
The Moment Do Kyungsoo Ceased to be EXO'S Umma

Kyungsoo is resting right now, eyes closed but he can’t sleep. He heard the door open and he assumes it is Chanyeol since they are roommates. But he smelled a different scent, the scent that achingly familiar and Kyungsoo’s bed dipped a little a sign that someone occupies the space.

Jongin hold his hand but Kyungsoo didn’t move an inch he would pretend that he is sleep since he can’t talk to Jongin yet after everything that happened. He’s not angry anymore maybe hurt and he is not ready for any confrontations, he just wanted to sleep to drown all the pain that constricting his heart right now, remembering all that happened in the past few days.

Kyungsoo is always been edgy this days and he doesn’t exactly point the reason out, maybe because he is tired practicing for their comeback and filming his debut movie at the same time. And the pressure of being the first member of EXO to debut in big screen, he doesn’t really know. He snapped at s most of the time and he feels sorry and thankful to them because they’re still trying to understand him.

And one time he tried to cook breakfast for the members because he wants to compensate for their effort of understanding him. He just wanted to help a little but all his effort is wasted when no one pays attention to the food he cooked Chanyeol, Sehun and Suho hyung ate a little. He doesn’t take it to heart since all of us are in rush because we are little behind the schedule so he push aside the hurt that is starting to build in his heart. He is still cleaning the house even he is dead tired, he doesn’t want to complain cause he knew they were tired but so as he. He starts practicing with them right after his filming is done.

After cleaning the mess Kyungsoo is more than in the edge and he sure that he will snapped at anyone when Sehun come to him.

“Hyung can you cook something please.” Sehun said while doing aegyo. But Kyungsoo is beyond reason right now so he snapped at Sehun.

“Can’t you just cook by yourself you’re old enough I’m not your nanny okay!” Kyungsoo shout so everyone looked at their direction. And tears started to fall in Sehun’s eyes so he regretted it immediately, he was about to apologize when Jongin blocked him.

“Hyung what are you doing?  I know you’re tired and we understand that but you don’t have to snap at Sehun he is asking politely. We tried to understand that you are tired and even you’re often snapping at us, we let it pass but this is too much. No one asked you to care, do the cleaning and cooking for us.” Jongin shout in one breathing. Kyungsoo is shocked, hurt and exasperated, he wants to break down and cry but he stops himself.

“Oh I’m sorry for caring to your welfares I just want to help but don’t worry Jongin I will stop caring from now on, I’m sorry for burdening all of you.” He looked at Sehun and smiled sadly “I’m sorry Sehun for my sudden outburst hyung is just tired and maybe I should take a rest and stop being a burden.” Kyungsoo turn his back around and went to his room with tears in his eyes. He lay in his bed and silently cries the pain out.

While Jongin is still dumbfounded, he wants to apologize but his body won’t move it feels so numb. Kyungsoo’s word cut through his heart. And the other members who witnessed everything stood frozen.


The next day Kyungsoo doesn’t talked to K’s members unless it is about the comeback. He still continues filming and practicing with them but no one saw him smile or laugh no matter how many jokes Jongdae throws. The M’s members are aware of what happened so they let Kyungsoo hang out with them. But the atmosphere is too heavy so Jongdae decides to talk to Kyungsoo once they were alone. Kyungsoo is seated at the very corner of the practice room his eyes is closed and he is a little pale, and Jongdae got worried. 

“Kyungsoo?” Jongdae called. He opened his eyes and smile at Jongdae that made the latter taken aback, because he doesn’t smile for a few days no matter what joke he throws.

“Do you need something?” Kyungsoo asked still smiling. That bothers Jongdae more.
“Are you okay?” When Jongdae tries to touch Kyungsoo the latter just scooted away.

“I’m fine!” Kyungsoo said smiling and stood up but Jongdae saw how he almost stumbled. Jongdae wants to confront Kyungsoo more but their dance coach called them already and he just made a mental note to confront him later. But it seems like he doesn’t need to.


All of the members are crowded in the center of practice room but his eyes are bore to one person only. He watched as Kyungsoo mixed in with the members but there is something off with him that he can’t point out, there’s just a tugging sensation in his gut that something is wrong with Kyungsoo. And as if his world stop spinning and his breath hitched as he watched Kyungsoo faint in horror and the other members looked because of the loud thud. And all of them stood frozen as they watched Kyungsoo’s unconscious body lying limply on the floor. The first to recover is their manager. “Call the ambulance.” Their manager shouts waking out of their trance and everyone moved frantically and went to Kyungsoo’s unconscious body. But Jongin is still stood in frozen, feeling so numb and tears start to fall into his eyes. Someone is guiding him but he doesn’t know who it is and he doesn’t care his mind refused to function as the sight of Kyungsoo’s unconscious body lying limply on the floor repeats in his mind all over again and it is suffocating, while on the way to the hospital that feels like eternity Jongin keep on muttering prayers and “I’m sorry hyung.”

