
Familiar Stranger

Who are you, exactly? You look so very familiar but I just can’t figure out who you are. It’s nerve-wracking and annoying. I have to find out. I’ve seen you in the same apartment complex as me, but once again, I can’t figure out who you are. I wish I could just walk up to you and ask who you are, but I’m much to shy and scared to do something like that. I think it would be really awesome if I could meet you though. I don’t know what it is about you, but you catch my eye. I think I might’ve known you in another life. When I see that familiar face, so handsome, beautiful and amazing, I just wanna run over there and hug you, but I cannot do that. A part of me tells me that I know you, but I really don’t know. I’ve had dreams about you and every time I see you, I can’t stop thinking about you afterwards. I wanna meet you…

I was walking out of my apartment when I saw you talking to a tall boy that looked very muscular. He must work out a lot… Wish I could look all built like that… You’re looking at him so intensely and you’re smiling and laughing like he’s a freakin’ comedian or something. It sparked a fire deep inside me. That’s the beautiful smile that should be flashed towards me. Ugh, it’s not fair. Wait, why the hell am I getting so upset? We don’t even know each other. Not yet at least :P I rushed to the elevator so that I didn’t have to see that anymore and pressed the circular button that leads the elevator downstairs. Right as the elevator was about to close, an arm pushed through and stopped it from closing. I looked up, completely shocked that some would just jab their arm in between 2 metal closing door thingies. Who the freak does that? Do you want to be in the elevator that bad?! Then, the person stepped in. Or should I say people. It was the tall guy and my little angel. My angel the boy that catches my eye all the time was still smiling like that damn blue Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland (that is such a good movie). What is he so freakin’ happy about? Is the tall guy THAT intriguing?! Then, the tall guy looked directly at me and said, “Hi, I’m Choi Siwon. I live in apartment 4-B. I’ve seen you around the building but never had the balls to say hey, so heyyyyyyy haha.”

