, unique ones" Chanyeol feels like vomiting, the phrase is too cheesy for him, it's actually disgusting and Jongin's nickname is very odd, in Chanyeol's opinion.

Jongin acts like a jerk lately and Kris' company is actually nice and eww gross, gross gross!

It has been three weeks already, Chanyeol hang tough on the plan. Training with Kris almost every day, reading the script and memorizing every tiny detail makes Chanyeol somehow happier, he's having it all together once again and he doesn't get huffy nowadays which is extremely rare. Is being with Kris influenced on him that much? Maybe it's the Gucci bag Kris brought him yesterday. Yeah, it must be it or so Chanyeol wants to think, Chanyeol is just off the boat.

This time, Kris wanted them to meet somewhere else,

"Kris! Kris! Kris!" red head is shouting girlishly, pointing excitedly at the dark purple (with old flaking bright pink strips) ice-cream truck.

"Please buy me a very yummy huge chocolate ice-cream with lots of colorful candies on!" they're at the amusement park. Kris buys an ice cream for a very childish Chanyeol and a black coffee for the very reticent and mature himself, they're almost closing the park.

 "We didn't try only one thing, the Ferris wheel" Kris notes on purpose and Chanyeol without realizing carelessly nods, the ice cream in joy. Sure, why not? And why does an amusement park sell black coffees? He wonders, being very stupid and slow-witted at times. This is so peculiar and bizarre!


It's awkward, too awkward and perplexing.

"So…" Kris muttered, trying to start another fail conversation with Chanyeol, expecting the younger to say something back and as if he understands Kris' mind Chanyeol only could ask bluntly "So?" while rolling his eyes in irritation.

It's not the kind of irritation when you get angry or mad at someone. It's the kind when you are irritated and annoyed to death because there's a sharp pain, hurting your chest.

It's a weird kind of feeling, it's like he's almost about to vomit, in a positive way (Up to this point Chanyeol really gives-up understanding his "feels"). It's warm and safe feeling and in hallucinatory way it's strange, a good strange and it's astonishing because Chanyeol never felt that way, even when he was with his boyfriend Jongin on their special dates.

Where are the shovel and the grave when he needs them the most? Traitors!


 "Can I say to you something?"

Chanyeol is looking through the Ferris wheel's window, nodding "Go ahead"

 Kris isn't sure if it's the right thing to say or the right moment to say it but he's muttering a deep "Thank you," and Chanyeol's eyes goes wide, face red as a strawberry due to Kris' unexpected behavior. "Thank you for being by my side, thank you for not leaving me when I needed and still need you the most. Thank you for making me gain self-confidence and thank you for changing me to think more positive," Chanyeol feels a slight pain in his eyes and he's touching his left cheek, tears. "Don't cry" Kris is ruffling Chanyeol's head "I'm not! You're imagining things!" he tries not to make fool out of himself but fails. "Look!" he's shouting "There's a pink elephant right there!" he's pointing at the window and Kris looks at the Ferris wheel's window and back at Chanyeol in question, raising an eyebrow. "You see? I can imagine things too!"  He's crying hard and Kris hugs him, it's their second time doing this "I really hate you Kris, you're making me say lame things, you're making me say nonsense," Chanyeol likes that feeling, he feels so safe and warm between Kris' strong arms.

This isn't good. That rich tall handsome plays a magic on him, he's too kind. And Chanyeol is struggling hard in order to survive and not to fall (for him).

Lies strikes back at you, before you even notice.

 "Where are you going now?" Sehun whines "You're almost not eating with us anymore" Chanyeol is smiling in return "That bastard stole my lovely hyung!" Chanyeol kisses Sehun's forehead, exiting the cafeteria.

He's walking pass the hall and someone is bumping into him, accidently. "You're okay?" Chanyeol softly asks. It's the short boy with the big black glasses and what was his full name again? "What's your name?" he asks "D-Do Kyungsoo; please don't hit me I didn't mean to bump into you, I'm sorry". And Kyungsoo is scared from Chanyeol, well, everyone are scared from Chanyeol. The students gather around them, Kyungsoo looks like he's about to cry, he bows down to Chanyeol. Chanyeol is looking at the students; if he'll play nice it's going to ruin his image. "You!" the cocky grin finds his regular place on Chanyeol's face "How could you?!" he's shouting in anger. "I-I'm sorry," Kyungsoo is still on the floor, bowing. "I'll let you off this time, whatever your name was" Kyungsoo ends up running away, crying. Chanyeol feels like .

