We Belong Together


To say he regretted coming along with Jiyong hyung would be a false accusation.

Well, yeah, Daesung could say he was very hesitant at the first place but there was never wrong to spend a Saturday night with Jiyong hyung. It intrigued Daesung the most is why Jiyong hyung was so persistent to tag someone along, as he’d always been invited alone.

This special friend of his must be very important, Daesung thought.

Everyone in the hall was seated and dressed very sophistically with suits and evening gowns and Daesung wondered why they had to wear such a luxurious dressing only for a pianist. Jiyong had briefed him earlier that she was one of the top pianists right now and to have her having her first concert in her birthland in the past ten years was not something to be missed, as she spent most of her time in Vienna, Austria, participating orchestras.

Daesung was still deeply thinking as to why someone would go so far away to pursue their career, like the infamous pianist – it was either he loved his homeland too much or he loved his mother to the moon and back that leaving her for a tour would be a problem.

His reverie was cut abruptly short by a short piece of piano play from behind the grand red curtain. The concert hall immediately and violently went mum to an eerie silent because the pianist apparently halted as well. Not even a single person dared to breathe. After a complete fifteen seconds, the pianist started playing to what it seemed like the rest of her piece and the audience started clapping their hands in appreciation.

So did Daesung. But the vocalist had his own reason as to why. Of course, still in full appreciation, he clapped for the stunning pianist in blood red gown. The gown was one shoulder, exposing her other shoulder to the lightning to be presented beautifully for a little of audience’s delight. She wasn’t very tall, Daesung could tell, but her French twist was enough to elongate her neck and Daesung loved to see a woman’s back of neck with all glory. As she played her piece, her body was moving to the sound of the piano with such a grace; her closed eyes implied she was enjoying it as much as he did.

“Hello, everyone – good evening. My name is Song Jihye and welcome to my first concert here in Seoul, South Korea,” She said, from behind the piano. Her eyes were wandering across all the audience. “It makes me feel bad because I was born and raised here but never had a chance to have a solo concert in my homeland. Are you enjoying yourself so far?”

The audience clapped as a way to say yes, and Daesung was taken aback by her fluent Korean, on the other hand. She was Korean?

“Oh, great! I’m pleased to hear it,” She replied, with her own million-dollar smile. “I hope you’re not going anywhere until the end of the concert, in case you get bored, because it will take a while to get there. But I’m more hoping I exceed your expectation by the end of the night. So please, make yourself comfortable.”

Daesung wasn’t a fan of classical music as much as the rest of people here did, but he didn’t regretted coming along. By the third piece, he knew the concert had a storyline and it was slowly rising to reach the , and by the came, not only Daesung cried to the sorrowful music of being left by someone you dearly treasured.

Daesung sat in the front row – all credit goes to Kwon Jiyong – and one of the (other) advantadges of being in front row was that he could notice a tear prickled down her rose cheek by the time she delivered all the emotion she had to the reoriantation song of the story. Her eyes were closed again, and to see the roundest eyes Daesung had ever seen again was dreading him.

However, by the time the eyes were back on Earth as the song ended, with a smile on her face as the audience gave her a round of applause, Daesung noticed something.

Mesmerized than ever before, Daesung gaped at the realization that Song Jihye was blind.

The fact that she was unable to see – Daesung detested the word ‘blind’ eversince he met her, especially when an article criticizing their relationship just because Jihye was blind – didn’t reduce all the love he had for this woman lying facing him, eyes closed so serene. Times like this made Daesung dared to travel as far as her current residence in Vienna, Austria, to have some time alone for both of them, to care and to love each other without any intrusion of fans or netizens. He made time to come to her performances, despite all the schedule he had, and now he made it here, ignoring the calls he had been getting eversince he took off in the middle of preparing Bigbang’s recording because Jihye needed him – for some reason, it was pretty idiotic to run off when your girlfriend only asked you to come when you had some time for some inspiration.

But Daesung didn’t mind. To have Jihye in his arms when he woke up was more than enough to assure him that when he got back to Korea, he would be just fine. To see her face the first thing in the morning and see it himself when she opened her eyes; how blazing and pure innocent the deep shade of grey of her eyes were, were more than just fine to start thinking she was his reason to keep loving and treasuring her – his reason to not do anything stupid, his reason to live.

Her chocolate brown hair was flailing behind her back, exposing her shoulder beautifully. Her breathing was very calm, unlike the snow storm outside. Her cheeks were very warm under his palm, and Daesung loved how soft her skin was. The whole scene was pretty opposite to last night, where they had little arguments here and there when they decided to make a collaboration song – which ended rather unsuccessful, because at the end Daesung sat beside her and made her sit on his lap before burying himself on the nape of her neck, murmuring the question as to why they were arguing boring causes.

Jihye suddenly shuffled closer to Daesung, arms sneaking on Daesung’s waistline in search of some more warmth. Being blind made her memorize all Daesung's bodyline. “Morning.”

Daesung pulled her closer, eliminating all the air space between them then kissed her forehead. “Morning, sunshine.”

“It’s still early in the morning, honey,” She mumbled against his broad, muscled chest. “No need for too much cheese.”

Daesung laughed a little. “Cheese is good for you, you know.”

“If it’s like this, I might get overdosed,” She replied, eyes were still closed. “You should stop hanging around with Ssabu-nim. He must’ve given you so much cheese.”

“Only Kang Daesung type of cheese, baby.”

Their laughter vibrated through the classic mahogany room, as well as their body. This kind of moment were always the best for him – as it was to her – because he knew, very well, that he didn’t mind being blind. As long as it was to be blinded by love; Song Jihye’s love.

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Chapter 1: this one shot is so beautifully written... God, it really touch me... Thank you for writing such a beautiful piece with our smiling angel as the main character... Even though is short, i feel is completed so beautifully that it doesn't need anything else...
thank you