Chapter 7

My Princess

~Everyone woke up and clean the room.~

You checked out for the day and went home with everyone. When you got home your parents came back eariler.

You looked at them."Eomma,appa your back earily."

Your eomma looked at everyone "Everyone please take a seat."

Cl looked at you eomma "Eomma,whats wrong?"

Your eomma looked at Cl "Princess Park Bom is getting married in three weeks."

You looked at gd with shock. "Eomma,appa i have a boyfriend and i love him. I cant marry someone else."

Gd stood up "I am Prince Kwo-" Gd got cut off.

Your appa looked at gd "Prince?"

"Ye. Im Prince Kwon Ji Yong." Gd said and bowed.

Your appa looked at everyone else "Who are you?"

Minzy stood up "Annyeong. I am Princess Gong Min-ji. Sister of Prince Kwon Ji Yong." then bowed

Top stood up and bowed "I am Prince Choi Seung Hyun. Nice to me-" Top got cut off.

Your eomma looked at Top then you. "Princess Park Bom,you are marrying Prince Choi Seung Hyun."

You looked at Top "Eomma! Ani! I wont marry Prince Choi Seung Hyun!"

Your appa looked at you. "You are marrying Prince Choi Seung Hyun in one week since you want fight with you eomma!"

You put your hand down "Ye."

Gd looked at you appa and eomma. "Please dont make Princess Park Bom marry Prince Choi Seung Hyun. I love her with all my heart-"gd got cut off again.

You looked at gd "Let's break up."

Minzy,Dara,Cl,Top,and Gd looked at you with shock.

Dara looked at Bom. "Yah. I know,you dont want to break up with gd so stop speaking nonsense."

You started to crying and looked at your parents. Your appa nods.

You stood up and turned around. "Ani. This is what i want. Prince Choi Seung Hyun. We will marry in one week and Gd we are o-ov-over."Then you ran upstairs.

Gd put his head down.

Minzy stood up"Yah Bom!"

You stopped and turned around. "Wae?"

Minzy looked at you "Everyone look at Prince Park Bom. Does she look happy?"

Gd looked at Minzy "Forget Minzy. Bom and I are over already."

You started to cry even more and faint(You didnt fully heal yet)

Minzy saw you faint "Princess Bom!" then ran to you.

Gd looked at you with hate then he saw you on the steps "Yah! Bom!" You ran to Bom too.

Minzy shook Bom. "Yah! Park Bom! Yah!! Yah!"

Cl ran to Minzy and you.(Cl has healed)

"Oppa carry her to the room hurry!" Minzy looked at Gd.

Gd picked you up. "Ye. Where is the room Cl?"

Cl pointed to the second door. And opened the room. "There."


Top looked at your eomma and appa that didnt do anything. "Im sorry." Then ran upstairs.

Dara looked at Top going upstairs. "Princess Park Bom's eomma and appa. I am sorry too." Then Dara ran upstairs.

~In the room~

Cl held you hands and started crying "Yah! Bom! YAH!"

Dara looked at Cl and patted her on the back. "It's okay. Bom will be okay. I hope."

You opened your eyes slowly. "Cl?"

Cl looked at you "Ye! Im right here! What is it!?"

You looked at Cl. "May you please all leave?"

Cl looked at you with shock. "Wae?"

You looked at Gd "I have to speak to gd alone."

"Ye." Cl said while pushing everyone out but Gd.

"Gd come over here." You said while putting you hand out.

Gd came to you and held your hand. "Wae?"

"I love you but i must marry Top." You sat up.

"Wae!? Why would you marry someone you dont love!?" Gd looked at you and stood up.

"I have to." You grabbed gd hand.

Gd pulled his hand back and left the room.

You started crying again. "Yah! Yah! gd! Yah!" then you fell off the bed. "Yah."

Top ran into the room and help you up and Minzy ran after Gd.

"Yah! Yah! Oppa!" Minzy yelled at gd when he ran out the door.

Cl looked at Minzy. "Minzy go after your oppa."

Minzy looked out the door and ran after gd. "Ye."

You cried on top's shoulder. And top held you.

Your appa walked up stairs and saw top holding you. "Ye. You two with marry at the end of this week."

You looked at your appa "Appa!"

Your appa went back downstairs.

