Under The Fireworks

Under The Fireworks (Sequel to To A Stranger)

Warning: unbeta!



It has been almost a month since Taemin moved to Seoul. During that one month, he hangs out with Minho and the other hyungs a lot. It seems like there is no day passed without having a coffee or watching movie together. They get close so fast and easily because Taemin is way too adorable and too cute to be resisted.

The first time they meet Taemin, they have different impression towards the youngest one. Key’s already fallen for him at the first sight. He adores Taemin so much and treats him like a baby. No one can hurt him without getting a death glare or a harsh kick from Key. And since there is nothing to do to prevent Key from treating him that way, Taemin just takes it for granted. Sometimes he will use his aegyo to stop Key from torturing the others. With that kind of attention, Key is fit to be Taemin’s cousin than Onew. As Taemin’s cousin, Onew just acts as usual, nothing special. And because there is nothing special about the way he treats Taemin, nothing more can be told about him. Compared to Key, Jonghyun looks cooler toward Taemin. Instead of babying him like Key does, Jonghyun just act normally, more normal than Onew. He doesn’t treat him special like Key does or normal like Onew does. He is way too cold to be called as normal. He may look like he doesn’t care but indeed he does care Taemin but not as much as and as extreme as Key, he does but he just doesn’t show it off like Key does. He just keeps it until he feels like he needs to show it. What a weird person. Then, the last one is Minho. Out of Key’s excessive attention and Onew and Jonghyun’s simple act, Minho treats him like neither a dongsaeng nor a friend, he treats him as his most valuable person in the world, because in fact, it’s so.

Minho can never let his eyes off of Taemin and so does Taemin. Sweet smiles, gentle gazes, soft voice, everything about Taemin is so addicting for Minho. He doesn’t mind to show his affection towards Taemin obviously because since the beginning, he’s already known that he’s fallen for him. And as days passed by, his feeling towards Taemin grows stronger and stronger.

Taemin does the opposite as Minho, he prefers to keep his feeling and doesn’t show it as obvious as Minho does. No, it doesn’t mean that Taemin doesn’t love him that much. He really feels something on Minho, and that feeling is the reason why he moved to Seoul, the reason why he is sitting in this cafe right now, in front of Minho, at this late night.

“Taemin-ah, are you free on Saturday?” Minho asks when they’re in their usual cafe, writing on their own while enjoying each other company.

“Yes. Why?” Taemin says as his eyes never leave the screen on his laptop.

“Would you spend it with me?” That’s, he is finally said that. Minho has been waiting for this. He wants to ask him out for … a date – if it can be called that way.

“Eh?” Taemin’s attention is now fully concerned on Minho. He looks at Minho with such a confused face.

“Well, umm, let’s hang out this Saturday. I mean just you and me, without the other three.” Minho tries his best not to feel nervous while saying that.

“Oh, okay. I’d love to.” Taemin smiles purely then puts his attention back to his laptop, fails to catch Minho’s relief and also silly smile. Yes, nothing can describe how happy and relieved Minho is right now. At first, he is scared that Taemin will curious at his sudden invitation and think that he’s weird but he’s wrong. Taemin accepts that easily. And now, the fact that there is finally a day he can spend with Taemin only drives him crazy. Actually, what makes him very happy isn’t spending a whole Saturday with Taemin, but because he is going to confess to Taemin on that day. He wants Taemin to know how much he loves him. He wants Taemin to know how much he means for him. Last, he wants Taemin to be his, only his.

No, don’t you dare to question about Minho’s love for Taemin. No one has the right to deny Minho’s love for Taemin, not after his three years waiting, not after what he has been doing for his Taemin, his dear stranger in the past.


“Hyung, am I really okay? There is nothing wrong, right?” Taemin asks for the hundredth times.

“Yes, there is finally something wrong with you.” Onew replies lazily.

“What?‼ Where? My T-shirt? My jeans?” Taemin looks at his whole body, even moving to take a look in front of the mirror to make sure it’s not his face which is wrong.

“You’re overanxious, Tae! Gosh, can’t you just sit down and wait for him quietly?!”

“Yaaah! Don’t you dare to yell at him!” The next thing that is happening is a black bag flying over and landing perfectly on Onew’s face. Surprisingly, Key’s standing not far from them. It seems like he just gets in.

