Chicken Family Stars

ดาวลูกไก่ (Dao Luk Kai)
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Heechul looked up the purple Beijing sky. It has been so long since he had last been there. It has been more than two years since he last set foot on an airplane and three years since he had last been in China. What was he doing in Beijing, you ask? Well, as soon as he got his vacation, he had booked a flight to Beijing to, well, reminisce both the sad and happy memories.

"It has been so long." He smiled to himself as he took in a breath of Beijing air. It wasn't much different from that in Seoul. It's cold and damp, just like in any other country that is experiencing winter at the moment. But this air made Heechul somewhat happy. It had made him feel refreshed and energized.

Since Hangeng had left their group, he had went to China countless of times. Sometimes for their concert tours but most often because he was trying to persuade the younger member to come back to Super Junior and be with him and the others again.

Five years, it has been five years since Hangeng last performed with Super Junior. It has been five awfully slow years since he had announced his departure from the group. It broke not just the fans' hearts but the members' as well. Heechul, of all the 12 other boys that Hangeng had lived and performed with, was the most affected. During the first year of Hangeng's departure, Heechul's attitude had gone worse. He felt like he didn't want to perform anymore. That he wanted to retire from the industry... that he felt empty.

But since he had a contract and he did not really want to go through the troubles of filing a lawsuit against the powerful company, he had decided to keep his place in Super Junior and just, well, do whatever else he wanted to do.

Heechul had secretly flew to Beijing numerous times. Sasaengs had known but he had used his power to tell them to not release the information. He tried so hard to persuade Hangeng to come back but the other had made his decision. Heechul still tried to bring him back to Seoul but it had, almost every single time, ended in a huge fight.

"For the last time, gege, I am not coming back to Korea." Hangeng sighed, frustration written all over his face. "If I was to ever come back, it'll be when the lawsuit is over and I get compensated for all the damages."

Heechul remembered clearly their last conversation before he had suddenly enlisted in the army.

"I'm going to the army and you won't even send me?" Heechul felt an unbearable pain creeping up from his gut.

"ELFs will be there for you. And the other members, too..." Hangeng said nonchalantly as he continued cooking Heechul's favorite dish—Beijing fried rice.

"But it's you who I want to come!" The older man was stubborn. He won't be coming home without a Hangeng tagging along with him.

"Gege, you know my situation. Why can't you try to consider my stand?" Hangeng let go of what he was holding and faced the older man.   "I'll be gone for two years and you're not even going to send me?"   "Stop saying as if you'll be thrown in a war, ge. You'll merely train for a month and after that, you're basically free!" Hangeng shook his head.   "I WILL be thrown in a war!" Heechul threw his hands up in frustration. "A war with all those fangirls!"   "Ge, you have been fighting that battle since before we debuted. You can't use that excuse on me." Hangeng's voice was filled with amusement.   "Can't you just give me this one wish, huh?"   "Ge, I really can't. I'm sorry." The younger shook his head.
"Please?"   "You're not going to stop, aren't you?" Hangeng sighed in frustration. He saw the older male nod and he just shook his head again. "You do know that this conversation will just end up in nothing but a fight, don't you?"   "Yes, but I'm still not stopping until you come back to Seoul with me."  
He knew he had started all their fights. But he can't help but try to persuade Hangeng, hoping that little by little, the younger guy would finally give in to his wishes and come back to Korea with him. But everything had changed on the last day that he spent with Hangeng before enlisting.   "Your new song, Mr. Simple... I like it." Hangeng smiled as he played the song several more times in the car. They were parked at the Hou Hai, one of the largest lakes in Beijing. It was somewhat like the Han river only without the overly-commercialized scenery around the said body of water. Back in Seoul, the best times that they had spent together were at the Han river, inside Heechul's car. They would eat some snacks and talk for the whole night about nothing in particular.   "I like it too. But I think it would sound better if we were complete in this song." Heechul hinted that Hangeng's dreaded topic would, again, resurface.   "Ge, you know that'll never happen again. Kibum has chosen a different path now and so did I." The younger explained calmly.   "No. It's not impossible! It's you who is making it seem like it is just a work of fiction!" The older man growled. He was infamous of his short temper. He had tried to contain it but this time, he can't help but feel angry at the Chinese member.   "Ge, you know the situation---"   "Yes, I ing know what's happening! That's why I'm trying
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Chapter 2: Angst angst angst ㅠㅠ it hurts /sobs/
Awesome story author-nim!!
Chapter 1: aww,I hope hanchul can be together finally
Chapter 1: This is beautiful, Those two stars of Korea and china are shining brightly even If they arent together am happy that they are in the same sky we look up to now ^^

~A very good folklore straight from Thailand, has gotten more meaningful with hanchul as characters!

Good Job! <3
labelledebbie #5
salamat Rai! sa uulitin! :D