Chapter 18

You Again?

[Marks POV]

I heave a loud sigh and sit in my desk. Most of my classes are with the rest of the GOT7 guys. But I just needed sometime away from them and everyone else to help clear my head.

"Umm can I be excused?"

"For what?"

"Umm...well...I-I need to go to the nurse I don't feel too well."

"Oh well, then yes you may leave."

I grab my things, bow and leave out the door until I was stop by Jr.

"Hyung, where are you going?"


I ignore any more questions and continue to walk out the door. Hm, I wonder where to go. I remembered that I still had a key that GOT7 and I stole out of the janitor’s closet. It was a key to the school’s balcony. The balcony has a really nice garden and a few benches. Not many people know about it and those that do never go up. I grab the key out of my locker and head up to the balcony.
I reach the balcony and see someone already up there. Who could it be since no one ever comes up here?

[YoSung’s POV]

Today has been so hectic. Questions thrown at me from left and right!

“Are you in Jackson really dating?”
“Omo why did you both come in late?”
“Why did Jackson look so messy and tired?”
“Did you guys have…”


I cut off the last question because I knew where it was headed. I just need to get away…away from everyone! Away from the questions. But to where?
I remember last year Dani and I was walking through the school late at night and found a key. We wondered where it went so we went and tried to open every door in the school until we found out what door it went to. After an hour and a half we finally found that it went to the schools balcony. We never were up there before. It was huge and beautiful. A full garden with a few benches scattered everywhere.
I went to my locker to find that key and after 10 minutes of searching I finally found it. I walk up to the 3rd floor and direct myself to the balcony doors.
The warm air hit my cheeks causing me to get goose bumps. It was as beautiful as I always remembered. I haven’t been up here since the day Dani and I found the key. I walked over and sat on the bench closest to the edge and looked down on everyone walking the streets. 5 minutes later my train of thought was broken when I heard the doors open.
I shut my eyes tight before I turned around, since I thought it was a teacher and I would get in trouble. But then I open my eyes and see Mark. A smile merged across my face and my stomach became queasy. Why do I feel this way? I hold onto my stomach and force words to exit my mouth.

“Oh Mark, hi!”

“Oh hey. Uh sorry I didn’t know you were up here I’ll go.”

He starts to turn around and leave, but I didn’t want him to leave. I don’t understand were all these feelings were coming from. I thought I got myself to forget about Mark, about my feelings for him or the feelings I thought he had for me, but I guess I was wrong.

“No! Mark don’t go.”

He hesitates with his steps, so I walked over to him and grabbed his wrist.

“Please, don’t go.”

I walk him over to the bench I was sitting at. We both stood there locking over the edge of the school, waiting for someone to say something. I take a deep breath and start to talk.

“How do you know about this place (the balcony)?”

I look over at him waiting for him to answer. He didn’t budge and sustained his focused glared towards the sky, but he still answered.

“A while ago the guys and I stole the key out of the janitor’s closet, you know the usual.”

I laugh causing Mark to look over at me. As we made eye contact I could feel my stomach get even queasier.

[Mark’s POV]

I realized the person was YoSung on the balcony. I didn’t know what to do or say. Her and Jackson were the last people that I wanted to see today…I try to leave before she noticed me until I hear her call me.

“Oh Mark, hi!”

I knew I had to think quickly to avoid her.

“Oh hey. Uh sorry I didn’t know you were up here I’ll go.”

I turn to leave, but then I stop when I hear her call again.

“No! Mark don’t go.”

I could feel my heart warm when I hear her call my name, but I couldn’t stay. I couldn’t forgive or forget what I saw last night. So I carry on with walking out the door, until I feel her grab onto my wrist.

“Please, don’t go.”

I bring my head down. I want to stay, but I want to go.
However, I didn’t get much of a choice because YoSung began to walk me over to the edge of the balcony. I catch a glimpse at her from the side. The wind blew her wavy hair back causing a few strains of hair to frame her face. I slightly smile bringing my gaze back to sky.

