
(Hatius)When The Dark becomes Your only Light

As the room got quiet I turned around to see no one in the room where I was. I got back to reading some of the books

when one caught my eye. It was a black book with a lock on it. The lock looked like it had blood on it like someone tried

clawing it open. I grabbed it and sat it in front of me. I relized it didnt have a key whole that it had to be opened by

magic. I flipped the book over to see a sticky note on it. It was dirty but you could make out what was written on it.

The only thing was no one but I could read it since it was in code. The code me and my brother made up. The wiped the

dirt off the sticky note and smiled. The sticky note read,"Luna moon,Luna star,Luna fire,Luna Blood." i knew it was a

spell to unlock the book. I flipped the book over and took a breath. Then I spoke the words aloud."Luna Moon Luna star

Luna fire Luna blood." The lock on the book popped open and I smiled. "Hey how did you get it opened?"came a voice

making me jump. I looked over my shoulder at the bright purple hair of Bjoo. "It was a spell my brother put on it and

only I could find and unlock."I said."come ill show you how I found it."I said. Bjoo came over and took the sit beside me.

I flipped the book over and pulled the sticky note off and handed it to him."what is this I cant read it?"said Bjoo. "Its

a secert code me and my brother made along time ago when we were little so our parents wouldnt know things."I

said."so it says what?"asked Bjoo. "It says Luna Moon,Luna star,Luna fire and Luna blood."I said. "So im thinking alot of

the stuff inside this book is written like that so no one can read it."I said. "You know your brave to talk to Pgoon like

you did earlier."said Bjoo. "Im not scared of him."I said. "well you shouldnt talk to him like that."said Bjoo. "I'm sorry if

you and everyone else doesnt like how I speak to him but Im not a fallower. Plus I didnt ask for you or him or anyone to

protect me."I said. "Your a born leader."said Bjoo smiling at me. "My father always told me I was."I said. "Maybe thats

why your brother left all this for you because he knows you are strong enough to figure it out and deal with it."said

Bjoo. I looked over at him and smiled."Maybe your right."I said. I looked past him to see Pgoon standing there leaned

against the doorframe watching us. He saw me looking so he turned and walked back into the other room. "Your the

first female he has ever let talk to him like that and I think something about you he is very interested in."said Bjoo

watching Pgoon go back into the other room like me. "Really now."I said. "well if you need help reading and putting stuff

together or anything come find me or Hojoon. Mainly Hojoon he is really the smartest Wizard I know."said Bjoo.

"Thanks Bjoo ill remember that."I said. He got up and left me alone again. I began looking through the book when

something inside caught my eye. It was a picture of almost a shadow of six demons. You could see there eyes Two out

of the six had weird white and black crossed out eyes and the rest had redish yellow eyes. You couldnt make out there

faces but you could see each one had something different with there bodies. One of the ones with the crossed out

eyes had tattoos of all kinds of things all over his body. One had swirl black design down one arm with a star on his

hand. The other one with the crossed out eyes had a black mark across his eyes and then some black thick bands on his

lower arm on both arms and then a double band on his upper arms. But something about him stood out to me. His hair

did and it was Hongbin. I begn reading under the picture about them. It said they were the sons of the strongest

demon lord in the underworld. They would kill anyone who got in there way of getting what there task reqired them to

do. It also said each one had there own gifted powers. One could burn you alive either way from inside out or outside in.

THat would be Leo I thought. One could simple crush every bone in your body or make your orgains explode. Another

one could tap into your head and make you do things. The others werent told in the book. But I guessed the one who

could get inside your head had to be Hongbin and the other one had to be Ravi. I got up from the table with the book in

hand. As I turned around I found Pgoon standing there a few inches from me. I jumped back and dropped the book.

"Sorry Kira I didnt mean to scare you I was coming to get you."said Pgoon. "you could have called my name."I said. "Well

you looked so into what you were reading I didnt want to."said Pgoon. He kneeled down picking the book up and looked

at it and then made a face and looked back at me. "what?"Iasked. "How can you read this and what languge is it?"Asked

Pgoon. "I can read it because its mine and my brother made up languge so no one can read it but me."I said. "Very

smart."said Pgoon. "what languge were you and the boys talking earlier?"I asked. "A anicent languge that our kinds use

to keep secerts. Kind of like yours."He said pointing to the book. "well I need to inform you all of something inside

here."I said. "Let us have dinner first and then we all will come sit out here and can talk."said Pgoon. "Sure"I said taking

the book from him and locked it and then walked with him back into the main part. It was my first time in this part of

the place. It was very dark in color. All the boys sat around a huge living room talking, reading or messing with

different things. "Come boys lets have dinner."said Pgoon as we walked in. They all stood up and headed into the next

room. We fallowed and ended up in a dinning room with a super long table with chairs like at the table outside. Here