They arrive at hospital where Kyungsoo was rushed everyone is busy attending him. Jumyeon hold Jongin tighter but the latter doesn’t mind. He saw the horror in latter’s eyes as he watched Kyungsoo’s body on the floor. The guilt is eating him because of what happened a few days ago, as a leader it is his responsibility to guide and protect s. But he can’t do anything for Kyungsoo; he doesn’t even notice that latter is sick, if he notices earlier it might not happen. Someone put a hand in his shoulder and it is Yi Fan.

“He will be okay he has the power of strength, doesn’t he?” he smiled but I can see the worry in his eyes. He looks at s,  Sehun is crying while the other is calming him down, this heavy feeling of worry and guilt is suffocating he is not used to this. Even the beagle brothers who are always happy lose their smiles. And Jongin that make him worry the most because if he is in his place; the person I love the most life is in danger but I can’t do anything it might kill me.

Every waiting moment outside the emergency room is slowly killing Jongin nobody is telling them what is the condition of Kyungsoo. So he decided to get away from this awful place but Junmyeon hyung stop him; so he is the person that is holding him all the while. But Jongin just smile at him and free himself. “Hyung I need to get away from this place I need a place to breath it’s suffocating here and I might die before Kyungsoo hyung if I can’t get away here.” Jongin feels the gaze of s as he leaves the place he knows that the word die is a forbidden word but his mind refuse to think further anymore other than leaving this place. His feet brought him in the rooftop, the air feels so good and his tears falls freely that he unconsciously holding all the while.

“Please let Kyungsoo hyung be safe, I need to say sorry and I haven’t even able to tell him what I really feel yet. I didn’t mean those words I said few days ago I love him so much and I’m happy he is taking care of us but it’s just that . . .” Jongin can’t continue because he is sobbing vehemently. “Please, please. . .” he begs in the air.

When Jongin calmed himself he decided to go back inside. As he walks in the doctor comes out from emergency room. Junmyeon hyung approach the doctor.

“Doc how’s Kyungsoo?” Junmyeon asked. His heart thumping like crazy, he is worried.

“He is okay now.” The doctor smiled and all of them cheers in relief though they a bit loud the doctor just smiled fondly at them. “He has a high fever plus too much stress so his body gives in. He doesn’t get the proper nutrition because of too much stress. I recommend that let him rest for a week and don’t stress him too much, overthinking leads to depression and it is not healthy especially in the line of your work. I will give the list of medicines and vitamins that he needs to take. You can visit him when we transfer him in the private room.” And the doctor takes his leave after a bunch of Thank You from the members.

Jongin release a sigh of relief and say thank you silently.

After two days Kyungsoo is release from hospital. When he wakes up everyone is fussing around saying their sorry. Sehun cried and says sorry repeatedly but Jongin never came to him, he just watching them from a far. Kyungsoo is disappointed yet relieve because he doesn’t really know how to talk to him, they avoid each other as much as possible and the members noticed it but they can’t do anything because it’s their problem to solve.


Jongin is frustrated it’s been a week since Kyungsoo is discharged from hospital but he doesn’t come up to him even once. Because he is a coward he doesn’t have the courage to speak to him.  He knows that the members noticed how they avoid each other and he is thankful that they are not forcing us to talk. And right now he is outside Kyungsoo’s room having inner conflict whether to knock or just come in unceremoniously. He chose the latter. The light is off but the light from the lamp in bedside table is enough for him to see Kyungsoo laying eyes closed in the bed.

Jongin hesitated but he sits beside Kyungsoo and holds his hand it’s a bit warm and so soft. He missed touching him, he missed talking to him he missed everything that they usually do together.

“Hyung I’m sorry, I didn’t mean those words I said few days back I’m angry because I thought you think us as a burden. It hurts because we enjoyed every food you made, we are thankful because you’re cleaning the house without complaining. I’m sorry hyung, you’re not complaining so we thought that it is okay we got too comfortable that we forgot that you got tired too. Don’t worry hyung we will try to do simple things like cleaning. Just don’t tire yourself because I might die if I see you like that again. Hyung if you just knew what I felt that time-” Jongin start sobbing his head is bent that’s why he didn’t notice Kyungsoo get up. He just feels that someone hold him, it’s comfortable that’s why he cry fully. 

“Sssh it’s okay Jongin I’m fine now you don’t have to cry for me, I’m sorry for making you worry I said that I will stop being a burden but-“ Jongin’s lips stop him from talking. Kyungsoo is taken aback but after a while he responds to the kiss.

