Summer 2012

Nothing More

My best friend? Well i'll have to say he's nothing more than just my best friend. People may mistake us as couples, but that's because our friendship isn't just like any ordinary friendship you see. You can say we act like we're a couple, but really we aren't. Nothing more. We mostly vent to each other when we need help with our relationship, but you can say i do love my best friend. Yeah, maybe i did have that certain time where i fell for him, but i know that we are nothing more than friends.

*Flash Back*

Summer 2012

Hoya: What are you doing for your summer break?

Min: I'm not sure yet. still thinking of what to do. Maybe the usual thing i do almost every day. Korean dramas, sleep, eat and get fat.

Hoya: Of course you would.

Min: Lol. Of course that's me! Your best friend.

Hoya: Yeah, my fat, ugly, best friend. Lol

It's been almost a year since i new Hoya and i felt like i knew him for ages. Before our tragic break up, we were just total strangers. In the end we ended up being great friends. Now he's dating a beautiful girl, name Sunny. She's a very sweet girl until Hoya tells me about his relationship with her. All i could do for him is just help give him advices although i at that, but he still takes them and 'thanks' me for helping him out. There are times when i feel like i wish i was Sunny, but i know where my place is and that's just staying as his best friend.

Beap! Beap!

Hoya: Hey are you busy?

Min: No why?

Hoya: Oh. Well got problems again with Sunny.

Min: What?! Again?! What happened this time?

Hoya: We had an arguement about dumb things.

Min: What would that be?

Hoya: i feel as if i'm the only one working so hard on this relationship. Tell me. Am i doing something wrong?

Min: Oh. Well what did she do this time?

Hoya: She's just being dumb. I mean what am i really to her? I feel like you give me more attention than she does. I mean is it hard to just spend some time with me? I am her boyfriend.

Min: Well i don't know what to say about this, but just know that you are doing really well with this relationship. If she doesn't see that you are working so hard to keep this relationship then she's going to loose you sooner or later.

Hoya: Yean. you're right. I hope she'll realize very soon. I hate arguing with her.

Min: Well just go work things out with her.

Hoya: Alright. I'll talk to you later then.

Min: Alright. Bye.

Hoya: Bye.

Left alone to go work out his relationship with Sunny. I felt very lonely because Sunny seem to be getting all of his attention and i barely get that now a days. I miss how we could facetime with each other every day and night not having to care about anyone but ourselves.

As the days were passing by. Talking to Hoya like the usual. Everything was all about his girlfriend, but somehow today was an odd day.

Hoya: Do you like this guy very much?

Min: Well you can say i only have a crush on him, but i'm not sure yet. Why do i alway have one side relationship only?

Hoya: Well if you like him so much why don't you just tell him that.

Min: I did't say i like him i just said that i have a crush on him. Gosh. What's wrong with you lately?

Hoya: Nothing. Sunny's just been annoying me lately.

Min: Oh. Well, how are you guys anyways?

Hoya: I really don't know what we are. I mean she's making feel like i should just give up on her, but i can't.

Min: What? Why?!

Hoya: The more she do the more i hate it. She doesn't even listen to me when i tell her to stop talking to other guys.

Min: And why is she talking to other guys?

Hoya: She alway tell me that they are just friends, but i don't care friends don't flirt with each other.

Min: Yeah. i mean look at us. Lol we're best friends and we don't even flirt with each other. Lmao.

Hoya: Of course you're my best friend, but if you want to try then we can ;)

Min: Sure. Why not then.

Hoya: Okay then. Let's play the game. Calling each other names and who ever said "I've fallen for you" is the loser.

Min: Sure. You're on. Lol

Hoya: Shall we begin then?

Min: Whenever you're ready.

Not sure if he was for real about the game, but he did seem to be into the game. Texting him all night calling him "Babe" and all those other lovey dovey names gave me all the butterflies again. Even though i felt wrong about calling him that when he was still with Sunny; i didn't care. My feelings for him started to pop out again little by little.

As the week gone by i felt as if i was the only girl he has been talking to, but i'm sure he talks to Sunny too. Somehow today was a very awkward day when i was texting with Hoya. I was shocked by what he said to me.

Hoya: I'm not sure, but i think i'm falling for you again.

Min: What?! Stop joking. Lol

Hoya: I'm not! Why can't you see that i'm starting to like you. Gosh you are seriously stupid when it comes to guys liking you. You don't even notice it.

Min: Oh...Well...I'm not sure what to say.

Hoya: It wasn't just this week that made me feel this way. Ever since the first day of summer started i started to have my feelings for you again. Do you feel the same as i do?