“Key hyung! When did you come in?” Taemin greets him innocently.

“I just came and your aunt said that you guys are on the upstairs so here I am. Wait, what’s with your clothes?”

“He’s going to go for a date with Minho.” Onew replies.

“He, what?!” Both of Taemin and Onew are impulsively covering their face with their arms to defend themselves from the possibility of getting Key’s malicious attack.

“Yaaah, I’m not going to harass you! You better tell me what’s happening before I change my mind.”

“Minho.hyung.asked.me.to..go..out..with.him.” Taemin replies in fear, vigilantly waiting for Key’s respons.

“Omoo.. That’s good! That stupid bug is finally making a move on you!”


“Eh? You don’t mad at him?” Taemin asks, almost disbelieving on what he just heard.

“No. Otherwise, I’m glad to hear that. Honestly, I don’t want to give my precious baby to a bug like him. But after considering his faith on you for these past three years, I can’t bear to see you guys aren’t together.”

“Minho hyung isn’t an idiot. He-“

“Are you really thinking that way?” Onew cuts Taemin, staring at Key almost with his largest eyes he may ever do. Key, who doesn’t get what he means, just nods at him as a reply. “Taemin-ah, we can add him to your secret master plan then!” Onew says brightly. “Isn’t it good? One more person will be very helping.”

“Wait, what’s the secret master plan you’re talking about?”

“Apparently, I’ve planned something and I can’t do that alone so I asked Onew hyung and Jonghyun hyung to help me work this plan out.” Taemin’s answering enthusiastically.

“Yes, and you can take a part on this plan too.” Onew adds.

“Are you two trying to say that you guys planning something without letting me know about that?”

That’s it. Key’s danger alarm is ringing and nobody can escape from it.

“Eh, hyung, it’s not like what you think. I mean-“ Taemin is about to explain the reason to his overprotective friends but unfortunately being cut by his ringing phone. He grabs his phone and smiles brightly when he knows who the caller is. “It’s from Minho hyung!” He answers the phone which is ended in a short time. “He is already on the downstairs! I have to go. Onew hyung will explain you about my secret master plan. You’ll do that, right?” Taemin sends a puppy eyes to Onew, who sighs in despair knowing that he will never be able to resist it. “Okay. See you later, hyungs.”


“Are you ready?” Minho greets him once Taemin reaches him. Taemin nods happily. “Okay, let’s go.”

“Where are we going to go?”

“Actually, I don’t have any specific plan. So, where do you want to go?” Minho asks back.

“You’re the one who asked me out but you have no plan about where to go? Hyuuung, are you serious?” Taemin whines.

Minho can only chuckle at Taemin’s cute reaction. He does have a plan but not for now. It’s for tonight and they still have about five hours before heading to his planned place.

“Let’s just go watching movie. But hyung, we won’t just watching movies all day, will we?”

“Haha. No, of course. I’ve planned something when the night comes. Because I’ve already had something for us to do tonight, you have to plan out what we’re going to do until the sun sets.”

“Hmm, okay. Let’s just watch a movie then we can kill the time on the mall.”

“Don’t you have certain places you want to visit, a better place to kill the time instead of hanging around on the mall?”

“No. I don’t want to go to anywhere right now. Let’s just kill the time on the mall and go to your place! I’m getting curious about it. Would you tell me where are you going to take me?”

“No. I’ll keep it as a secret.” Minho smirks.

“Even if I use my aegyo, will you still keep it as a secret?” Taemin gives him his best puppy eyes and makes his face look as cute as possible.

“Damn, Taemin, don’t you know it’s dangerous to use your aegyo on a person who is evidently driving? Stop that before we end up on a car accident, okay?”

“You’re not fun at all.” He pouts.

“Yaah! Your pout is counted as an aegyo. Stop pouting like that.”


“And your whine is counted too.” Minho teased.

“I hate you.”

“You don’t.”

It doesn’t long until they stop at their usual mall and go to check the movie. But since they often watch movies together, there is only one movie they haven’t watched yet and it’s a horror one and everybody knows very well that Taemin can’t handle it.

“Do you want to re watch?”

“No. It won’t be fun. Let’s just … watch that horror movie.” He says hesitantly.

