A hair of a different color

A hair of a different color

Hair. It comes in many of colors. We use it as an accessory, something to play with when we get nervous, and to magnify our beauty.

His hair had been a rainbow of colors, from pastel pinks to blonde, varying colors of browns, reds, silvers, and even green once. His head an actual rainbow once, chalked in with chunks of color. He loved his hair. Thats why he changed it so often to keep people shocked at every moment. He didn’t like to be normal. Sehun just liked being different to much sometimes. He had gone over board one time and came home with a bright neon red. His mother scolded him all night for that one, she normally didn’t mind the always changing colors, but when they got to out of control she had to step in and say something. 


Once he hadn’t been able to touch up his roots which made such a contrast against his white blonde hair at the time that his best friend, Amanda, could barely stand looking at him. That’s when he decided to stop changing his hair colors so often. He re dyed his hair blonde and left it, leaving only the style of his hair to be unique. Shaved sides, revealing a small amount of his true hair color showing. The blonde mane brushed down in the back, in the front a gelled up wave with short strands threaded through the others making it look even more unique was that it was fluffy. Sehun never wanted Amanda to treat him like that again, so this was as simple as he could get it. 


Her reaction when he showed up at her house asking her opinion, was that she looked quite disappointed at least when the shock went away. The entire time he was there she looked disappointed, he questioned her about it before he left to head home. Standing out on the stoop in her shorts and t-shirt, with her long strawberry blonde hair, she envied him. She explained that him changing his hair color so often was like a little present for her, she was alway ridiculed when she said she wanted to dye her hair purple or blue because she wanted to. Everyone scolded her saying her hair was a unique color already and if she dyed it they would never speak to her again. Amanda was in tears by the end of her story. Sehun gently took her face in his hands brushed some of her tears away and promised that the day after next he would dye it again. He asked her to come over to watch him dye it as well.


When she got there he asked if she wanted to try it out. She said no, Sehun on the other hand after a few minutes of convincing her that he would always stay by her side if she did dye her hair. The next day they arrived at school, linking arms as they walked into the school with their new unique hairstyles. The two now freshly dyed heads shone a dark purple color brightly among the many natural blondes and brunettes and raven haired students.


Hair brought two best friends closer together and hair will always be a tool of expression for whomever decides to take advantage of it.

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