Welcome the Boys

What the sentence "I Love You" can do. *Hiatus*

All the girls had woken up and had gotten ready to go to Panda Love Cafe . The first to arrive was Yukari and Mizuki.

"Oh hey! Over here girls!" Akito said when they entered the cafe, Yukari waved back and held Mizuki's hand and walked over to her. "Glad you girls could make it. You two can go sit down at the cafe computers first, I'll be there in a few minutes." AKito said, they both nodded and sat at the cafe computer. About 5 minutes later Akito comes with HyeMi and Hee Rin. "You two are so late we were suppose to meet her 8 minutes ago." Yukari said "I'm sorry, I still haven't gotten use to this time of waking u and going to sleep yet." HeeRin said and HyeMi nodded with agreement. "Anyways I'm on break right now so let's get started." Akito said and went to the computer next to Mizuki. 

"Eh~~ What did you say the site was Akito?" Mizuki asked "Weren't you listening? it's talkanddate.net"Akito said "OH!! I thought you said talkmandate.net. Sorry" Mizuki said laughing so did the other girls. When they all reached the site it looked like a very normal site with an about page, online members. "Hmm.. So where do we go now?" HyeMi asked "Uhmmm....OH! Click on Find and Date." Akito said. They all clicked on it and it took them to a searching page. "Hmm? What do we do now?" HeeRin asked, "Will I'm guessing you have to make an account then come back here and put some things about the type of guy you like and it will pop up with results." Akito said "ALRIGHT! Let's DO THIS!" Mizuki said with confident.

They all started making their own account then went back to the finding page and started writing down of the type of guys they liked. 

HyeMi clicked the search bar and typed in: Music Lover, Strong both physically and emotionally, romantic. When she clicked search she had 13 results. "Whoa! I have 13 results! That is to much to look through." HyeMi said, all the girls rushed to her screen. "Wow, it's a good thing they show the profile pictures, You can pick the ones that don't go with your looks liking." Mizuki said "Aigoo~" HyeMi said. She looked at the pictures and disliked about 7 of the gus and only stuck to 6 guys who she liked. "Hmmm..? I don't know which one to pick." HyeMi said "That's why we're here." HeeRin said as she clicked on one of the guys profile link. "Hmm... This guy's name is.. Song Hyun yong.... He is 20.... Lives here in Seoul with his parents and goes to college downtown. He works as a part time worker in a radio station as a DJ and singer... Hmm, he seems decent...but...." HeeRin ponited to his profile picture "Is that how he really looks!" HeeRin said "Eh~ What are you talking bout?" Yukari said "Look... It says that he is 20 and lives with his parents in Seoul... I mean if you are 20 wouldn't you have your own place and all... and I swear I've seen his Profile picture somewhere..."HeeRin siad *RING RING* "Ehh~ Look at this, he wants to have a video chat with you HyeMi." Akito said They all looked at each other. "Cover your webcam HyeMi, We should see how he looks like first." Mizuki said HyeMi nodded and covered her webcam and pressed accept. When his camera showed Mizuki then started to laugh and "puke". "Yah! Mizuki! Stop it!" Yukari whispered. "Hello... Are you HyeMi? And How come I can't see you." the guy asked, his voice sounded gastly and old "Uh....Yeah... I'm okay.... Oh uh...... I got bad allergies from bees and a few stung my face so...." HyeMi said Mizuki and HeeRin started to laugh. "Are you with your friends. Why are they laughing?" he asked "Oh...Uhh.. They are cracking jokes..." HyeMi said not looking at his face, she soon started to chuckle a bit . "HyeMi-ah you are really pretty. And your voice is so beautiful." the guy said, Yukari just started laughing out loud for everyone in the cafe to hear, Akito covered . "Girls, How do I get out of this!" HyeMi asked. Mizuki raised her hand while covering . "Just follow my lead." Mizuki whispered HyeMi nodded Mizuki cleared . "Hmm...Who was that?" the guy asked. "HyeMi ah! What are you doing!! Who is that boy!! You better get off right now!" Mizuki said like an old guy they all started laughing. "Is that your aboji?!...." The guy said "You bet I am her aboji. Now get off young HyeMi you never listen to me, now you have to eat. Bitter Kimichi!" Mizuki said again in an old guy voice slapping her own hand pretending to slap HyeMi. 6 seconds later they didn't here the guy say anything. "Oh thank gosh!" HyeMi said. They all laughed as HyeMi went back to the original results page. "Hey.. I got these same five guys when I entered my search." AKito said."Me also." the other girls said  "How do you know it's five guys all it says is SHINE." HyeMi asked, "I clicked on it and it showed five handsome guys." Akito said, then HyeMi clicked on it







We're SHINE. just a bunch of guys who want to find someone. Not any one famous or idol like people. Just regular people. We all have wrote something about us.