He catches up Kyungsoo in the end of the day, when they're alone in their class. "Don't you dare to run away from me" Chanyeol warns. "W-What," Kyungsoo swallows "W-what d-do you want?" Chanyeol quickly manages to close the class' door and the windows .Kyungsoo is closing his eyes, expecting for the worse "Just hit me and let me off, okay? Please, I'm begging you" Chanyeol is sitting on the table in front of Kyungsoo "First, what is your name? I asked you but you didn't say it" Kyungsoo looks down "Do Kyungsoo and I did told you my name today" "Oh! Right! That was your name!" Chanyeol giggles "Well, uh, I kind of wanted to make an apology". "Eh?" Kyungsoo stares with his owl eyes at the smiling Chanyeol. "This is bad! Don't play tricks on me, hit me instead and let me off" he's bowing down again. "Yah! Cut out the crap!" Chanyeol is shouting in anger "I wanted to make an apology because of the incident at lunch. I'm really sorry, okay? I—" he swallows "I never thought I was such a monster before, I'm sorry" he's bowing. "No no, it's okay. I forgive you" Kyungsoo smiles immediately "Thank you, Soo. I can call you that, right?" Kyungsoo nods "I just had to put an act today because my image is damaged enough, I'm sorry for acting like a jerk. Please don't tell this to the others" he's pleading "No one is going to believe me anyway" Kyungsoo shrugs and they share a friendly hug.

"I'm proud of you today," Kris says and something smells fishy. "I saw what you did to Kyungsoo today" Chanyeol is sitting on Kris' couch, playing with his fingers. "And how's that makes you being proud of me?" he asks. "Because I heard your conversation, after school" Chanyeol swallows "You sent some of your butlers to spy on me?" Kris shakes his head "No, I'm doing it pretty well by myself".

Maybe Kris is the worst person to get involved with, and it was the most terrific idea; maybe he's the wrong person and Chanyeol should stay away from him. At first, Chanyeol thought of him as a real airhead who's frowning all day and staring at the window. But later he was discovered as too wise and intelligent and when Chanyeol tries to do a little trick or prank Kris always reveals the younger's plan, you just can't fool him and Chanyeol gets so bent out of shape because of that. Kris is the wrong person to mess with.

Lying is an ongoing made-up story that someday will come back and hit you in the face, lying is always bad, but that doesn't mean it's not necessary sometimes. If you're lying to protect someone, no one will fault you for that when the truth comes out, and the truth will come out eventually, it always does. Just think about all possible consequences of telling a lie before you do it. Chanyeol knows that one day Kris is going to find out about his betrayal sometime in the near future but he's too used to lying that he can't stop himself.

"Are you following me obsessively, Mr. Wu?"  Chanyeol smiled and leaned against the lockers' wall. "Good morning to you too, Park" Kris smirked and kissed the latter's hand. "You missed me so much, so you followed me? Aw, you didn't have to I have a lot of stalkers to do that already" Kris smiled impishly "I care for you Park-sshi, I don't want you to get cold feet before the play begins" Oh, is this an act, a game? Then we're on! Chanyeol smirked "Can we meet today, your house?" he suggested while playing with his fingers. Kris nods not before he's whispering into Chanyeol's ear "Today at five pm and don't be late". Chanyeol's ears turn red. Kris is playing dirty and this unusual dishonesty annoys Chanyeol.

"Please!" Kris begs "Please, Chanyeol! We never practiced that!" he's pointing at the script where there are red bold letters saying Kissing Scene. "No way in hell I'm going to let it happen today" he snatched the script from Kris' hand in panic and threw it on the floor "You weren't so shy when we kissed before. Was everything a lie?" Chanyeol shook his head in disbelief "You're not making it easy for me!" he whines. "You're not making it easy for yourself" it's going to hurt Chanyeol's manly pride but he continues the plan, he needs to avoid as much as possible from being suspected. "Kiss me, let's see if you got some courag— hmm" Kris' lips are already on his own.

