Wednesday, August 13th, 2014

imhyung Story Blog


I'm so incredibly thankful to everybody. That's 1,000 AFF members that like my writing. Honestly, it brings a tear to my eye.

I don't know if anyone remembers how I was when I started out. I had the Oneshot Collections, with EXO, C.N. Blue, FT Island, B2ST. . .

But then I changed my writing style and started "Baekhyun, the Baekyeol Fanfic Writer" and that one just soared with the subscribers and the upvotes.


And it makes me a little bit sad that out of the 1,000 subscribers, only 48 of you are seeing this message because you are actually subscribed to my Story Blog. So extra-thanks to you.


"Baekhyun, the Baekyeol Fanfic Writer", my "first" fanfic, has 252 subscribers and 19 upvotes, which is the highest number of subscribers and upvotes I have, so thank you!


Sorry that I couldn't update as much as I wanted before my hiatus, but now August shall be my updating month, as a farewell to summer and a reluctant welcome to school.

I started a sequel, a prequel, and a oneshot now, and I hope you all enjoy.


Thank you all. ^_^





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Chapter 12: I found it really unfair for you to punish your readers because of Kris' decision. We all know there's no way he'll come back into EXO. It's selfish of yourself to not want for him to go when we know that he's going because he doesn't feel like he's been treated in SM like a human should be. But yet, you still want him to stay. Because after all, as long as you're happy, his happiness doesn't count right?

It just seems to me like you just don't want to take the time to finish your stories and then blame it on Kris' lawsuit.
I really liked your Daebaek's fiction. But I don't see myself waiting for 2016 before you update it or even try to complete it.
I'm 100% sure if you wanted to, you could find time to finish those fics.
It might come up as rude, but it's really just the truth.
Chapter 12: Try BTS! There's very interesting parings, also good luck with everything^^ I hope Kris does return but for now we know nothing even though I do feel that he will not return :( BUT WE MUST STAY HAPPY :))
Chapter 12: I find it stupid not to continou with EXO fanfictions because we have to think of all the other 11 members. I recently started a new fanfiction where Kris will definetely take part. You all always talk about him as if he will die or something like that! For me he will always be a part of EXO.
Chapter 12: its okay even if you do use lj, id follow you on there and here hahah

also, following your tumblr! ^^
k0j3t4 #5
Chapter 12: Well, it's ok if you are going to use LJ instead. But now people use AFF more for writing asian fanfic. I follow Some community in LJ but they aren't as active as AFF.
Can't wait for ' Buddies' fanfic.
ZicoLove3 #6
Chapter 12: Stay in Aff :'(
Chapter 12: LJ isn't as pretty as aff.. And it's also not as easy to use.. I know many authors have problems with aff-- but it's still the best fanfic site (in my opinion!).
Aaaaand....didn't kris already leave? Like..he won't be there for the first concert..and he's gone now as'd be hella awkward if he suddenly just rejoined..even tho I'd die out of happiness ;u;
Chapter 12: I like tumblr n LJ but i love AFF im not really good at using them... its easier to use aff,.,, n please even if kris leave exo dont stop writing exo fics ><
N if i remember isnt it already solved? It said kris wont leave exo but there will be changes about his contract n kris will stop the lawsuit
Chapter 9: What Bt a prince and a slave when will u update it