Min: I'm quite shock about this, but to tell you the truth. I'm starting to have the same feelings too. I guess we both fell for each other. That means there's no winner or loser.

Hoya: Yeah.

Min: Well what are you going to do with Sunny then?

Hoya: I don't know. I can't leave her. I still lover her and it's not easy for me to leave her. She's a precious person to me.

Min: Oh. I see. well i shouldn't get in the middle of your relationship then.

Hoya: No. Don't leave me. I need you too.

Min: I'm not leaving you.

Hoya: Meet me at the park near my house?

Min: Okay.

Hoya: Alright i'll see you there then.

Min: Okay. Bye.

Walking out of the house. I walked my way there to the park where Hoya told me to meet up with him at. I thought i would be there later than him but i was there first so i sat down waiting for him. An hour has gone by since i waited for him. I knew i was going to be stood up so i got up and walked back, but the moment i was about to leave Hoya appear right in front of me. I was glad to see him. Smiling happily we chatted for a bit.

Min: I didn't think you would show up.

Hoya: I surprised you didn't i? Sorry i had another arguement with Sunny.

Min: What was it this time?

Hoya: It was about you.

Min: What did you say to her that made you guys get into an arguement?

Hoya: I just told her that i'm going to meet up with you, but she said no and i told her that i'm going to come either way so yeah everything just went all bad and i just walked out the door not replying back to her text.

Min: Oh. Does she not like me that much that she keeps you away from me?

Hoya: I don't know. But aren't you happy to see me?

Min: Yes i am. What are you going to do after we're done hanging out?

Hoya: i don't know. Probably go back and make up with Sunny.

Min: Yeah you should go do that. Do you have your phone on you?

Hoya: Yeah. Why?

Min: Let me see it.

Handing me his phone i started taking pictures of myself on his phone.

Hoya: Why you taking pictures on my phone?

Min: To keep as memory of me hanging out with you.

Going on with the conversation Hoya started to join me. Taking a lot of pictures i changed his wallpaper to my picture instead of Sunny's picture. Having fun taking pictures and being goofy together i had to go back home. Hoya decided to give me a lift to my house on his bike. Hoping onto the back of his bike i sat on the seat that was open. Riding away we went to my house. It was like those korean drama, the boyfriend and the girldriend riding a bike together. As we got to my house i told hoya to wait for me because i made him a gift. Rushing into the house to grab the gift i ran bck outside to him. Handing the gift to him he smiled big.

Hoya: What's this?

Min: A present that i made.

Hoya: A card and a rose? How cute.

Min: You're welcome.

Hoya: Thanks.

Leaning over to give me a hug. I hugged him tightly before he left. riding his bike back home i stared at his back watching him going further away. I walked back into the house to rest for a bit. Ten minutes later Hoya texted me again.

Hoya: Hey.

Min: Yeah.

Hoya: Thanks for the card. It's lovely.

Min: You're welcome. And of course it's lovely. It was made by me.

Hoya: Yeah. What are you doing later?

Min: Nothing just do what i usually do. Why?

Hoya: Okay then. Let's facetime later then.

Min: Okay.

Hoya: Did you know i really wanted to do something to you, but i was affraid that you would get mad.

Min: What? Give me a kiss?

Hoya: Yeah. Lol

Min: You had your chance, but you didn't do it.

Hoya: Well it's not my fault that we never kissed before when we were dating.

Min: Well not my fault you live far from me and never come and visit me.

Hoya: Whatever. Next time then.

Min: If there is a next time.

Hoya: Well then, we'll see about it.

Min: Alright. That's only if you have the guts to come up to me. Lol

Hoya: Shut up. I do have the guts.

Min: Sure.

Hoya: I miss you.

Min: I miss you too. Lol

Hoya: I wish time could stop so i can spend some more time with you.

Min: Whoa. Lol. First time hearing this from you. Since when have you become so lovey dovey? I remeber us never being like this when we dated last year. Lol

Hoya: Shut up. It's all because of Sunny that i've becoming like this. She makes me worry sick about her.

Min: Yet you're texting to the wrong girl. Lol

Hoya: Well you're my best friend who i have feelings for too. Lol

Min: Yeah. I guess.

When Hoya says he worry sick about Sunny, it made me think again. What am i doing? I'm hurting an innocent girl who doesn't know about us having feelings for one another again. What am i suppose to do if my heart can't stop liking him? Texting him almost everyday makes me happy and knowing that he likes me too makes me even more happy.

Min: So are you going to tell Sunny about this soon?

Hoya: No. I'm not sure yet.

Min: Well what are you going to do then?

Hoya: I don't know.

Min: Don't you feel wrong doing this to her?

Hoya: I don't know.