Kira sit here at this end of the table said Pgoon pulling out the chair at the very end of the table. It was like his chair a

high back. I sat down and smiled at him. After he moved Seogoong came over with a wine glass and filled it with red

wine and sat it in front of me. "How did you know I liked red?"I asked. "well your bestfriend told me."said Seogoong

looking over at Sangdo who now took his sit beside me. "I have to make sure my best friend is taken care of and well

treated."said Sangdo. I smiled at him and took his hand in mine and squeezed it. Gohn,Hojoon and Kidoh came out of the

kitchen with trays of food and sat them in the middle of the table. They took there sits and then everyone began

passing the food around. The dinning room was quiet besides the sound of people eatting. I looked up to see Pgoon

watching me. He smiled then went back to eatting. Soon everyone finished dinner. I got up and left out the room and

back out to the big table. I cleaned everything off it but only keeping the one book. Soon all the boys came out sitting

around the table like before. I spoke the words again and the book poped unlocked and everyone but Bjoo looked at me

funny. "It is a spell locked book and I am the only one who can unlock it."I said. "How did you know how to open

it?"asked Sangdo. "My brother left me a note in our own secert languge."I said. "So what is it you need to tell

us?"asked Pgoon. "Inside here it tells me of Six demons sent here to do whatever task that is given to them. They will

kill anyone or anything that gets in there way."I said. What else does it say?"asked Hojoon. "It says that these six

demons are the sons of one of the highest and most powerful demons of the underworld. That they all have gifts. It

tells of three of them and there powers. You need to be warned of this if a fight breaks out."I said. "So what are we

dealing with?"asked Atom. "Your deal with one who can burn you from the inside out or the other way around."I said.

"THat means one of them was trying it on you today."said Xero. "But why didnt it work fully?"I asked. "Maybe its

because of your necklace."said Hojoon. He looked puzzled at this. "well the next one can crush your bones to nothing or

make your organs explode. Then you have to the one I think to be the worst. This one can tap into your head and make

you do whatever he wants."I said. "You think that is the worst?"asked Gohn. "Yes, I do simply because if someone can

get into your head like that they can make you kill yourself or others. They can make you do some ed up ."I

said. "Good point taken."said Seogoong. "So I have a idea who is who as far as the ones it tells about. I know Leo is the

burner. I think Ravi is the bone and organ killer and Hongbin looks to me to be the one controling minds."I said. "Well

your right about Leo."said Atom. I watched Pgoon he wasnt looking at anyone but at the table his hands in fist and now

I could along with the others hear a growl come from his thoart. "Pgoon are you okay?"asked Sangdo. "Ill be right back

he."said Pgoon leaving the table. "Did he tell you boys what he heard one of them think today?"I asked looking between

Atom and Xero. They both looked at each other and then back to me. I was getting sick of not knowing what they knew.

"Come on guys tell me."I said. "well I think thats why Pgoon is so pissed at the moment."said Atom. "Hongbin was

thinking about coming to your home and doing things to you."said Xero not meeting my eyes. "What kind of things?"I

asked. "Not sure Pgoon didnt say all that."said Atom. "So Pgoon was going to tell you to stay here tonight."said Xero. I

looked from them to Sangdo. His hands were in fist and he got up and walked outside."Get both of them are

pissed."said Kidoh. I got up and then I thought to myself which one do I go to first. Why was this turning into

something hard to do. "If you have it in your head to go look for either of them I wouldnt."said Kidoh. I looked over at

him."How did you know?"I asked. "Its written all over your face."said Seogoong. "Come on lets go relax in the living

room till they both come back."said Bjoo. We all headed into the living room and I sat down beside Atom on the couch.

"So I have a question."I asked now looking at Seogoong. "what is it."said Seogoong. "So I know you are a shifter and you

only can shift into a lion but can you do it at free will?"I asked. He smiled stood up took his jacket off and walked in

front of me. "What are you doing?"I asked. As he leaned forward towards the ground his whole body shifted and into a

lion. Out of shock I jumped into Atom lap. He busted out laughing at me while the now Lion Seogoong sat there looking

at me. I moved from Atom lap and back to my seat."Um, can I rub him?"I asked the others. They all laughed and

Seogoong rubbed his face on my leg. I smiled at him and rubbed his mane in my fingers. He rested his head on my lap as

I did this for a little while. "Okay Im getting jealous."said Gohn. We all laughed at him and I looked down at Seogoong.

"You can change back now so Gohn doesnt get upset anymore."I said. After that he moved from me and around the

other side of the couch. A few seconds later the human Seogoong stood up. "So yes I can change at will and you can

talk to me I can understand you."He said. I smiled at him and then waved him over to me. "what is it?"he asked. I stood

up and fixed his hair for him. "Your hair was all over the place."I said. "oh well thank you."he said. "Dont tell Pgoon I

shifted for you."said Seogoong. "Why not?"I asked. "He doesnt like us doing it for reasons like that only for when it is

needed."said Seogoong. I just nodded my head and went and sat back down beside Atom. As the boys talked I must

have been tired because I fell asleep against Atom.

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LaiMU19 #1
Chapter 12: Your poster is GREAT! PLEASE~ keep updating I LOVE THIS STORY! Oh! and I choose P-GOON~ for her d(^_^)b GOOD JOB! on the story LOVE IT <3
Oh everyone what do you think of my new Poster for the story I hope you like it.
Naamuu #3
Chapter 10: Pgoon!!! ^^
JadDyus #4
I really like this please dont leave it! The idea is really good please please go on ~
humey_chan #5
Chapter 8: Why is it m rated xC