-mighty_extics ⋯

semi dots ⋯ graphic reviews

- M I G H T Y _ E X T I C S ;

first glance (2.5/5):
When I saw the poster, it honestly didn’t seem extremely transfixing or romance genre; it gave a more angst vibe and it seemed that you were leaning towards the dance genre more. I felt that the poster looked messy and with too many textures layered upon each other, but then I realised that it was simply the background. Due to this, the rest of the poster looked somewhat plain… yet overcrowded (??). Okay, so that might not have made any sense. I didn’t exactly favour the typography, nor the placement. I found that the characters were bright against the darkish background making them stand out, so points for that. Also, I was pretty pleased with the image quality, thumbs up!

images & resources (6/10):
As mentioned before, I found the images to be of high quality and am pretty happy with that. However, I found Mark to be too bright, especially compared to the rest of the poster. I would’ve been alright if the OC was of the same brightness; could have been seen as matching or something along those lines. I particularly liked the choice of the OC as she seems to fit the poster perfectly - age looks about right as well as her outfit (from what I have gathered from the summary). I actually found that a bit of her head is cut off when I accidentally zoomed in but that doesn’t really matter as I didn’t even notice before. Heading along to the textures… personally I didn’t quite enjoy it. I found it to be too messy; I’m assuming that it’s due to the layer with all the people and the orange colours (I don’t know if the colours are actually part of the image/texture/layer, just assuming). It drew some attention away from Mark and the OC, chiefly from the right side. The numbers that are mixed in looked a tad irrelevant. It could’ve symbolised the “matter of timing” from the summary or the beats to dancing/music, but otherwise looked unnecessary.

mood & storytelling (7/15):
To be honest, I would’ve guessed that the story would be about badasses/gangsters without having any background information. The only giveaway really would’ve been the quote. I cannot see much romance, besides the fact that the OC and Mark have been placed together. I don’t believe that your poster particularly portrays the genre very well. The colours in the background used are okay, looking upbeat. I don’t really have much to say on this part.

typography (4/10):
For typography, I feel rather neutral about it. Seeing how dance is one of the genres, I suppose the title font is okay as it has a fun feeling to it. I wouldn’t recommend sticking to one font though; you can try and use a different combination of fonts but no more than 3 different types. The font for the credits is okay; I personally manually space out the letters if I’m using a tight looking font so it’s easier to read (just throwing in my own two cents). I found that the font for the quote was rather boring. Italic is okay but the font was too plain for my taste. As your poster seems to be more dance than romance, I would’ve used a funkier font (I was browsing through my fonts to recommend you one but I can’t find any good ones atm, sorry).

placement (1/5):
Placement seems to be your weak point. I’ve seen some of your other posters (hahha im a stalker jokes) and it looks like you prefer to centralize things and that’s okay. But try to balance things out. It is obvious that everything is upon the right side more, leaving the left side looking blank. Plus, this gives the poster a rather awkward and unbalanced feeling in my view. If you wanted to have the characters more upon the left you could’ve moved the quote to the right of them to balance it out. Of course you would need to change the format the quote is in (e.g.) instead of leaving it in a straight line, type it so it’s sort of in a square/rectangle shape. I find that the credits are just too far apart from each other to look even. You could try moving the ‘artwork by…’ over more to the left. If it’s still slightly unbalanced, you can try moving the ‘artwork by…’ right under the title and have the storyline bit right under that (although you wouldn’t have enough space). To summarise, everything needs to be moved over to the left a bit more so its looks more balanced and the credits need to be fixed.

techniques (7/10):
I quite liked your blending of the two characters. Mark’s left side of his face seems to be erased a bit too much; if you use the layer mask technique you can try and bring back some more of his face. His hair has been blended in well in my opinion. It also looks like you had sharpened Mark a bit. I like that, but try not to sharpen it too much otherwise it’ll become an eyesore. For the OC, you blended her in nicely as well; however the top of her head could’ve been erased a bit more to hide the line. An alternate way is smudging away the line subtly.


colours (3/5):
The colours you used gave me an upbeat-ish vibe with the reds and oranges, but also a somewhat dangerous feeling. I suppose it’s because I still think that this story has a badass genre (it could, I haven’t read the story lol). The major white part in the left top hand corner isn’t very appealing; looking misty and sparse. Mark and the OC do not have similar/matching tones and it’s very obvious. It’s best if the characters have the same skin tone/hue/saturation (idk lol). You can try fixing this up by using some psds or using these
colouring techniques. I personally haven’t tried the tutorials yet but they seem very promising and extremely helpful haha.

tips & notes:
I can see that you're trying and have potential c: I highly suggest you practice in the area of placement and evening things out a bit more as well as experimenting a bit more wiht different fonts. It doesn't look like you used any psds in this certain poster so I suggest browsing around AFF or
deviantart for them. I probably left some suggestions around the review as well haha. I'm sorry if I sound really harsh; I promise I don't mean to.


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