Min: I may sound greedy to say this, but it would be nice if you two were to break up. Maybe we could start all over again. What do you think?

Hoya: Yeah that would be nice.

Min: Okay then.

Hoya: I'll text you back later Sunny wants to Skype.

Min: Alright. Bye.

Hoya: Bye.

I felt as if he couldn't leave Sunny to start over with me. Am i asking for to much? I hope he doesn't forget about what he said to me earlier. I really do want to see his face again. Waiting for him i fell asleep, until he called me.

Min: Hello?

Hoya: Did i wake you up?

Min: Kind of, but what is it?

Hoya: I thought you wanted to facetime.

Min: Oh. Yeah. Sorry. Forgot. How was it with Sunny?

Hoya: She's still up texting me.

Min: Oh. Okay. Is everything okay with you guys?

Hoya: Yeah. I think we should stop this before one of us gets hurt.

The moment Hoya said that to me, my heart dropped. I was hurt by what he said, but i knew it was coming sooner or later. I smiled to myself in the dark and replied back to him.

Min: Yeah i think we should stop. I don't want Sunny to get hurt.

Hoya: Yeah. Me too. You'll be fine right? You're a tough girl.

Min: Yeah i'll be fine. Let's Just stay as best friends.

Hoya: Yeah. Let's just keep on doing that.

Min: Well im going to bed then if you have nothing else to say to me.

Hoya: Okay then.

Ending the call, tears began to fall from my eyes. I couldn't help but cry. Crying so hard to myself Hoya texted me.

Hoya: I'm sorry Min. I alway hurt you over and over again, but you do mean something to me. It's just hard. I'm sorry. Good night though (:

After reading the text i couldn't help, but cry even harder. Saying i mean something to him made me felt hurt, but happy. That night i cried myself to sleep.

A week from our awkward feelings for each other. I went out for a run. There i met, maybe the man of my life. He sure was funny and cute. After my long run i came back home to tell Hoya about it.

Min: Guess what?

Hoya: What is it?

Min: I met this cute guy at the park today when i was out for a jog. Lol.

Hoya: Oh. Good for you.

Min: What's wrong?

Hoya: Nothing.

Min: Okay, but when are we going to meet up again?

Hoya: There's a soccer tournament coming up soon. You going to be there?

Min: Of course. If it's soccer i'll be there. Lol. What aout you?

Hoya: Yeah i'll be there. Let's meet up there then.

Min: Alright.

Hoya: So tell me about this guy of yours. What's his name?

Min: He's not mine. He was just a guy who i just met today. His name is Ki.

Hoya: So what is he your next target?

Min: I don't know yet, but he gave me his number. Might text him later. Lol

Hoya: Well have fun then...

Min: You sound upset. Are you mad or something?

Hoya: No. Just go talk to him.

Min: Fine you meanie. I will. I'll text you later then.

Hoya: Yeah.

I lied to Hoya that he gave me his number. I felt like something was wrong with Hoya because of the way he was talking to me. He was probably jealous of the guy i just met, but who knows. I went up into my room and laid in my bed just staring at the wall for the longest time ever. Staring at the wall for so long i remember that there was practice. I got up and got ready to go to practice.

As i got there i went onto the track to run a mile as my warm up. Taking my time jogging around the track i couldn't help but be absent minded just thinking about Hoya. It's already been a week and i'm already over the issue of him not wanting to start over. I just wonder if he still thinks about me at times.

I so out of it today that i didn't do well during practice. Coach was yelling at me to do better and keep my head in the game. After a long night of soccer practice i went home. As i got home i took a long shower just thinking over and over.

The words kept repeating in my head. "You better do good during the tournament. I'll come see you play." Hoya's voice was all i heard as i was thinking. As i was done showering i checked my messages to see if anyone messaged me. There was a message and it was from Ki.

Ki: You still up?

Min: yeah. What's up?

Ki: Nothing. What are you doing?

Min: nothing just surfing the internet. What about you?

Ki: Same. So why is this beautiful girl not asleep yet? Don't all girls want their beauty sleep?

Min: Lol. Not tired yet. I have a lot on my mind.

Ki: Oh. Care to tell me?

Min: It's nothing really. Don't worry about it. So what did you do all day?

Ki: Nothing. Just went out and enjoy my day with my uncles. They were showing me around Cali.

Min: So you're not from Cali?

Ki: Yeah. I just came to visit that's all.

Min: Oh. How long are you going to stay for?

Ki: Maybe just until summer break ends.

Min: Interesting.

Ki: Why is that?

Min: Nothing. Just saying. Who you staying with?

Ki: My uncles for now, but i have to go back to my dad's place.

