I’ll never forget that day.

The day everything changed. The day when the world came crashing down, taking society and the living with it. The same day the virus spread like wildfire.

It showed no mercy as it conquered cities and towns, before eventually reaching to every country and draining them of life in no time. It was effortless.

What’s left now?

Barren land and remnants of what once was. A new form of ‘being’ roams now, people would’ve called them ‘zombies’ but I have a different name for them; skin-puppets. It’s a more fitting name for what they really are. They don’t sleep, they don’t think, they are only hungry for flesh, they aren’t even in control of that. They are merely mutated puppets existing without real meaning.

It’s been two years and five months since the events took place, since the initial break out happened.

It would start somewhat slowly. First you’d break out in a fever, then the sweating would start. Before long you would drop to the floor convulsing violently, twisting and turning while your family would surround you in hysterics trying to work out what was happening. Then within the next few minutes – you were gone. Mentally dead – but body still animated. What happens after that is irrelevant for me to tell, it’s evident in the remains.

I heard once that there are few people in this world that are immune to the virus, it will never reach them. It wasn’t until I came in contact with a rather persistent skin-puppet that I discovered that this was true and that I am one of these people.

So now I’m here, hiding where I can and trying to live another day in the hopes of finding the other remaining immune survivors and finding a way out of this mess - if there is one.

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tilyimagination #1
Chapter 2: I really like your description! Continue to update!:)
Panda_landa #2
Chapter 2: Please update soon!
jongeetos #3
Chapter 2: this was really good! pls update soon~