“All of us know you’re not into horror.”

“It’s okay. I think I should try to watch some of it.”

“I don’t think it would be okay.”

“Come on, hyung. I want to learn how to handle this kind of thing.”

“Learn? Is it something that can be learned?”

“Just pretend like it could. Come on. It starts in ten minutes!”

Taemin wastes no time to drag him to get the tickets but Minho still feels unsure while he’s buying the tickets. He doesn’t think Taemin will be okay because from what Onew hyung told them; Taemin will never be okay with ghosts. He will scream and trembling hard in fear so Onew suggests them not to invite Taemin if they’re going to watch horror movies.

“Taemin-ah, I think-“

“I’m okay. Let’s go.”

Having no choice, Minho just follows him obediently. He can’t stop glancing over the younger boy to make sure that he’s okay. And so far, Taemin is still fine.

But he turns into ABSOLUTELY not fine just several seconds after the movie started. Taemin’s starting to look very anxious and cling into Minho’s arm. He keeps murmuring something about the ghosts which haven’t revealed yet. Of course the ghosts haven’t appeared yet; they’re still at the tenth minute of the whole movie.

“We can leave if you can’t stand this.” Minho whispers into Taemin ears, making sure that he keeps his voice as low as possible so he won’t bother the others.

“No, no. This will end soon.” Taemin says as his eyes remains closed.

“It just started for ten minutes but you’re already like this. I doubt you’ll be okay at the next five minutes.”

“No. Please, let me watch this until the end.”

“Aish, this kid is so stubborn. Okay, let’s see how far you can go for this.”

Just like what Minho has expected, Taemin’s getting worse on the next five minutes. He grips Minho’s arm tightly, hard enough to make the latter feel the pain for being squeezed like that. But Minho isn’t concerned about the pain he felt on his arm, he’s only concerned on the boy next to him, who’s now murmuring about “how is it if the ghost come out?”, “how is it if there is something under my chair?” and other silly things. At this rate, Minho is still able to handle Taemin’s fear but finally he lost his patience when Taemin starts to bury his face on his shoulder so he won’t be able to see the screen.

“Let’s get out of here. There is no point of staying here if you don’t even look at the screen.”

“No. I’m watching, really, I’m not lying.”

“But you’re too scared to stay here.”

“No. Believe me; I’ll be able to stay here until the end. I just haven’t gotten a chance like this before but..” He pauses because the sounds of the movie tensed up. “Oh, please tell me that the ghosts won’t appear.” Taemin buries his face deeper on Minho’s shoulder.

“Taemin-ah, let’s-“ He stops as he gets a better idea than dragging Taemin out forcibly. “You want to learn how to handle this, right?” He smirks when Taemin nods silently. “It would be useless if I keep urging you to leave so I think it would be better if I help you.” Taemin nods again. Minho smiles slyly at the answer he got. Soon, he pulls Taemin closer to him, positioning the younger face on his broad chest. “Because this is your first time, let’s make it easy. You don’t have to look at the screen, just listen to the audio and I’ll tell you what’s going on. Okay?” Taemin nods once again, making Minho smile in victory.

That’s a very good idea, isn’t it? Having Taemin in his arms for the next two hoursis the ‘better’ idea that crossed over his mind. And for the rest of the movie, they’re staying like that. Minho really tells what’s going on so Taemin can catch up with the movie. Even though Taemin doesn’t watch it directly – just listen to what Minho’s saying – he is still scared. He’s still trembling like crazy. Minho has been trying to calm him down but it doesn’t work well so all he can do is just Taemin’s back and sometimes telling him that there is nothing to be scared of, hoping it could stop him from shaking. Taemin is just too paranoid to not be scared. The good side is that today, Minho finds out that Taemin is really not into horror. Taemin is helpless when it comes to horror movies.


“Have you felt better?”

“I think so.” Taemin replies faintly.

“I don’t think so.”

“I’m not lying. I really feel better.” He reassures. “Thank you very much, hyung. That was the first time I could watch a horror movie till the end. I’ll show it off to the other hyungs later. I’m sure someday I’ll be able to watch that kind of movies without shaking my body out. If only you would help me to do that.”

