
white horse

How ironic one mistake could ruin one's relationship and crush it into ashes. Jinri still cannot move on, and does not know if she can ever move on from the only one she loves, namely Park Chanyeol. But here she is, standing on that same stage, waving and 'having fun' with the audience. It was the last day of SMTown Tour in Beijing, and she has to be happy for the sake of the fans who spent large amount of money just to see them live.


He indeed was having fun with their other labelmates, pushing and playing with each and everyone. He seems to be ignorant of the eyes of a girl, who wishes to have him back. 


She knows she can never uwrite the past, but if she could, she is willing to trade her life just to undo the horrible mistake she have done that broke the heart of the man she truly loves.


It was summer when she first met him. It was during their trainee days, that the overly happy man had caught her eye. It was not so soon when their labelmates have named him the happy virus, for his joy is contagious.


She was too quiet for him, but it did not mattered. She always tries to start a conversation with him, but it always end up to have an awkward silence. But for her, as long as she had talked to him, it's enough. She's happy to just be near him, or even just taking glances at him. She even have a picture of him, which she took secretly, as he was practicing his moves at the empty dance room.


They then debuted first than them, and she was overly happy. After their first-ever performance, they met their parents backstage, and Jinri could feel nothing but be proud of herself for she have finally performed, but scared at the same time, wondering if the audience have loved their performance. After some sobbing and comforting words, Krystal called Jinri for she told her that 'someone' is waiting for her.


And that's when she saw Chanyeol by the other end of the hallway, and when she looked by her side, Krytal was not there. And that's when she realized that it was a plan. She decided to not miss this chance, and walked shyly towards Chanyeol. She stopped 1 meter away from him, and smiled shyly.


"Congratulations." He said, as he scratched the back of his nape. Jinri could not say something but a small 'thank you', for she feels overwhelmed that he's here to congratulate her. After a few minutes of awkward silence, someone shouted over the hall.


"Damn it, Chanyeol! Confess to her, man!" The not-so-popular leader of f(x) on the name of Song Qian, widely known as Victoria, shouted. Amber then appeared and grabbed the arm of their leader, saying a loud 'sorry for the inconvenience' to them. Jinri could do nothing but slap her forehead, as her cheeks are finally on the shade of crimson red.


"Umm." What if my unnies told him about my feelings for him? Gosh, this is so embarassing! "Jinri..." She immediately looked up at him, seeing his blushing face. He look so damn cute.


"N-neh?" She stuttered, and she feels ashamed of herself right now. Damn it. Curse my unnies. "Are you going to say something?" She have wanted the ground to swallow her, for everything that's happening right now feels just so awkward. So wrong.


"W-Will you be my girlfriend!?" He shouted as he went near her and immediately hugged her. Everything was so sudden, that she felt her whole world stop. Wait, am I dreaming? But before she can say anything, she heard footsteps, and her members telling her to say 'yes'.


And this was what she wanted. She said yes. Everyone was so happy, but she was not. This was what I wanted, right? She was so confused, that she decided to just go with the flow.




Days passed by, and as if they were not together. Everytime they see each other on the hallway, they would stop by and chat with each other for a short time. Nothing more, nothing less. As if they were still strangers. No holding hands, no good night or good morning texts. Nothing. And no one from their company would even think they're together.


She was waiting. She was always waiting for him to make the move. She does not want to look desperate for his love, so she have always waited for him. But nothing's happening. Was he even worth the wait? 




She then met Taemin, the maknae of SHINee. They were always together, and they have clicked easily. Sometimes, she even forgets that Chanyeol is her boyfriend. But she did not mind. He was not making his move, so she thought that maybe she should just wait once more. 


But for now, she has Taemin. And she's happy on his side, that she did not know that Chanyeol was watching her all the time.




It was getting busier for her each day. Promotions everywhere. And then one day, Lee Soo Man told them they will be travelling to Japan for a vacation. She was excited, so she decided to tell Chanyeol first.


"Yeol!" She greeted him. But he did not smile. She wonders if something is wrong, but just shook it off. "We're going to Japan!" She beamed, but Chanyeol seems so unaffected. "Is something wrong?" 


"Have you told Taemin about it?" He remarked bitterly. Jinri was quite taken aback, but remained composed. 


"Not yet, but I will tell it to him later--" 


"Jinri, let's break up." Break up. That was the least thing she have wanted now. She knows they have not been communicating for a while, but she did not thought that it would come to this point. Tears were threatening to spill, but she blinked them away and looked at him..


"Why?" Was all she could ever ask. Her heart's aching, her tears are just a blink away, and she is just so tired. 


"You're not dedicated to me, Jinri. Tell, do you love me Jinri? Did you even loved me?" His words were like knives, that had stabbed her right in her heart. A tear then escaped from her left eye, and she emitted a bitter laugh.


"Who are you to ask me that? Yes, I loved you! But, did you even loved me? Did you even tried to love me?" Her voice is starting to break, and she is just vulnerable right now. "I bet my members told you how I feel about you, and asked you to be my boyfriend. Aren't I right?" 


Chanyeol could do nothing but to look down at the ground, and mutter a silent yes. Her jaw then dropped, and she felt betrayed. " dare you play with my heart?" 


"I'm sorry." And that was the last thing she have heard of him after that day. She decided to go straight home instead of going to their dorm, because she's mad. She's mad that her own members have done this to her. After they have known this, they sent their apologies to her. and explained why they did that. They thought it would work out, but it was a failure. In the end, Jinri could do nothing but forgive them, because they were there through her ups and downs.


They spent their holiday at Japan, and she was able to recover quickly. Years passed by, and she have not talked to man she loved. She was just not ready to face him.


She smiled at the audience as the show came into an end. She was proud of herself for being able to forget that incident, and how that made her think more mature. She then held the hand of her fellow labelmate, and proceeded to the final bow. As she looked by her side, she was shocked that it was him. The same old him. He was smiling, it's just that the smile wasn't for her anymore. As they stood straight, she looked at Luna, who is now walking away with the man she once loved.



Author's Note

Odg. I know this is not good, but I did my best to make it fine. This is another sad ending. Pardon me and my love for sad endings. T__T I promise to edit this if I have time! For now, enjoy! Follow me on Twitter! : D @aeereenaye

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azuraes #1
Chapter 1: ouch--- that's so cruel but anyway this is a nice story
about reality <3
Nolito #2
Thats intresting , update fast ^^