You got up and hugged top "Im so sorry."

Top hugged you back "It's okay. I will marry you."

You looked at top "Wae?"

Top looked at you "I am helping you."

You let go of top and sat on your bed. "Okay. Thank you."

Top kneeled down on one knee and kiss your hand. "Your welcome Princess."

You got back in bed and Top left the room.

Top looked at Cl "Im leaving now. Bye." Then went out the door.

Cl looked at Top leave. "Bye." "Dara you may go home now." Cl looked at Dara.

Dara went downstairs. "Ye. Bye."

Cl went into the room and sat on her bed. *Why did i ave to fall in love with him?*

You looked at Cl "Im sorry. I know you love him and Im marrying him."

Cl looked at you with shock "A-ani."

"You dont have to lie to me. I know already." You said.

"Ye." Cl put her head down.

"Is okay. Im resting now." You said.

Cl looked at you. "Um."

~Minzy and Gd~

Minzy yelled at gd "Yah! Yah!"

Gd stopped and looked at Minzy. "Bom isnt mine anymore. Why are you following me?"

Minzy looked at gd. "Im your sister, thats why!"

Gd  scratched the back of his head. "Oh. thats right."

Minzy hugged gd "I know your heart broken again but we have to go to there wedding."

Gd "I know but when i see Bom in that wedding dress. I won't know what to do anymore."

Minzy looked at Gd "I'll help you. Okay?"

Gd looked at Minzy "Ye. Lets go home now."

Minzy laughed "Ye."

~The next morning.~

"Princess Park Bom and Princess Lee Chae-rin please wake up. You have to go shopping for the wedding." The maids said and bowed.

You opened your eyes and got up "Ye."

Cl got up "Ye."

You got dress and wore this:






And this is what Cl wore:







~You and Cl walk down the stairs together with the maids following them. Top,Dara,Minzy,and Gd was waiting for you and Cl in the private limo.~

You looked at you eomma and appa "We'll be going now." then bowed and went out the door.

Cl bowed and followed you.

The guards "Good Morning Princess Park Bom and Princess Lee Chae-rin." then bowed you may enter the private limo.

"Ye." You said and let Cl in the car first.

Everyone(Dara,Top,Gd,and Minzy) looked at Cl and Bom.

Dara looked at you. "Why are you two dressed like that?"

You looked out the window and ignored Dara.

Cl looked at you then Dara. "We have dress this way untill the wedding and after the wedding."

Dara looked at you. "Bom? Whats on your mind?"

You looked at Dara "Nothing."

Dara's eyes widen "Wae? Is there something wrong."

You looked at Dara "Ani Princess Sandara Park."

Cl looked at you "Bom. Why are you speaking that way?"

Dara looked at Cl "Its okay. She must b-" she got cut off

You looked out the window. "I will speak like a princess because i am a princess."

Gd looked at you and put his hand down.

Top looked at you "Ye."

~At the bridal store.~

The guards opened the door "You may enter the store prince and princess." then bowed.

Cl looked at you then got out of the car. Then Dara,Minzy,you,Gd,and Top. You walked between Dara and Cl.

The maids opened the doors. "The princess may go to the left and the prince may go to the right. Thank you."

You bowed and went into the store and turned left. And after you was Minzy,Cl,and Dara then the prince went to the right.


The next Chapter will be pictures of the wedding things. Thank you for reading! Subscribe and comment if you like! Thanks again ^^

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good fic ^__^
BomBommiee #2
i like your story^^
Awww it was a cute ending~!
why all of them called each other eonnie??<br />
i can't find out who's the older n youngest here~
Interesting Story ^^<br />
i'll read it until finish <3 <3
oh.. and is that Mason? He's so adorable! but... GBOM would make a waaaaay cuter baby lol, just sayin :P
It was amazing fro the start!! WooHoo!! ^.^ me and gd have a baby!! um... *ehem!* I mean GD&BOM LOL!!! -(jk bout me) GBOM 4EVERRRRR!!! I would say im sad at the end, but im not like that I am happy rite now!! I LOVED THIS STORY!^^
I'll try my best Gina33!!!!
Cool!~<br />
Update soon!<br />
Can't wait for the sequel!~
No this isnt the end...i might be making a sequel.