“Of course I’ll help you. It would be good if you could join us when we watch horror movies someday.” And it’s good to know that I’ll have this having-Taemin-in-my-arms thing in the future, Minho says inwardly. “So, what do you want to do next?”

“Hmm, what about having a supper together? I’m hungry.”


From: Key hyung

How is it so far?

I’ll wait for you no matter how long.

Need an explanation about your plan.


To: Key hyung


Can’t tell you now but will later.


“Amusement park? Is this the place you want to bring me?”

“Yes. Do you not like it?”

“I like it.” Taemin says immediately. “I like this place because I can play around.” Taemin smiles cutely.

“Do you often come to this kind of place in Japan?”

“No. Not really. My friends like to hang out on mall more. So yeah.. I’m happy you bring me here. This is the first time I come to an amusement park in Seoul with my friend.”

“I’m glad you like it. Why don’t you ask us to go here earlier? The others must be agreed to come here if you ask them.”

“I don’t think so.You guysoftenhang out on the mall so I never ask.”

“Yaah, next time you want to go somewhere, just ask for it. If they don’t want to go there with you, you know I always do.” Minho smiles warmly as he stares on his beloved person, making Taemin’s cheeks start to redden in adorable way. “What do you want to play first?”

There they go, playing around, enjoying every second of their time together. Everyone can obviously see that it’s not just a friendship, there is something more that ‘friendship’ on their warm smiles, soft gazes, gentle pats, and hugs. There is something that lies behind all of those acts, something that sends a strange vibration through their body whenever they do skin ship, something that gives them comfortable warmth whenever they stay close to each other, something that makes their hearts beat faster whenever they stare intensely on those dearly loved eyes. Something called love. Yes, it’s love that they have been keeping on their heart for this long, waiting for the right time to say it out. And tonight will be the last night for them to keep that up, because tonight, this place will be the dead witness to the disclosure of their feeling. Tonight, there may a thing that changes between them. It’s only one thing but it would be very wise to not underestimate it.

“Why are we standing here instead of playing the other games?” Taemin asks. He just can’t get why they have to stop because there are still some games they haven’t rode yet.

“If I’m not mistaken, but I’m sure I’m not, we should be able to see the fireworks soon.”

“Fireworks? They have that kind of thing too?” No one can tell how bright Taemin’s eyes shine at the moment he hears about the fireworks.

“Yeah, they always do that on the weekend. That’s why I asked you out on the weekend so we can enjoy the fireworks together.”

“Hyung, there is nothing less from you. You’re the best.” Minho can only smile on Taemin’s excitement.

“So, let’s stop playing around and wait for the fireworks.” Taemin nods happily. He’s standing next to Minho and waiting for the fireworks quietly.

Taemin knows that this is a precious waiting time, he knows it very well because Minho likes fireworks very much – that’s what the older ever told him – he doesn’t want to spoil but, it’s almost an hour passed and the fireworks haven’t appeared yet. He truly doesn’t want to ruin this moment, but his legs starts to fatigue. The beautiful night sky is taken too much of Minho’s attention until he lost the time direction and unable to notice Taemin’s exhaustions from standing for an hour.

“Hyung,” Taemin starts.


“Umm, do you often come here to see the fireworks?” That’s it. Taemin fails to say that he’s tired of standing up for an hour and wants to sit down to rest his legs.

“No, only once a month. Sometimes, I fail to do that when I’m too busy.”

“Oh.” Taemin has nothing to say except a simple Oh. “Does it beautiful?”

“Yes. Very beautiful.”

“I see.” He pauses a bit, inhaling a long deep breath before continue. “I-I think it would be better if we find a more comfortable place to enjoy that beautiful fireworks.” Taemin bits his lips nervously as he waits for Minho’s reaction. It seems like his confession isn’t in vain because Minho turns to look at him only to see his tired face. Minho’s eyes look down on Taemin’s legs that look like moving in uncomfortable way. Minho gazes around for awhile before pulling Taemin by his wrist to follow him.

“Sorry, I didn’t know that we’re already standing for an hour.” Minho says when they’re sitting on the edge of the park’s fountain. Well, actually, it’s only Taemin who’s sitting on the edge of the fountain because Minho is kneeling in front of him, massaging his tired legs.

“It’s okay, hyung. I know that you like it. Fireworks.”

