
Sweet Revenge

He just laid there.

Broken. Unmoving. Still cold to the touch.

What was once perfect—a near masterpiece was left in shambles. His own remains were carelessly scattered all over the scene of the crime. The figure seemingly lounging about in its own discards.

It was disgusting.

Taekwoon stood aghast.

He would have doubled over at the scene in front of him if it weren’t for the surging anger that coursed through his veins.

He wanted revenge.

He was going to get it.




To the scoundrel that destroyed my snowman:

I will find you.





Taekwoon walks the halls of his campus with distrusting eyes. He makes his personal vendetta public on the school’s confession website as a warning sign to others. Despite its purpose for anonymous confessions, he knowingly signs his, for he knows people will figure out who the message is from.

His message needs to be sent out.

People need to know that no one messes with Jung Taekwoon.

Taekwoon sits on a bench, watching each passerby with an intense glare. He sees a scrawny, blonde freshman eyeing him from the corner of his vision. Taekwoon turns and stares at his suspicious form. The blonde’s eyes widen in fear and he immediately cowers behind his slightly shorter brunette friend.

Taekwoon frowns in recognition.

“Lee Hongbin,” Taekwoon calls as he walks up to the dimpled brunette.

“Oh hi, hyung,” the younger boy greets him. He pats the blonde’s head who is hiding from behind him and adds, “um, is there any reason as to why you’re glaring at freshmen?”

“Not just freshmen,” Taekwoon says. He narrows his eyes at the blonde boy. “Suspects.”

“Suspects?” Hongbin asks incredulously.

Taekwoon nods, his eyes still glued to the blonde’s shaking figure. Taekwoon walks around Hongbin’s back and leans his face close to the younger boy’s.

“Did you kill my snowman?”

The blonde boy’s eyes widen in confusion, mixing along with fear, and he quickly shakes his head in reply.

“N-no! I don’t—?“

“Taekwooon!” a voice calls shrilly from behind.

Taekwoon turns around and sees his tan friend make his way towards him and his current company.

“Hakyeon,” Taekwoon greets the shorter male.

“May I ask you as to why you’re harassing my baby cousin?” Hakyeon asks while he puts a comforting arm around the blonde boy. “Sanghyukkie, are you okay?”

The blonde’s originally frightened demeanor changes instantly as he shoves the older male away from him.

“Don’t call me that,” he grumbles, and sticks closer to Hongbin’s side.

“Wow, rude,” Hakyeon reprimands the younger boy and spanks his behind.

“Did you kill my snowman?” Taekwoon, who is of a one track mind, asks again.

“Oh my god, are you still going on about that?” Hakyeon demands with a look of complete disbelief on his face. “And why are you asking my cousin?”

“Yes,” Taekwoon answers simply. He looks back at Sanghyuk and adds, “All I saw was blonde hair.”

“Wow. Okay. I think it was that third year kid from the sociology department. You know, the one who cracks a lot of jokes,” Hakyeon says after a moment of thought. “Oh! I think he’s right over there!”

Hakyeon points behind Taekwoon.

The black haired man whirls around and sets his eyes on a fair skinned man with light honey coloured hair. The blonde overhears Hakyeon’s last outburst and looks over to the group. He smiles and waves, until he meets the death glare Jung Taekwoon sends his way.

The blonde man freezes in his tracks.

The two stare at each other for a second. And, without a moment’s hesitation, the blonde runs to the opposite direction with the black haired male chasing furiously from behind.




Taekwoon is angry.

He prides himself for being a fast runner.

He’s as quick as a lion when he pounces, his friends once told him. But somehow, he lost his prey.

That boy sure could run.

He goes to bed angry that night, and he wakes up in a similar fashion.

It isn’t until he looks outside his dorm window that the glare on his face melts away.

Outside his bedroom window, the once beautifully untouched snow is filled with various footsteps and missing unshapely patches.

And there, on the center of the field, stands a snowman almost identical to the one Taekwoon had built. It has the same dents and markings that Taekwoon himself had unknowingly made. It wears the same scarf and its carrot nose is nearly the same as the one Taekwoon had used.

The quiet man is in disbelief. He scrambles around his bedroom for warm clothes and quickly dresses himself. He runs out the door and opens it.

“Hi. My name’s Lee Jaehwan and I’m sorry I killed your snowman. Pease forgive me!” the blonde boy bows low with his palms together, his stature showing the perfect description of a man begging for penance.