What. The. Heck. What person just plain out gives a person that they do not know they’re apartment number? The boy was smiling so warmly at me. It was friggin’ awesome!!! Then, Siwon spoke again.
“Oh yeah, this is my cousin, Lee Donghae. He lives with me. He’s 24 while I’m 25 years old.” Donghae smiled even wider and waved at me. Well, Snap, Crackle, Pop. They’re cousins!!! That is effin’ great. I would be okay if the world ended right now. Seeing him smile is like heaven on earth. I’m amazed and blessed by his presence. Wait a minute, doesn’t Donghae mean ‘East Sea’? Hmm…I like it! He’s officially my fishy. 
“Hi!! I know this is like really sudden, but would you like to come over to our apartment to hang out and eat dinner and stuff if you’re not busy? Pweeeeeeeeeaaaasseeee? By the way, what’s your name?” Donghae asked with the most adorable puppy dog eyes I’ve ever seen in my freakin’ life. Hell yeah, I’m going, but me and Donghae are gonna have to talk about how trustworthy he is to strangers. For all he knows, I could be a or something. I swear, we’ve been riding this elevator for a mighty long time… 
“I would love to come over. I’m not busy at all. I was just gonna go to the mall since there isn’t much to do in my apartment. Oh, my name is Lee Hyukjae, but I prefer to be called Eunhyuk. When do you want me to come over?” I said, flashing my gummy smile. Ohhh, now I know why we’ve been on this elevator for so damn long, Siwon has been pushing buttons the whole time. Hmm…wonder why he’s been doing that…Whatever. Then, Donghae spoke again.
“You can come over RIGHT NOW!!! Oh my gosh, it’s gonna be so much fun!!!” exclaimed Donghae. Is he that happy about me coming over? He must not have a bunch of friends. I wouldn’t know why considering he’s such a delight to be around. After a few seconds, the elevator screeched to a halt, followed by a loud “Ding!” Then, Siwon stepped out of the elevator and gestured for us to come out. 
We walked out of the elevator and Donghae elbowed me and screamed, “LAST ONE TO THE DOOR HAS TO PAY FOR DINNER!!!!!!!!” and then he sprinted off. I slowly trailed behind him as I listened to him laugh. It was music to my ears. “HAHA!!! YES!!!! I WIN!!! YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR DINNER, HYUKKIE!!!!” I immediately stopped running and thought about what he had just called me. Hyukkie? 
“What did you just call me Donghae?” I asked tentatively. I’m practically bursting with happiness right now.
“Oh, um…I called you Hyukkie. Is that okay? If you don’t like it---“
“No!!! I love it Hae!! :D” I just came up with that nickname from off the top of my head. I’m a freakin’ beast.
“You called me Hae…I LOVE IT SOOOO MUCH, HYUKKIE!!!” yelled Hae as threw his arms around my neck and hugged me oh so tight. Damn it, we got a problem downstairs, if you know what I mean… my arms encircled around his waist automatically. We stayed in the hall like that for a few seconds until we heard, "Geez guys just make out in the hallway, why don't ya? Its crazy that you 2 just met and you're already acting like ur dating." Said Siwon as he walked back in the apartment.
Donghae's cheeks turned that beautiful light crimson color as he pulled his arms down from my neck. It was so cute! I dropped my hands from around his waist. His eyes were practically glued to the floor until he glanced up at me, grabbed my hand and whispered, "Let's go inside now, okay?" 
I nodded my head and followed him inside. Do you realize how freakin' hard it was to keep myself from hugging him again and never letting go? IT WAS SOOOOOO HARD! He led me to the couch and sat down. Then, he patted the spot next to him, gesturing for me to sit next to him. I did as I was told with a big grin on my face. 
"Well since Eunhyuk here was so distracted whenever he was racing you, Donghae, I'll be a nice dude and go buy dinner. I'll be back in like 45 minutes or so. I still have to figure out what I'm gonna get for us, anyway. So you two just stay here and um...get to know each other, okay? Toodles!" Said Siwon as he walked out of the apartment with a creeper smile on his face. Weirdo. Whatever, I get to spend time with Hae.
"That's weird. Siwon always makes me go get the food. He's always a complete about it."
Hae's eyes widened and he scooted closer to me and hugged me. Then, he whispered, "Please don't let him hit me, Hyukkie..." He looked like a lost little puppy. And I wanted to protect that little puppy. 
"I won't let him touch you, Hae." I whispered into his ear in a husky and deep voice. He looked up and stared into my eyes deeply. Those beautiful dark brown eyes were just about the most interesting thing I'd seen all day. Aside from seeing his childish side. He started to lean closer to me and it looked like he was about to kiss me. So, my instincts and hormones took over and I found myself leaning towards him too. I saw him close his eyes so I closed my eyes too. Our lips just slightly touched whenever I felt the electricity surge between our lips. It was refreshing. Exhilarating. Unbelievable. And I wanted more. We pulled away for a split second to breath and then we were at it again. I got hold of the back of his neck and pulled him closer to me. I his bottom lip and asked for an entrance. He opened his mouth quickly and our tongues battled for dominance. Hehehe I won! Hands went to forbidden places, or at least the places were forbidden for people that just met. But we had some special connection. An amazing bond that couldn't be disregarded even though we hardly know each other. Maybe we did know each other in another life... 
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mirjoona #1
to Mypumpkin07:<br />
Haha possibly :) I'm leaning more to the wanting to do a sequel side :D
mirjoona #2
to MyyEverything: <br />
Haha maybe :)
mirjoona #3
to LoveEunhaeetc:<br />
Ahhh yeah I understand what you mean.
mirjoona #4
to crazy_gurl:<br />
I"m thinking very hard on that. But I'm really busy with soccer and school. Awwwww cute puppy eyes<br />
more!! omg! eunhaeeeeeeeeeee
MyyEverything #6
Sequel please!!!
Niiice~<br />
You should write a sequel, this ended way too soon :/<br />
i want a sequel....^^..please!!!!!!*puppy eyes*
mirjoona #9
to: SuperEunAe<br />
:D Thank you!!!
mirjoona #10
to: hyukhaechronics <br />
Haha thank you. I was considering it, but I'm not sure yet.