
Friends - Jongsuk & Woobin

Just a typical spring day, you were stuck in a classroom with piles of homework surrounding you. Working diligently for hours, you thought that you would reward yourself with just one look at Woobin, the class’ bad boy, he was very handsome and perfect but others only saw the way he would corner kids and beat them up but you saw something that not many people did. While you were dreaming about Woobin, a single pair of eyes never wavered from your figure. His name was Jongsuk and he has had a crush on you for a few years now, managing always to sit behind you, he spent the whole day studying you.

The way your hair fell over your shoulders or how pretty you looked in your navy blue skirt and your white collared shirt with a purple vest. Finding something different that he liked about you every day, he would never get bored staring at you.

The bell cut through the silent air as you began to pack up your books to head to lunch. Woobin headed out of the door first as you watched him leave, he didn’t look back as you watched him leave. Jongsuk watched you as he followed you out of the classroom. Keeping his distance, you kept your eyes on Woobin as you stood in line for lunch. Jongsuk watched you carefully in case you got in trouble, but once you got your lunch, you sat at your usual table as you had the perfect spot to watch Woobin.

Taking in a deep breath, Jongsuk sat at the same table as you as it seemed like you didn’t notice him. With a smile on his face he ate his lunch as his heart raced from being so close to you.

"I wish that he would just notice me." You mumbled as you dreamily stared at Woobin as he listened to his music as he munched on some chips. Jongsuk looked at you then at Woobin as he could see you liked him as he didn’t want to give up hope.

Trying to impress Woobin by dropping your books by his desk or asking him silly questions, he never gave you any mind as Jongsuk tried to woo you with flowers and sweet notes on your desk every day that you would walk into the room. Jongsuk’s little poems that he would slide into your locker, but you didn’t have the heart to throw them away.

Days passed as the same routine happened day after day, Jongsuk would sit closer and closer to you as you just ignored him and watched Woobin. With each passing day Jongsuk got sweeter and sweeter as Woobin got colder, turning his shoulder and making you feel worse as you never gave up, for you wanted him to like you.

One day after class, you were packing up your books as Jongsuk’s heart beat against his ribs. Standing at the edge of your desk, you zipped up the backpack that was on your lap as your eyes gently traveled up his body to his sweet, yet nervous smile.

”________, can I see you outside for a minute?” He quietly asked as you stood up and nodded as he walked out first with you following. He walked into the courtyard as you followed him, looking around for any clues to tip you off it this was a good thing or bad.

"Would you like to sit down?" Jongsuk asked as he turned to you as he stood in front of a bench. Sitting down, you placed your bag on your lap again as you looked at him as he sat down beside you. Taking in the fresh air, you looked up at the blue sky as your feet swung back and forth as you enjoyed the warm sun on your skin.

”_______?” Jongsuk asked after some time as you turned your head to his. “I have watched you for some time now, since we have been in the same class and all. Yet there is always something new that I learn from you.” He tried to delay as his heart kept beating faster and faster as he tried hard not to look away from your eyes.

"What are you trying to say?" You asked quietly as he took a deep breath.

"I like you, _______." He breathed out as his heart felt slightly at ease.

"Jongsuk…" You looked down to your lap as your finger played with a zipper on your backpack as you didn’t want to break his heart, but you didn’t have the same feelings. "I’m sorry, but I like Woobin. I can’t return your feelings." Your eyes looked at his heartbroken figure as he nodded.

"I understand." He said sadly as he leaned against the back of the bench.

"I’ll be leaving first." You said as you got up and left him alone as you walked home. To be honest, you felt bad that you had to turn him down but even after years of interacting with him in class, you wanted to be nothing more than friends with him. But when Woobin came along, your heart began to quicken when you saw him, your cheeks would turn red and you would feel nervous and uneasy around him. It was something new and different that you haven’t felt before.

The night began to win over the day as Jongsuk still sat on the bench, his heart hurt as he had spent the last five years looking at you and hoping for a different answer than the one that he just got. Picking himself up off of the bench he began to walk home under the blanket of stars.

The next few days were hard on Jongsuk, seeing you looking at Woobin, and knowing your feelings towards him. Jongsuk began to leave class early to see if you would notice but you didn’t, he wondered if you would be happier if he would just get out of your life all together.

Walking slowly down the hall, he pulled out his phone as he found your name in his contacts. Pulling up his messaging app, he typed to you a short message as he headed out of the school.

A text came through your phone as you looked at it after you finished writing something down.

I’ll stay out of your way, since I like you and want you to be happy. All of the best wishes with Woobin - JS

Taking in a deep breath, your heart began to hurt for him as you clicked your tongue on the top of your mouth as you shook off the sad feelings and focused on your work.

Once school ended, everyone gathered in the hall, exchanging their books in their lockers as you exchanged your own books, the halls became empty as the dusk light bled through the windows casting shadows on the bare walls. Jongsuk’s locker was a few down from yours and Woobin walked up and tapped him on the shoulder.

"I need to speak with you." Woobin said as Jongsuk closed his locker and followed the bad boy as Woobin leaned next to your locker. Your eyes slowly moved over to the figure that was leaning up against the lockers.

"Can I speak to you please?" Woobin asked as you nodded, your mind was doing flips as butterflies began in your stomach.

"Is this really happening?" You asked yourself as you held your books against your chest as you closed your locker. Jongsuk came walked up slowly to where both of you were as he looked up at you with bloodshot eyes. Looking over his face, you didn’t see a smile, that was usually on his face, he looked devastated and past the point of return.

"Take care of her and be happy together." Jongsuk said as he looked at Woobin before walking away.

"What?" Woobin yelled as Jongsuk looked over his shoulder at the two of you.

”_______ likes you, and I hope that you will treat her well.” Jongsuk said as he turned and began to walk slowly down the hall. Turning your head, you looked up at Woobin as his thick eyebrows were furrowed together as you sighed. Running off to catch Jongsuk, you wrapped your arms around him from behind and Jongsuk stopped in his tracks.

Slowly, he looked over his shoulder at you as your grip loosened on him. Jongsuk turned around and faced you as you looked up at him with tears b your eyes.

"Don’t make me choose between the two of you please." You begged him as his eyes widened as he looked back at Woobin, who was walking up to the two of you. Not bearing to keep your tears in, you began to cry as Woobin stood next to you.

"Why are you crying?" Woobin asked as he looked at Jongsuk.

"I can’t choose, I like you Woobin but Jongsuk likes me." You bawled as Jongsuk and Woobin both looked at each other, wondering what to do.

"You both are too nice and perfect for me to choose just one." You broke the silence as your tears began to subside.

"You don’t have to." Woobin said as you looked up at him.

"We can all be friends." Jongsuk added

"But how does that help me like both of you?" You whined

"We can take our time so you don’t have to choose right away." Jongsuk reassured you as you smiled and wiped away from your tears.

"I would like that a lot." You said as you linked one arm with Jongsuk’s and Woobin’s arm as all three of you walked down the hall happy to just be friends with one another.

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Chapter 1: I don't know if the narrator deserves either of them honestly, maybe as friends but not as a boyfriend.
Chapter 1: OMG ~ Butterflies in my stomach <3 Lovely <3