“No matter how much I like to wait for it, you can’t just keep silent and wait until you feel like you can’t endure your tiredness anymore. Just say it out, Taemin-ah.” He says as his hands working on Taemin’s legs. “I don’t know that you’re like that. I think I really need learn more about you.”

“Eh? I am like what?”

“Keep everything in your mind. First, it’s about the amusement park, then now. Is there anything else you keep away from me or maybe from us?”

“No. It’s not like that. I’m just.. I-“

“It’s alright.” Minho cuts him. “You only have to say it next time.”

“I said it, though. That I’m tired.”

“Yes, you did, after your legs stiffed like this and in a very imperceptible way. 'I think it would be better if we find a more comfortable place to enjoy those beautiful fireworks'. Is that the way you tell other people when you’re uncomfortable?” Minho teases.

“At least I said that.” Taemin pouts cutely, making the older ruffles his hair lovingly. “But hyung, are you sure we can see the fireworks tonight? Look, people are starting to leave and the food stalls are already closed.”

They look around and find that the park is less crowded than an hour before. There’re only a few who are still there.

“I’ll find out about that. Wait me here, okay?”

Taemin nods as an answer and Minho wastes no time to walk away to find out what’s wrong. While waiting for his hyung, Taemin’s playing with the water on the fountain. He can see the moon reflexion on the water and finds that it looks very beautiful through the water. He stares at it for a quite long time until he sees Minho is running after him.

“They have a problem with the fireworks so that they couldn’t make a fireworks show tonight. They apologized for that.” Taemin can see the disappointment on Minho’s eyes. Minho must be wanted to see it tonight.

“We can go back here next time and watch the fireworks together.” Taemin tries to brighten the atmosphere.

“Yes, but I have something that cannot postponed until next time.” Minho says. He kneels in front of Taemin like what he did a moment ago and takes Taemin’s hands. “I’ve told you that I like fireworks but I haven’t told you that I want to confess to the one I love under the fireworks too. It has to be my dream but it seems like I failed to do that.” Taemin remains silence as he has no idea about what Minho just said. He can only stare at his beloved hyung, waiting for further explanation.

“I want to confess to you tonight, under the fireworks, but sadly I have to do that without my favourite fireworks go along with me. Yes, I can’t wait until the next time you said comes. I can’t keep this feeling any longer. I love you, Taemin. I really want to ask you whether I can be your boyfriend or not, but I think, I better ask this question. Would you like me to be your boyfriend?”


“That he is!” Key screams as he sees Taemin’s walking in. He rushes over Taemin and pulls him into a tight embrace. “How was it?” He asks vigorously but turns straight-faced after realizing how bitter Taemin is right now. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m tired, hyung. Good night.” He replies weakly and about to go when Onew joins up and keeps him there.

“What’s with your face? Is there something wrong happened when you’re with Minho? What did he do to you?” Onew blurts questions when he sees his cousin.


“It’s not his fault.” Taemin interrupts Key, who’s almost getting angry on Minho. “It was me who ruined everything. It has nothing to do with him. Don’t do something harm to him.”

“Then what is it? Tell me what makes you turn into a lifeless human being like this!”

“I’m sleepy. Good night.” This time, they don’t hold him; they let him to go to his room.

“It’s decided. I’ll stay here tonight. I can’t go home in peace before his smile back on his face.”

“You can stay at my room like usual.” Onew tells him.

“Yah! I’m not going to stay with you. Does he always lock his door?”

“I don’t know. I’m not paying attention on that kind of things.”

“Aish, you’re totally useless, hyung. Do you have a spare key?”

“I think my mom has one.” Doesn’t have to be commanded, Onew finds his mom and asks for Taemin’s spare key by saying that he and Key already prepared something to surprise him. He gets back to Key after got the key.

“Wait, what’s your plan?” Onew stops in front of Taemin’s door as he finds that he has no idea what to do.

“Demand an explanation. I’ll ask him to death for it.”

“Good idea.” Onew inserts the key and tries to unlock it but he just can’t do that. He hesitantly turns the doorknob and it’s opened.

“He didn’t lock it?” He whispers to Key questioningly. They peer into the room and find Taemin lying on his bed with still his full clothes. They get in silently and reach the boy who’s burying his face on the pillow, preventing the hyungs from seeing his face.

