Boy Meets U ♥ Part 4

Boy Meets U

Minho's POV:

I was waiting for Erica to come. I had a bouquet of red chrysanthemum flowers in my arms for her. Then, She came. She was wearing a t-shirt, jeans and converse. Very simple, but she still looked beautiful in it.

"For you." I said as I walked to her and gave her the flowers.

"Thank you so much. Red chrysanthemums are beautiful." She replied with a smile.

"I have something else for you!" I said as I pulled out a blindfold. "But you can't see it yet."

"What is this? Why can't I just see it?" she asked.

"Just because." I said as I blindfolded her and finally led her to where the present is.

After 5 minutes of walking, I opened the blindfold for her. There's a van in front of her. 


After 5 minutes of walking, Minho opened the blindfold for me. There's a van in front of me. It has a beautiful cursive writings on it. It said, "Will You Be My Girlfriend? If you say yes, go in the van and I'll take you to my heart." I hugged him and went in the van. 


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722DolDeer #1
Chapter 4: awww
thanks for update...