Min: Your dad's place?

Ki: Yeah. My parents don't live together anymore so my dad move to Cali while my mother is still back in Korea.

Min: Oh. How sad. Did your dad remarrid?

Ki: Yeah.

Min: Do you like your step-mom?

Ki: She's alright. Sometimes i feel like she's only nice because i'm my father's son.

Min: Oh. Well at least she trys to talk to you than ignoring. you.

Ki: Yeah. So what are you going to do for tomorrow?

Min: Nothing. Just going to prepare myself for the soccer tournament that is coming up next week.

Ki: Oh. I heard of it. I was thinking of not going, but if you're going maybe i should go too then. Lol

Min: Up to you.

Ki: Well good luck to you then.

Min: Thanks.

Ki: Well i'm heading to bed. I'll talk to you another time.

Min: Alright. Good nigt.

Ki: Night.

After a long conversation with Ki i went to bed too.

Doing the usual thing as i do ever other day. I haven't been talking to Hoya lately. There was only a day left until the tournament so i decided to text Hoya.

Min: Hey.

Hoya: Hey.

Min: What are you doing?

Hoya: Nothing why?

Min: You still going tomorrow right?

Hoya: Yeah. What about you?

Min: Yeah. I'll be there. What are you going to be wearing?

Hoya: Clothes. Lol

Min: I know that, but like how are we going to meet up?

Hoya: I'm not sure. I'll look for you.

Min: Okay then.

Hoya: Yeah.

Min: Well see you tomorrow then?

Hoya: Okay.

Going to bed i kept on waking up during the middle of the night. I wasn't sure if i was excited to see Hoya again or that i just couldn't sleep at all. Something was wrong with me. After a while i finally got some time to sleep again. Waking up early for the tournament i got ready.

Meeting up with the team at the tournament early iwas walking around before our game started. As i was walking someone came behind me and patted my shoulder.

Min: Ki?!

Ki: Hey.

Min: I thought you weren't coming?

Ki: I had my uncle change his mind. He brought me here.

Min: Oh. Well my game will be starting soon, come watch me play.

Ki:Alright then.

Min: Well i got to go. I'll talk to you later.

Ki: Okay. Bye.

Going back to my team i grabbed all my belongings and started to get ready for the game. Warming myself up with the team i was looking all around the soccer field to see if Hoya was out there in the crowd. I couldn't find him anywhere except for spotting Ki. He was out in the crowd waving at me. I was happy to see him cheering for me, but i really wanted to see Hoya more.

During half time i looked for Hoya again, but he was no where to be found. I was sad that he didn't come looking for me. On the other hand Ki was there so it kind of made me happy. As the game was over i walked with Ki to grab something to eat. As we were walking he suddenly grabbed hold of my hand. I pulled away and stared at him. He didn't do anything, but smile back at me.

After the tournament i couldn't help but text Hoya. I was upset with him for not coming to see me play my game nor come and say hi to me.

Min: What happened?! We were suppose to meet up!

Hoya: Oh that. Yeah. I saw you and i was going to come up to you, but then i saw that guy coming to you instead so i decided not to come up to.

Min: Why would you do that?! You're my best friend who cares about him! I'm very upset with you.

Hoya: Oh, well another time then. I saw what he try to do to you.

Min: What?

Hoya: Do you like him?

Min: What are you talking about?

Hoya: I'm asking you do you like him?! If you do just tell me so i won't bother you anymore.

Min: Why are you being so weird? What did you see him doing?

Hoya: I saw him trying to hold your hands!

Min: Oh. That was it? That's nothing.

Hoya: So you do like him.

Min: Why are we arguing about this? What's wrong if he tried to hold my hand?

Hoya: I've never done that with you before! Why would you let a stranger hold your hand?

Min: I didn't let him hold my hand, the moment he held my hand i pushed his away.

Hoya: Well it doesn't matter. You like him and you're suddenly forgetting about me.

Min: Why are you being so stubborn? I already told you what really happen. Stop acting like you're my boyfriend. You're only my best friend.

Hoya: What do i really mean to you?

Min: I already told you. You're my best friend.

Hoya: I thought you would still have those feelings for me. I guess i was the only one holding onto them. I can't be friends with you if i have these feelings. Let's end our friendship here today.

Min: Fine! If you want it to be that way then i'm fine with it too.

Hoya: Why can't you just atleast try to work this out with me?!

Min: Work what out?!

Hoya: Just because i told you that i want to end our friendship you're really going to let me go?

Min: If it's for the best then yes.

Hoya: You are a really clueless girl. Why can't you understand my feelings?

Min: I don't, but you already know that it's not going to happen.