Kris Wu is a charismatic guy. And charismatic people have a natural tendency to get what they want, make people feel special. They make eye contact when you talk to them, and they ask you about your feelings and interests. They show you that they really care about getting to know you—even if they don’t. But Kris' case with the school's ultimate rebel was a special one. At first, he liked the idea so he played along with Chanyeol's plan, teasing him here and there. After a while, he started to miss the other when he wasn't around. He cared about him; Chanyeol became an important, especial person in his life, lighting up Kris' gloomy day but it doesn't mean that Kris Wu would let his guard down.


"Hi guys," there's a specific voice that Oh Sehun would immediately recognize "Oh my god! Chanyeol hyung! I missed you so frigging much! I haven't seen you in years!" he hugs the other tightly, and Chanyeol hugs him back right away while regaining his breath again. Byun widened his eyes in jolt and stir "What are you doing here? I thought you ditched us in order to spend some time with the Wu guy" Chanyeol cracks a rueful smile "I missed you, Baek" Byun hid his tears "Why you, why now. You princess tall soul mate giraffe, I want to hit you and ruffle your head so you'll have the same pain I had when you left me!" he wiped his sobs with Chanyeol's shirt. And Chanyeol's eyes wandered to an empty sit at the cafeteria's table. "Where's Jongin?" he asks. "Sick, he stayed at home" the hip-shooter answers and Chanyeol free himself from the hug "I-I didn't know. I must be terribly awful, right?"


Right after waking up, Kai hears a ring at the main door "Who's this?" he shouts and opens the door irascibly. A crying Chanyeol stood there and immediately hugged him "Jongin, I-I didn't k-know you were sick!" the sobs grew louder and the hug tightened "It is okay, you just got really busy I guess, I can understand that" Jongin kisses his forehead gently "I don't want to get you sick" he coughed, putting a hand on his mouth "Go home". Chanyeol nodded in understanding and blew a kiss before closing the main door shut.  When things started to get so wrong? Is Chanyeol making a big stink out of it?


"Hi Kris" Chanyeol sited himself on the floor "How are you?" Kris sharply ignored the latter and continued his doings. "What is it? Are you trying to complete a puzzle?" The younger stood up and looked on Kris' desk and puzzle pieces, Kris only hums and points on his bed "Wait there and don't get in the way" Chanyeol only could roll his eyes in indignation "Fine. Don't blow your cool I didn't do anything wrong" Kris leaves the puzzle pieces on his desk right away and turns his chair to Chanyeol "You're late by an hour" Chanyeol sighed "Why are you getting too bummed?" Kris stands up and painfully glares "You want me to calm down, where you were?!" I shouldn't lie this time, for my own sake "Jongin's house, satisfied now?" Kris threw his chair on the floor in anger "Why? When I trusted you the mo—" "Shut up!" It was Chanyeol's turn to get annoyed "You idiotic jerk! He was sick so I visited him, and there's nothing more!" Kris swallows "Just go away, I don't want to see you right now" Chanyeol snorted "Your loss, I came here in order to practice the script and I also brought you the stupid black coffee that you love so much, but I guess it's all mine now, I'm cutting out!"


It's very cold and dark outside but Chanyeol doesn't care. It's better freezing to death than being with that moron in the same damned room. He tried to take a sip from the coffee but quickly spat it out "How could he drink something so bitter?" Suddenly, a long white Beemer stops right beside him. Chanyeol could distinguish a familiar figure that is looking at him through the window. "Chanyeol!" there's a heavy rain and Chanyeol doesn't care anymore "Get in the car, I'm sorry" Chanyeol shots him an offended glare "Go away Wu, I don't need your sorry " he rushed down the street without giving another glance towards Wu's direction.


"No one I'm home!" he shouted angrily as he closed the main door. His clothes soaked with rain from head to toe, if this situation continues Chanyeol would catch flu. He coughed and went to take a warm shower; Chanyeol's mother always used to say that hot water improves people's immune system.


