I Fell In Love With Those Eyes


(Inspired by the above perfection)


“Amidst the crowd, my eyes lay on you. From that moment on, they only linger on you.”.




Hyukjae is too serious for his age and what he needs is someone refreshing and youthful. Someone perhaps by the name of Donghae.


Hopefully this will turn out good, because inspiration hits me like no other time hence this was churned out! And also this quote below that gorgeous Hyuk pic has been on my mind for quite some time, I needed to do something about it! Enjoy the ride while you are at it! (:



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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 2: its nice they meet and talking...hae will bring out happy hyuk
kyu please don't mad for too long, hyuk will be lonely or may be not *ehemmm
looking forward, please update again
Chapter 2: Yes hae im sure hae will make hyuk's life more colorful
shincan #3
seems interesting...looking forward to this story.....fighting!!!