“Are you crying?” Key asks tenderly. Taemin shakes his head. Key, who is unsure, glances at Onew hyung and Onew mouths a ‘he’s not a cry baby’. Key nods at him, signalling that he got what he’s trying to say. “I’m glad you’re not crying.” He caresses Taemin’s back. “I’ll stay here tonight to make sure you won’t be alone.”

“Just go home hyung.” Taemin murmurs.

“Yaah, I can’t go home if you’re still like this. I’ll be crazy because worrying you too much. It’s better for me to stay here.”

“You know you can tell us, Tae.” Onew says.

“I’m so stupid.” Taemin replies.

“No, you’re not.”

“He confessed to me.” Both Onew and Key exchange a surprised look.

“Then?” They ask almost in unison.

“I disappoint him.”

“What do you mean by disappoint him?”

“I didn’t say anything just because I don’t want to abandon my plan. I’m a selfish heartless person.”

Yes, Taemin already has a plan to confess to Minho. He’s already settled it with Onew and Jonghyun, his secret master plan. And Key is just joined too.

“So he confessed to you and you didn’t give him an answer because of your secret master plan Onew just told me several hours ago?” Key asks to reassure and receives a nod from Taemin.

“He looked very disappointed, but he hid that. His eyes told me so.” Onew and Key are exchanging a confuse look, grateful that Taemin’s still burying his face on the pillow so he won’t find out that his hyungs are having no idea about what to do. Key sends a glare to Onew, forcing him to say something.

“At least you know for sure about his feeling towards you now. You still have your secret master plan and us. You can confess to him back. Don’t be sad.” Onew says.

“Yes. We can carry out your plan and you can confess to him. If he really loves you, his feeling won’t change a bit. Stop blaming yourself.”

“But I am really a selfish heartless cruel insensitive stupid person.”

“You’re not. You just surprised because he’s one step further than you and almost messed up your plan. It’s okay, we’ll find a time for you to confess to him. Let’s change your clothes and sleep.” Key reaches the dresser and grabs a random pyjama for Taemin.

“You wouldn’t be okay if you were me. He said 'would you like me to be your boyfriend?' If I were him, I would have said 'Can I' or 'May I be your boyfriend?' But he didn’t do that. He didn’t ask if it’s possible, he didn’t ask permission. Instead, he asked whether I want it or not.”


“What about tomorrow?”

“I can’t. I have a test on Wednesday so I have to study tomorrow night. Sorry, Tae.” Jonghyun apologizes.

“It’s okay. What about Wednesday night?”

“My grandma is coming and I won’t be allowed to go out. Thursday night?” Key says.

“He will be busy writing his article.” Taemin replies.

“Aish, can’t it be delayed?”

“It can’t be delayed, postponed, procrastinated; thursday night is his undisturbed night.”

“Friday? I’m free that night.” Key declares.

“Me too.” Jonghyun says.

“Okay. It’s decided, Friday night.” Onew closes their discussion. “Tell him to free his schedule that night.”

Taemin grabs his cell phone and texts him immediately. Excitement is drawn all over his face. The fact that he will tell Minho about his feeling this Friday really makes him happy. He can’t wait to see Minho’s sparkling eyes again. Yes, after that day, Minho acts as usual, like nothing happened. He smiles, laughs, and acts normally but Taemin knows he’s not that fine. Taemin can see how broken and dead he is through his eyes. It’s shown clearly enough.


To: Minho hyung

Let’s hang out this Friday.


From: Minho hyung




From: Minho hyung

Sorry. Unexpected additional class until 8.

Don’t wait for me. Have a nice day with the hyungs.


Taemin curses after reading the message. It’s already 5:30 P.M. and the hyungs are already on the place they use to work the plan out, preparing everything they need. They also have made a deal that Taemin will bring Minho there at 7 P.M.


To: Onew hyung, Key hyung, Jonghyung hyung

Bad news. Additional class until 8. How?


From: Key hyung


Can’t he just skip it?


To: Key hyung

NO. I won’t force him. I need 30 minutes to

reach there. We’ll be there at 8:30

You can leave, go somewhere while wait.



From: Key hyung

Can’t leave this place. We’re already settled

a few things up. We’ll just stay here.