The day after, he enters to his parents' room, bowing to the picture and putting some fresh flowers in the vase "Morning mom," he greeted politely. "I put some violets; they're your favorite flowers" he took a long look at his mom's picture "I wish you were here so we could argue and I could tell you about my troubles but it's just like you told me four years ago when you went to this damned hospital. You told me that even when you're gone you'll always stay inside my heart, isn't it so? I miss you so much, is everyone treats you well in heaven? Tell them they have to, unless they want me to beat their asses" he laughed in sorrow and half-smiled, he needs to go school already.




"You're burning," Byun says as he touches Chanyeol's forehead "I'm going to call the nurse—" Chanyeol held Byun sleeve, gasping for air "Please don't leave me, my vision is blurring and I—" in a matter of seconds he fell on the floor and collapsed. "Move," a tall figure pushed Byun immidiatelly "Let me take care of him," Byun nodded right away, letting Kris Wu carry Chanyeol to the nurse, knowing he can trust him to take care of his best friend.


The first thing Chanyeol saw after opening his eyes is another pair of familiar eyes gazing at him. "Wu," he muttered, coughing "Go away". And it's an act; Wu knows but does it anyway. The younger felt another pair of lips on his own pair, doesn't having any power to object. Okay, we're good for now Wu.


It has been two months already and the main leads are back in the scene, practicing hard and gaining success, efforts paid off. Kris is a bit tired, asking for a break and the other agrees.  The younger is taking his phone out, and there's a message from Byun.


From: Baek;

To: Yeol.

How're you buddy?



To: Baek.

Cool, at Wu's mansion right now. Can't talk or message you much, he'll notice.




Listen dude, don't you think you're taking this plan a little bit too far?




No way. This is going so good at the moment and I don't wanna ruin it, not yet


"What are you doing?" And Chanyeol is laughing because he saw it coming, "What?" Kris asks "There's something on my face?" And Chanyeol laughs again, hiding his phone "Yeah, your frown is there. Thought about replacing it by a cheerful smile once in a time?" And the younger takes Kris' unaware help to get away from getting caught. "What do you know?"  Chanyeol stood up "Are you about to pick another fight?" walking towards Kris' room door in anger "I don't want to do that, I'll just go home and—"


"Don't go," he feels a warm breath on his neck "Please."


He held Chanyeol's hand tightly; making sure the other won't pull it away.

"Why is that so? Why the sudden change?"

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choiandlee #1
Chapter 2: Woah i'm happy that they're end up together in the end. And i like how jongin is pretty cool to let chanyeol go.
This is beautiful.
Chapter 2: Girl....... This is so beautiful! Awesome! I love it! Great job!
Chapter 2: yay finally finish.....><
oh my GOD this is really really daebaaaakkkk.....!!!!
thankyou for amazing krisyeol story ^^
Chapter 2: Kris has an admirable personality despite all the riches and money served to him on a silver platter :D. I really enjoyed reading the dynamics of their relatiobship ^^ from irate to love then sometimes back and forth , I loved their banter! XD and I was squealing at their romeo and juliet parts! Ngaawww I love crossdressing!chanyeollie, I gotta say the scene at the end kinda escalated quickly lol but I'm not complaining xD hehe , very cute fic!^^ thank u for writing and sharing this! Hyaaaaaa xD
BabySkypeia126 #5
Chapter 2: oh my my my~~~
I dun have many words to describe it......


at 1st I ws kinda boring with U narration but after some pharagraphs.. I ws fully enjoyed it!!! ^^

good luck on U next project~~

KrisYeol-jjang!!!!!! >.<i
suppai #6
Chapter 2: this story was so, so, omg i'm just wordless to describe it ToT~~
it's such a freaking awesome job ♥

hope you keep writing krisyeol for us /o/
Chapter 2: ! (I'm a teen, remember) ouo
this is piece of gold. /sobs.
I'm cureying rainbows
haniesabidi_ #8
Chapter 2: Wow..the best Krisyeol fics ever.Thanks author-nim for making me fangirling everytime I read it over and over again.
xycouple #9
Chapter 2: you really keep your promise to update today!!!!
thank you for completing this story.. #bow
actually you can take your time, we will always wait for you
this chapter... it looks like you write it in rush, and end to fast.. it lost its plot...
but i do really like the combination between Yuri and ... hahhahaha
well, i'll be waiting for another KY from you.. smooch smooch