
7 Pabos in One Dorm!
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"Sleep now!" JB called toward Bam Bam.Bam Bam shuffles to the bedroom room. Bam Bam yawned quietly but didn't want to go to sleep, his hyungs were all awake but his stupid leader wanted him to sleep. Bam Bam laid in his bed snuggling the blankets in a protective manner. 

"Thank god hyung turned off the lights..", Bam Bam thought. He was lazy....I mean have you ever felt the feeling of comfort but you forgot something in the other room leading you have to move away from your comfort.

Bam Bam was a growing boy so of course, he would start having different dreams then he was younger. Very different.


He felt his bed shift lightly, he tried to ignore the movement but he was curious. He blinked rapidly and then shut his eyes quickly when he felt the light get in the direction of his eyes. He felt a someone move the locks of his hair to the side but then got scared. Nobody should be in this room except Mark and the other never enter his room during the night since they rather not meet Mark side of the room.

Yes, it smelled like a pigsty. 

"Bam Bam," Bam Bam pushed away the blankets oof of him to see a red-haired women with black sharp pointy eyes, her hair was curled on the edges but it made look y. She reminded him of Mark. The women laid in bed...fully clothed. Bam Bam blushed and tried to speak but nothing came out. He touched his neck but some reason he couldn't speak. He glanced worriedly at the women but the women merrily hushed him. Bam grabbed the blankets once more and hid his face with the pillow.

"BamBam-ah..", the women said.

The women yanked down the blanket and placed an arm around Bam Bam back.

"Why won't you look at me? I want to talk to you," The women said and she reached down to yank the pillow away from Bam Bam.

Bam Bam eyes widened as the women suddenly kissed him on the lips. The women bit the bottom of lip as the women laid on top of him. When Bam Bam attempted to open his mouth his mouth to protest, the women inserted her tongue inside and wrestled his tongue down before on it. Bam Bam moaned slightly, squirmed slightly. 

The women broke the kiss for the desperate need of air, she reaching up and running a finger along Bam Bam swollen pink rosy lips. Bam Bam looked at her as the women his earlobe. 
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Chapter 18: c
update soon!
mackJ1416 #3
Chapter 20: Sure I would love to
Chapter 20: If that means a quicker update, sure. ^^
totallynotMyaSoriano #5
Chapter 19: Please update!!
markbamnewbie #6
why jb become umma ?? is that jr who fix as umma ?
MarkBamBaby #7
Chapter 19: I don't really know what goal in your mind of this story... Because you said this story for couple MarkBam, JaeJin, JackYoung but all couple were always fight to each other specially my BamBam always crying.. And My Mark become bad boy... I don't understand what you suppose to write more? And why you don't update anything? We wait so long time ago... Please don't keep it with many issues like this... We want to know what happened next... Please update new chapter