It’s okay baby.


Having nothing to do, Taemin just waits for Minho not too far from Minho’s class, sitting on a bench quietly.

30 minutes passed..

45 minutes passed..

An hour passed..

An hour ten minutes.. one text message.


From: Jonghyun hyung

We’re starving, thirsty, and exhausted.


But don’t tell Key that I ask you to.

He doesn’t allow us to do this but

Onew hyung and I just too hungry.


Taemin glances at his watch. It’s 6:40 P.M. and he curses himself again because he forgets about how hungry his hyungs must be. Last time they ate is during the lunch break. Taemin wastes no time to rush to his car. He drives to the nearest bakery and buys some breads and drinks for his hyung. He has no time to make an order in a restaurant because it needs more time to wait until the foods cooked. He drives to their place as fast as he can. And as he has expected, Key hyung scolds him as soon as he arrives.

“What are you doing here? It’s still 7:25.”

“Foods.” Taemin’s panting hard while handing him what he has bought. “Have to go. No time.”

“Yaaah, who the hell was asking him for foods?” Key yells on Onew and Jonghyun who are grinning like a fool now.


To: Minho hyung

Wait me in front of your class.


Taemin drives recklessly to make it on time but he can’t help when he reaches the gate of their university at 8:10. He parks his car as he pleases and rushes to Minho’s class. He ignores the pain he feel on his tired legs but keeps running until he sees Minho’s figure leaning on the wall in front of his class like what Taemin has asked him to.

“No time.. Go.” He’s panting terribly. Minho, who knows nothing about this plan, stuns at the sight of over exhausted Taemin in front of him. “Come on.” Taemin grabs his wrist and pulls him to walk to his car.

“You’re out of breath. We can sit down and wait until you get your steady breath back.”

“No time. We have to go now.”

“Where are we going? Taemin, you’re sweating too much.”

“Get into the car.” Taemin lets Minho’s wrist free once they reach his car and gets into the driver seat. He drives out once Minho gets in.

“Okay. Where are we going?”

“A place.”

“Where exactly is it?”

“It’s an open area on the side town.”

“Why are we going there?”

“Find it out by yourself later.”

Minho doesn’t continue to ask him even though he’s still curious about that place and why Taemin wants to bring him there. He steals a glance at Taemin and finds him sweating like hell. He takes his handkerchief and starts to wipe Taemin’s face.

“I don’t know what you’vedone but it must be very tiring. You’re soaked in sweat.” Minho wipes his face gently, making sure he wipes all of the sweats without distracting Taemin’s vision because he’s driving right now. But if only Minho knows, being in a car just with Minho is already distracting him. It’s already distracting him enough and Minho adds the distraction by wiping off his sweat. Good, just pray they will still alive by the time they get there.


It’s 8:45 when they finally arrive at that place. Minho looks around to find out where are they but he has no idea about this place.

“Close your eyes.” Taemin asks.

“For what?”

“Just listen to me. Okay?”

Minho obeys him, closing his eyes as Taemin guides him to somewhere. After they reach the wanted spot, Taemin lifts his hand as a sign to the other hyungs.

“You can open your eyes now.” He says to Minho.

And at the moment he opens his eyes, he’s welcomed by the sight of the first fireworks on the beautiful night sky. Minho keeps his eyes on the sky, stunning as more and more fireworks popping out from all directions. Taemin is also surprised on the sight of that spectacular fireworks show. He feels proud of his hyungs, they must have been working hard for this.

“I don’t know whether this one is as beautiful as the one in the amusement park but I hope you like it.”

Minho doesn’t let his eyes off of the sky but still answers him. “It’s much more beautiful Taemin-ah.”

Taemin lets out a heavy breath of relief knowing that Minho likes it.

“Hyung, do you still remember your last questi on for me? The one that I haven’t answered yet. If I may answer it now, my answer is yes.” He pauses. He gulps nervously, trying to finish his words. “I love you, hyung. I want you to be my boyfriend. I know it’s already late, but will you still consider it?”

Even now, Minho is still staring at the sky, enjoying the endless fireworks while smiling like a fool. Taemin almost gives up on his hyung when he suddenly hears Minho’s voice.

“Is it you who prepared this?”

