dance like someone is watching

dance like someone is watching

Lightning flashes of light jittered through the crowd as chatter competed with the music pounding through the floor, Dongwoo twisting his body to the beat in the center of the ring of people, and Hoya grinned, bouncing on the balls of his feet in anticipation. Dongwoo's rapt focus broke when Woohyun nudged Sunggyu into the ring, laughing widely as Sunggyu frantically backpedalled, trying to get out of the ring, pushing against the barrier Sungyeol and Woohyun made with their arms until they finally relented and allowed Sunggyu to fall back into dancing anonymity and Hoya stepped out, Dongwoo's grin spoiling the effect as they acted aggressive towards each other, hyping each other and the crowd up before Hoya started dancing, hitting the beats and letting the music move his body.

The crowd whooped and cheered, Dongwoo clapping just as loudly as anyone else, Hoya grinning around at the crowd as green flashed overhead, feeling the familiar exhilaration that came from dancing pump through him.

There was some extra loud whooping, and Hoya turned, because that generally meant a challenger, to see some girls push forward a friend, a girl with a purple streak in her hair, laughing and looking like she was half-heartedly protesting. Hoya caught her eye and raised his eyebrows in a challenge, throwing in some flashy footwork and a spin, coming to a stop to see her shake her friends hands off and straighten her shirt before stepping forward confidently.

He heard a yell of ‘Go Bora!’ before she threw herself into dancing, forcing him to the edge of the ring with forceful moves, and he grinned at her aggressive little pout as he stepped back, giving her space, and her expression melted into a small grin as she stepped away, waving at the crowd before starting to dance in earnest, hard moves combined with body rolls and sassy smirks thrown back at Hoya that caught his interest and set embers glowing in the pit of his stomach.

She tossed her hair and bent backwards, putting her hands on the floor and doing a graceful, floor-bound version of a handspring that had Hoya nodding in acknowledgement, and then she was back on her feet and strutting towards Hoya, placing a hand on his chest and doing a little wave, turning and swinging her hips as she shimmied down in front of him, gripping his wrists either to keep his hands in place (away from her) or for support- either way, Hoya didn’t mind.

She bounced up and swished around with a bright smile, her hair almost hitting him in his face and he leaned back to avoid it with a laugh, as she pirouetted neatly and slid down into the splits, sending him a small smile and cheeky wink as she put her finger over her lips, leaning on her elbows before breaking into a laugh and grabbing her friend’s hand to pull herself up.

Hoya clapped along with everyone else, nodding in acknowledgement, not taking his eyes off her as she bowed with a flourish, doing a cute little jig before winding her way back into the crowd with her friends- and the circle’s spell was broken, the space filling up as people bopped to the  music, laughing and chatting and Dongwoo clapped Hoya on the back.

Hoya gave him a cursory nod and half an excuse before he broke away, his eyes combing the crowd for a bright smile and a flash of purple hair.

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I love this!!
rachell613 #2
Chapter 1: Boya moment :*) love it haha