After the kiss Kyungsoo buried his face to the pillow. And Jongin lay on top of him. 
“Hyung there’s no need to be embarrassed.” Jongin whispered into Kyungsoo’s ears with the smirk in his face.




“Hyung I can’t hear you.” Jongin tried to pry Kyungsoo from the pillow but sadly his hyung is strong.

“Hyung we need to talk!” Jongin said with the hint of begging in his voice.

Kyungsoo turn slowly but Jongin peck him in the lips immediately and Kyungsoo tried to turn away again but Jongin held his face in place.

“You sneaky devil!” Kyungsoo tried to get angry but failed miserably because his face is tinted with red from blushing.

“Hyung I really love you, I didn’t mean to hurt you. You can hurt me in whatever way you want just for you to forgive me, hyung I missed you—I missed us. Please hyung forgive me.” Jongin beg while tears falling into his eyes.

Kyungsoo wipes Jongin’s tears and smiled at him. “You don’t need to cry Jongin I forgave you long time ago because I know I’m at fault also and uhm. . .” Kyungsoo starts fidgeting.

“What hyung?” Jongin said with expectant face.

“Ahm I’m hungry, let’s eat!” Kyungsoo said started to go towards the door but Jongin stops him and trap him to the wall.

“Hyung let’s not play like a little kids here. Hyung do you love me or not?” Jongin asked with the fire in his eyes, knew him for having high temperance but he is getting impatient because of Kyungsoo.

“Of course I love you Jongin and all of our members-

Jongin punched the wall and Kyungsoo flinch. He loves Kyungsoo but he is really testing his patience.

“Fine I love you as a guy and not because you are my co-member happy?” Kyungsoo burst and cover his face because of too much embarrassment.

“Hyung how could you hide your face, after that unique confession of yours?” Jongin is too happy but he loves his shy hyung so cute. So he leveled his face to Kyungsoo and removed his hands from covering his face.

“You’re so mean.” Kyungsoo pouts. And all hell loose because Jongin grab him and kiss him passionately while guiding him in bed, Kyungsoo responds as passionately as Jongin. And the heat that trap inside them loose.


Their noises are can be heard outside.
“Can’t they tone down a little bit?” Junmyeon asked a little embarrassed.

“It is okay hyung it’s their first time so let it go.” Baekhyun said.

“Where am I going to sleep? I need to stop them I have no place to sleep.” Chanyeol was about to go knock and tell them to stop when Beakhyun grab him at back of his collar.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Baekhyun asked eyebrows’ rose.

“I’m going to stop them I have no place to sleep?” Chanyeol said innocently.

Baekhyun face palms. “Are you crazy? Can’t you sleep with the other members’ room?”

“Can I sleep with you?” Chanyeol asked happily.

“I have no choice, do I?” Baekhyun said in pretend irritation but there’s a smile creeping into his face.

“Yehet~” Chanyeol cheers.

Kyungsoo, Jongin you can use the bedroom as long as you want because I can be with my Baekkie hehe!


After a while…

“Hyung you can stop being EXO’s Umma!” Jongin said while still cuddling with Kyungsoo under the blanket.

“Huh, why?”

“Because from now on you ceased to be EXO’s Umma and you will be Jongin’s Wife.” Jongin proclaim proudly.

“That’s too individualistic.” Kyungsoo snorts jokingly but liking the idea.



A/N: I'm sorry I really can't do the lovemaking part, my mind refused to do so. I really don't know how to do it T^T please forgive me.

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Hi so basically I'm posting a comment on my own story because I lose my access in my original account which is SaffronCollins so I decided to create another account. I was informed that some users experienced the same problem as mine but AFF Helper said that it was already fixed but unfortunately I still can't open mine and I don't have a recovery e-mail account (smart move). I don't know what is really happening but I might stop writing though it's hurting ME, well I was planning on going hiatus for the mean time but not like this.I am so upset since I put my time and effort in my stories but it will be all gone just like that. I hope you can all understand. I'm really sorry but I will not stop trying to recover this account. If you have questions you can go here http://wyntercordeil.tumblr.com/ I am more than willing to answer. And if there are changes in any of my stories w/o me stating it on my tumblr then you can assume that it's not my doing! PLEASE SPREAD THIS MESSAGE, THAT WOULD BE A LOT OF HELP FOR ME! THANK YOU!
silversea108 #2
Chapter 1: How cute, but Jongin-ah you were such a violent boy, scared the poor baby Soo. Anyway, great story. Hope u be alright soon author nim.
NoraShima #3
nice just be smile /.
Chapter 1: awww authornim~~ u make me smile =)