
Be My Light
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Niel reads his book quietly. It looks like he is reading, but he himself doesn't know where he is right now. "Hyung, what are you doing?" Ricky asks before he sits beside Niel. Niel shows Ricky the book he is reading. Ricky nods a few time and tilts his head.

"Hyung are you like really okay? You look so out." Ricky asks in concern. Niel closes his book and ruffles Ricky's hair. "I am okay maknae, thanks for worrying about me." Ricky smiles and he left to argue with Changjo.

Niel looks blankly onto the book. Am i really okay? Am i hurting? Why do I hurt? He traces the book with his finger and eventually hugging the book, lone tears falling down. I miss you.

Decided to sleep, he makes sure he is not in a funny position and closes his eyes.


Where am I?

No one is here. He is all alone and it's very dark. Yet, he doesn't feel scared nor terrified to be here. There is something very soothing, warm and nice about this place. Niel really wants to walk but it's too dark to see anything. And so he stays for a while. But nothing happened. So Niel braves himself and spoke,


His voice echoes and he wonders just how big this room is. He stretches his hand in hope to find someone or something near him. But nothing is around him. Like seriously where am I? He starts to feel himself getting more anxious by time and so he starts talking to himself. Just like when he was in the bathroom.

"Where is this seriously. I was sleeping so maybe this is my dream. But why is this sooo dark? None of my dream is like this, full with darkness and mystery. Or am I actually awake but someone turn off the lamp? But if I am awake I would have stumbled upon something." His head hurts thinking about the possibilities and he waits patiently.

While he was waiting, his mind involuntarily drifted back to a period where he was a high schooler.


He is always following you. Call him a stalker. Call him a sasaeng. He doesn't care. He chooses to not care. He does what he wants. He's your shadow. Everywhere you are, he's there. He's always hoping, for you to actually even glance slightly at him. But no. You, Kim La Ra, is a stubborn girl. If you say black. It's black. If you say no, then no.

One day, Niel called you. Hoping for you to pick your phone up. You grew annoyed and pick up the phone. "I give you 5 minutes. Say what you want and LEAVE me."

He sighs. Burdened. "Kim. La. Ra." He emphasiz

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