“I just plan this out. The hyungs help me to work this out.” Taemin feels relieved and disappointed at the same time. He does want Minho talk to him but it’s not what he wants to hear.

“Since when did you plan this?”

“I forgot, almost two weeks I think.”

Then, there are no more questions. Silence’s floating around them, leaving the happy Minho who is still enjoying the beautiful fireworks on the sky and the anxious Taemin who is waiting for Minho to answer his last question. But it seems like, watching the fireworks are far more interesting than answering Taemin’s question. Taemin bends him head down as he’s sure that Minho will never reply it. Taemin thinks that Minho might be avoiding talking about it by the time he asked his first question about the fireworks. Taemin can only hopes that he will find out how to end this soon. Yes, the fireworks will not stop popping out if he doesn’t give any signal to the hyungs.

“It’s my dream to confess to someone I love under the fireworks.” Taemin frowns as he hears Minho’s talking to him. “I always wonder about how it feels. But, I never dream of someone I love confessing to me under the fireworks. It feels great, very great.”

“Hyung, I-“ Taemin can’t finish his word because Minho’s lips is already sealed his in a sweet kiss.

“Thanks.” He kisses him again. “This is the most beautiful fireworks I have ever watched.”

Taemin can’t do anything to prevent disappointment appeared on his face. After all, it’s about the fireworks. Again. The kisses must be because of the fireworks too, not because Minho loves him.

“I just want to give something back to you. You have done a lot for me ever since three years ago.”

“You don’t have to do this, Taemin-ah. I will do everything for you because I love you. And about your question, it’s not late at all. I thought I’ll never have you in my life.” Minho’s arm sneaks out around Taemin’s waist, pulling Taemin closer to him. He starts to kiss Taemin over and over again as Taemin’s hands find its way on Minho’s neck. “And I was wrong. Look, I have you now.” Minho breaks the kiss, panting heavily. “From now on, please stay by my side. Don’t you ever leave me again, my dearest ex-stranger.”

Taemin blush as he hears it. But Minho doesn’t stop yet, he continues kissing his new boyfriend. The taste of Minho’s lips on him makes Taemin forget about the fireworks that’s still bursting from everywhere. And as their kiss getting intense and deepen, Taemin’s already forget about the hyungs who are freaking exhausted now. He can only focus on Minho’s great lips.


“How long will it be like this?” Jonghyun asks through his cell phone. They’re on the conference call only for this. “I can’t do this anymore.” He’s panting hard because of the tiredness.

“Don’t you dare to stop. We will stop only if Taemin gives us the sign.” Key threatens.

“But don’t you see? They’re ing making out there. He will never remember that he still has to stop us. His mind is maybe full of the thought of doing that on the bed right now.”

“Yaaah! No one can steal his ity without my permission!” Key goes crazy by the thought of his Taemin being ed by an idiot bugs like Minho and Jonghyun is too tired to care about that.

Luckily, the exhausted Jonghyun meets the almost-died Onew. They exchange knowing glance before fall to each other.

“I don’t get the to continue this. Do it by yourself it you want to.” Jonghyun switches off his phone.

“Me too.” Onew says, throws his phone on the ground and drops himself next to Jonghyun.

“Your cousin is really the death of us.” Jonghyun says as they lay down together on the ground, trying to catch their breath.

“Yes..I know.”



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Actually I don't want to update this oneshot. But, since I found something that made me very happy, I decided to post this! XD

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I just want you to vote for Big Bang to support Kpop :) It's okay if you don't want to. If you want to, you can visit asia.mtvema.com/vote you can also see the other nominees but Big Bang is the only one from Korea ^^

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Chapter 1: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/67236/1'>Under The Fireworks</a></span>
Lovely sequel 💖💖 I loved both of the confessions 🤗💞💞
SHINee4ever5 #2
Ahahahah, adorable to the fullest <333
So awesome ;_;
2MINTforever_ #4
turtlejusz #5
So swEet. I love this sequel. Simple bUt cUte. Fireworks always so romantic. KeEp writing beautiful fics like this.
Love this! xDDDDDD
patchiee #7
ahhh the trio is sooo cute xD
plumeria5 #8
Oh, this was a beautiful ending... lol at poor trio at the end as well... Thanks for the story :)
patchiee #10
update this one too! XD