Hoya: Come to the park. I want to see you.

Min: Alright. I was going to the park any ways to practice my shooting with my sister.

Hoya: Okay i'll see you then?

Min: Yeah.

After the arguing with Hoya i grab my soccer gears and went to the park with my aunt and them. Running around the track to get my mind off of things Hoya finally showed up. He was on his bike again like the usual. I smiled and ran up to him.

Min: You're finally here.

Hoya: Yeah.

Min: Are you still upset with me?

Hoya: Why would i be upset with you?

Min: Well? We were arguing weren't we?

Hoya: I don't know.

Min: Well i got you a gift.

Hoya: A gift? At a time like this?

Min: Yes. It's your jar of stars that you wanted. I'll go get it.

Running to my bag i took out the jar of stars. Running back to Hoya, I hand him the jar of stars. He looked very happy to have recieved his jar of stars that he really wanted.

Hoya: Did it take you long to make these?

Min: Yes! I stayed up all night just trying to finish it and give them to you at the tournament, but you never came up to me so i couldn't give them to you.

Hoya: Oh. Well thanks. I love it.

Min: Of course you would. Who wouldn't?

Hoya: Shut up. How long are you going to be here for?

Min: I don't know. My aunt and them are here also so we might go back home soon after she's done walking around the track.

Hoya: Oh. Okay. Well...

Min: Well what?

Hoya: Nothing.

My aunt suddenly came bye and told me we were leaving. I saw Hoya's face, he looked very unhappy that i was about to leave.

Min's Aunt: Min! We're leaving!

Min: Okay! Just give me a minute.

Looking back at Hoya I gave him a hug. He wouldn't let me go. He hugged me tightly.

Hoya: Can...We at least try it for once?

Min: Try what?

Hoya: Can i give you a kiss?

I was surprise when he said that, but before he could my aunt backed her car towards us and told me to hurry. I smiled at Hoya and gave him a tight hug back. Taking off I looked back to see that Hoya already left the spot.

As i got to my aunt's house I got a text from Hoya.

Hoya: I should have done it when i had the chance.

Min: Even if you did i wouldn't have let you.

Hoya: Why?

Min: You have Sunny. That's why?

Hoya: Stop bringing her into our problems!

Min: She is part of our problems. The reason you can't leave her is because you're scared to loose her. She's a great girl. I don't want to be known as a boyfriend stealer. Don't leave her for a girl like me.

Hoya: Why do you keep putting yourself down? To me you're the greatest person i've been with.

Min: Well if you keep putting it that way i might get the wrong idea.

Hoya: You really do hold aspecial place in my heart. It's just hard for me to keep you close by me.

Min: Can we not talk about this?

Hoya: Why? Why not?!

Min: We already agreed to give up. Why are you still trying to work this thing out when we know there will never be a chance?

Hoya: I don't know. I guess the feelings are just too strong that i can't forget about you too.

Min: Fine.

Hoya: Maybe it's really best if we really go our own ways.

Min: If that helps then yeah. Let's do that.

Hoya: I guess. Give me sometime to think things through then.

Min: Sure. Don't worry about me.

Hoya: Are you sure?

Min: Yes. When you're ready to return i'll be here waiting for you.

Hoya: Alright then. I guess it's really good bye then.

Min: Yeah. I guess so.

Hoya: Bye.

I read Hoya's last text he gave me. I couldn't believe what we both agreed to do. I didn't know what i was really thinking, but all i knew is that if we were to go on further one of use was going to get hurt even more.  I knew I should have gave up on him the moment i knew that we weren't going to work, but somehow my heart told me that there might have been a chance for me. Maybe this time it's telling me that i've done enough for me to get hurt so much in the end.

I literally thought i was going to loose my one and only best friend, but as time was going by i waited each and every day for him to text me again. I didn't care how long it would take him to text me, but all i knew was that he really needed time to sort out his feelings. Weeks gone by and in the end he finally texted me again. Jumping up and down with joy i read his message.

Hoya: Hey.

Min: Hi.

Hoya: How are you?

Min: I'm well what about you?

Hoya: Is it okay if we could start over best friend?

Min: Yes. No strings attached nothing. You'll alway be my best friend.

Hoya: Lol. Thanks. I really missed chatting with you.

Min: Me too!

With all the struggles we went through and having to give each other time to think everything out. Hoya has finally returned to be my best friend forever.

*End of Flashback*

This wasn't the kind of happy ending every girl wanted, but for me this was the best. He was someone i can lean on and cry as much as i want just to let everything out. He was the one who i never thought would end up by my side like this forever. My best friend, my one and only Hoya.

-The End-

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