
Super Trainee Marraige


“This Concern is like something we have heard before, but this time it is a little different, this girl is now a Trainee at SM, she has been given permission from the company to be here, so here is her concern.

My Parents dont support me,

I'm 19 years old and have done everything I can to make my parents proud, I finished school both Highschool at an early age, I do everything I am asked, not complaining once, I decided to do something for myself so I auditioned for SM, and I got in, I went home excited, because this was my dream, this was something I hide from them because they were always so strict on me, but my brothers could do what they wished, I really need help to get my parents to realise that I need support like they give my brothers

This is a big deal right, I mean she obviously is talented, smart that she had finished school and college by this age” Lee Yeongja stated as she looked around at those sitting by her, Heechul from Super Junior, the guests for the show nodded,

“I mean my parents were always supportive of me, even when I was doing stupid stuff, they would always be there for me, but she obviously did everything they wanted and now are upset that she is doing something she wants, they should support her” he said, Eunhyuk nodded

“I think its true, I mean she hasnt done anything for herself before” he said, Shin Diongyeop nodded,

“Before she comes out, SM sent us over her audition tape, we thought it would be nice for you to see her perform, she starts with singing in English” he said as they nodded for it to play the tape,

Wow, she's pretty”

Annyeong hasimnikka, je ireumeun Lee Min Seo imnida, I'm 19 years old and a graduate of Itwa Womens collage two months ago with a bacholeor in Musical and Media arts, My audition piece starts with Celine Dion's Because you loved me, I will also be performing G-Dragons Crooked”

“Wow, I can see why SM brought her on board, would you guys like to meet her, please greet Lee Min Seo ssi” Lee Yeongja said as everyone cheered for her.

When she arrived at the top of the slide, she stood there, her beautiful hair in curls, her wide eyes sparkling and her smile light up the place, she moved down the slide and all five of the Super Junior members on the Panel stood up to help her out of the ball pit, not only them but the four main Male MC's did as well, she blushed as she took Donghae's hand, when they all sat down, Lee Yeongja looked at her,

“Are men always like that around you” she asked, MinSeo blushed and shook her head,

“Anio, well not that I know of, I have four older brothers” she started and the men all nodded as Yeongja laughed,

“Thats why you dont notice, so tell me what made you audition for SM, I mean we can see you are very talented, but like you said you always did what they asked” she asked her, Min Seo nodded and sighed, moving her hair from her face,

“I worked so hard growing up, I did everything I could to further myself, hiding my love of music, but even though I graduated from College three months ago, they werent happy with anything, not even that, even being finished College so early, they wanted me to get married, I'm too young to get married, I wanted to have some sort of a life before I settled down, when my oldest brother told me about the audition, he told me to follow my dream, told me that he would support me through everything if my parents have a problem with it” she said, Jeong Chanwu nodded,

“So your older brother supports you” he asked, she smiled and nodded,

“Yes he is the only one, my other brothers tell me I'm being a brat and try to set me up with their friends, I dont know what to do, I havent been able to go home since I was taken in as a trainee, my parents wont talk to me” she said, they watched as she took a shaky breath and looked down, everyone knew she was trying to hide the fact that she was crying,

“Thye wont talk to you” Siwon asked, she brought her hand up to her eyes and shook her head,

“I havent seen them or my other brothers in a month, I've called the house and when they pick up and realise its me they hang up” she said, the crowd awed as Donghae reached over and took her hand, handing her a tissue with the other, she thanked him as she wiped her tears,

“Do you know why they took it so bad” Ryeowook asked her softly, this girl was their Hobae, she was a trainee with their company, she shook her head,

“No, I really dont, I mean one of my brothers didnt go to college, he lives at home, free loading off my parents, I was working at 14, I never asked for anything, my college I got a scholarship, I cant understand why they are like this” she said,

“Why dont we meet your parents, Omma Appa”Jeong Chanwu called, the camera turned to her parents, they bowed,

“Omma, why are you so hard on her” Kim Taegyun asked, her mother had a strict set to her face,

“She should be getting married, I was married at her age, she needs to settle down, not be gallivanting on stage” she stated, the crowd hissed,

“But this is something she wants to do, she wants to sing and have a career as an idol, its not like she is going to be rejected, she is already a trainee, we all saw from the video that she is talented” Kim Taegyun stated, her father shook his head,

“Once she gets married and wants to be an idol, that is up to her husband to deal with, if he agree's then so be it” he said, Heechul looked at the older man,

“It sounds like you just want to hand her off to somebody else, so you dont have to look after her, isnt that a little harsh, I mean she has done everything you asked” he asked, her mother sniffed,

“She did well, I agree but because she finished school so early she must marry early” she said, the people in the audiance were shocked

“You mean you wouldnt have made her marry at this age if she wasnt smart and finished school early, its like your punishing her” Ryeowook asked, the others nodded,

“Its not punishment, she should be lucky that unlike my parents she doesnt have an arranged marraige” her father stated, Donghae who was still holding her hand looked over at them,

“But what of your sons, it seems like they are having it easy” he asked, the father shook his head,

“My sons all work hard” he stated, to the disbelief of the audience,

“So did your daughter, she seemed to have worked twice as hard as your sons” Siwon stated, her father gave them a sharp glare,

“Yes and she has embarrised our family for doing so, if she would just get married it wouldnt be our problem anymore” he stated, getting a gasp from the audience.

“Right we'll take a break now from filming” the PD called, everyone stood up, the make up person took Min Seo away to fix her makeup,

“Hyung, I'm just going to give the president a call” Donghae told the others as he walked to the back.

“Donghae sssi how is filming, have you met our new recruit” the president answered straight away,

“Hyung, her parents are horrible, they told her that if she wished to be an idol, she should get married and see if her husband allows it, they said she embarrised the family by doing better than her brothers and they want to marry her off to get rid of the burden, Hyung she's only 19 they can legally do that” he said, he heard the president curse,

“We cant lose her, she is too talented, I was even thinking of bringing her on as a new member of Super Junior, you guys need to relate more with the men” he said on the other end of the line, Donghae looked over at the young woman who was getting her makeup fixed,

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kohakuhime #1
Chapter 3: yahhh.. why didn't you update yet??
pleeeeeeaaase update T-T
kohakuhime #2
please update soon.. ^^