Sunflowers and Poppies

Of Sunflowers and Blood Red Poppies

When Niel first asked Amie what her favorite flowers were, he expected something cliché and girly-- like roses rimmed with baby's breaths. Instead, she surprised him and answered with a casual, "Sunflowers and red poppies will do." 

It puzzled him greatly as to why someone would choose the two flowers most commonly known for not having scents. The young florist from the Flowers from the Heart Boutique merely shrugged when he asked what was so special about them. 

"They smell like nothing, Amie. Why do you like them?" he asked. They were atop a grassy hill with butterflies and bees milling about. Large trees surrounded them like a canopy, and they filtered the burning sun rays into gentle beams.

 He presented her with a large bouquet of vivid yellow sunflowers and red poppies.  Amie took them with a twinkle in her eyes and kissed his cheek.

"They do not smell like nothing,  Ahn Daniel. They have very distinctive scents. You just have to, uh..." she furrowed her eyebrows and slumped down on the grass. She raised the flowers against the sky high abover her and stared at them.

Niel laughed out loud and lay down next to Amie on the grass with one arm supporting his nape. He quickly glanced her way and she appeared to be in a daze. 

 Niel breathed in deeply and relaxed in the comfort of the secluded greenery. He would have never thought that he would enjoy being alive as he did right at that moment. For as long as he could remember, he had always wanted to disappear, but his goal in life changed when he met Amie.

If only time would stop. Freeze in this moment forever. A wishful smile graced his lips. 

He felt her shift besides him so he swiveled around to face her. Determination radiated off of her and Niel chuckled again although it was more to himself this time.

"Sunflowers have an earthy smell, Ahn Daniel," she began, her brown eyes fiery and full of life, "they smell like the woods, the sky, fresh earth, and most importantly of life."  Niel bobbed his head like a school boy and tried to keep his grin from spreading too wide. 

"These beauties follow the sun from east to west dilegently and are composed of not only one flower but of thousands." 

Niel raised an eyebrow, and an amused smirk graced his face. Amie slightly rolled her eyes at him but continued with her monologue. 

"And poppies are fragrance free. I actually don't like just any random type of poppy, Ahn Daniel. I only like the red ones. The blood red ones.

 However, although these poppies don't have scents, they complement other flowers well and hold some significant meanings." 


"Yup," answered Amie, with an emphasis on the 'p'. "They mean death, promise, and eternal sleep." 

Amie's look of determination was replaced by a look of gentle fondness. She sat up and pulled her knees to her chest,  her hands still gripped the bouquet of sunflowers and blood red poppies. A cool breeze tousled her long brown locks and for a brief moment, Niel saw an ephemeral being sitting next to him.

Niel frowned and immediately sat up. He instinctively wrapped his arm around her. It felt like she was going to disappear at any moment with the passing wind. "I don't like those blood red poppies of yours then."

Amie laughed with that melodious tone of hers and closed her eyes as she snuggled closer against Niel's chest. 

"Sunflowers are the exact opposite. They mean hope, longevity, and faith."

Niel's thumb mindlessly rubbed circular patterns on Amie's shoulder as he gazed around him. He grunted in response and asked, "So that's why you like them?"

"They remind me of me," said Amie. Niel stopped and looked at her. Her eyes were closed and a beautiful smile lit up her gaunt face. 

He smiled as well, but curiosity got the best of him.

"How exactly do these flowers remind you of yourself?" 

"It's more like they represent me. I am bound by a contract. Just like these cut flowers, there's no escaping the fact that my eternal slumber is almost upon me. But I always hoped, always had faith, that I will be cured." Tears escaped her tightly shut eyes. 

"Amie..." Niel choked on the growing lump in his throat and tightened his hold around her. 

"The scent of these flowers is that of longing and deep regret that I have to leave you behind. But it is also one of gratitude and unfathomable amount of love." 

A trembling hand caressed Niel's face and wiped his tear-stained cheeks. 

"So when you bring me flowers, Niel, you should know which ones I want. And when you happen to remember this wretched girl, think of the scent of sunflowers and blood red poppies."


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Love the fic btw, now I'm gonna check out Profound Contradiction^^
This story needs more recognitions!!
Chapter 2: soooo sad ;~;
Chapter 2: so damn sad omg first teentop fic i've ever read and it's the best
Chapter 1: This is too much, I might cry.

What is this.

TT.TT I can't even.

My heart is broken. I'm supposed to be happy today.