Hi my name is Lee Jinki I am 22 years old. I like eating Chicken and watching movies. I don't really care if my girl is younger than me by 2 years or so. If I love you and you love me that's okay with me. I like music and I like to sing a lot you could say that is my hobby ^.^ and hope one day you will become my hobby ;)


"Aigoo~ This guy is such a ert!" Mizuki said "I think he is cute....and funny..." Yukari said "o0o0o.. Yukari you like him! You should take him, it seems like weall think he is a ert." Mizuki said. Yukari blushed a bit, she then went to her computer and sat down, "I'll look up about him more." Yukari said. The girls smiled and giggled, "Alright, next one." Akito said.




Hi my name is Kim JongHyun. I'm 21 years old and as you can see I am a music lover :). I love playing the guitar and I love to sing and dance, but I enjoy dancing.  I like girls who are true to themselves, has confidence, is a risk-taker, and serious.  You can say the type of girl I like is some what too perfect but a guy has his dreams.

"He's cute..." Hye  Mi and Hee Rin both said at the same time. They both looked at each other than looked away.. "OH-Ho... Looks like you both have some competition!" Mizuki said "Babo! They shouldn't fight over a guy, friends don't do that!" Akito said "No it's okay... If Hye Mi Unnie likes him I will let you have him. Besides you two will look great together, now me and him... Nuh-uh... "Hee Rin said. Yukari looked over at the girls and had a smile with worry on it. "Come one! Don't let a guy brinf=g you down... Keep looking." Akito said. They scrolled down to see the next guy.





Wassup!! My name is Kim KiBum and no I am not related to JongHyun we just end up having the same Sur name that's all :P Anyways I'm 20 years old. You can just call me Key, that is the name I mostly reply back too. I like games and music. 


"Gosh this guy is such a bore... Nothing interesting like the rest of the guys..." Hye Mi said "Hmmm? I don't know.. He looks cute and sounds funny." Hee Rin said and smiled, Looking at Hye Mi as she walked to the computer next to ukari. "Wow. This guy is lucky to get a girl like Hee Rin.." Akito said.



Hey there the name is Choi MinHo. I'm 20 years old. i like to have fun adventures. LOL. I like Food, and music. There isn't much to say about me but... Hope to meet you in person.

"This one also seems like a bore also..." Akito said as she scrolled down, "o0o0o0! Look at this one he is so ADORABLE!" Akito said 



I'm Lee TaeMin 18 years old and the youngest . A lot of people say I would look good as a girl, but I have my guy sides also. I like to drink Banana milk and chocolate ice cream, and music. One type of thing I would like my girl to be like is shy but cute.

"Okay ladies. This one is mine!" Akito said running to her computer. HyeMi and Mizuki looked at each other "So... I've got a liking to MinHo a bit. Mind if I take him!?" Mizuki said, Hye Mi shook her head, "No it's okay.. I've found a liking to JongHyun..." HyeMi said. Mizuki nodded her head and walked to her compter. 


Three of the girls looked  at their screens... Looked at his picutre "Did I make the right choice.... even though it is online dating... did I make the right choice...?"






^ that plum like pink color is okay okay but

Here is my update!! at last!! ENJOY!!!

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I'm sorry I haven't updated yet!! I will update soon! Next week! SO stay tuned!


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Ahhhhhh its fine! Like I been saying these past years I can always wait LOL no problem!! And as a writer myself I know what you mean ^^
ChoZen #2
awww I enjoyed it!! can't wait for the next chapter ^-^
my character is almost just like me XD seriously i can really sound like a man no joke XDD
yayyyyyy and heres the choosing of the boys ^ ^ LOL
sorry Onew for a calling you hehe awwww no one really likes Key and minho x3 its ok guys you will though ^ ^

love the update!!! cant wait till they actually meet them, update soon when you can Hwating~!^^
thats alright~!! ^^
always willing to wait :33
strutting through the mall in style ^^ we look so goodx3
this is making me hungry for cupcakes, especially the panda one:33
so close the boys are going to show up woot woot!!kekeke x3
ChoZen #6
yay! the boys are almost there~ lol
WB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^ ^<br />
yayyyyy i showed up and made a friend woot woot~!!! :DD and who can speak japanese too? sweet!!! ^ ^ not so lonely now hehe x3<br />
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liking this as always hehe theres no need to be sorry, its alright lol just update when you can no rush, HWAITING~! ^ ^ <3
its fine hehe x3<br />
Hwaiting on your performance~! ^ ^
of course not!! didnt gsve up on you :))<br />
and its fine hehe those things always do come first!! :3<br />
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but yayyy cant wait! ^ ^ HWAITING~! :DD <3