Do I Like Her?

My Arrogant Boyfriend

~Woohyun POV~

"H-hyung!!" all 3 of them yelled as they nervously shuffled over to one side

"Did you guys miss me? Or did you have too much fun escaping?" Woohyun asked in a serious tone.

"O-of course we missed you!!" Sungyeol said ad L and Hoya nodded frantically.

"Ahh really.." Woohyun said before he scooted closer to them

Suddenly the ride stopped and the doors opened.

"Thank you for riding the Ferris Wheel, have a good night!!" the worker said as Sungyeol ran out leaving L and Hoya.

"Yah!!! Tsk, what a hyung he is..." Hoya said

"Tsk, what dongsaengs you guys are!" Woohyun yelled as he grabbed onto their ears and pulled them out.

"Oh? You found them!" Dongwoo said as he looked at the scene

"Ahh finally. Can we go home now? I'm so tired!!!" Sunggyu said as they walked out the entrance

~At School, Minwoo POV~

"Uwwwaaahh I'm tired!" Dongjun said as he laid on the ground panting.

"Mee too!!!" Jiyeon said as she sat on the ground fanning herself

"Wah, Jiyeon you're sweating so much!!" Minwoo said as he wiped her forehead with a tissue

*Thump thump thump* 

Minwoo quickly pulled away and turned around to cover his blushing cheeks.

*Aiishh Ha Minwoo, why are you like this?!!* Minwoo thought as he quickly shook his head and turned back around to see Jiyeon staring at him oddly.

"Oppa, you're acting really weird lately.." Jiyeon said 

"R-really?? Hehe..." Minwoo laughed nervously

"I'm so tireed~" Jiyeon whined said while pouting

*Omo, she looks so cute making that face! Wait, what are you saying?! Aishh...* Minwoo thought as he stood up and walked over to Kevin.

"Aigoo, I'm going to leave now byyee~~" Jiyeon waved as shetiredly walked to the door.

"W-wait! I'll walk with you.." Minwoo said as he quickly caught up with Jiyeon

They both walked silently down the dark hallway as Jiyeon tried to make out which hallway the classroom was. Suddenly a big noise cam from down the hallway and Jiyeon jumped in shock and grabbed onto Minwoos arm.

"Are you ok??" Minwoo asked as he looked at the frightened Jiyeon

"Ahh, I'm ok!" Jiyeon said as she quickly walked until she saw the cardboard wall and walked to it

"Jiyeon-ah! Where are you going? The exit is over here" Minwoo said as he pointed to the exit

"A-ahh.. Here's the thing... I.. sleep in here" Jiyeon said as she pointed through the small door through the cardboard wall.

"You're a hobo?!" Minwoo said, shocked

"Aniya!! Aigoo, I'll explain to you some other time, hurry up and go back before the monster gets you~" Jiyeon said as she pushed Minwoo around the corner and went to the other side of the wall.

"That's odd..." Minwoo thought when he suddenly heard noises and hid inside a classroom while quietly looking out.

"You guys are seriously going to die tonight!" Woohyun said as Hoya and L flinched before running into the hallways Jiyeon went to.

*Where are they going??* Minwoo thought as he quietly stepped out of the classroom and moved closer. 

He saw all of Infinite crawl through the small hole like Jiyeon did and quickly shut the door.

"Ahh something weird is going on..." Minwoo said before turning around to meet Woohyun

"Ahh!!" Minwoo yelled as he fell on the ground in shock

"Ha Minwoo? What're you doing here??" Woohyun asked

"N-nothing.. I should be asking you the same thing.." Minwoo said as he embarrassingly stood up

"You don't need to know. You should go home soon, you'll never know what might happen when midnight comes~" Woohyun said as he showed Minwoo his watch that read 11:59 pm. 

"Y-yah! You think I'm going to get scared?! Psshh, I'm Ha Minwoo!" Minwoo said

"Fine, don't come screaming my name when something comes for you!" Woohyun laughed as he went through the small door and closed it

"Tsk,  that arrogant guy! And to think Jiyeon even likes him!" Minwoo said before turning around and walking back to the practice room.

*Don't be scared, don't be scared, don't be scared, don't be scared* Minwoo thought as he suddenly felt cold and rubbed his arms


"Ahh! What was that?!" Minwoo said as he quickly turned around to see nothing and sighed in relief

He continued to walk until he felt someone touch his shoulder.

"AHHH!! Don't kill me i'm sorry!!!" Minwoo said as he closed his else and clapped his hands together

"Wahh daeebaakk, hyung is scared of the dark?" Dongjun said while smiling



Pleeassee forgive me >.<

School has been taking up all of my time and it's been so hard to even find time to finish my homework :(

And I'm sorry again if this chapter isn't that good...

Thaank you guys soo much for at least being patient with me ^^ 

SAAD NEWS~ Infinite had their goodbye stage on Music Bank yesterday TT^TT

Anyways, Comment and Subscribe~ :D

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JiyeonnieSeob #1
Chapter 43: I LOVE YOU, JiyeonnieSeob?? but...thats meh. wth.....
Jojopopki #2
The story is so cute
berryberry96 #3
hahahahaahahah myungsoo is too cute here xDDDD
pezjt123 #4
woohyun x jiyeon cute
KPOP_survivor #5
ahhhhhhhhh so kyeopta hehe i lovee ittttt me too i also want myungyeon=^^= daebak love the storyline
T-araNation #6
love it!!!
PenguinJiyeon #7
I wish it was L though cause I am shipping them together, Myungyeon.
I subscribed, even though it's finished. Haha :3
loved it
but it might be better if he really did propose to her