
One Messy Valentine

Staring at the clumpy mixture in front of him, Taehyung sighs as he sinks down to the floor. He leans back against the kitchen cupboard in looks at his chocolate covered hands. The vocalist had spent the last four hours trying to follow some stupid recipe in hopes of making homemade chocolate for her.


But that all failed when he ended up burning the first batch, changing the colour of another and breaking his spoon in the latest one.


Shuffling footsteps catch his attention as he looks up to see a shorter girl stop at the counter top. Taehyung hears her sigh before letting out a scream.




He snaps up at the sound of her voice and stands up sheepishly. Taehyung catches her stare and bows in apologies.


“I’m really sorry, Noona. I just thought--”


“I let you borrow my kitchen for a couple of hours and this is what happens?!” she motions to the mess that is left of her usually spotless kitchen. Chocolate is splattered half over her stove top, the sink is full of dirty dishes… “And what is this?” she picks up the bent spoon stuck in the latest chocolate mixture.


“Uhh...” Taehyung stutters, not even attempting to come up with an excuse. He scratches the back of his head and Noona just sighs again.


“Honestly, if you wanted to make her chocolates you should’ve just asked, Taehyung-ah,” she simply states. The girl takes him to the bathroom and tells him to wash up. “I think it’s better if you just buy them, huh?”




The number of people in the store are starting to stare, but Kim Taehyung can’t care less right about now. He just needs to buy the perfect box and get out of here as soon as possible before someone recognised him. His newly coloured hair doesn’t help either.


Scanning the shelves, the amount of pink and red is giving him a headache. He shakes his head and sighs. This isn’t going to work. Maybe he should give up. No, Kim Taehyung does not give up. And she deserves the best box in this shop. But there’s tooo maaanyyy.


Finally giving up, Taehyung is just about to leave the store when something in silver and pink catches his eye. It’s not too big and not too small. It is the perfect cross between cute and classy. Perfect. He grabs the circle off the shelf, pays and leaves before anyone recognises him.


Upon leaving the store, he takes out his phone and sends a photo to Noona. He waits for confirmation and she just sends him a smiley. He rolls his eyes at her response. Typical. But that means she approves which is good. He sends her a message, telling her to meet at their favourite café in ten.




Taehyung doesn’t know why but he feels nervous. Lucky for him, their favourite café is rather isolated from the rest of the population here and not many people come here. Despite being Valentine’s Day and all, it’s still quiet which is good for him mostly.


He checks the time and his phone again.


She must be running late, he thinks to himself. She’s always on time. Something must be keeping her today. Traffic? Class?


Taehyung checks the gift and his letter again. He doesn’t open the letter because he knows if he does, he’ll cringe and throw the damn thing out. It’s not as though he’s confessing or anything but the letter is filled with nonsensical lyrics he jotted down in the dressing room yesterday night. And things like that were always cringe worthy.


His phone buzzes and sees a message from Noona. She’s not actually his Noona, but given she was her Unnie and best friend, as well as Jin-hyung’s girl…well yeah it just ended that way.


She’s on her way. Give her five okay? ^^ Fighting!!


The message calms him down a little but his heart is still racing.


The bell at the entrance rings and but Taehyung is too preoccupied to see her walking in. A blue coat walks past and sits itself in front of him.


“Taehyung-ah,” her voice makes his heart skip a beat, stop, and start racing all at the same time. He looks up and she’s still as beautiful as ever.


She’s holding a rose and hands it to him. He gives her a confused look and she just laughs and pinches his cheek.


“Aigoo~ our Taehyungie is soo cuute!”


He just laughs and takes the rose. “Shouldn’t I be the one giving you flowers?” he jokes. She just shrugs as she takes her coat off.


After they order their usual, a weird silence follows. She can see Taehyung is nervous and doesn’t understand why. She nudges him with his foot and he snaps out of it and looks at her.


“What’s wrong?”


It takes him a minute or two before he gets up. He reaches down and passes her the gift bag. She tilts her head in confusion and he coughs awkwardly.


“Happy Valentine’s Jagiya,”


She just chuckles at his sudden shyness and takes the bag. She doesn’t even take a look as she pulls Taehyung into a tight embrace. He’s slightly confused but she just chuckles softly again.





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Chapter 1: That was just adorable~ ^^
hazelnutty #2
Chapter 1: ♥♥♥♥♥ love it author-nim