What Lies within

(Hatius)When The Dark becomes Your only Light

I opened the letter and unfolded it. I was scared to find out what my brother was really into. "Dear, Kira. I know this letter is coming to you at a bad time but you will understand what has happened to me when you read this. After our parents died I met someone and she showed me things I'd never thought to mess with. She showed me a different world, with different beings and magic. At first I was unsure of it and scared. I kept this a secret from you to keep you safe if anything happened. As your reading this something has happened to me. Im more then likely dead because of what I know. Im giving you these items and books and notes on all this stuff because its real and its apart of our world. People close to you arent who they say they are but I know they havent told you because they want to protect you at all cost, just like I did. But you have to know everything because its only going to slowly sneak up into your life because of me. Because of what I stole and what I hide. I stole a very powerful stone that a Voodoo witch had. I stole it because I found out what it could do and what she was using it for. The stone can destory our world and bring demons from hell upon us. Kira I need you to destory this stone and to keep it out of the wrong hands. This witch has sent her minions to look for me and the stone. Do you remember the Necklace I gave you last year on your birthday? The one with the bright blood red stone and the dragons holding it. Well Someone speical made the necklace to put the stone in so the witch or her minions cant get it. The dragons on the necklace protect it they have a powerful spell and only you can break it. How you may ask? Inside my notes is a secret code that me and you only know how to use remember? Use it when the time is right and free the stone and destory it. But be careful sister your enemies and mine are close and they might be looking for you now. Trust in Sangdo he is the only true person to keep you safe. Ask him the question you have asked me. The dreams you've had they are based on truth and he can answer them. All you have to do is ask him. He might not answer you right away but he will he has to. Sangdo is your family now and he will keep you safe as you will keep him safe. I am sorry I put you in this mess, but I had to do something to save our world and this was it. I love you Kira and I dont want you to ever forget that." I took a deep and felt every emotion there was. I felt sad, hurt and angery. I opened the box and started pulling the books out. I began reading everything he wrote. He wrote about witches and demons. About the demons taking on Human form and at night is when you could tell they were demons there true skin and eyes would show. He also wrote about protectors those who would keep the peace. I saw the symbols just like on the table. "what did you find out?"said Sangdo making me jump. "Alot to take in is what I found out."I said. He sat down beside me and took the letter and read it. When he was done he looked up at me with so many emotions in his eyes. He looked scared and worried. I reached out and touched his face. "Sangdo when the time is right you will tell what I must know."I said. "He will dont worry."said Pgoon who now took his sit at the table. "kira where is the necklace?"asked Sangdo. "I never leave home without it."I said leaning down to my bag and opening it up pulling out a small velvet long box. I opened it to show them the necklace."Wow that thing is beautiful."said Hansol as he came over to the table. "Here let me put it on you, you must keep it on at all times." said Sangdo taking the necklace out the box and putting it on me. "when you wear it becomes more protected because a demon cant just take it off of your neck."Said Pgoon. "So the letter says ive more then likely have come face to face with one or more by now."I said. "Boys, please come in here and join us at the table we all have some big neews to tell Kira."said Sangdo. The rest of the boys came out and Sangdo went to sit beside Pgoon. Now I had Kidoh beside me and Xero and the rest filled in. "Kira your brother told you in this letter that Id tell you something. Well it goes for all of us and we all are here to protect you and that necklace."said Sangdo. I looked at him to try and read him at this moment but I couldnt for once."Kira were not normal."said Sangdo."Not Normal how?"I asked. "As your brother said there are other beings out there and we are those other beings."said Sangdo. "what kind of being are you then?"I asked shifted uncomfortably in my sit. " Ill start with telling her."said Xero. I looked over at him and he smiled at me with so much care. "Kira Im a wizard and so are Bjoo, Hansol and Hojoon. We deal in magic."he said. I nodded my head in understanding. "Kira myself, Atom and Nakta are Knights just like the round table. We dont look as strong but we are given a power to be strong like a knight our flesh is like armor it doesnt hurt as bad when we get in fights and if we get wounded we heal faster."Said Kidoh. I smiled at him and nodded. Seogoong cleared his thoart and I turned to look at him. "Myself, Gohn, Yano and Jenissi are Lions. We are more so called shapeshifters but we only shift into Lions. We are mighty and brave and will protect you always."said Seogoong. I couldnt help but smile at him for being so caring and brave to tell me. I turned and looked at the last two. There leader Pgoon and My bestfriend and brother Sangdo. Sangdo looked so scared but I smiled at him. "Kira I'm a dragon just like my crest. I can transform into a dragon and fly and breath fire along with Pgoon. We are the only two of our kind."said Sangdo. "So now I know why you keep this part of yourself a secert. You where scared of me finding out and turning my back on you. But Sangdo Id never turn my back on you and what you are. Your my family, my life, my best friend. No I dont see you or any of these men as monster so dont think that."I said pointing my finger at him. He smiled his big smile at me and let out a breathe he was holding. "But this is alot to take in and I need to relax and be alone to think for a little bit today."I said. "You take the rest of the day to your self and then we can have dinner and talk hows that sound?"asked Sangdo. "Sounds like a plan, but here is my question. Are some of you going to school with me to watch over me?"I asked. "Yes, I sent them to keep a close watch on you and more so the people around you."said Pgoon.

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LaiMU19 #1
Chapter 12: Your poster is GREAT! PLEASE~ keep updating I LOVE THIS STORY! Oh! and I choose P-GOON~ for her d(^_^)b GOOD JOB! on the story LOVE IT <3
Oh everyone what do you think of my new Poster for the story I hope you like it.
Naamuu #3
Chapter 10: Pgoon!!! ^^
JadDyus #4
I really like this please dont leave it! The idea is really good please please go on ~
humey_chan #5
Chapter 8: Why is it m rated xC