Taekwoon silently contemplates on what to do with the blonde boy.

“Did you make the one outside?” he asks quietly.

Jaehwan straightens up and nods his head eagerly.

“But, um, if you don’t like it, we can make another one! I have extra scarves and carrots!” the younger man exclaims.

Taekwoon raises an eyebrow.


Jaehwan’s breath hitches.

“N-not if you don’t want to! I can do all the work and you can just sit and watch while drinking hot chocolate—if you don’t have any I have some and—“ the younger man babbles almost incoherently.

Taekwoon chuckles at the blubbering boy in front of him. An idea forms in his head.

“Jaehwan,” Taekwoon interrupted. The boy immediately stops talking and looks up at Taekwoon with big, round eyes. Taekwoon steps out into the hallway and smiles. “Do you want to build a snowman?”

Jaehwan grins. The two men quickly rush down the hall in glee with Jaehwan’s booming laughter bouncing off the walls, accompanied by the soft, lady-like twinkle of Taekwoon’s giggles.




“Just out of curiousity…how exactly did you do it?” Taekwoon inquires while he adds an extra coat of snow on their seventh snowman’s body to hide the bumps.

“Oh, I was walking by and admiring your work when a friend of mine scared me from behind and I toppled over and fell,” Jaehwan explains. “Oh, I think he was with you before you started chasing me. Cha Hakyeon? Are you two friends?”

Taekwoon stops rolling his snowball and looks at Jaehwan.

“Hakyeon’s the reason for this?”

Jaehwan shrugs.

“Sort of? I was the one who fell on it though.”

“He ratted you out.”

Jaehwan also stops.

The two men look at each other. They look at their half finished snowman as evil smirks begin to make their way on each of their faces.




Hakyeon grumbles to himself while he washes his and Wonsik’s dishes. He hates having to get his hands wet in the winter due to his dry skin. Despite his constant begging, his roommate would not relent and forces him to do his chores.

Hakyeon looks out of his kitchen window while he works and is distracted by the scene in front of him.

He taps his hand on the glass surface.

“Taekwoon? Jaehwan? What are you—“

The duo snaps their heads to the direction of the noise and stop what they are doing. Hakyeon notices that the two are standing over a snowman covered with soot and mud. On it hangs a sign saying: To the Snowman Killer, revenge is sweet.

They set their eyes on Hakyeon. There’s a momentary stare down and then the two men quickly bolt away from the scene.

“What in the hell?! You jerks! Come back here!”

“Wow, what good likeness.”

“Shut up, Ravi!”

A/N: Before anyone gets mad at me for the dark snowman joke, I'm merely referencing to that time Taekwoon built mini vixx snowmen and Hakyeon rubbed his with ash (or whatever that was LOL). Also, I got the prompt when I went on my uni's confession page and saw someone post that on it. I thought it was hilarious. Anyway, hope you liked it!

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Chapter 1: My fave character is the sno man
a-topp #2
Chapter 1: Cute cute cute

Spolier alert//
At first i thought someone at crime scene , but it turn out to be snowman lolllll
*At this point i can't stop laughing *

and when teakwoon ask " do u want to built a snkwman" it so fluff and adorable.

I love the end. Hakyeon deserve it hahaha
ishipyunjae #3
Chapter 1: Lady like twinkle from taekwoon giggles .. leo will kill you if he ever read this. Hahhaaha
And I may have involuntary imagining leo singing do you wanna build a snowman for a momen there.. xp
Anyway, this story is cute :)
Baravois #4
Chapter 1: This is just so cute:)
randomper #5
Chapter 1: Oh my God, I thought this was like.. Leo finding his own dead body as a ghost and seeking revenge IDK! wonderfully hilarious though. The ending is fantastic. It is just like Leo to be o angry over the small stuff
Llama_96 #6
Chapter 1: Wow I was NOT expecting that. But I loved it lol
ottokaji_miso #7
Chapter 1: I thought it was going to be some kind of horror fic at first, you sneaky author, you.
I was dead at this line: "...accompanied by the soft, lady-like twinkle of Taekwoon’s giggles."
sunko12 #9
Chapter 1: Wow this is soooo cute!!
Taekwoon wanted revenge about his snowman...ahhh he's too adorable~~
And keo's chasing is...omg I can't discribe them without the word "cute" !!
At the last part I can't help laughing for almost full a minute...
I love this so much<3<3
Chapter 1: omg it was very cute! ^^