Part One

I'm Yours

He ran. He ran as fast as his feet would take him. But he still couldn’t escape the black winged creature. His throat burned with thirst, his mouth felt dry, and his body was feeling weak but he couldn’t stop running. Everywhere he went within the confines of the city, he wasn’t safe.

He’d tried running to the borders of the city, tried to move onto the next city, but it had proved pointless. Every time he tried to cross the city’s limits, an invisible force would knock him back. He was trapped.

Ever since their first encounter, two months ago, he’d been on the run from the dark angel. He knew it was just a simple game of cat and mouse to the dark angel, Kyuhyun, but he couldn’t, he didn’t want his life taken away from him by that dark angel. He wasn’t a possession. He wasn’t a toy to be played with and then thrown aside. He wasn’t a beggar for that delicious blood that even the thought of the taste of it had him .

But wasn’t that all he was reduced to now?

He refused to believe it. So that’s why he kept running away from the dark angel.

Although it wasn’t long before his hunger got the best of  him. Kyuhyun was right about no human being able to satisfy his need for blood. Yesung had already drained dry five and nothing was working. None of the human blood was satisfying his itching and dry throat; nothing was even making his mouth moist. So it wasn’t a surprise when Yesung found himself collapsing in a club’s parking lot at midnight.

He had just drained dry some unlucky man that happened to pass by, but it hadn’t done anything to help him. So there he lied, still conscious, still aware of his surroundings, but too weak to even lift a finger. And then he heard those familiar steps coming closer to him. A click of a tongue sounded as the being stood over him, watching his pitiful state.

“You know, I thought you would’ve given up by now, but no, you want to try and kill yourself by starving to death,” that velvety voice flowed through Yesung’s ears, and as much as he didn’t want it to, it did feel nice to hear.

“L-Leave… me… alone,” was all that Yesung could find the energy to mutter. He didn’t want to die of starvation, but he didn’t want to be a toy to this dark angel either.

The angel scoffed, “What? And let you die here? You’re mine to take care of now, Yesung, get that through your head.” He bent down to turn the vampire over, he didn’t miss the weak attempts of trying to get away from him, but he paid no mind to it. The sight of the starved vampire hurt him. “If you really hate me that much, you could’ve at least come to me to feed and then continue trying to escape my curse.”

Yesung stared at him in confusion, until he saw a pale wrist being held up to him. He knew what the dark angel was offering, but he could barely lift his hands to grab the wrist, let alone latch onto it. He hadn’t realized just how starved he really was until now. And he was at the angel’s mercy again.

Kyuhyun saw the struggle of the vampire’s, he shook his head at how bad the vampire had let himself become. He brought his wrist up to his mouth and bit down, breaking the skin as his blood started running down his arm. He saw Yesung’s eyes start glowing a bright red once the scent had filled the air. He could see the hungry demon awakening in the vampire, but it had no energy to even control the undead human’s body.

He pressed his wrist against Yesung’s lips and sighed to himself once the vampire started gulping down the crimson liquid. Kyuhyun had an endless supply of blood, considering his abilities of being able to heal fast. And Yesung was technically his, with the minor setback of one thing that Kyuhyun had yet to do to the vampire to make him fully his but that could wait, so his blood would always flow for his mate.

When he made sure that Yesung was focused on nothing but sustaining his hunger, Kyuhyun scooped the vampire up with his other arm and with the small flutter of his wings, they were in the air, back to his lair in that dark alley where he first met the vampire.


After what felt like an eternity of drinking that blood that had restored everything in him, Yesung pulled back from the wrist, falling back on something soft. He found that odd, wasn’t he lying on cold concrete? But due to the drunken feeling that he’d gotten from the angel’s blood, he paid no mind to it. Just lying back, his eyes closed, and he believed he could’ve almost fallen off to sleep. That was until he felt fingertips brushing his hair out of his face.

His eyes snapped open, and he came face to face with the being that he did not want to see. He shrank back where he lied, only to find that he was on a bed, and that dark angel was lying right beside him. Quickly, he reached down, checking himself and was surprised to find that his clothes were still on him. As soon as he went to push the angel away from him and scramble up from the bed, he found that one of his wrists was bound.

Wrapped around his right wrist was a silver shackle that was attached to a thin silver chain that was attached to the brick wall. Yesung was surprised that the silver wasn’t burning him like it usually would, but he still panicked as he tried tugging himself free, although to no avail.

“You won’t be getting out of that shackle, Yesung, it’s made of solid silver and designed to hold a creature a lot stronger than you,” Kyuhyun’s voice brought the vampire’s attention back to the angel that was still on the bed. His head was propped up on his hand as he stared at the vampire with a bored expression on his face.

Yesung kept tugging at it though, sending terrified glances at the dark angel every few seconds, almost as if he were waiting for that angel to try and do something to him. “L-Let me go. Pl-Please, let me go—”

“And have you run around the city, starve yourself almost to death again and have to rely on me to find you and bring you back here to feed you for two days again? I don’t think so.”

What the dark angel said had shocked Yesung, he had fed off the dark angel for two days? No wonder it felt like an eternity, but if that were true, then why wasn’t the angel dead yet? Unless Yesung was too drunk on that blood to even notice if the angel had slipped away to replenish his blood and come back to feed more to Yesung. Maybe that was why he chained Yesung up here.

Sparing a small glance at where they were, he could tell that it was underground, wherever it was. He could smell the dirt surrounding him. The only window he saw was where the ceiling was raised slightly and a small window that was barely big enough to see out of had a small amount of light coming through. But the whole place looked like the home of the dark angel, or at least, it looked lived in due to the clothes hung up on hangers, the books that rested on the shelves and the floor in front of it, and there were even a few gaming systems to go with the old looking TV.



Kyuhyun noticed that Yesung’s attention had turned from him to his home. Probably astounded by the looks of his home. Although, this place would soon be Yesung’s too, so he figured the vampire had better get used to it, especially since he was going to be bound down here with that shackle and chain.

“A-Are you… are you going to hurt me?” that small voice had Kyuhyun’s attention back to the vampire to find him looking at the shackle around his wrist. He couldn’t read his expression due to the black hair of Yesung’s falling in his face.

Kyuhyun assumed he was talking about their first encounter, and as he recalled, he didn’t hurt Yesung when he had him, he was simply fulfilling the deal. His blood for Yesung’s body, it was that simple. And the vampire did enjoy too, so he really didn’t understand why the vampire thought that Kyuhyun would hurt him in that way, as if Kyuhyun would hurt him at all.

He shook his head, “No, Yesung, I won’t hurt you. You’re mine, if I were to hurt you, I’d be hurting myself.”


There that angel went with that ‘you’re mine’ crap again, Yesung thought, glaring at the angel with so much hatred in his eyes. He wasn’t anyone’s, he didn’t belong to anyone, not anymore. “Stop saying that!” He shouted as he started tugging violently against the shackle and chain, trying to break free, “I’m not yours! I’m not anyone’s! I refuse to be some—”

He was cut off by a hand wrapping around his neck and his back pressed firmly against the mattress, Kyuhyun wasn’t choking him, it seemed more like a warning for him to be quiet. All his movements ceased with the stern look that Kyuhyun was giving him. He lied there, wanting to fight back, wanting to punch the angel, wanting to kick the angel away from him, wanting to do anything that would help him get away from this dark angel, but he couldn’t.

“You are mine, Yesung; get that through your head now. You can’t fight me, and I don’t want you to, but you’re going to have to accept that you are mine now.” With that he moved his hand from around Yesung’s neck to come up and caress his cheek, his eyes softening, almost as if he were apologizing for scaring the vampire after he just said he wouldn’t hurt him.

Yesung’s eyes closed when he felt that hand on his cheek, the caress was so soft, Kyuhyun’s hand was so soft and so warm against his cold skin. He found himself shaking his head, the angel's hand falling from his cheek as the worst noise he could ever hear fell from his lips. A sob. Yesung turned his head away, almost trying to bury it in the pillows so Kyuhyun wouldn’t see the blood tears that were starting to fall down his face.



Kyuhyun backed away at hearing the cries of the vampire. His heart clenched up in his chest, his hands wanted to reach out and comfort the vampire, but he knew it would lead to nothing but resistance on Yesung’s part. He backed off the bed completely, watching as Yesung turned over onto his side, curling up into himself as he cried into the pillow. He wondered why the vampire was being so difficult with the situation.

It was obvious to Kyuhyun when he first met Yesung that the vampire was tired of running, it was painfully clear that the vampire was doing a horrible job at keeping himself sustained enough to live. Was it the vampire’s pride that was keeping him from accepting the fact that he did belong to Kyuhyun now? Or was it something else?

Despite whatever it was, Kyuhyun could not stay in that room much longer, he couldn’t bear to listen to Yesung’s sobs, and he couldn’t bear to see the vampire curled up into himself with his arms wrapped around his legs, almost as if to protect himself from whatever he feared was going to happen. Kyuhyun quickly turned away, almost running out of his home. He had to get away.

Hours later, when he deemed that by midnight maybe the vampire had calmed himself, he returned to his home. Upon entering, he didn’t hear any sounds of Yesung’s sobs; he didn’t hear anything except for a low hum of a dead heart trying to beat. Slowly he crept up to the bed, only to find that the vampire was sleeping.

Caked on his face was the remains of his blood tears, his head was still buried against the pillow, his arms had loosened their hold on his legs, but he looked to be in a peaceful sleep, even though Kyuhyun assumed he’d cried himself to sleep.

Kyuhyun sighed to himself as he gently sat down on the edge of the bed; his hand reached up and softly pushed the hair out of Yesung’s face. The vampire didn’t stir at all, just continued to sleep on. Kyuhyun wondered when the last time the vampire had actually slept the whole day, but that could be a question for later. He just didn’t understand why the vampire was so resistant against everything that Kyuhyun could give him, and had already given him.

Then the thought crossed his mind, what if the vampire was running from something or someone? It could serve to be the reason for Yesung’s resistance. He would have to question the vampire about it once he’d woken up, but for now, Kyuhyun moved to settle on the side of the bed behind Yesung, he made sure not to touch the vampire, out of fear that Yesung would wake up. But he stayed close, just in case the vampire did need him. 

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Ta_fics #1
Chapter 3: If only we know what happened next. Sadness. I wish happniess for both of them. Finally falling in love with each other. And yesung can only trust kyuhyun.
Kyu the smart angel will kills those who will harm yesung! 🥲🤭
394 streak #2
You're still not here - part 2 😔😔😔
394 streak #3
Chapter 3: You're still not here 😭😭😭😭
394 streak #4
Chapter 3: wait! where's the next chapter button? I need it! T__________T
394 streak #5
Chapter 2: Why Sungie always has the painfull memories?
394 streak #6
OMG! It's here!!! XDDD Gonna read it! <333333
Chapter 3: Such a lovely and great story
One of the best I've read so far
I hope one day you'll update I really want to read the ending of this
Thanks for sharing ☺️
Liza_Blessedx2 #8
Chapter 3: Love Love Love this fic author-nim!!!!so I beg....I plead....if you are still around then please please please continue updating!! It's incomplete!!! Such a beautiful story does not deserve to be abandoned!!!!!
Chapter 3: My favorite ff of all time~~ I'm still curious of how kyu gonna kills the wicked woman but sometimes it's better to stop before you had to write a whole book XD.