“How do you know about this place (the balcony)?”

“A while ago the guys and I stole the key out of the janitor’s closet, you know the usual.”

I hear YoSung laugh forcing me to look at her. I study every feature on her face, never forgetting to admire her rosy cheeks and cute small nose. I could feel my heart beat quicken as I slowly lean towards her. I million thoughts ran throughout my head. I wasn’t sure if this would be the right idea, but I couldn’t control my feelings. So I unrelentingly lean forward.

[YoSung’s POV]

I held onto my queasy stomach as Mark and I stared at each other. Usually when people stare at me this long I feel uncomfortable, but not with Mark. I notice Mark leaning closer to me, since we were at the corner edge of the balcony there wasn’t much of a place for me to go. I try to move to the side, but Mark blocks me, cornering me so I couldn’t go anywhere. He leans even closer bringing his head to my ear and whispering something.

“I’ve waited too long YoSung, for you.”

His hands slide around my waist and Mark brings me in closer to him. I could feel his warm, soft lips press against mine. I try to push him off a little letting out his name.

“Mark…” I whispered and continued to kiss him.

I wrap my arms around his shoulders.
We break away from each other leaning our foreheads against one anothers.

“I’m sorry Mark.”

“For what?”

“For not giving you a chance.”

He lifts me up on to the rail. He smiles and I smile back and we continue to kiss.

[Jackson’s POV]

“Yah Jackson, there is something bothering Mark, you should go talk to him.” JR said.

“Where did he go?”

Jr shrugs his shoulders and I nod leaving out the classroom to find Mark. Where could he be? The only place I know Mark goes when something bothers him is…is… oh the balcony! I go to the balcony doors to check if they were unlocked, but they weren’t. I went to my locker to get my key, since all of GOT7 got copies made of the key. I took me a while to find the key, but when I found it I went up to the balcony. I unlock the door and walk up the stairs. I quietly open the doors and look around to find Mark, and I found him…with…YoSung. I quickly close the doors behind me not knowing what to think or what to say.
I slowly walked the down the stairs stumbling over my feet, and back to the classroom.

“Did you find Mark?”

I stared ahead with a lost look on my face.

“Yah! I asked if you found Mark?”

“Umm…I…uh, yeah, um…I did, but I uh didn’t say anything.”

“Are you okay?”

I didn’t answer the question, but sat there for the rest of the class saying nothing, not a word.


Hope you guise like it!
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Sorry no GIFs because I wrote this at school!

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sweetypiee #1
This story is UGH FULL OF FEELS>< tears of joys and sadness
indahsrc #2
Chapter 30: So far this is the most amazing story that I have read!!! The ending was sweet but not that Buuut i do love it so much!!! I enjoy reading this story a lot!!! Thank you and love you author-nim!! :) Looking forward to your another story^^♥
indahsrc #3
Chapter 30: So far this is the most amazing story that I have read!!! The ending was sweet but not that Buuut i do love it so much!!! I enjoy reading this story a lot!!! Thank you and love you author-nim!! :) Looking forward to your another story^^♥
indahsrc #4
Chapter 30: So far this is the most amazing story that I have read!!! The ending was sweet but not that Buuut i do love it so much!!! I enjoy reading this story a lot!!! Thank you and love you author-nim!! :) Looking forward to your another story^^♥
Chapter 30: Ahh it freaked me out when I saw the sentence ' jihae and mark...... Kissing' THIS STORY IS AMAZING, keep up the good work authornim^^
70V3LY #6
Chapter 30: lol mark pinching jackson's hahaha and what show is the gif of mark flipping on?
Chapter 30: Wanted her to beat jihae up, but oh well. JiHae was from a mental institution, kinda expected it . enjoyed reading~~^^
2485 streak #9
Chapter 30: Lovely story! ^-^ I'm glad everything worked out for Mark and YoSung in the end! :)
Foreverhis #10
Chapter 30: This is great! I enjoy reading this story a lot! <3 thanks for amazing story! (: